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Kawahata, Hodaka; Fujioka, Kantaro; Ishizuka, Toshio (1986): Interstitial water and sediment chemistry at DSDP Sites 87-582 and 87-584 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Kawahata, H et al. (1986): Sediments and interstitial water at Sites 582 and 584, the Nankai Trough and the Japan Trench Landward Slope. In: Kagami, H; Karig, DE; Coulbourn, WT; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 87, 865-875,

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Two trenches off Japan were explored during DSDP Leg 87. One is the Nankai Trough and the other is the Japan Trench; Site 582 is located on the floor of the former and Site 584 is situated on the deep-sea terrace of the latter. Cores from Site 582 and 584 consist mainly of hemipelagic sediments and diatomaceous silts and mudstone, respectively. In this report we analyze the chemistry of the interstitial water and sediments, as well as the sediment mineralogy.
Sulfate reduction is accompanied by the production of secondary pyrite, which is rich in the sediment at both sites. Dissolved Ca concentration is relatively low and changes only slightly at both sites, probably because of the formation of carbonate with high alkalinity. Concentrations of dissolved Mg decrease with depth at Site 584. The dissolved Mg depletion probably results from the formation of Mg-rich carbonate and/or ion exchange and reaction between interstitial water and clay minerals. Higher Si/Al values are due to biogenic opal in the sediments and roughly correlate with higher values of interstitial water SiO2. Increases in dissolved Li concentrations may be related to its release from clay minerals, to advection that results from dewatering, and/or to fluid transport.
Median Latitude: 35.686275 * Median Longitude: 138.430605 * South-bound Latitude: 31.775000 * West-bound Longitude: 133.913300 * North-bound Latitude: 40.466700 * East-bound Longitude: 143.951700
Date/Time Start: 1982-06-28T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1982-08-05T00:00:00
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