Bazhenova, Evgenia A; Vogt, Christoph; Stein, Ruediger (2012): Results of X-ray diffraction analysis and quantification of mineral phases based on the RockJock quantitative analysis and the full-pattern method QUAX of Arctic Ocean surface sediments [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Bazhenova, Evgenia A (2012): Reconstruction of late Quaternary sedimentary environments at the southern Mendeleev Ridge (Arctic Ocean) [dissertation]. University of Bremen, Germany, 83 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00102884-17
Median Latitude: 75.136386 * Median Longitude: 178.057586 * South-bound Latitude: 65.583720 * West-bound Longitude: 97.693170 * North-bound Latitude: 89.962170 * East-bound Longitude: -90.985600
Date/Time Start: 2008-08-21T12:58:00 * Date/Time End: 2011-09-21T23:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0 m
ISSS-08_YS-11 * Latitude: 73.019000 * Longitude: 129.989000 * Date/Time: 2008-08-25T12:30:00 * Elevation: -11.0 m * Location: Laptev Sea * Campaign: ISSS-08 (International Siberian Shelf Study 2008) * Basis: Yakov Smirnitskiy * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB) * Comment: Lena transect: macro; 2 containers
ISSS-08_YS-19 * Latitude: 73.035000 * Longitude: 133.456000 * Date/Time: 2008-08-29T09:00:00 * Elevation: -27.0 m * Location: Laptev Sea * Campaign: ISSS-08 (International Siberian Shelf Study 2008) * Basis: Yakov Smirnitskiy * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB) * Comment: Laptev Sea
ISSS-08_YS-26 * Latitude: 72.460000 * Longitude: 150.596000 * Date/Time: 2008-08-31T12:00:00 * Elevation: -16.0 m * Location: East Siberian Sea * Campaign: ISSS-08 (International Siberian Shelf Study 2008) * Basis: Yakov Smirnitskiy * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB) * Comment: Oyagosski Yar - Indigirka triangle
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
1247 data points