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Reusch, Douglas N; Yates, Martin (2002): Geochemistry and mineralogy of garnet grains from ODP Sample 183-1137A-33R-3,50-53 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Reusch, DN; Yates, M (2002): Data report: Compositions of garnet sand grains from Elan Bank, Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Site 1137). In: Frey, FA; Coffin, MF; Wallace, PJ; Quilty, PG (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 183, 1-8,

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On Elan Bank, a southwestern promontory of the Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean, we cored an interval of conglomerate and minor sandstone within a thick section of Cretaceous flood basalts. Most of the detritus in these sedimentary rocks is volcanic with the exception of a small amount of conspicuous material of probable continental derivation. The anomalous clasts include several pebbles of gneiss (Nicolaysen et al., 2001, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0235:POPGBG>2.0.CO;2) and garnet sand grains. The presence of continental material on the plateau bears significantly on the interpretation of Indian Ocean basalts (Weis et al., 2001, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0147:OOCCII>2.0.CO;2). The purpose of the present study was to determine the composition of the garnets to provide additional constraints on the nature of the source area.
Latitude: -56.833050 * Longitude: 68.093450
Date/Time Start: 1998-12-31T21:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-01-06T16:40:00
183-1137A * Latitude: -56.833050 * Longitude: 68.093450 * Date/Time Start: 1998-12-31T21:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1999-01-06T16:40:00 * Elevation: -1004.5 m * Penetration: 371.2 m * Recovery: 219.38 m * Location: Indian Ocean * Campaign: Leg183 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 46 cores; 371.2 m cored; 0 m drilled; 59.1 % recovery
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