Krahmann, Gerd (2012): Physical oceanography at station POS350_346-2 [dataset]. IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences, Kiel University, PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2012-09-06 • DOI registered: 2012-10-05
Related to:
Krahmann, Gerd (2009): FS Poseidon Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report P350: Internal wave and mixing processes studied by contemporaneous hydropgraphic, current, and seismic measurements. IFM-GEOMAR Report, 26, 25 pp,
Latitude: 36.174500 * Longitude: -9.672700
Date/Time Start: 2007-05-07T00:11:00 * Date/Time End: 2007-05-07T11:23:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: 12.90 m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 1707.29 m
POS350_346-2 (Yoyo2- Station) * Latitude: 36.174500 * Longitude: -9.672700 * Date/Time: 2007-05-07T00:09:00 * Campaign: POS350 * Basis: Poseidon * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO)
Version = 0.24 used on 2012/06/26 12:17:42
Release = 5
Castpart = down
Badvalue = -9.99
nc_data_set_type = ctd
nc_ext = ctd
nc_title = IFM-GEOMAR PO-processed CTD data of cruise Poseidon 350 CTD station number 201
nc_ship_name = FS Poseidon
nc_pi_name = Gerd Krahmann
nc_cruise_leg = 1
nc_chief_scientist = Gerd Krahmann
nc_author = Gerd Krahmann
nc_contact =
nc_data_type = station data
nc_source = CTD profile observation
nc_institution = IFM-GEOMAR, Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (at Kiel University)
nc_institution_references =
nc_comment = O is UNCALIBRATED
nc_references =
nc_history = created during CTD processing
nc_cdm_data_type = Station
nc_quality_control_indicator = 5
nc_quality_index = A
nc_project = DFG Ocean Mixing, EU Geophysical Oceanography
nc_uncertainty_p = 2.000000
nc_uncertainty_t = 0.002000
nc_uncertainty_s = 0.003000
nc_uncertainty_o = NaN
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DATE/TIME | Date/Time | Geocode | |||
2 | Latitude of event | Latitude | ||||
3 | Longitude of event | Longitude | ||||
4 | Profile ID | Profile ID | Krahmann, Gerd | YoYo CTD | ||
5 | Pressure, water | Press | dbar | Krahmann, Gerd | CTD | |
6 | DEPTH, water | Depth water | m | Geocode | ||
7 | Temperature, water | Temp | °C | Krahmann, Gerd | CTD | ITS-90 |
8 | Salinity | Sal | Krahmann, Gerd | CTD | PSS-78 |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
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