Al-Najjar, Mohammad A A; de Beer, Dirk; Kühl, Michael; Polerecky, Lubos (2012): Microsensor measurements in photosynthetic microbial mats [dataset publication series]. Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Al-Najjar, MAA et al. (2012): Light utilization efficiency in photosynthetic microbial mats. Environmental Microbiology, 14(4), 982-992,
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Based on combined microsensor measurements of irradiance, temperature and O2, we compared light energy budgets in photosynthetic microbial mats, with a special focus on the efficiency of light energy conservation by photosynthesis. The euphotic zones in the three studied mats differed in their phototrophic community structure, pigment concentrations and thickness. In all mats, < 1% of the absorbed light energy was conserved via photosynthesis at high incident irradiance, while the rest was dissipated as heat. Under light-limiting conditions, the photosynthetic efficiency reached a maximum, which varied among the studied mats between 4.5% and 16.2% and was significantly lower than the theoretical maximum of 27.7%. The maximum efficiency correlated linearly with the light attenuation coefficient and photopigment concentration in the euphotic zone. Higher photosynthetic efficiency was found in mats with a thinner and more densely populated euphotic zone. Microbial mats exhibit a lower photosynthetic efficiency compared with ecosystems with a more open canopy-like organization of photosynthetic elements, where light propagation is not hindered to the same extent by photosynthetically inactive components; such components contributed about 40-80% to light absorption in the investigated microbial mats, which is in a similar range as in oceanic planktonic systems.
Median Latitude: 0.901805 * Median Longitude: 84.507777 * South-bound Latitude: -22.718612 * West-bound Longitude: 54.447222 * North-bound Latitude: 24.522222 * East-bound Longitude: 114.568333
Date/Time Start: 2007-09-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2008-04-01T00:00:00
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
6 datasets
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Al-Najjar, MAA; de Beer, D; Kühl, M et al. (2012): Light profiles from the Abu Dhabi mat.
- Al-Najjar, MAA; de Beer, D; Kühl, M et al. (2012): Temperature profiles at different incident irradiances from the Abu Dhabi mat.
- Al-Najjar, MAA; de Beer, D; Kühl, M et al. (2012): Light profiles from the Australia mat.
- Al-Najjar, MAA; de Beer, D; Kühl, M et al. (2012): Temperature profiles at different incident irradiances from the Australia mat.
- Al-Najjar, MAA; de Beer, D; Kühl, M et al. (2012): (Fig. 2) Volumetric rates of photosynthesis in the Abu Dhabi mat.
- Al-Najjar, MAA; de Beer, D; Kühl, M et al. (2012): (Fig. 2) Volumetric rates of photosynthesis in the Australia mat.