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Holthusen, Henning (1982): (Table 1) Cation exchange capacity and other characteristics of soils common in Lower Saxony, Germany [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Holthusen, H (1982): Lösungs-, Transport- und lmmobilisationsprozesse im Sickerwasser der ungesättigten Bodenzone - Genese der Beschaffenheit des oberflächennahen Grundwassers. Meyniana, 34, 29-93,

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The chemical and biochemical processes associated with the filtration of rainwater through soils, a step in groundwater recharge, were investigated. Under simulated climatic conditions in the laboratory, undisturbed soil columns of partly loamy sands, sandy soils and loess were run as lysimeters. A series of extraction procedures was carried out to determine solid matter in unaltered rock materials and in soil horizons. Drainage water and moisture movement in the columns were analysed and traced respectively. The behaviour of soluble humic substance was investigated by percolation and suspension experiments. The development of seepage-water in the unsaturated zone is closely associated with the soil genetic processes. Determining autonomous chemical and physical parameters are mineral composition and grain size distribution in the original unconsolidated host rock and prevailing climatic conditions. They influence biological activity and transport of solids, dissolved matter and gases in the unsaturated zone. Humic substances, either as amorphous solid matter or as soluble humic acids play a part in diverse sorption, solution and precipitation processes.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Soil typeSoil typeHolthusen, Henning
2Soil horizonSoil horiHolthusen, Henning
3Size fraction < 0.002 mm, clay<2 µm%Holthusen, Henning
4Carbon, organic, totalTOC%Holthusen, Henning
5HumusHumus%Holthusen, Henning
6Carbon, inorganic, totalTIC%Holthusen, Henning
7CarbonatesCarb%Holthusen, Henning
8pH, soilpH soilHolthusen, Henning
9Cation exchange capacityCECcmol/kgHolthusen, Henningpotential (CEC pot.)
10Base saturationBS%Holthusen, Henningof CEC pot.
11Calcium ion exchange capacityCa ex-cap%Holthusen, HenningCEC pot.; in % of base saturation
12Magnesium ion exchange capacityMg ex-cap%Holthusen, HenningCEC pot.; in % of base saturation
13Sodium ion exchange capacityNa ex-cap%Holthusen, HenningCEC pot.; in % of base saturation
14Potassium ion exchange capacityK ex-cap%Holthusen, HenningCEC pot.; in % of base saturation
15Cation exchange capacityCECcmol/kgHolthusen, Henningeffective (CEC eff.)
16Base saturationBS%Holthusen, Henningof CEC eff.
17Calcium ion exchange capacityCa ex-cap%Holthusen, HenningCEC eff.; in % of base saturation
18Magnesium ion exchange capacityMg ex-cap%Holthusen, HenningCEC eff.; in % of base saturation
19Sodium ion exchange capacityNa ex-cap%Holthusen, HenningCEC eff.; in % of base saturation
20Potassium ion exchange capacityK ex-cap%Holthusen, HenningCEC eff.; in % of base saturation
21DifferenceDiffHolthusen, HenningdCEC = CEC pot. - CEC eff.
329 data points

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