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Gombos, Andrew M (1983): Occurrence and abundance of diatoms at DSDP Holes 72-515B and 72-516F [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Gombos, AM (1983): Survey of diatoms in the upper Oligocene and lower Miocene in Holes 515B and 516F. In: Barker, PF; Carlson, RL; Johnson, DA; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 72, 793-804,

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Samples from the upper Oligocene and lower Miocene of Holes 515B (Brazil Basin) and 516F (Rio Grande Rise) were examined for fossil marine diatom content. The preservation of the diatoms was poor and the species diversity low in both holes. However, it was possible to zone portions of the intervals studied using the zonation proposed by Gombos and Ciesielski (1983), which is based, as far as possible, on common and robust species. Thus, the interval in Hole 515B represented by Cores 515B-15 and 515B-16 is assigned to the Coscinodiscus rhombicus Zone and the interval represented by Cores 515B-17 through 515B-44 is assigned to the Rocella gelida Zone. The C. rhombicus Zone is early Miocene in age and the R. gelida Zone is late Oligocene to early Miocene in age. In Hole 516F the interval represented by Cores 516F-6 through 516F-10 is assigned to the R. gelida Zone Gate Oligocene to early Miocene), and the interval represented by Cores 516F-11 through 516F-15 is assigned to the Triceratium groningensis Zone (late Oligocene). Two new fossil diatom taxa are defined herein: Coscinodiscus lewisianus Greville f. concavus n. f. and Rocella semigelida n. sp.
Median Latitude: -28.257600 * Median Longitude: -35.894100 * South-bound Latitude: -30.276500 * West-bound Longitude: -36.503200 * North-bound Latitude: -26.238700 * East-bound Longitude: -35.285000
Date/Time Start: 1980-03-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1980-03-11T00:00:00
72-515B * Latitude: -26.238700 * Longitude: -36.503200 * Date/Time: 1980-03-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4252.0 m * Penetration: 636.4 m * Recovery: 428.6 m * Location: South Atlantic/BASIN * Campaign: Leg72 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 57 cores; 541.4 m cored; 94.9 m drilled; 79.2 % recovery
72-516F * Latitude: -30.276500 * Longitude: -35.285000 * Date/Time: 1980-03-11T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1313.0 m * Penetration: 1270.6 m * Recovery: 690.1 m * Location: South Atlantic/CONT RISE * Campaign: Leg72 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 127 cores; 1092.5 m cored; 9 m drilled; 63.2 % recovery
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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Gombos, AM (1983): (Figure 1) Occurrence, abundance, and preservation of diatoms at DSDP Hole 72-515B.
  2. Gombos, AM (1983): (Figure 3) Occurrence of diatoms at DSDP Hole 72-516F.