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Klotz, Dietmar; Moser, Heribert (1982): (Table 1) Soil physical parameters of sediments obtained in the Lüchow-Dannenberg district, Lower Saxony [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Klotz, D; Moser, H (1982): Verhalten von Radionukliden in drei typischen Sanden Norddeutschlands bei wasserungesättigtem Fließen. Meyniana, 34, 95-123,

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The mobility of the radionuclides of the elements Sr, I, Cs and Ce were investigated for three typical sands of Northern Germany under simulated natural, undersaturated flow conditions. The laboratory experiments include the determination of the flow parameters of the seepwater movement as well as the transport velocities of the radionuclides in the sands. For the three selected sands, the following mobility sequence/order has been established for the radionuclides: I < Sr < Cs < Ce
Latitude: 53.025800 * Longitude: 11.383300
Minimum Elevation: 20.0 m * Maximum Elevation: 20.0 m
LuechDann (Landkreis Luechow-Dannenberg) * Latitude: 53.025800 * Longitude: 11.383300 * Elevation: 20.0 m * Location: Lower Saxony, Germany
Anzahl der Tracerversuche pro Säule N = 19.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample IDSample IDKlotz, DietmarSäule
2Sediment typeSedimentKlotz, Dietmar
3Area/localityAreaKlotz, Dietmar
4Porosity, fractionalPoros fracKlotz, Dietmartotale Porosität
5Hydraulic conductivityKfm/sKlotz, DietmarDurchlässigkeitsbeiwert
6Conductivity, standard deviationCond std dev±Klotz, Dietmar
7Porosity, fractionalPoros fracKlotz, Dietmareffektive Porosität
8Porosity, standard deviationPoros std dev±Klotz, Dietmar
9ParameterParameterKlotz, DietmarA, dimensionless
10Dispersion, lengthLDmmKlotz, DietmarDispersivität
60 data points

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