Harder, S H; Toan, D V; Yem, N T; Bac, T V; Vu, N G; Mauri, S J; Fisher, A; McCabe, R; Flower, Martin F J (1995): Component parts of the World Heat Flow Data Collection [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.807121
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Related to:
Harder, S H; Toan, D V; Yem, N T; Bac, T V; Vu, N G; Mauri, S J; Fisher, A; McCabe, R; Flower, Martin F J (1995): Preliminary heat flow results from the Hanoi Basin, Vietnam. In: Gupta, M L & Yamano, M (eds.), Terrestrial heat flow and geothermal energy in Asia, Oxford & IBH Pub. Co.Cornell University, 163-172
International Heat Flow Commission, I H F C (2012): Global Heat Flow Database. The Global Heat Flow Database of the International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC), University of North Dakota, USA; (data copied, 2012-10), https://ihfc-iugg.org/products/global-heat-flow-database/data
Further details:
Jessop, Alan M; Hobart, Michael A; Sclater, John G (1976): The World Heat Flow Data Collection - 1975. Geological Survey of Canada, Earth Physics Branch, Geothermal Series, 5, 10 pp, hdl:10013/epic.40176.d002
Median Latitude: 20.696259 * Median Longitude: 106.138650 * South-bound Latitude: 20.211200 * West-bound Longitude: 105.427600 * North-bound Latitude: 21.288600 * East-bound Longitude: 106.535100
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
136 data points