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Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf (1972): (Table 1) Pollen analysis of peat horizons obtained from sediment cores of Beveroe-lagoon, Outer Flensburg Fjord [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Averdieck, F-R (1972): Palynologische Untersuchungen an Bohrkernen aus der Flensburger Außenförde (Ostsee). Meyniana, 22, 1-4,

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Pollen analytical studies were carried out on two sediment cores from Outer Flensburg Fjord taken by N. Exon (1972). 1) Based on the occurrence of Fagopyrum, the lower peat horizon (ca. 40 cm below mean sea level) of the inner lagoon near Beveroe developed after 1400 AD. The dominance of Pinus indicates that its formation may have taken place as late as the end of the 17th. Century. 2) Core No. 10872 from a water depth of 26.5 m contains the pollen zones VIII through the beginning of XI (Overbeck, 1950). Although salinity maxima fall in zone IX, they are not reflected in the pollen curves which show the normal picture found in South Jütland.
Latitude: 54.794000 * Longitude: 9.903700
Date/Time Start: 1972-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1972-01-01T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.4 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.4 m
Beveroe1972 * Latitude: 54.794000 * Longitude: 9.903700 * Date/Time: 1972-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -0.2 m * Location: Flensburg Fjord
Sediment depth is approximate. Note that percentages of pollen other than tree pollen add up to more than 100 %.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample IDSample IDAverdieck, Fritz-Rudolfcore number/subsample
2DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
3PiceaPicea%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
4PinusPinus%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
5BetulaBetula%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
6AlnusAlnus%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
7SalixSalix%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
8FagusFagus%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
9CarpinusCar%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
10QuercusQuercus%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
11TiliaTilia%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
12UlmusUlmus%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
13FraxinusFrx%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
14AcerAce%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
15TaxusTax%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfof total tree pollen
16CorylusCorylus%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
17JuniperusJun%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
18CallunaCal%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
19CerealiaCerealia%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
20FagopyrumFagopyrum%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
21Plantago lanceolataP. lanceolata%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
22Plantago majorP. major%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
23Rumex acetosellaR. acetosella%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
24Centaurea cyanusC. cyanus%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
25ArtemisiaArtemisia%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
26Compositae TubulifloraeAste Tubu%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfothers
27Compositae LigulifloraeAsteLigu%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
28CruciferaeCruciferae%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
29GramineaeGraae%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfwild
30CyperaceaeCyperac%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
31PolypodiaceaePolypo%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
32Plantago maritimaPla.m%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
33ChenopodiaceaeChenopod%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
34Armeria-typeArmeria-T%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
35Sparganium-typeSparganium-T%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
36Potamogeton/TriglochinPotamogeton/Triglochin%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
37Pollen indeterminataPollen indet%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolfsonstige Krautpollen
38SphagnumSph%Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolf
39Pollen, totalPollen tot#Averdieck, Fritz-Rudolftree pollen count (Summe der gezählten Baumpollen als Bezugsgrundlage)
228 data points

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