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Krüger, Kirstin; Fuhlbruegge, Steffen (2013): Radiosonde SO202/2-RS_904764 during SONNE cruise SO202/2 (TRANSBROM) [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2013-03-07DOI registered: 2013-04-13

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Related to:
Quack, Birgit; Krüger, Kirstin (2010): FS SONNE Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report: TransBrom SONNE, Tomakomai, Japan - Townsville, Australia, 09.10. - 24.10.2009 [SO202-TRANSIT]. IFM-GEOMAR Report, 37, 1-76,
Latitude: -15.695300 * Longitude: 148.154400
Date/Time Start: 2009-10-22T23:02:59 * Date/Time End: 2009-10-22T23:02:59
Minimum ALTITUDE: 20.4 m * Maximum ALTITUDE: 25495.4 m
SO202/2_RS_904764 * Latitude: -15.695300 * Longitude: 148.154400 * Date/Time: 2009-10-22T23:02:59 * Campaign: SO202/2 (TransBrom) * Basis: Sonne * Method/Device: Radiosonde (RADIO)
Lifting Condensation Level: 918.0 hPa; Level of free Convection: 895.0 hPa; Convective condensation level: 904.0 hPa; Lifted Index: 4 °C; Showalter Index: 10 °C; Convective Available Potential Energy: 33.3 J/kg; Convective Inhibition: -14.8 J/kg; Equilibrium level: 804.0 hPa;Konvektionsindex: -16 °C; Gewitterindex: -12 °C; Total-Totals-Index: 30 °C; Konvektiv-Index: 3; 1. Tropopause: 106 hPa
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