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Vinogradov, V I; Burzin, M B; Bujakaite, M I; Golovin, D I; Gorozhanin, V M; Veis, A F; Murav'ev, V I (2005): Rb-Sr and K-Ar data for Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2005 (exact date unknown)DOI registered: 2013-07-01

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Geochemical behavior of Rb-Sr and K-Ar systems in Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform is under consideredation. The use of additional data on grain size fractions of sedimentary rocks recovered from boreholes drilled in the Gavrilov Yam area made it possible to confirm the previous conclusion on two stages of epigenetic matter transformation (approximately 600 and 400 Ma ago). Distortions are related to transformation of sediments due to interaction in the water-rock system. Interaction degree was more intense in the upper part of the sedimentary section relative to its lower strata. These conclusions are substantiated by materials from boreholes that characterize different types of Vendian sections and different tectonic zones.
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Vinogradov, V I; Burzin, M B; Bujakaite, M I; Golovin, D I; Gorozhanin, V M; Veis, A F; Murav'ev, V I (2005): Rb-Sr and K-Ar characteristics of Upper Vendian clayey rocks in the Russian Platform. Translated from Litologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye, 2005, 4, 381-402, Lithology and Mineral Resources, 40(4), 332-352,
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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Vinogradov, VI; Burzin, MB; Bujakaite, MI et al. (2005): (Table 1) Results of Rb-Sr measurements in Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform from the borehole Gavrilov_Yam_1 (samples from depths below 2400 m).
  2. Vinogradov, VI; Burzin, MB; Bujakaite, MI et al. (2005): (Table 2) Results of Rb-Sr measurements in Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform from the borehole Gavrilov_Yam_1 (samples from depths above 2400 m).
  3. Vinogradov, VI; Burzin, MB; Bujakaite, MI et al. (2005): (Table 3a) Results of K-Ar measurements in Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform from the borehole Gavrilov_Yam_1.
  4. Vinogradov, VI; Burzin, MB; Bujakaite, MI et al. (2005): (Table 3b) Results of K-Ar measurements in Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform from the borehole Kepina_775.
  5. Vinogradov, VI; Burzin, MB; Bujakaite, MI et al. (2005): (Table 3c) Results of K-Ar measurements in Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform from the borehole Nevel_1-R.
  6. Vinogradov, VI; Burzin, MB; Bujakaite, MI et al. (2005): (Table 3d) Results of K-Ar measurements in Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform from the borehole Soligalich_R-1.
  7. Vinogradov, VI; Burzin, MB; Bujakaite, MI et al. (2005): (Table 4) Approximate proportions of minerals and crystallinity coefficient in Upper Vendian silty-clayey rocks of the Russian Platform from the borehole Gavrilov_Yam_1.
  8. Vinogradov, VI; Burzin, MB; Bujakaite, MI et al. (2005): (Table 5a) Results of Rb-Sr measurements in Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform from the borehole Kepina_775.
  9. Vinogradov, VI; Burzin, MB; Bujakaite, MI et al. (2005): (Table 5b) Results of Rb-Sr measurements in Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform from the borehole Nevel_1-R.
  10. Vinogradov, VI; Burzin, MB; Bujakaite, MI et al. (2005): (Table 5c) Results of Rb-Sr measurements in Upper Vendian clayey rocks of the Russian Platform from the borehole Soligalich_R-1.