Henry, Pierre; Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Moe, Kyaw Thu; Expedition 333 Scientists (2012): Magnetometer measurements from IODP Hole 333-C0012G [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.786014
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Related to:
Henry, Pierre; Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Moe, Kyaw Thu; Expedition 333 Scientists (2011): NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: subduction inputs 2 and heat flow. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 333, https://doi.org/10.2204/iodp.pr.333.2011
IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN, https://www.jamstec.go.jp/sio7/j-cores.data/315/C0001H/
Other version:
IODP Hole 333-C0012G, snapshot taken on 2012-05-08, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset]. https://www.jamstec.go.jp/sio7/j-cores.data/333/C0012G/
Latitude: 32.748080 * Longitude: 136.916922
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 516.060 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 625.790 m
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
585 data points
1 Sample label (Sample top, DSDP/ODP/IODP sam...) | 2 Depth sed [m] | 3 Depth top [m] ([m CSF-B] Top Core depth (bel...) | 4 Sample label 2 (Sample bottom, DSDP/ODP/IODP ...) | 5 Depth bot [m] ([m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (...) | 6 Depth bot [m] ([m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (...) | 7 Time Stamp (Of sampling) | 8 Samp vol [cm3] | 9 Time Stamp (NRM run, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 10 Incl (NRM) [deg] (Magnetometer, spinner (SMD-88)) | 11 Decl (NRM) [deg] (Magnetometer, spinner (SMD-88)) | 12 Inten (NRM) [mA/m] (Magnetometer, spinner (SMD-88)) | 13 Time Stamp (AFD 2.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 14 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 2.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 15 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 2.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 16 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 2.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 17 Time Stamp (AFD 4.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 18 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 4.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 19 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 4.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 20 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 4.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 21 Time Stamp (AFD 5.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 22 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 5.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 23 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 5.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 24 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 5.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 25 Time Stamp (AFD 6.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 26 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 6.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 27 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 6.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 28 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 6.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 29 Time Stamp (AFD 8.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 30 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 8.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 31 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 8.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 32 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 8.0, Magnetometer, spinne...) | 33 Time Stamp (AFD 10.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 34 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 10.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 35 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 10.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 36 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 10.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 37 Time Stamp (AFD 15.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 38 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 15.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 39 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 15.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 40 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 15.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 41 Time Stamp (AFD 20.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 42 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 20.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 43 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 20.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 44 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 20.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 45 Time Stamp (AFD 30.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 46 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 30.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 47 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 30.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 48 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 30.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 49 Time Stamp (AFD 40.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 50 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 40.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 51 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 40.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 52 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 40.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 53 Time Stamp (AFD 50.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 54 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 50.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 55 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 50.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 56 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 50.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 57 Time Stamp (AFD 60.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 58 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 60.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 59 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 60.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 60 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 60.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 61 Time Stamp (AFD 80.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 62 Incl (AF) [deg] (AFD 80.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 63 Decl (AF) [deg] (AFD 80.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 64 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (AFD 80.0, Magnetometer, spinn...) | 65 Time Stamp (THD 100.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 66 Incl (AF) [deg] (THD 100.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 67 Decl (AF) [deg] (THD 100.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 68 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (THD 100.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 69 Time Stamp (THD 200.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 70 Incl (AF) [deg] (THD 200.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 71 Decl (AF) [deg] (THD 200.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 72 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (THD 200.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 73 Time Stamp (THD 300.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 74 Incl (AF) [deg] (THD 300.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 75 Decl (AF) [deg] (THD 300.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 76 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (THD 300.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 77 Time Stamp (THD 400.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 78 Incl (AF) [deg] (THD 400.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 79 Decl (AF) [deg] (THD 400.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 80 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (THD 400.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 81 Time Stamp (THD 450.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 82 Incl (AF) [deg] (THD 450.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 83 Decl (AF) [deg] (THD 450.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 84 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (THD 450.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 85 Time Stamp (THD 500.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 86 Incl (AF) [deg] (THD 500.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 87 Decl (AF) [deg] (THD 500.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 88 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (THD 500.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 89 Time Stamp (THD 550.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 90 Incl (AF) [deg] (THD 550.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 91 Decl (AF) [deg] (THD 550.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 92 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (THD 550.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 93 Time Stamp (THD 600.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 94 Incl (AF) [deg] (THD 600.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 95 Decl (AF) [deg] (THD 600.0, Magnetometer, spin...) | 96 Inten (AF) [mA/m] (THD 600.0, Magnetometer, spin...) |
333-C0012G-1R-2,5.0 | 516.060 | 516.060 | 333-C0012G-1R-2,7.0 | 516.080 | 516.080 | 2011-01-05T19:17:24 | 7 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 54.6 | -123.5 | 0.05965 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 53.6 | -135.8 | 0.03926 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 53.4 | -131.6 | 0.033320 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 51.3 | -131.5 | 0.02703 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 49.8 | -131.6 | 0.021000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-1R-4,51.0 | 517.610 | 517.610 | 333-C0012G-1R-4,53.0 | 517.630 | 517.630 | 2011-01-05T19:38:05 | 7 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 85.5 | -108.3 | 0.05294 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 78.2 | -119.6 | 0.01891 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 69.7 | -123.2 | 0.013390 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 79.6 | -72.3 | 0.01051 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 73.1 | -11.1 | 0.010130 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-2R-1,27.0 | 524.770 | 524.770 | 333-C0012G-2R-1,29.0 | 524.790 | 524.790 | 2011-01-05T20:36:50 | 7 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 76.5 | 112.4 | 0.02787 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 62.8 | 97.9 | 0.01004 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 65.2 | 99.5 | 0.005243 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 65.2 | 115.7 | 0.00272 | 2011-01-06T06:50:12 | 76.2 | 142.9 | 0.001954 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-2R-2,134.0 | 526.230 | 526.230 | 333-C0012G-2R-2,136.0 | 526.250 | 526.250 | 2011-01-05T21:08:56 | 7 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | 70.1 | -65.5 | 0.28220 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | 65.4 | -70.5 | 0.1914 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | 62.2 | -75.6 | 0.1066 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | 58.2 | -86.7 | 0.06552 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | 30.4 | -100.1 | 0.01457 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | 7.5 | -101.9 | 0.005986 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -4.2 | -103.3 | 0.002769 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | 63.5 | 167.4 | 0.00066 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | 61.3 | 157.8 | 0.001193 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-4R-1,29.5 | 543.795 | 543.795 | 333-C0012G-4R-1,31.5 | 543.815 | 543.815 | 2011-01-06T11:22:10 | 7 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | 0.3 | -154.9 | 6.16500 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -7.2 | -154.0 | 6.351 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -18.6 | -155.9 | 6.692 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -21.7 | -156.0 | 5.8600 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -22.4 | -155.6 | 4.4550 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -22.7 | -153.8 | 3.409000 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -22.3 | -154.1 | 0.68350 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -23.5 | -152.8 | 0.159000 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -29.9 | -155.3 | 0.060130 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -50.0 | -176.9 | 0.053200 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -11.6 | -135.1 | 0.02886 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-5R-1,4.0 | 553.040 | 553.040 | 333-C0012G-5R-1,6.0 | 553.060 | 553.060 | 2011-01-06T23:24:37 | 7 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 32.8 | -61.9 | 5.11100 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 30.2 | -68.5 | 5.126 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 31.0 | -70.6 | 4.760 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 28.9 | -71.4 | 3.5000 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 29.9 | -71.7 | 2.4870 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 31.7 | -73.8 | 1.782000 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 29.0 | -79.3 | 0.31780 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 23.3 | -86.2 | 0.079890 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 49.4 | -48.5 | 0.023560 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 2.6 | -45.8 | 0.014770 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 7.0 | -78.2 | 0.02832 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-6R-CC,7.0 | 563.305 | 563.305 | 333-C0012G-6R-CC,9.0 | 563.325 | 563.325 | 2011-01-06T11:24:15 | 7 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -72.5 | -74.4 | 4.01200 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -79.7 | -47.9 | 3.9150 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -83.5 | -36.0 | 2.2590 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -65.2 | 4.7 | 0.70110 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -47.5 | 40.3 | 0.44250 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -47.5 | 35.5 | 0.235600 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | 23.1 | 55.9 | 0.123700 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -54.3 | 32.2 | 0.07241 | 2011-01-07T07:03:33 | -6.2 | -31.0 | 0.004946 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-7R-1,29.0 | 572.290 | 572.290 | 333-C0012G-7R-1,31.0 | 572.310 | 572.310 | 2011-01-06T15:37:49 | 7 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 37.5 | 137.4 | 18.90000 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 69.1 | -178.4 | 9.154 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 43.5 | -68.6 | 1.458 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 24.0 | -59.5 | 0.8094 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 20.2 | -55.4 | 0.5176 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 19.0 | -55.2 | 0.360700 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 12.3 | -53.0 | 0.05288 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | -20.7 | -26.8 | 0.018000 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | -48.1 | -54.5 | 0.016810 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 45.9 | -68.0 | 0.018130 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 13.6 | -43.7 | 0.01182 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-8R-1,34.0 | 581.840 | 581.840 | 333-C0012G-8R-1,36.0 | 581.860 | 581.860 | 2011-01-06T21:53:39 | 7 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 85.7 | 130.9 | 14.00000 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 82.6 | 91.4 | 8.410 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 66.7 | 70.4 | 1.618 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 40.3 | 59.3 | 0.5261 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 27.4 | 60.9 | 0.3151 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 25.5 | 58.9 | 0.216800 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 16.6 | 66.6 | 0.04315 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | -11.8 | 13.6 | 0.006797 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | -39.0 | 81.5 | 0.004801 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | -72.5 | -52.4 | 0.006283 | 2011-01-08T07:12:05 | 31.0 | 25.1 | 0.01026 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-9R-1,8.0 | 591.080 | 591.080 | 333-C0012G-9R-1,10.0 | 591.100 | 591.100 | 2011-01-07T05:56:19 | 7 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 79.3 | 179.4 | 33.05000 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 53.6 | 134.7 | 1.81900 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 33.7 | 130.8 | 0.517000 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 36.5 | 132.4 | 0.2299 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 34.0 | 130.1 | 0.10520 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 26.5 | 138.8 | 0.028420 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 27.8 | 75.5 | 0.022560 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 12.1 | 142.5 | 0.016020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-10R-2,118.0 | 597.465 | 597.465 | 333-C0012G-10R-2,120.0 | 597.485 | 597.485 | 2011-01-07T09:06:03 | 7 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 68.2 | 126.8 | 14.26000 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 11.3 | 101.7 | 1.87700 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 0.4 | 97.0 | 0.771500 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | -3.7 | 91.5 | 0.13150 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 12.4 | 93.2 | 0.037140 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 2.8 | 85.2 | 0.021180 | 2011-01-08T18:55:33 | 33.7 | 110.7 | 0.009195 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-12R-2,91.0 | 612.920 | 612.920 | 333-C0012G-12R-2,93.0 | 612.940 | 612.940 | 2011-01-07T16:58:33 | 7 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 75.7 | -120.0 | 16.14000 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 38.3 | -108.8 | 1.66200 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 3.0 | -108.0 | 0.429800 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -4.1 | -109.4 | 0.06768 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 28.6 | -91.0 | 0.025670 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -19.9 | -46.4 | 0.015600 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -62.7 | -115.5 | 0.021850 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-13R-1,121.0 | 616.710 | 616.710 | 333-C0012G-13R-1,123.0 | 616.730 | 616.730 | 2011-01-07T17:12:37 | 7 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 80.3 | -176.6 | 33.59000 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 44.2 | 141.7 | 2.46500 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -3.7 | 134.5 | 0.839900 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -9.7 | 130.5 | 0.18640 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -0.4 | 128.8 | 0.054470 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 2.0 | 135.1 | 0.044640 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 18.4 | 131.7 | 0.028610 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-14R-1,22.0 | 620.720 | 620.720 | 333-C0012G-14R-1,24.0 | 620.740 | 620.740 | 2011-01-07T17:18:54 | 7 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 75.8 | -159.1 | 10.17000 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 5.1 | 155.9 | 1.16300 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -5.9 | 153.0 | 0.448100 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -14.1 | 146.2 | 0.06748 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -11.3 | 134.0 | 0.023950 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -29.9 | 44.9 | 0.012900 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 74.4 | -113.1 | 0.013680 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
333-C0012G-15R-1,29.0 | 625.790 | 625.790 | 333-C0012G-15R-1,31.0 | 625.810 | 625.810 | 2011-01-07T18:43:51 | 7 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | 70.3 | -126.3 | 2.58800 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -17.3 | -94.0 | 0.42060 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -20.0 | -88.6 | 0.201600 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -29.5 | -93.6 | 0.06636 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -16.6 | -102.9 | 0.025350 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -0.8 | -115.3 | 0.015200 | 2011-01-09T02:47:27 | -13.4 | 118.6 | 0.005666 |