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Schönfeld, Joachim; Schiebel, Ralf; Timm, Sven (1991): (Table 1) Planktonic foraminifer abundance and stable isotope ratios of a sediment core near Baddeckenstedt, north Germany [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Schönfeld, J et al. (1991): The Rotpläner (Upper Cenomanian to Lower Turonian) of Baddeckenstedt (north-western Germany): lithology, geochemistry, foraminifers and stratigraphic correlation. Meyniana, 43, 73-95,

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A refined sample processing technique using glacial acetic acid has been applied to Upper Cenomanian and Lower Turonian limestones from Baddeckenstedt (Lower Saxony) enabeling the first quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminiferal populations through the Stage boundary succession in northwestern Germany. Measurements of carbonate contents, organic carbon and stable carbon and oxygen isotopes were also reported. These data allow a correlation to be made of the Baddeckenstedt section with those at Misburg (basinal facies, northwestern Germany) and Dover (Plenus Marls, southern England). Significant maxima of the organic carbon content at Baddeckenstedt correspond to prominent black shale couplets at Misburg. The planktonic foraminiferal generic groups show at Baddeckenstedt similar fluctuations as reported from Dover. Their correlation reveals details of a complex paleoceanographic regime in the NW-German Basin during the Cenomanian/Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event.
Latitude: 52.088000 * Longitude: 10.230600
Baddeckenst * Latitude: 52.088000 * Longitude: 10.230600 * Location: Lower Saxony, Germany
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample IDSample IDSchönfeld, Joachim
2Rotalipora spp.Rotalipora spp.%Schönfeld, Joachim
3Praeglobotruncana spp.Praeglobotruncana spp.%Schönfeld, Joachimincluding Dicarinella spp.
4Hedbergella spp.Hedbergella spp.%Schönfeld, Joachim
5Foraminifera, plankticForam plankt#Schönfeld, Joachimcounted specimens
6δ13Cδ13C‰ PDBSchönfeld, JoachimMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251
7δ18Oδ18OSchönfeld, JoachimMass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 251with respect to PDB
62 data points

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