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Wei, Wuchang (2001): Calcareous nannofossil abundance of ODP Sites 174A-1071, 174A-1072 and 174A-1073 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Wei, W (2001): Calcareous nannofossils from the New Jersey continental margin. In: Christie-Blick, N; Austin, JA Jr.; Malone, MJ (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 174A, 1-16,

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Calcareous nannofossil range charts for Leg 174A sites on the New Jersey continental margin are presented in this report, and nannofossil biostratigraphy is established. Nannofossil biostratigraphic resolution is low in shallow-water Sites 1071 and 1072, where nannofossils are generally rare or frequently absent. Site 1073 yields generally common to abundant nannofossils, which allows a fairly detailed nannofossil biostratigraphy for the entire Pleistocene through upper Eocene sequence. Quantitative and semiquantitative nannofossil data for the upper Pleistocene section from Site 1073 reveal an average sedimentation rate of about 80 cm/k.y. The unusually high sedimentation rate makes this calcareous section very valuable for high-resolution studies.
Median Latitude: 39.324430 * Median Longitude: -72.564257 * South-bound Latitude: 39.225360 * West-bound Longitude: -72.728020 * North-bound Latitude: 39.382470 * East-bound Longitude: -72.275750
Date/Time Start: 1997-06-02T08:15:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-07-13T16:15:00
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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Wei, W (2001): (Table T1) Calcareous nannofossil abundance of ODP Site 174-1071.
  2. Wei, W (2001): (Table T2) Calcareous nannofossil abundance of ODP Hole 174-1072A.
  3. Wei, W (2001): (Table T3) Calcareous nannofossil abundance of ODP Hole 174-1073A.