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Henry, Pierre; Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Moe, Kyaw Thu; Expedition 333 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 333-C0018A [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Henry, Pierre; Kanamatsu, Toshiya; Moe, Kyaw Thu; Expedition 333 Scientists (2011): NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: subduction inputs 2 and heat flow. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 333,
IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Other version:
IODP Hole 333-C0018A, snapshot taken on 2012-05-08, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 33.156992 * Longitude: 136.681480
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 304.650 m
333-C0018A * Latitude: 33.156992 * Longitude: 136.681480 * Elevation: -3084.3 m * Recovery: 271.44 m * Campaign: Exp333 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: Subduction Inputs 2 and Heat Flow) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 333 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 333 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 333 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 333 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 333 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 333 ScientistsVisual descriptionSedimentological comment on Core
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 333 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 333 ScientistsVisual descriptionSedimentological comment on Section
10 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 333 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
11 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 333 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
12 Time StampTime StampExpedition 333 Scientists
1036 data points


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([m CSF-B] Top Core depth (bel...)

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Time Stamp
333-C0018A-1H-1,0.00.0000.000333-C0018A-1H-CC,26.06.8356.645Dark greenish grey (10GY 4/1) silty clay with robust visual evidence of debrites/seafloor instability in section #4. Some shell and wood fragments and laminae of volcaniclastic sand/ash.2011-01-06T12:57:15
333-C0018A-1H-1,0.00.0000.000333-C0018A-1H-1,79.00.7900.768Silty clay with sparse sand grains and shell debris. Shell debris approaching the size of sand grains. CT-Scan indicating heavy bioturbation at times.None is observed in the core section with the exception of 1 cm to 0.5 cm voids that may be associated with gas bubbles in the sediment. Small voids between 9 cm and 24 cm depth. Larger voids at 39 cm, 59 cm and 64 cm depth.2010-12-14T08:11:00
333-C0018A-1H-3,0.01.0150.987333-C0018A-1H-3,141.02.4252.358First bed composed of silty clay with sparse wood fragments and shell debris. The remaining part of the bed is massive and homogeneous.Silty clay and sandy silt below (44.5 to 1.38 m) are part of a single bed, which shows a fining upwards trend from its base. Sand-clasts of shell and rocky fragments are observed scattered in a clayey to silty sediment.Shell fragments reach 0.4 cm in diameter. Base is irregular and angular. No apparent drilling disturbance.2010-12-14T09:39:42
333-C0018A-1H-4,0.02.4252.358333-C0018A-1H-4,141.03.8353.728Individual mud clasts scattered in the core (Munsell colour 5GY 6/1). Separating the mud clast is a silty clay, homogeneous, with Munsell colour 2.5 GY to 5GY 4/1.Dark olive grey sand (10 GY 3/1 in the Munsell colour scale) occurs at approximately 135 cm.2010-12-14T08:35:58
333-C0018A-1H-5,0.03.8353.728333-C0018A-1H-5,67.04.5054.380Silty clay, homogeneous. Plant debris at 30 cm depth. clay lense, colour 10 GY 5/1 at 60-61 cm depth2010-12-14T08:39:37
333-C0018A-1H-7,0.04.7354.603333-C0018A-1H-7,140.56.1405.969Silt clay with a hardened mud clast at around 30 cm depth. Homogeneous silt clay otherwise.2010-12-14T09:33:51
333-C0018A-1H-CC,0.06.5756.392333-C0018A-1H-CC,26.06.8356.645Homogeneous silty clay. Some drilling and sampling disturbance.2010-12-14T09:36:01
333-C0018A-2H-1,0.06.6506.650333-C0018A-2H-CC,28.516.75016.150Silty clay with some laminae of volcaniclastic sand. Some shell fragments in section 11.2010-12-18T09:24:46
333-C0018A-2H-1,0.06.6506.650333-C0018A-2H-1,128.07.9307.854Homogeneous silty clay, Munsell colour 10GY 4/1. 1cm patch of green (10G 5/1) sand of probable volcanic origin at 27 cm depth. Some sand-size shell fragments dispersed in the sediment.Disrupted, water drenched interval between 12 cm and 27 cm. Same lithology as the remaining section of the core (silty clay)2010-12-14T13:19:15
333-C0018A-2H-3,0.08.1558.066333-C0018A-2H-3,140.59.5609.387Silty clay, with patches of probable volcanic ash at: 36.5 cm; 98 cm; 99 cm. Munsell colour of volcanic sands: 10G 5/1. Pebble at 75.2 cm, and shell fragments at 29 cm. Pebble oblate, well rounded, with a diameter of 0.3 cm.2010-12-14T12:24:18
333-C0018A-2H-4,0.09.5609.387333-C0018A-2H-4,140.510.96510.709Silty clay with patches of sandy volcanic ash at specific depths: 111.5 cm; 117.5 cm; 119 cm. Some bands of green clay dispersed in the sediment. PAtches of volcanic sand with 10 G 5/1 munsell colour.2010-12-14T12:30:20
333-C0018A-2H-5,0.010.96510.709333-C0018A-2H-5,54.011.50511.217Silty clay, with a patch of volcanic ash at 37-39 cm depth. Pebble at 4-5 cm. Patch of volcanic ash/sand with 10 G 5/1 Munsell colour.2010-12-14T12:33:16
333-C0018A-2H-7,0.011.73011.428333-C0018A-2H-7,141.013.14012.755Silty clay, with an angular bebble (4 mm in diameter) at 2.5 cm, and volcano ash at 13.5, 36-37 and 128.5 cm. Pumice ash lense at 44 cm. Confirmed on smear slide. Sub-horizontal burrows at 100 cm and 108 cm.2010-12-14T14:28:15
333-C0018A-2H-8,0.013.14012.755333-C0018A-2H-8,141.014.55014.081Homogeneous, but bioturbated, silty clay. Failt green/yellowish bands and patches in the sediment. Colour 10Y 4/2 in some patches.2010-12-14T13:44:55
333-C0018A-2H-9,0.014.55014.081333-C0018A-2H-9,50.015.05014.551Silty clay with scattered sandy grains, mostly shell fragments.2010-12-14T13:47:46
333-C0018A-2H-11,0.015.27514.763333-C0018A-2H-11,119.016.46515.882Silty clay with shell fragments at: 27 cm; 36 cm; 43.5 cm2010-12-14T13:50:39
333-C0018A-2H-CC,0.016.46515.882333-C0018A-2H-CC,28.516.75016.150Disturbed by drilling. Sub-verticaal fractures and some biscuits at the lower part of the section.2010-12-14T14:38:23
333-C0018A-3H-1,0.016.15016.150333-C0018A-3H-CC,26.026.30625.646Bioturbated silty clay (Munsell colour 10GY 4/1) with a layer of volcaniclastic ash at the bottom. Color mottling is pervasive in the entire core.2011-01-06T12:58:00
333-C0018A-3H-1,0.016.15016.150333-C0018A-3H-1,141.017.56017.468Dark grayish green silty clay with some faint greenish gray layers, silghtly bioturbation and outsized clast. Upper 15-16 cm disturbed due to drilling.2010-12-15T00:22:25
333-C0018A-3H-2,0.017.56017.468333-C0018A-3H-2,143.518.99518.810Dark greenish gray silty clay, slightly bioturbated throughout, compares some molting in due upper part, clay clasta is due to upper and lower parts. Additionally, 35-37 cm, there is a relatively boundary of slightly smoother core surface.2010-12-15T00:49:56
333-C0018A-3H-3,0.018.99518.810333-C0018A-3H-3,101.020.00519.755Dark greenish gray silty clay, slightly to moderate bioturbated throughout. comprises a few clay clasts2010-12-15T00:59:23
333-C0018A-3H-4,0.020.00519.755333-C0018A-3H-4,100.121.00620.6910-28 cm brownish gray silty clay, rest if it greenish gray silty clay. slightly bioturbated throughout comprises a few clay clast2010-12-15T02:03:58
333-C0018A-3H-6,0.021.23620.906333-C0018A-3H-6,144.022.67622.252dark greenish gray silty clay, brownish gray in upper part, slight to moderate bioturbation and comprising patches of volcanic material2010-12-15T02:18:02
333-C0018A-3H-7,0.022.67622.252333-C0018A-3H-7,141.024.08623.570Dark greenish gray silty clay with some intervals of color mottling and slightly bioturbation2010-12-15T02:25:29
333-C0018A-3H-8,0.024.08623.570333-C0018A-3H-8,140.525.49124.884Dark greenish gray silty clay slightly bioturbited overlying an upward light gray ash layer at 110 cm. Also there is irregular boundary at 135m, refers light gray color content of ash layer. Should focus on it. Looks ash but something different.2010-12-15T02:39:17
333-C0018A-3H-9,0.025.49124.884333-C0018A-3H-9,55.526.04625.403lowermost part of ash layer above dark greenish gray silty clay, slightly bioturbidet some clast os ash in the upper part of the silt clay2010-12-15T02:44:01
333-C0018A-3H-CC,0.026.04625.403333-C0018A-3H-CC,26.026.30625.646Dark greenish gray silty clay, heavily disturbed CC sample2010-12-15T02:48:48
333-C0018A-4H-1,0.025.65025.650333-C0018A-4H-CC,73.036.02535.145Silty clay with intercalations of volcanicastic ash, as laminae or individual beds.2010-12-18T09:27:23
333-C0018A-4H-1,0.025.65025.650333-C0018A-4H-1,150.027.15027.023Dark silty clay with a higher clay and water content in the first 38 cm. Colour 10 GY 4/1. Heavily disturbed by drilling.2010-12-15T04:53:34
333-C0018A-4H-2,0.027.15027.023333-C0018A-4H-2,150.028.65028.396Patches of volcanic material at 59-67 cm (Colour 2.5GY 4/1). Section heavily disturbed by drilling.2010-12-15T04:58:16
333-C0018A-4H-3,0.028.65028.396333-C0018A-4H-3,91.529.56529.233Grey greenish clay with intervals of volcaniclastic sediment (ash and sand).2010-12-15T05:05:04
333-C0018A-4H-5,0.029.77529.425333-C0018A-4H-5,150.531.28030.803Colour 7.5GY 5/1. Homogeneous silty clay.2010-12-15T05:07:09
333-C0018A-4H-6,0.031.28030.803333-C0018A-4H-6,149.032.77032.166Homogenous silty clay with volcanic ash occuring at: 52 cm; 61.5 cm; 68 cm; 72 cm; 119 cm. Otherwise, Munsell colour 7.5GY 5/1.2010-12-15T05:10:55
333-C0018A-4H-7,0.032.77032.166333-C0018A-4H-7,150.034.27033.539Shell fargements scattered at: 68 cm; 105cm; 125cm; 137cm. Munsell colour of 7.5GY 5/1 below 30 cm depth.2010-12-15T05:14:35
333-C0018A-4H-8,0.034.27033.539333-C0018A-4H-8,102.535.29534.477Munsell colour of 2.5GY 5/1 for the first 5 cm. Munsell colour of 5GY 5/1 between 05 and 15 cm depth. Otherwise 7.5GY 5/1 with the exception of the last 20 cm.2010-12-15T05:18:44
333-C0018A-5H-1,0.035.15035.150333-C0018A-5H-CC,39.545.34544.645Strong evidence for convoluted bedding and tilted lamina at Section 8 indicates slumping/MTD. Pumice present at the bottom of the core as single isolated clasts.Volcanic ash and sand widespread in the core, sometimes as patches of volacaniclastic material.2011-01-06T13:00:07
333-C0018A-6H-1,0.044.65044.650333-C0018A-6H-CC,50.555.21554.146Normal graded levels of sand, at times volcaniclastic, amidst silty clays. Silty clays are banded. Sub-horizontal bands mostly, but section 2 has 30 degree bands at approximately half-way through its length.Minor core disturbance, with the exception of the core catcher.2010-12-15T13:00:42
333-C0018A-7H-1,0.054.15054.150333-C0018A-7H-CC,23.564.65063.650A mildly biorturbated silty clay, mostly dark grey (10GY 4/1), with some colour mottling and banding. Some convolution occurs in section 5, at around 50 cm depth. A few clasts of lighter mud occur just above 50 cm depth.Some drilling disturbance towards the bottom of the core.2010-12-16T03:55:13
333-C0018A-7H-1,0.054.15054.150333-C0018A-7H-1,140.055.55055.417Color mottling; patches and thin layers, sometimes horizontal across the core, sometimes more irregular and discontinouos. The mottling is inferred to be due to bioturbation.smear slide at 131cm. outsized clast 101cm.Dark greenish gray silty clay, moderately bioturbadet throughout, top 21cm disturbed by drilling. Volcanic sand 1mm thickness, both side of the void, just above and belove.2010-12-16T00:25:48
333-C0018A-7H-2,0.055.55055.417333-C0018A-7H-2,142.056.97056.701Color mottling: throughout, patches and thin layers, sometimes horizontal and continuous across the core, sometimes more irregular and discontinuous. Moderate Bioturbation. Outsized clast at 95 cm.Sedimentology: Drak greenish gray silty clay moderately bioturbated through out. two thin ash layers, at 58 cm and 73 cm respectfully2010-12-16T00:42:39
333-C0018A-7H-3,0.056.97056.701333-C0018A-7H-3,97.057.94057.579grayish olive: 5Y-6/2; light gray: 5Y-7/1; Dark vedish brown: 25Y-3/2; light brown: 5Y-8/1. asked for photographs to show all the details. Dark greenish gray clay, moderately bioturbated, sepera2010-12-16T01:02:49
333-C0018A-7H-5,0.058.18057.796333-C0018A-7H-5,109.059.27058.782Patch of ash layer in the uppermost part. Slightly less green area in the upper. Color mottling throughout.Patches and thin layers of slightly darker color, sometimes horizontal and continuous cross the core, sometimes more irregular, dipping and/or discontinuous. Moderately bioturbated. Dark greenish gray silty clay.Two smear slide at 57 and 67 cm. At 55cm. there is dis-conformty, below the line, faint change in color, slightly darker BUT there is no changing in sed. density at this level.2010-12-16T01:17:12
333-C0018A-7H-7,0.059.48058.972333-C0018A-7H-7,123.060.71060.085Dark greenish gray clay slightly bioturbated. Smear slide at 100cm. fainth color mottling througout. Note: separating slightly and moderately bioturbation is likely biased by the smoothnes of the section surface.2010-12-16T02:30:03
333-C0018A-7H-8,0.060.71060.085333-C0018A-7H-8,39.061.10060.438Dark greenish gray clay in the lower part and silty clay towards the top (may be biased by the fact that section surface was not cleaned after core cutting but before description)2010-12-16T02:40:37
333-C0018A-7H-9,0.061.10060.438333-C0018A-7H-9,150.062.60061.795Dark greenish gray clay, faint bioturbation throughout2010-12-16T03:17:15
333-C0018A-8H-1,0.063.65063.650333-C0018A-8H-CC,39.074.14573.146Homogeneous succession of silty clay with some convolute bedding and ash laminae. Color mottling reappears 2/3 into the core. Some bioturbation.2011-01-06T13:01:37
333-C0018A-9H-1,0.073.15073.150333-C0018A-9H-CC,38.080.56580.145A moderately to heaviliy disturbed core with sparse volcaniclastic intercalations. Biogenic material increases towards the bottom of the core, where shell fragments of 1-2mm in diameter are observed.Very thin (<2 cm) intercalations of black material, either as mud or as fine volcanic ash, are observed at 78-88.2 m depth2011-01-06T13:02:14
333-C0018A-10H-1,0.080.15080.150333-C0018A-10H-CC,34.090.94089.650A homogeneous core with silty clay, interrupted by sharp volcaniclastic ash and fine sand intervals. The base of these ash/sand intervals is sharp. Silty clays are mottled throughout the core.Some volcaniclastic clasts/pebbles occur in the succession, as well as a mud clast on top of the core. The volcaniclastic sand/ash interval show a fining upwards trend with sharp bases, but gradual transitions on top into the background silty clays.2011-01-06T13:03:35
333-C0018A-11H-1,0.089.65089.650333-C0018A-11H-CC,51.0100.70099.150Core C0018A-11H is dominated by dark greenish gray silty clay becoming more fine-grained (clay) and brown in the lower half of the core. Faint color mottling/banding throughout indicates slight bioturbation.Some ash layers (6-7) identified, some of which are deformed. As above, dominantly hemipelagic sedimentation interrupted by 6-7 volcanic events.2011-01-06T13:04:27
333-C0018A-11H-3,0.091.65591.374333-C0018A-11H-3,141.093.06592.586Silty clay wuith two volcanic ash layers. Mottling of volcanic ask below 60 cm and 127cm. Smear Slide at 51cm2010-12-16T17:49:12
333-C0018A-11H-4,0.093.06592.586333-C0018A-11H-4,82.093.88593.291Silty mud with volcanoclastic san clast at 26 cm. Smear Slide at 23 cm. Clast color N32010-12-16T18:03:56
333-C0018A-11H-5,0.093.88593.291333-C0018A-11H-5,22.094.10593.480Silty clay. Mottled. color 10GY 4/12010-12-16T18:06:37
333-C0018A-11H-6,0.094.10593.480333-C0018A-11H-6,141.095.51594.692Ash Color distrubuted light gray faint mottling. Dark greenish gray clay dominated by faint color banding and comprising with two ash layers, thw lover deformed, probably alkso the upper. 23-24 cm Deformed ash layer2010-12-16T18:16:52
333-C0018A-11H-7,0.095.51594.692333-C0018A-11H-7,140.596.92095.900Dark greenish gray clay faint color mottlings throughout and silght bioturbation. Color: 10GY-4/12010-12-16T18:21:18
333-C0018A-11H-8,0.096.92095.900333-C0018A-11H-8,120.598.12596.936Dark greenish gray clay, comprising faint color mottling and bandings throughout. Slightly bioturbation2010-12-16T18:26:02
333-C0018A-11H-10,0.098.35597.134333-C0018A-11H-10,137.599.73098.316Gray clay, faint color mottling/ banding throughout 20cm patch of ash2010-12-16T18:29:38
333-C0018A-11H-11,0.099.73098.316333-C0018A-11H-11,46.0100.19098.71223 cm Smear Slide. Gray clay comprising two ash layers, the upper brown (5Y-5/1), the lower light gray (10Y-8/1)2010-12-16T18:33:12
333-C0018A-11H-CC,0.0100.19098.712333-C0018A-11H-CC,51.0100.70099.150Gray clay with faint color mottling slightly bioturbated2010-12-16T18:37:43
333-C0018A-12H-1,0.099.15099.150333-C0018A-12H-CC,34.5109.365108.645This core is also dominated by dark greenish gray silty clay, showing color mottling and banding, and interrupted by some thin ash layers and patches of ash. Dominantly hemipelagic sediments in this core, interrupted by volcanic events.2011-01-06T13:05:22
333-C0018A-12H-1,0.099.15099.150333-C0018A-12H-1,68.099.83099.782Dark grenish gray clay comprising color mottling/banding throughout.Slightly bioturbated2010-12-16T22:54:12
333-C0018A-12H-2,0.099.83099.782333-C0018A-12H-2,123.5101.065100.930Dark greenish gray clay comprising color mottling/banding throughout. Slightly bioturbated. Smear slide at 102 cm2010-12-16T23:00:29
333-C0018A-12H-3,0.0101.065100.930333-C0018A-12H-3,141.5102.480102.245Dark greeninsh gray clay. Comparising color mottling/bandings throughout 94cm, smear slide. Patch of volcanic material at 97-99 cm.2010-12-16T23:17:46
333-C0018A-12H-4,0.0102.480102.245333-C0018A-12H-4,120.0103.680103.361Dark greenish gray silty clay comprising color mottling and bandings throughout. Slightly-moderately bioturbated. Color: 10GY-4/12010-12-16T23:24:31
333-C0018A-12H-6,0.0103.905103.570333-C0018A-12H-6,141.5105.320104.88545cm Smear Slide.Patch of volcanic material 62-86cm. Dark greenish gray silty clay comperising color mottling and bandings throughout. Slightly bioturbated. Color 10GY-4/12010-12-16T23:31:04
333-C0018A-12H-7,0.0105.320104.885333-C0018A-12H-7,141.5106.735106.201Two thin ash layers. FAULT at 25cm. 70-80cmPacthes of ash, the upper part, light gray-gray. 70cm sharp boundary. Dark greenish gray silty clay, comprising color mottling throughout. Slightly bioturbated. Interrupted by four ash layers2010-12-16T23:44:13
333-C0018A-12H-8,0.0106.735106.201333-C0018A-12H-8,141.5108.150107.516Dark greeniah gray silty clay, comprise color mottlings. Moderately Bioturbadet. 57cm, Smear Slide. 6cm, patch of volcanic material2010-12-16T23:49:41
333-C0018A-12H-9,0.0108.150107.516333-C0018A-12H-9,87.0109.020108.325Dark greenish gray silty clay, comprise faint color mottling. Slightly bioturbated. Comprising an ash layer and patches of thin layer ash. Ash Layer, light gray, gray.2010-12-17T00:01:07
333-C0018A-12H-CC,0.0109.020108.325333-C0018A-12H-CC,34.5109.365108.645Dark greenish gray silty clay comprising some faint color mottling. Slightly Bioturbadet2010-12-17T00:08:59
333-C0018A-13H-1,0.0108.650108.650333-C0018A-13H-CC,26.0120.090118.150A succession of silty clay intercalated with volcaniclastic layers and laminae. Sediment is mottled and bioturbated.2010-12-21T04:16:58
333-C0018A-13H-1,0.0108.650108.650333-C0018A-13H-1,27.5108.925108.878Dark greenish gray silty clay with some faint color mottling. The section is slightly bioturbated2010-12-17T01:13:18
333-C0018A-13H-2,0.0108.925108.878333-C0018A-13H-2,34.0109.265109.161Dark greenish gray silty clay with faint color mottling. The section is slightly bioturbared.2010-12-17T01:16:36
333-C0018A-13H-3,0.0109.265109.161333-C0018A-13H-3,140.0110.665110.323Outsized clast at 9cm. Light gray ash layer at 17-21 cm. Color banding with mm thick volcanic ash at the base. Dark greenish gray silty clay with faint color banding/mottling. The section is moderately bioturbated2010-12-17T01:25:55
333-C0018A-13H-4,0.0110.665110.323333-C0018A-13H-4,141.5112.080111.498Dark greenish gray silty clay, slightly bioturbated. Patches of color mottling and color bandings2010-12-17T02:00:10
333-C0018A-13H-5,0.0112.080111.498333-C0018A-13H-5,119.5113.275112.491Dark greenish gray silty clay slightly bioturbated patches of mottling and volcanis ashes. Slightly bioturbadet. 10-20 cm moderately disturbed area2010-12-17T02:15:51
333-C0018A-13H-7,0.0113.505112.682333-C0018A-13H-7,24.0113.745112.881quite short section and also disturbed section. Dark greenish gray silty clay slightlty bioturbated2010-12-17T02:22:19
333-C0018A-13H-8,0.0113.745112.881333-C0018A-13H-8,68.0114.425113.446dark greenish gray clay, pretty disturbed , biscuits. Faint mottling upper part color bandings2010-12-17T02:25:42
333-C0018A-13H-9,0.0114.425113.446333-C0018A-13H-9,139.5115.820114.6049 thin ash layers. There are several Patches of ash. 15cm outsized clast. Respectively There are Color mottlings and bands throughout. Dark greenish gray silty clay. Light grayish green ash zone 80-100cm2010-12-17T02:38:32
333-C0018A-13H-10,0.0115.820114.604333-C0018A-13H-10,141.0117.230115.775Dark greenish gray clay with color mottling indicating slight - moderate bioturbation. Several thin ash layers and levels of patches of ash.2010-12-17T02:48:36
333-C0018A-13H-11,0.0117.230115.775333-C0018A-13H-11,49.0117.720116.182Disturbed dark greenish gray clay with some color mottling, layers and parthes of ash. Moderately bioturbated. Lower ash-layer faulted.2010-12-17T02:54:25
333-C0018A-14H-1,0.0118.150118.150333-C0018A-14H-CC,21.0126.660126.650Silty clay with volcaniclastic laminae and layers. Some convolution in thin intervals. Sandy beds show a fining-upward trend.2010-12-21T04:18:27
333-C0018A-15H-1,0.0126.650126.650333-C0018A-15H-CC,31.0137.470136.150Turbidite sands and silty clays, interrupted at 127.6 m by a large MTD. Mottling and strata convolution occurs within the MTD. Mud clasts are abundant.2010-12-21T04:19:57
333-C0018A-16H-1,0.0136.150136.150333-C0018A-16H-CC,30.5144.735144.645Description: dark greenish gray silty clay including color mottling, banding, both horizontally dipping, folded and faulted (convolute bedding).Interpretation: muddy succession which is reworked due to sediment failure, a continuation of the MTD in the core above. Interval of homogeneous silty clay 1) may be part of the MTD, 2) may separate two distinct masses within a larger MTD.2011-01-06T13:08:12
333-C0018A-17H-1,0.0144.650144.650333-C0018A-17H-CC,47.5154.340153.650Description: dark greenish gray silty clay including thin layers where ash is mixed into the clay, color mottling, banding; both dipping, folded and faulted, and one seemingly undisturbed ash layer at the top of the core.Interpretation: still MTD deposits including various sediment deformation structures and possible shear zones.2010-12-17T21:50:34
333-C0018A-17H-1,0.0144.650144.650333-C0018A-17H-1,140.5146.055145.955Dark greenish gray silty clay comprising volcanic ash grains. Color mottling may be clay clasts or slight bioturbation. Volcanic ash layer at 67-77 cm depth. Smear slide at 3 and 71 cm2010-12-17T21:25:50
333-C0018A-17H-2,0.0146.055145.955333-C0018A-17H-2,140.5147.460147.260Dark greenish gray - grayish green clay with silty-clay layers, patches of ash, slightly mottled with color bands2010-12-17T20:20:18
333-C0018A-17H-3,0.0147.460147.260333-C0018A-17H-3,141.5148.875148.574Dark greenish gray - grayish green clay with dipping color bands, faint color mottling in the lowermost part and some patches of ash. Smear slide at 48 cm2010-12-17T21:25:18
333-C0018A-17H-4,0.0148.875148.574333-C0018A-17H-4,66.0149.535149.187Dark greenish gray clay with some color mottling, banding (dipping) and patches of ash.2010-12-17T21:09:33
333-C0018A-17H-6,0.0149.805149.438333-C0018A-17H-6,142.5151.230150.762Dark greenish gray clay with a c. 10 cm thick, dipping interval of greenish gray clay, caotic bedding, color mottling and patches of volcanic material.2010-12-17T21:14:19
333-C0018A-17H-7,0.0151.230150.762333-C0018A-17H-7,141.5152.645152.076Dark greenish gray clay comprising caotic bedding, color mottling and two zones, at 25-29 and 54-80 cm where grains of ash are mixed into the clay. Smear slide at 56 cm2010-12-17T21:18:58
333-C0018A-17H-8,0.0152.645152.076333-C0018A-17H-8,122.0153.865153.209Dark greenish gray clay comprising some patches of ash. Note: irregulare surface of this section - description less precise. Smear slide at 80 cm2010-12-17T21:21:44
333-C0018A-17H-CC,0.0153.865153.209333-C0018A-17H-CC,47.5154.340153.650Dark greenish gray clay. Note: irregular surface of the CC - description less precise2010-12-17T21:24:26
333-C0018A-18H-1,0.0153.650153.650333-C0018A-18H-CC,37.5160.030159.650Description: dark greenish gray clay comprising color mottling and dipping and up to vertical color bands.Interpretation: MTD deposits which may have been deformed by inflow during coring - alternatively the structures were formed during deposition of the MTD2010-12-18T02:08:05
333-C0018A-18H-1,0.0153.650153.650333-C0018A-18H-1,128.0154.930154.854Dark greenish gray clay heavily disturbed in the upper part and the rest has a very irregular surface - interpretation of structures difficult. Smear slide at 80 cm2010-12-18T02:08:25
333-C0018A-18H-2,0.0154.930154.854333-C0018A-18H-2,148.0156.410156.246Dark greenish gray clay with dipping and up to vertical color bands and color mottling. Discussion on whether near vertival to vertical banding are primary MTD structures or due to inflow2010-12-18T00:37:17
333-C0018A-18H-3,0.0156.410156.246333-C0018A-18H-3,153.5157.945157.689Dark greenish gray clay with dipping and up to vertical color mands + color mottling. Is this primary MTD structures or due to core inflow?2010-12-18T00:42:19
333-C0018A-18H-5,0.0158.230157.957333-C0018A-18H-5,114.5159.375159.034Dark greenish gray clay with nearly vertical color banding, some possibly faulted - inflow or original structures of the MTD?2010-12-18T00:45:40
333-C0018A-18H-6,0.0159.375159.034333-C0018A-18H-6,28.0159.655159.297Dark greenish gray clay with faint color banding. Smear slide at 23 cm2010-12-18T02:09:13
333-C0018A-18H-CC,0.0159.655159.297333-C0018A-18H-CC,37.5160.030159.650Dark greenish gray clay with faint color mottling2010-12-18T00:49:46
333-C0018A-19H-1,0.0159.650159.650333-C0018A-19H-CC,57.0165.590164.650Convoluted mass of MTD strata, at places deformed by coring. In flow at the base of the core. The resulting silty clay is rheologically stiff at places. Scattered volcanic ash occurs in parts of the core.2011-01-06T13:09:04
333-C0018A-20H-1,0.0164.650164.650333-C0018A-20H-CC,36.0174.590174.150MTD strata with scattered volcanic ash. Sediment is highly deformed at the bottom of the core due to inflow of mud during coring.2011-01-06T13:09:30
333-C0018A-21H-1,0.0174.150174.150333-C0018A-21H-CC,40.0178.725178.445Hemipelagic strata with occasional volcaniclastic sand. Possibly a remnant block with the larger MTD. Scattered volcanic ash.2011-01-06T13:09:55
333-C0018A-22H-1,0.0178.450178.450333-C0018A-22H-CC,30.0187.490187.490Description: Dark greenish gray clay, in the lower part of the core sandy clay with caotic bedding and color mottling. Interpretation: mass transport deposits, highly deformed sediments some which be due to inflow during coring.In ther lower part sand is mixed into the clay, possibly a sandy source at the base of the MTD2011-01-06T13:10:27
333-C0018A-22H-2,0.0178.910178.910333-C0018A-22H-2,124.0180.150180.15070 cm Smear Slide. Silty clay, homogeneous2010-12-18T17:20:42
333-C0018A-22H-3,0.0180.150180.150333-C0018A-22H-3,57.5180.725180.72557 cm of a homogeneous silty clay, mottled by volcanic ash (N5)2010-12-18T17:24:03
333-C0018A-22H-4,0.0180.725180.725333-C0018A-22H-4,32.0181.045181.045silty clay with condute bedding, flam structure in mud ~20cm2010-12-18T17:27:17
333-C0018A-23H-1,0.0187.950187.950333-C0018A-23H-CC,21.0190.925190.645Upper part comprises dask greenish gray sandy clay underlain by a heavily disturbed (during coring) sandy ash comprising two intervalls of dark greenish gray clay. Dark greenish gray clay is also found at the base of the core.Interpretation: sandy clay forms the lowermost part of the MTD underlain by a c. 1 m thick volcanic ash layer. Hemipelagic sediments at the base of the core.2010-12-18T21:35:31
333-C0018A-23H-1,0.0187.950187.950333-C0018A-23H-1,88.5188.835188.752Heavily fractured dark greenish gray sandy clay with some color mottling at the base (below 69 cm). At the base of the section is an ash layer disturbed during the coring process. Smear slide at 61 cm2010-12-18T20:37:32
333-C0018A-23H-2,0.0188.835188.752333-C0018A-23H-2,95.0189.785189.613Heavily disturbed (during coring) gray sandy ash with dark greenish gray clay at the top of the section. Smear slide at 15 cm.2010-12-18T20:41:06
333-C0018A-23H-3,0.0189.785189.613333-C0018A-23H-3,93.0190.715190.455Heavily disturbed (during coring) gray sandy ash with a 10 cm interval of dark greenish gray glay and patches of light gray ash. Smear slide at 49 cm.2010-12-18T20:44:51
333-C0018A-23H-CC,0.0190.715190.455333-C0018A-23H-CC,21.0190.925190.645Heavily disturbed CC sample comprising gray sandy ash overlying dark greenish gray clay. Smear slide at 4 cm.2010-12-18T20:47:50
333-C0018A-24T-1,0.0190.650190.650333-C0018A-24T-CC,12.0197.250197.250Dark greenish gray clay including several thin ash layers, some have a sharp base and are fining upward. Hemipelagic succession comprising ash and/or turbiditic ash layers.2010-12-19T00:11:56
333-C0018A-24T-1,0.0190.650190.650333-C0018A-24T-1,140.5192.055192.055Dark greenish gray clay comprising several thin and one thicker sandy ash layers. Many have a sharp base indicating that they may be turbidites within a hemipelagic succession.Sandy ash at 70-71 cm is black, the thicker ash layer at 48-56 is characterized by high water content. Smera slide at 95 cm.2010-12-19T00:14:11
333-C0018A-24T-2,0.0192.055192.055333-C0018A-24T-2,141.0193.465193.465Dark greenish gray clay with color banding and patches of ash and including several thin sandy ash layers, some with a sharp base and fining upward. Ash and turbiditic ash in a hemipelagic succession.2010-12-18T23:52:14
333-C0018A-24T-4,0.0193.745193.745333-C0018A-24T-4,140.0195.145195.145Dark greenish gray clay with color banding and patches of ash and including two thin sandy ash layers. Ash and/or turbiditic ash in a hemipelagic succession. Smear slide at 52 cm.2010-12-19T00:14:38
333-C0018A-24T-5,0.0195.145195.145333-C0018A-24T-5,141.0196.555196.555Dark greenish gray clay with color banding and including two sandy ash layers. Ash and/or turbiditic ash in a hemipelagic succession. Smear slide at 100 cm.2010-12-19T00:14:58
333-C0018A-24T-6,0.0196.555196.555333-C0018A-24T-6,57.5197.130197.130Dark greenish gray clay including several thin sandy ash layers. Ash and/or turbiditic ash in a hemipelagic succession.2010-12-19T00:05:54
333-C0018A-24T-CC,0.0197.130197.130333-C0018A-24T-CC,12.0197.250197.250Dark greenish gray sandy clay moderately disturbed during drilling.2010-12-19T00:07:38
333-C0018A-25T-1,0.0200.150200.150333-C0018A-25T-CC,5.0202.650202.650Succession of dark greenish gray clay comprising a number of slightly darker greenish gray sandy ash layers. Interpretation: hemipelagic sediments interbedded with ash and/or turbiditic ash layers.2010-12-19T02:05:51
333-C0018A-25T-1,0.0200.150200.150333-C0018A-25T-1,141.0201.560201.560Dark greenish gray clay comprising a number of slightly darker greenish gray sandy ash layers. Hemipelagic succession comprising ash and/or turbiditic ash layers.2010-12-19T01:57:58
333-C0018A-25T-2,0.0201.560201.560333-C0018A-25T-2,104.0202.600202.600Dark greenish gray clay comprising a number of slightly darker greenish gray sandy ash layers. Hemipelagic succession comprising ash and/or turbiditic ash layers. Smear slide at 34 cm.2010-12-19T02:02:53
333-C0018A-27T-1,0.0219.150219.150333-C0018A-27T-CC,15.5227.705227.705A succession of volcaniclastic turbidites, Bouma sequences D to E, at places C without cross-lamination. Volcaniclastic sands are erosive at their base, darker and micaceous and/or with glass shards.2010-12-19T13:07:33
333-C0018A-28T-1,0.0228.650228.650333-C0018A-28T-CC,19.0233.580233.580A succession of clay, volcanic sand and ash, with a hardened interval between 229,5 m and 231.65 m. Fining-upward intervals in volcaniclastic sands. Some scattered pumice/ash.2010-12-19T13:04:48
333-C0018A-29T-1,0.0238.150238.150333-C0018A-29T-CC,22.5244.405244.405Also this core comprises a succession of clay, volcanic sand and ash. Volcanoclastic turbidites in between hemipelagic sediments.2010-12-19T16:33:27
333-C0018A-30T-1,0.0247.650247.650333-C0018A-30T-CC,20.5250.455250.455A succession of clay, volcanic ash and sand. Volcaniclastic turbidites in a hemipelagic succession.2010-12-20T12:02:06
333-C0018A-30T-1,0.0247.650247.650333-C0018A-30T-1,141.5249.065249.065Smear slide at 104 cm.2010-12-19T19:34:51
333-C0018A-30T-2,0.0249.065249.065333-C0018A-30T-2,118.5250.250250.250Smear slide at 42 cm2010-12-19T17:42:07
333-C0018A-31X-1,0.0257.150257.150333-C0018A-31X-CC,36.5264.110264.110Clastic sand in a hemipelagic clay succession. Much of the sediments is moderately - heavily disturbed by the coring process.2010-12-20T15:32:23
333-C0018A-31X-1,0.0257.150257.150333-C0018A-31X-1,117.5258.325258.325Clastic sand in a hemipelagic succession of clay. In general: higher degree of sediment disturbance is to be expected to to the coring tecnique.2010-12-20T15:27:59
333-C0018A-31X-2,0.0258.325258.325333-C0018A-31X-2,121.5259.540259.540Clastic sand layers and patches of sand in a hemipelagic succession of clay. In general: high degree of disturbance due to the coring technique. Smear slide at 64 cm.2010-12-20T15:28:16
333-C0018A-31X-3,0.0259.540259.540333-C0018A-31X-3,98.0260.520260.520Clastic sand in a hemipelagic succession of clay. The sand is severely disturbed in some intervalls and the clay intervalls also affected by inflow.2010-12-20T15:28:31
333-C0018A-31X-5,0.0260.845260.845333-C0018A-31X-5,145.5262.300262.300Clastic sand in a hemipelagic succession of clay. The sand is severely disturbed in some intervalls and also the clay is affected by inflow.2010-12-20T15:28:52
333-C0018A-31X-6,0.0262.300262.300333-C0018A-31X-6,144.5263.745263.745Clastic sand in a hemipelagic succession - also this section is severely disturbed by the coring process. Smear slide at 126 cm.2010-12-20T15:29:08
333-C0018A-31X-CC,0.0263.745263.745333-C0018A-31X-CC,36.5264.110264.110Clastic sand in a hemipelagic succession disturbed by the coring process.2010-12-20T15:29:26
333-C0018A-32X-1,0.0266.650266.650333-C0018A-32X-CC,27.0274.210274.210Layers of clastic sand in a hemipelagic clay succession. The section is moderately - heavily disturbed during coring. No primary structures preserved.2010-12-20T15:32:42
333-C0018A-32X-1,0.0266.650266.650333-C0018A-32X-1,140.5268.055268.055Layers of clastic sand in a hemipelagic clay succession - the section is moderately - heavily disturbed during coring. Smear slide at 66 cm.2010-12-20T15:29:48
333-C0018A-32X-2,0.0268.055268.055333-C0018A-32X-2,141.0269.465269.465Layers of clastic sand in a hemipelagic clay succession - the section is moderately - heavily disturbed during coring. No primary structures preserved. Smear slide at 98 cm.2010-12-20T15:30:04
333-C0018A-32X-3,0.0269.465269.465333-C0018A-32X-3,141.0270.875270.875Layers of clastic sand in a hemipelagic clay succession. The section is moderately - heavily disturbed during coring. No primary structures preserved.2010-12-20T15:30:21
333-C0018A-32X-4,0.0270.875270.875333-C0018A-32X-4,140.5272.280272.280Layers of clastic sand in a hemipelagic clay succession. The section is moderately - heavily disturbed during coring. No primary structures preserved.2010-12-20T15:30:37
333-C0018A-32X-5,0.0272.280272.280333-C0018A-32X-5,140.5273.685273.685Layers of clastic sand in a hemipelagic clay succession. The section is moderately - heavily disturbed during coring. No primary structures preserved.2010-12-20T15:30:54
333-C0018A-32X-6,0.0273.685273.685333-C0018A-32X-6,25.5273.940273.940Hemipelagic clay with a patch of sand at the top. Severe core disturbance.2010-12-19T22:40:22
333-C0018A-32X-CC,0.0273.940273.940333-C0018A-32X-CC,27.0274.210274.210Clastic sand, severely disturbed during coring.2010-12-20T15:31:19
333-C0018A-33X-1,0.0276.150276.150333-C0018A-33X-CC,26.0283.495283.495Alternating clastic sands and silty clays. Turbidite deposits. Sands are 10GY 3/1 in the Munsell colour chart. Silty clays are 10GY 4/1 in the Munsell colour chart. Fining upward beds.2010-12-20T15:33:14
333-C0018A-34X-1,0.0285.650285.650333-C0018A-34X-CC,30.0294.180294.180Alternating clastic sands and silty clays. Turbidite deposits. Sands are 10GY 3/1 in the Munsell colour chart. Silty clays are 10GY 4/1 in the Munsell colour chart. Fining upward beds.2010-12-20T15:33:37
333-C0018A-35X-1,0.0295.150295.150333-C0018A-35X-CC,31.5305.520304.650Alternating clastic sands and silty clays. Turbidite deposits. Sands are 10GY 3/1 in the Munsell colour chart. Silty clays are 10GY 4/1 in the Munsell colour chart. Fining upward beds.2010-12-20T15:33:59
333-C0018A-36X-1,0.0304.650304.650333-C0018A-36X-CC,64.0313.655313.655Alternating clastic sands and silty clays. Turbidite deposits. Sands are 10GY 3/1 in the Munsell colour chart. Silty clays are 10GY 4/1 in the Munsell colour chart. Fining upward beds.2010-12-20T15:34:20