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Descamps, Sébastien; Le Bohec, Céline; Le Maho, Yvon; Gendner, Jean-Paul; Gauthier-Clerc, Michel (2009): (Tables 1,2) Site characteristics and phenotypic attributes of King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) on Possession Island [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Descamps, S et al. (2009): Relating demographic performance to breeding-site location in the King Penguin. Condor, 111(1), 81-87,

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In colonial species, it is often assumed that locations in the center of the colony are of highest quality and provide highest breeding success. We tested this prediction, known as the "central-periphery model," in a King Penguin colony in the subantarctic Crozet Archipelago. Breeding activity and survival of 150 penguins, fitted with transponder tags, were monitored over an entire breeding season. Among these 150 birds, 50 bred on the slope at the upper periphery of the colony, where the rates of predation and parasitism by ticks were high. Fifty birds bred in the center of the colony, where rates of predation and tick parasitism were low, and 50 bred at the lower end of the colony, where the rate of tick parasitism was low but predation and flooding were important risks. We predicted that the center of the colony should provide the safest breeding place and consequently be characterized by the highest breeding success and be used by the highest-quality individuals. Yet we found that penguins breeding in the center of the colony had the same breeding success as those at both peripheral locations. In addition, penguins breeding on the upper slope had a higher survival rate than penguins breeding at the center or bottom of the slope and were likely of higher quality. Our study does not support the central-periphery model and emphasizes the complexity behind the relationships among breeding site, breeding success, and individual quality.
Latitude: -46.425800 * Longitude: 51.861100
Baie_du_Marin * Latitude: -46.425800 * Longitude: 51.861100 * Location: Possession Island, Crozet Archipelago * Method/Device: Biology (BIO)
Data extracted in the frame of a joint ICSTI/PANGAEA IPY effort, see
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Area/localityAreaDescamps, Sébastien
InfestationInfestationDescamps, Sébastienwith ticks
CharacteristicCharacteristicDescamps, Sébastienpredation risk
CharacteristicCharacteristicDescamps, Sébastienflooding risk
CharacteristicCharacteristicDescamps, Sébastienpenguin aggressiveness
Aptenodytes patagonicus, massA. patagonicus mkgDescamps, Sébastien
Aptenodytes patagonicus, standard deviationA. patagonicus std dev±Descamps, Sébastienmass
Aptenodytes patagonicus, beak lengthA. patagonicus beak lmmDescamps, Sébastien
Aptenodytes patagonicus, standard deviationA. patagonicus std dev±Descamps, Sébastienbeak l
10 Aptenodytes patagonicusA. patagonicus#Descamps, Sébastienfor mass and beak l
11 Aptenodytes patagonicus, flipper lengthA. patagonicus flipper lmmDescamps, Sébastien
12 Aptenodytes patagonicus, standard deviationA. patagonicus std dev±Descamps, Sébastienflipper l
13 Aptenodytes patagonicusA. patagonicus#Descamps, Sébastienfor flipper length
39 data points


Download dataset as tab-delimited text — use the following character encoding:


(with ticks)

(predation risk)

(flooding risk)

(penguin aggressiveness)

A. patagonicus m [kg]

A. patagonicus std dev [±]

A. patagonicus beak l [mm]

A. patagonicus std dev [±]
(beak l)
A. patagonicus [#]
(for mass and beak l)
A. patagonicus flipper l [mm]
A. patagonicus std dev [±]
(flipper l)
A. patagonicus [#]
(for flipper length)
Upper slope++--10.80.3119.60.850324.01.749
Lower slope-++-11.20.2119.80.750326.91.350