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Johnstone, Heather J H; Yu, Jimin; Elderfield, Henry; Schulz, Michael (2011): XDX, Mg/Ca, and delta18O analyses of core top sediments [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Johnstone, HJH et al. (2011): Improving temperature estimates derived from Mg/Ca of planktonic foraminifera using X-ray computed tomography-based dissolution index, XDX. Paleoceanography, 26, PA1215,

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Mg/Ca and d18O data for four species of planktic foraminifera (G. ruber (white), G. sacculifer (without sac), N. dutertrei, and P. obliquiloculata) from core top sediments from the tropical Pacific, Atlantic, and western Indian Ocean. Deepwater calcite saturation values (Delta[CO3**2-]) at the sites range from 55 to -23 µmol/kg.
Median Latitude: -2.491933 * Median Longitude: 52.997543 * South-bound Latitude: -31.340000 * West-bound Longitude: -67.043333 * North-bound Latitude: 18.933333 * East-bound Longitude: 162.700000
Date/Time Start: 1996-04-25T14:24:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-04-04T13:54:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
1.5BC33 * Latitude: -1.000000 * Longitude: 157.900000 * Elevation: -2015.0 m * Location: Ontong Java Plateau * Method/Device: Box corer (BC)
1BC3 * Latitude: -2.200000 * Longitude: 157.000000 * Elevation: -1616.0 m * Location: Ontong Java Plateau * Method/Device: Box corer (BC)
2BC13 * Latitude: 0.000000 * Longitude: 158.900000 * Elevation: -2301.0 m * Location: Ontong Java Plateau * Method/Device: Box corer (BC)
XDX values are from Johnstone et al. (2010)./ small sample consisting of fewer than 15 tests# very small sample consisting of less than 5 tests (not used in regression)* duplicate sample (value not used in regression)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
3Area/localityAreaJohnstone, Heather J H
4Dissolution indexDXJohnstone, Heather J HG. ruber, XDX of sample used for Mg/Ca analysis
5Globigerinoides ruber white, Magnesium/Calcium ratioG. ruber w Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometryUniversity of Bremen
6Globigerinoides ruber white, Magnesium/Calcium ratioG. ruber w Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometryUniversity of Cambridge
7Δ Magnesium/Calcium ratioΔ Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HG. ruber, where shallowest sample within a sample set was used as Mg/Ca initial
8Δ Magnesium/Calcium ratioΔ Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HG. ruber, where SST was used to derive Mg/Ca initial
9Dissolution indexDXJohnstone, Heather J HG. ruber XDX of sample used for delta18O analysis
10Globigerinoides ruber white, δ18OG. ruber w δ18O‰ PDBJohnstone, Heather J HMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251
11Dissolution indexDXJohnstone, Heather J HG. sacculifer XDX of sample used for Mg/Ca analysis
12Globigerinoides sacculifer, Magnesium/Calcium ratioG. sacculifer Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometryUniversity of Bremen
13Globigerinoides sacculifer, Magnesium/Calcium ratioG. sacculifer Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometryUniversity of Cambridge
14Δ Magnesium/Calcium ratioΔ Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HG. sacculifer, where shallowest sample within a sample set was used as Mg/Ca initial
15Δ Magnesium/Calcium ratioΔ Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HG. sacculifer, where SST was used to derive Mg/Ca initial
16Dissolution indexDXJohnstone, Heather J HG. sacculifer XDX of sample used for delta18O analysis
17Globigerinoides sacculifer, δ18OG. sacculifer δ18O‰ PDBJohnstone, Heather J HMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251
18Dissolution indexDXJohnstone, Heather J HN. dutertrei XDX of sample used for Mg/Ca analysis
19Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Magnesium/Calcium ratioN. dutertrei Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometryUniversity of Bremen
20Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Magnesium/Calcium ratioN. dutertrei Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometryUniversity of Cambridge
21Δ Magnesium/Calcium ratioΔ Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HN. dutertrei Delta Mg/Ca [mmol/mol] - where shallowest sample within a sample set was used as Mg/Ca initial
22Dissolution indexDXJohnstone, Heather J HN. dutertrei XDX of sample used for delta18O analysis
23Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, δ18ON. dutertrei δ18O‰ PDBJohnstone, Heather J HMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251
24Dissolution indexDXJohnstone, Heather J HP. obliquiloculata XDX of sample used for Mg/Ca analysis
25Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Magnesium/Calcium ratioP. obliquiloculata Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometryUniversity of Bremen
26Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Magnesium/Calcium ratioP. obliquiloculata Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HICP-OES, Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometryUniversity of Cambridge
27Δ Magnesium/Calcium ratioΔ Mg/Cammol/molJohnstone, Heather J HP. obliquiloculata, where shallowest sample within a sample set was used as Mg/Ca initial
28Dissolution indexDXJohnstone, Heather J HP. obliquiloculata XDX of sample used for delta18O analysis
29Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, δ18OP. obliquiloculata δ18O‰ PDBJohnstone, Heather J HMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251
552 data points

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