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Stocker-Waldhuber, Martin; Emprechtinger, Markus; Hartl, Lea; Fischer, Andrea (2013): Continuous meteorological observations at weather station HEK (Hochebenkar), Ötztal Alps, Austria, in 2011 [dataset]. Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Innsbruck, PANGAEA,

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Published: 2013-03-13DOI registered: 2013-04-24

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Glaciers Austria
Further details:
Automatic weatherstation outer Hochebenkar - Description of instruments. hdl:10013/epic.41178.d001
Latitude: 46.838300 * Longitude: 11.006400
Date/Time Start: 2011-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2011-12-31T23:50:00
Minimum HEIGHT above ground: m * Maximum HEIGHT above ground: m
HEK_WST (Hochebenkar) * Latitude: 46.838300 * Longitude: 11.006400 * Elevation: 2460.0 m * Location: Ötztal, Tyrolian Alps, Austria * Method/Device: Weather station/meteorological observation (WST)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
2HEIGHT above groundHeightmGeocode
3Temperature, airTTT°CFischer, AndreaHumidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP45AC10 min average, instrument height above ground: 260 cm
4Humidity, relativeRH%Fischer, AndreaHumidity-Temperature probe, Vaisala, HMP45AC10 min average
5Short-wave downward (GLOBAL) radiationSWDW/m2Fischer, AndreaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR 410 min average
6Short-wave upward (REFLEX) radiationSWUW/m2Fischer, AndreaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR 410 min average
7Long-wave downward radiationLWDW/m2Fischer, AndreaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR 410 min average, uncorrected
8Long-wave upward radiationLWUW/m2Fischer, AndreaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR 410 min average, uncorrected
9Temperature, technicalT tech°CFischer, AndreaThermometer PT-100, air10 min average, CNR4TC, for radiation correction
10Long-wave downward radiationLWDW/m2Fischer, AndreaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR 410 min average, corrected
11Long-wave upward radiationLWUW/m2Fischer, AndreaNet radiometer, Kipp & Zonen, CNR 410 min average, corrected
12Wind speedffm/sFischer, AndreaWind monitor, R.M. Young, model 0510310 min average
13Wind directiondddegFischer, AndreaWind monitor, R.M. Young, model 0510310 min average
14Wind speed, maximumff maxm/sFischer, AndreaWind monitor, R.M. Young, model 0510310 min average
15Snow heightSnow hmFischer, AndreaSonic Ranging Sensor, Campbell Scientific, SR50A10 min average, calculated from height of instrument - distance, instrument height above ground: 280 cm
16Station pressurePoPoPoPohPaFischer, AndreaBarometric pressure sensor, Setra CS10010 min average
17PrecipitationPrecipmm/10 minFischer, AndreaTipping bucket rain gauge, R. M. Young, 52203
18Battery terminal voltageVbatVFischer, Andrea
19Temperature, technicalT tech°CFischer, AndreaPTemp
765072 data points

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