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Hanslik, Daniela; Jakobsson, Martin; Backman, Jan; Björck, Svante; Sellén, Emma; O'Regan, Matthew; Fornaciari, Eliana; Skog, Göran (2010): (Table 1) Radiocarbon ages and different calibrated ages for sediment core HLY0503-18TC obtained during the HOTRAX expedition [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Hanslik, D et al. (2010): Quaternary Arctic Ocean sea ice variations and radiocarbon reservoir age corrections. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(25-26), 3430-3441,

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A short sediment core from a local depression forming an intra basin on the Lomonosov Ridge, was retrieved during the Healy-Oden Trans-Arctic Expedition 2005 (HOTRAX). It contains a record of the Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-3 showing exceptionally high abundances of calcareous microfossils during parts of MIS 3. Based on radiocarbon dating, linear sedimentation rates of 7-9 cm/ka persist during the last deglaciation. The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is partly characterized by a hiatus. Planktic foraminiferal abundance variations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral and calcareous nannofossils reflect changes in Arctic Ocean summer sea ice coverage and probably inflow of subpolar North Atlantic water. Calibration of the radiocarbon ages, using modeled reservoir corrections from previous studies and the microfossil abundance record of the studied core, results in marine reservoir ages of 1400 years or more, at least during the last deglaciation. Paired benthic-planktic radiocarbon dated foraminiferal samples indicate a slow decrease in age difference between surface and bottom waters from the Lateglacial to the Holocene, suggesting circulation and ventilation changes.
Further details:
Fairbanks, Richard G; Mortlock, Richard A; Chiu, Tzu-Chien; Cao, L; Kaplan, Alexey; Guilderson, Thomas P; Fairbanks, Todd W; Bloom, Arthur L; Grootes, Pieter Meiert; Nadeau, Marie-Josée (2005): Radiocarbon calibration curve spanning 0 to 50,000 years BP based on paired 230Th/234U/238U and 14C dates on pristine corals. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(16-17), 1781-1796,
Hughen, Konrad A; Lehman, Scott J; Southon, John R; Overpeck, Jonathan T; Marchal, Olivier; Herring, C; Turnbull, J (2004): 14C Activity and Global Carbon Cycle Changes over the Past 50,000 Years. Science, 303(5655), 202-207,
Latitude: 88.450000 * Longitude: 146.561000
Date/Time Start: 2005-09-09T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2005-09-09T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.009 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.577 m
HLY0503-18TC * Latitude: 88.450000 * Longitude: 146.561000 * Date/Time: 2005-09-09T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2598.0 m * Location: Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean * Campaign: HLY0503 (Healy-Oden Trans Arctic Expedition 2005 (HOTRAX05)) * Basis: Healy * Method/Device: Trigger corer (TC)
Data extracted in the frame of a joint ICSTI/PANGAEA IPY effort, see
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Age, dated materialDated materialHanslik, Daniela
3Sample IDSample IDHanslik, Daniela
4Age, datedAge datedka BPHanslik, DanielaAge, 14C conventionalka BP
5Age, dated standard deviationAge dated std dev±Hanslik, DanielaAge, 14C conventional
6Calendar ageCal ageka BPHanslik, DanielaAge, 14C calibratedDeltaR = 0 yrs
7Calendar age, standard deviationCal age std dev±Hanslik, DanielaAge, 14C calibratedDeltaR = 0 yrs
8Calendar ageCal ageka BPHanslik, DanielaAge, 14C milieu/reservoir corrected and calibratedDeltaR = 300 yrs
9Calendar age, standard deviationCal age std dev±Hanslik, DanielaAge, 14C milieu/reservoir corrected and calibratedDeltaR = 300 yrs
10Calendar ageCal ageka BPHanslik, DanielaAge, 14C milieu/reservoir corrected and calibratedDeltaR = 650 yrs
11Calendar age, standard deviationCal age std dev±Hanslik, DanielaAge, 14C milieu/reservoir corrected and calibratedDeltaR = 650 yrs
12Calendar ageCal ageka BPHanslik, DanielaAge, 14C milieu/reservoir corrected and calibratedDeltaR = 1000 yrs
13Calendar age, standard deviationCal age std dev±Hanslik, DanielaAge, 14C milieu/reservoir corrected and calibratedDeltaR = 1000 yrs
14Method commentMethod commHanslik, Daniela
182 data points

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