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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Hu, Dengke; Böning, Philipp; Köhler, Cornelia M; Hillier, Stephen; Pressling, Nicola; Wan, Shiming; Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen; Clift, Peter D (2012): (Table 3) Major and trace element abalyses of bulk sediments of ODP Site 184-1144 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Hu, D et al. (2012): Deep sea records of the continental weathering and erosion response to East Asian monsoon intensification since 14ka in the South China Sea. Chemical Geology, 326-327, 1-18,

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Latitude: 20.053000 * Longitude: 117.419050
Date/Time Start: 1999-03-13T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-03-18T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.175 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 10.025 m
184-1144 * Latitude: 20.053000 * Longitude: 117.419050 * Date/Time Start: 1999-03-13T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-03-18T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2037.0 m * Penetration: 1108.5 m * Recovery: 1113 m * Location: South China Sea * Campaign: Leg184 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Composite Core (COMPCORE) * Comment: 118 cores; 1103.5 m cored; 5 m drilled; 100.9% recovery
Sediment depth is given in mcd.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample code/labelSample labelHu, DengkeDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
2DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
3AGEAgeka BPGeocode
4Silicon dioxideSiO2%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
5Titanium dioxideTiO2%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
6Aluminium oxideAl2O3%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
7Iron oxide, Fe2O3Fe2O3%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
8Manganese oxideMnO%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
9Magnesium oxideMgO%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
10Calcium oxideCaO%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
11Sodium oxideNa2O%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
12Potassium oxideK2O%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
13Phosphorus pentoxideP2O5%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
14Sulfite[SO3]2-%Hu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
15ArsenicAsmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
16BariumBamg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
17CeriumCemg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
18CobaltComg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
19ChromiumCrmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
20CopperCumg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
21ManganeseMnmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
22MolybdenumMomg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
23NickelNimg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
24LeadPbmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
25RubidiumRbmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
26StrontiumSrmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
27ThoriumThmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
28UraniumUmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
29VanadiumVmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
30YttriumYmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
31ZincZnmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
32ZirconiumZrmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
33TotalTotalmg/kgHu, DengkeX-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Philips PW2400)
34SodiumNa%Hu, Dengkeexcess = Na-(0.1*Al)
35Carbon, inorganic, totalTIC%Hu, Dengke
36Calcium oxide, fractionatedCaO frac%Hu, Dengkemol, from silicate fraction
37Sodium oxideNa2O%Hu, DengkeCorrectedmol
38Potassium oxideK2O%Hu, DengkeCorrectedmol
39Aluminium oxideAl2O3%Hu, DengkeCorrectedmol
40Chemical index of alterationCIAHu, Dengke
3586 data points

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