Arino, Olivier; Bontemps, Sophie; Defourny, Pierre; Kalogirou, Vasileios; Ramos Perez, Jose Julio; Van Bogaert, Eric; Weber, Jean-Luis (2010): Pan-European land cover/use map for 2009 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2010 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2012-05-20
GlobCorine demonstrated an automatic service that can generate in a consistent way land cover / land use maps and land change indicators, based on a CLC-compatible legend. CLC is derived from a visual identification and classification of landscape objects using high resolution images. This methodology provides high thematic accuracy but limits the update rate since it is time-consuming. Therefore, the project evaluated the use of MERIS FR time series, processed automatically to provide a more frequent update of CLC-compatible maps.
GlobCorine built upon the experience and resources available through the GlobCover project, to tune the classification chain and adapt it to the EEA needs, covering the pan-European area (including the Mediterranean basin and the European Russia), although the system could be potentially extendable globally. The project delivered two CLC-compatible pan-European land cover maps in less than two years, demonstrating efficient and quick production. The first map is based on Envisat MERIS fine resolution (300m) mode data acquired between end 2004 and mid 2006, while the second used full-year 2009 data. GlobCorine is an initiative of ESA with the partnership of EEA and is implemented by Universite' catholique de Louvain - UCL.
Related to:
Bontemps, Sophie; Defourny, Pierre; Van Bogaert, Eric; Weber, Jean-Luis; Arino, Olivier (2009): GlobCorine - A joint EEA-ESA project for operational land dynamics monitoring at pan-European scale. Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Stresa, Italy, 4-8 May 2009, 1-4, hdl:10013/epic.38972.d022
Defourny, Pierre; Bontemps, Sophie; Van Bogaert, Eric (2010): GlobCorine 2009 Product Description Manual. UCL-Geomatics (Belgium), European Environment Agency, esa, issue 1.3, 10 pp, hdl:10013/epic.38972.d003
Defourny, Pierre; Bontemps, Sophie; Van Bogaert, Eric; Weber, Jean-Luis; Steenmans, Chris; Brodsky, Lukas (2010): GlobCorine 2009 Description and Validation Report. UCL-Geomatics (Belgium), European Environment Agency, esa, issue 2.1, 54 pp, hdl:10013/epic.38972.d002
Median Latitude: 45.000000 * Median Longitude: 22.500000 * South-bound Latitude: 15.000000 * West-bound Longitude: -20.000000 * North-bound Latitude: 75.000000 * East-bound Longitude: 65.000000
This dataset provides a raster version of the GlobCorine land cover map for the period from January 2009 to December 2009. The map is in geographic coordinates in a Plate-Carrée projection (WGS84 ellipsoid). The extent of the map is given by the following coordinates: Upper left corner: 75°N, 20°W, Lower right corner: 25°N, 65°E
Comprehensive explanatory notes of the GlobCorine project and product (method, legend and validation) are summarized in the "Product Description Manual" and the "Description & Validation Report" (permission for use see hdl:10013/epic.38972.d071)
GLOBCORINE_LC_200901_200912.tif is the full resolution data in GEOTIFF format (LZW compressed), where the ID values stand for the land cover classes values. Also a coloured 3-band Geotiff is provided, named GLOBCORINE_LC_200901_200912_Color.tif.
GlobCorine2009_Legend.txt contains the legend of the land cover map. The ID values of the GEOTIFF raster are linked with the corresponding land cover labels and RGB codes.
GlobCorine2009_Legend.lyr / .avl / .dsr are the color map of the GlobCorine land cover, in an ARC/INFO format (.lyr), in an ArcView format (.avl) and in an Envi format (.dsr).
GlobCorine demonstrates an automatic service that can generate in a consistent way a land cover/use, based on a CLC-compatible legend using MERIS FRS time series. The GlobCorine main User is the European Environmental Agency (EEA). ESA incorporated EEA.s requirements to support regular update of the land and ecosystem accounts.
The GlobCorine 2009 project is based on Envisat MERIS fine resolution (300m) mode data and it produces a Pan-European land cover/use map for 2009. GlobCorine is implemented by Université Catholique de Louvain.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
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4 | Uniform resource locator/link to file | URL file | Arino, Olivier |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
28 data points