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Sorokin, Yury I (2011): Rates of sulfide formation and oxidation in the Black Sea waters in February-April 1991 [dataset publication series]. P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Southern Branch, PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Sorokin, YI (2011): On the rates of sulfide formation and oxidation in the Black Sea during the cold season. Translated from Okeanologiya, 2011, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 1030-1038, Oceanology, 51(6), 969-977,

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Rate of hydrogen sulfide oxidation in the redox zone of the Black Sea and rate of hydrogen sulfide formation due to bacterial sulfate reduction in the upper layer of anaerobic waters were measured in February-April 1991. These measurements were made using sulfur radioisotope under conditions close to those in situ. It was established that hydrogen sulfide is oxidized in the layer of oxygen and hydrogen sulfide coexistence under the upper boundary of the hydrogen sulfide layer. Maximum rate of hydrogen sulfide oxidation was recorded within the limits of density values dT of 16.20-16.30, while varying in the layer from 2 to 4.5 µmol/day. The average rate of hydrogen sulfide oxidation was 1.5-3 times higher than that during the warm season. Sulfide formation was not observed at most of the stations in the examined lower portion of the pycnocline layer (140 to 400 m). Noticeable sulfate reduction was detected only at one station on the northwestern shelf. Intensified hydrodynamics in the upper layers of the water mass during the cold season can be a probable reason for such noticeable changes in sulfur dynamics in the water mass of the Black Sea. Data suggesting that hydrogen sulfide oxidation proceeds under the hydrogen sulfide boundary indicate absence of the so-called "suboxic zone" in this basin.
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