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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Portnyagin, Maxim V; Naumov, V B; Mironov, N L; Belousov, I A; Kononkova, N N (2011): (Table 7a) Chemical composition of glass in melt inclusions in plagioclase of basalt (sample KR99/96) from the Karymsky volcanic center [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Portnyagin, MV et al. (2011): Composition and evolution of the melts erupted in 1996 at Karymskoe Lake, Eastern Kamchatka: Evidence from inclusions in minerals. Translated from Geokhimiya, 2011, 49(11), 1153-1178, Geochemistry International, 49(11), 1085-1110,

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Latitude: 53.997000 * Longitude: 159.450000
KVC-1996 * Latitude: 53.997000 * Longitude: 159.450000 * Location: Kamchatka Peninsula * Method/Device: Outcrop sample (OUTCROP)
768 data points

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