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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

van Geldern, Robert; Hayashi, Takeshi; Böttcher, Michael Ernst; Mottl, Michael J; Barth, Johannes A C; Stadler, Susanne (2013): Stable isotope geochemistry of pore waters and marine sediments from the New Jersey shelf: Methane formation and fluid origin [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: van Geldern, R et al. (2013): Stable isotope geochemistry of pore waters and marine sediments from the New Jersey shelf: Methane formation and fluid origin. Geosphere, 9(1), 96-112,

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DOI registered: 2012-12-12Published: 2013 (exact date unknown)

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Interstitial water and sediment samples of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) expedition 313 "New Jersey Shallow Shelf" were analyzed for chemical composition and stable isotope ratios. A total of 222 water samples were collected from the cores by Rhizon samplers and squeezing of fresh core material. Water was analyzed for its stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry (d2H and d18O) at sites M0027A and M0029A, and the carbon isotope composition of the dissolved inorganic carbon (d13CDIC) (all sites). In addition, organic material (Corg) and inorganic carbonates from sediments were analyzed for their carbon ratios (d13Corg and d13Ccarb), and in case of the carbonates also for oxygen (d18Ocarb). Carbon isotopes were also analyzed in samples containing enough methane gas (d13Cmeth). Pore fluids from site M0027A were analyzed for the sulfur isotope composition of dissolved sulfate (d34S). The combination of isotope analyses of all phases (interstitial water, sediment, and gas) with pore water chemistry is expected to enable a better understanding of processes in the sediment and will help to identify the origin of fluids under the New Jersey shelf.
Median Latitude: 39.576675 * Median Longitude: -73.517207 * South-bound Latitude: 39.519508 * West-bound Longitude: -73.621691 * North-bound Latitude: 39.634101 * East-bound Longitude: -73.413208
Date/Time Start: 2009-05-01T19:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2009-06-21T08:59:00
10 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. van Geldern, R; Hayashi, T; Böttcher, ME et al. (2013): (Table S4) Stable isotopic composition of organic carbon from IODP Hole 313-M0027A sediments.
  2. van Geldern, R; Hayashi, T; Böttcher, ME et al. (2013): (Table S3) Stable isotopic composition of pore waters from IODP Hole 313-M0027A.
  3. van Geldern, R; Hayashi, T; Böttcher, ME et al. (2013): (Table S5) Methane concentration and δ¹³C ratio of methane from IODP Hole 313-M0027A sediments.
  4. van Geldern, R; Hayashi, T; Böttcher, ME et al. (2013): (Table S7) Stable isotopic composition of organic carbon from IODP Hole 313-M0028A sediments.
  5. van Geldern, R; Hayashi, T; Böttcher, ME et al. (2013): (Table S6) Stable isotopic composition of pore waters from IODP Hole 313-M0028A.
  6. van Geldern, R; Hayashi, T; Böttcher, ME et al. (2013): (Table S8) Methane concentration and δ¹³C ratio of methane from IODP Hole 313-M0028A sediments.
  7. van Geldern, R; Hayashi, T; Böttcher, ME et al. (2013): (Table S10) Stable isotopic composition of organic carbon from IODP Hole 313-M0029A sediments.
  8. van Geldern, R; Hayashi, T; Böttcher, ME et al. (2013): (Table S9) Stable isotopic composition of pore waters from IODP Hole 313-M0029A.
  9. van Geldern, R; Hayashi, T; Böttcher, ME et al. (2013): (Table S11) Methane concentration and δ¹³C ratio of methane from IODP Hole 313-M0029A sediments.
  10. van Geldern, R; Hayashi, T; Böttcher, ME et al. (2013): (Table S2) Stable isotopic composition of authigenic carbonate from IODP Holes 313-M0027A, 313-M0028A and 313-M0029A.