Webber, A P; Roberts, S; Burgess, R M; Boyce, A J (2011): (Table 2) Oxygen isotope ratios of anhydrite from subsurface samples of ODP Sites 193-1188 and 193-1189 [dataset]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.786707, In supplement to: Webber, AP et al. (2011): Fluid mixing and thermal regimes beneath the PACMANUS hydrothermal field, Papua New Guinea: Helium and oxygen isotope data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304(1-2), 93-102, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2011.01.020
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Published: 2011 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2012-08-28
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
Median Latitude: -3.725689 * Median Longitude: 151.671611 * South-bound Latitude: -3.728300 * West-bound Longitude: 151.669800 * North-bound Latitude: -3.720667 * East-bound Longitude: 151.675133
Date/Time Start: 2000-11-18T17:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-12-30T04:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 11 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 363 m
193-1188A * Latitude: -3.728300 * Longitude: 151.669900 * Date/Time Start: 2000-11-18T17:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-11-22T08:30:00 * Elevation: -1640.2 m * Penetration: 211.6 m * Recovery: 21.93 m * Location: Bismarck Sea * Campaign: Leg193 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 23 cores; 211.6 m cored; 0 m drilled; 10.4 % recovery
193-1188F * Latitude: -3.728100 * Longitude: 151.669800 * Date/Time Start: 2000-12-29T15:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-12-30T04:00:00 * Elevation: -1641.7 m * Penetration: 386.7 m * Recovery: 30.89 m * Location: Bismarck Sea * Campaign: Leg193 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 45 cores; 168.7 m cored; 218 m drilled; 18.3 % recovery
193-1189 * Latitude: -3.720667 * Longitude: 151.675133 * Date/Time Start: 2000-11-22T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2000-12-30T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1686.8 m * Penetration: 497.8 m * Recovery: 22.3 m * Location: Bismarck Sea * Campaign: Leg193 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Composite Core (COMPCORE) * Comment: 31 cores; 300.8 m cored; 197 m drilled; 7.4% recovery
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | ||||
2 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Webber, A P | |||
3 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode – mbsf | ||
4 | Strontium-87/Strontium-86 ratio | 87Sr/86Sr | Webber, A P | |||
5 | δ18O, anhydrite | δ18O Anh | ‰ SMOW | Webber, A P | ||
6 | δ34S, anhydrite | δ34S Anh | ‰ CDT | Webber, A P | ||
7 | Ratio | Ratio | Webber, A P | R/Ra = 3He/4He in sample (R) to 3He/4He in atmosphere (Ra) | ||
8 | Ratio | Ratio | Webber, A P | second valaue R/Ra = 3He/4He in sample (R) to 3He/4He in atmosphere (Ra) |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
80 data points