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Heft, Kerri L; Gillis, Kathryn M; Pollock, Meagen A; Karson, Jeffrey A; Klein, Emily M (2008): (Table S2) Summary of petrographic charactersitics of Pito Deep samples [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Heft, KL et al. (2008): Role of upwelling hydrothermal fluids in the development of alteration patterns at fast spreading ridges: Evidence from the sheeted dike complex at Pito Deep. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9, Q05O07,

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Median Latitude: -22.924744 * Median Longitude: -111.967244 * South-bound Latitude: -22.983187 * West-bound Longitude: -112.068570 * North-bound Latitude: -22.873899 * East-bound Longitude: -111.875585
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
Al-4075 * Latitude Start: -22.880000 * Longitude Start: -112.069000 * Latitude End: -22.879000 * Longitude End: -112.067000 * Elevation Start: -3956.0 m * Elevation End: -3622.0 m * Location: Western Pacific * Campaign: AT11-23 * Basis: Atlantis (1997) * Method/Device: Submersible Alvin (ALVIN)
Al-4076 * Latitude Start: -22.883000 * Longitude Start: -112.061000 * Latitude End: -22.883000 * Longitude End: -112.061000 * Elevation Start: -3625.0 m * Elevation End: -3575.0 m * Location: Western Pacific * Campaign: AT11-23 * Basis: Atlantis (1997) * Method/Device: Submersible Alvin (ALVIN)
Al-4077 * Latitude Start: -22.886000 * Longitude Start: -112.051000 * Latitude End: -22.882000 * Longitude End: -112.046000 * Elevation Start: -3575.0 m * Elevation End: -3199.0 m * Location: Western Pacific * Campaign: AT11-23 * Basis: Atlantis (1997) * Method/Device: Submersible Alvin (ALVIN)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Sample code/labelSample labelHeft, Kerri L
3Area/localityAreaHeft, Kerri L
4Depth, bathymetricBathy depthmHeft, Kerri L
5DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
6Depth, relativeDepth relmHeft, Kerri Lbelow lava-dike transitio
7DescriptionDescriptionHeft, Kerri Ldeformation index
10--Heft, Kerri LX
11--Heft, Kerri LY
12--Heft, Kerri LZ
13Lithologic unit/sequenceUnitHeft, Kerri L
14Sample commentSample commentHeft, Kerri Lcollected from
15ClinopyroxeneCpx%Heft, Kerri Lrepl. sample with no mineral proportions are too fine grained to obtain accurate data
16AlterationAlterationHeft, Kerri Ldominant alteration phase replacing clinopyroxene
17MineralsMinerals%Heft, Kerri Lsecondary minerals replacing
18Mineral nameMineralHeft, Kerri Ldominant alteration phase in
19MineralsMinerals%Heft, Kerri Ltotal secondary
20AmphiboleAmp%Heft, Kerri L
21ChloriteChl%Heft, Kerri L
22QuartzQz%Heft, Kerri L
23EpidoteEp%Heft, Kerri L
24Clay mineralsClay min%Heft, Kerri L
25TitaniteTtn%Heft, Kerri L
26Iron hydroxidesFe hydrx%Heft, Kerri L
27Ice floe sizeFloeHeft, Kerri Lvein halo (mm)
28Ice floe sizeFloeHeft, Kerri Lfracture hal (mm)
29Varve thicknessVarve thickmmHeft, Kerri Lamphibole
30Varve thicknessVarve thickmmHeft, Kerri Lquartz-chlorite
31Varve thicknessVarve thickmmHeft, Kerri Lchlorite/calcite
32Varve thicknessVarve thickmmHeft, Kerri Lepidote
1982 data points

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