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Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 331-C0017D [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2010): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 Preliminary Report. Deep Hot Biosphere. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 331,
Other version:
IODP Hole 331-C0017D, snapshot taken on 2011-10-03, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 27.791748 * Longitude: 126.912028
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 60.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 149.700 m
331-C0017D * Latitude: 27.791748 * Longitude: 126.912028 * Elevation: -1129.5 m * Recovery: 50.59 m * Campaign: Exp331 (Deep Hot Biosphere) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionPetrological comment on Section
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
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15 Time StampTime StampExpedition 331 ScientistsOf petrological comment
459 data points


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Time Stamp
(Of petrological comment)
331-0017D-1H-1,0.060.00060.000331-0017D-1H-1,141.061.41061.3770.0-115.0 cm: Redrill - well washed roughly graded grit to pebbles of pumice and brown volcanic glass. Some green (glauconite?) stained fragments. Rare (<1%) foraminifera. 115.0-141.0 cm: Gray clast supported sugary pumiceous gravel. No clay.2010-09-28T05:16:37
331-0017D-1H-2,0.061.41061.377331-0017D-1H-2,141.062.82062.7540.0-141.0 cm: Gray sugary pumiceous gravel with ~5% pale greenish gray clay (altered?). Fragments up to ~3cm in size, but most ~0.5cm, with a significant gritty matrix.Dense 2cm rhomb at ~32cm on XCT - looks like anhydrite, but not seen in core.2010-09-28T05:24:05
331-0017D-1H-3,0.062.82062.754331-0017D-1H-3,141.064.23064.1310.0-66.0 cm: Gray sugary pumiceous gravel with ~5% pale greenish gray clay (altered?). Fragments up to ~3cm in size, but most ~0.5cm, with a significant gritty matrix.Increasing clay content over last 5cm of interval, into underlying matrix supported unti. 66.0-80.0 cm: Gray sugary pumiceous gravel with ~40% pale greenish gray clay (altered?). Fragments up to ~3cm in size, significant sandy matrix of pumice.80.0-110.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, although possibly sandier, from XCT. 110.0-141.0 cm: Rounded 3cm clasts of sugary pumice in a matrix of fine pumiceous sand and ~10% pale green clay (altered?).2010-09-28T05:48:15
331-0017D-1H-4,0.064.23064.131331-0017D-1H-4,140.565.63565.5030.0-57.0 cm: Rounded 3cm clasts of sugary pumice in a matrix of fine pumiceous sand and ~10% pale green clay (altered?). 57.0-84.0 cm: Rounded 3cm clasts of sugary pumice in a matrix of fine pumiceous sand and ~30% pale green clay (altered?).84.0-140.5 cm: Clast supported pumiceous gravel. Gray sugary pumice with almost no clay. Dark green stained patches - glauconite?/chlorite?2010-09-28T05:59:33
331-0017D-1H-5,0.065.63565.503331-0017D-1H-5,141.067.04566.8810.0-80.0 cm: Clast supported pumiceous gravel. Gray sugary pumice with almost no clay. Dark green stained patches - glauconite?/chlorite? 80.0-105.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Aimilar to surrounding intervals, from XCT.105.0-141.0 cm: Clast supported pumiceous gravel. Gray sugary pumice with almost no clay.2010-09-28T06:01:56
331-0017D-1H-6,0.067.04566.881331-0017D-1H-6,141.568.46068.2620.0-24.0 cm: Clast supported pumiceous gravel. Gray sugary pumice with almost no clay. 24.0-30.0 cm: Relatively dense, hard, indurated plae green clay with scattered pumice fragments, up to 2cm in size.30.0-41.0 cm: Sugary gray fragmented pumice (sinlge clast?) with ~10-15% sticky pale green clay (altered?). 41.0-99.0 cm: Fine grained pumiceous sand with ~10-20% (varies through interval) of pale green clay.99.0-110.0 cm: Indurated pale khaki green clay with poporly defined 1-2mm lamuinations, dip at ~20 degrees to horizontal.110.0-127.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar to overlying clay, from XCT. 127.0-141.5 cm:WR sample continued (IW/MB). Sharp contact to sand (see next section) at 127.0cm.2010-09-28T06:23:14
331-0017D-1H-7,0.068.46068.262331-0017D-1H-7,68.069.14068.9260.0-68.0 cm: Graded bedding from slightly muddy fine volcaniclastic sand at the top of the Section to coarse pumiceous gravel at base. Possible faint bedding - inclined at ~20 degrees to horizontal.Sediment is entirely volcaniclastic and dominated by pale pumiceous fragments and volcanic glass shards.2010-09-28T06:28:35
331-0017D-1H-CC,0.069.14068.926331-0017D-1H-CC,27.569.41569.1950.0-26.5 cm: Slightly muddy poorly sorted tan gray pumiceous gravel. ~1cm rounded fragments in a pumicoues sandy to gritty matrix. Possibly milled by drilling. 26.5-27.5 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-28T06:35:15
331-0017D-2H-1,0.069.20069.200331-0017D-2H-1,141.070.61070.5920.0-83.0 cm: Redrill - drill washed gravel of pumice and brown volcanic glass. Some green (glauconite?) stained fragments. 83.0-141.0 cm:Coarse gray pumiceous grit - mostly 2-3mm subangular fragments, with scattered 1-2cm more rounded clasts. Material includes some green and brown volcanic glass, but dominantly sugary gray pumice.2010-09-28T07:20:58
331-0017D-2H-2,0.070.61070.592331-0017D-2H-2,141.572.02571.9900.0-109.5 cm: Coarse gray pumiceous gravel - mostly 4-5mm subangular fragments, with scattered 5cm more rounded clasts. Material includes some green and brown volcanic glass, but dominantly sugary gray pumice.109.5-120.0 cm: Pale olive green massive indurated clay. Very sharp upper and lower contacts, dipping at ~20 degrees to horizontal. 120.0-123.0 cm: Fine greenish gray volcaniclastic sand.Dominantly suagry pumiceous fragments and volcanic glass, ~1% muscovite flakes. 123.0-141.5 cm: Well sorted 2-3mm subangular to subrounded gray pumiceous grit.2010-09-28T07:38:08
331-0017D-2H-3,0.072.02571.990331-0017D-2H-3,141.073.43573.3820.0-43.0 cm: Gradation from well sorted 2-3mm subangular to subrounded gray pumiceous grit to pumiceos gravel with 4-5cm clasts. Very sharp lower contqact, which dips at ~20 degrees, from 41 to 43cm, across the core.43.0-61.0 cm: Massive, indurated greenish tan clay. 61.0-62.5 cm: Well rounded very well sorted silt - ~80% quartz, 10% mica, 5% feldspar, 5% dark green pyroxene (?).Layer dips at ~ 35 degrees across core. 62.5-79.0 cm: Massive, indurated greenish tan clay, irregular indistinct contact into underlying pumiceous unit.79.0-130.0 cm: Well sorted 2-3mm subangular to subrounded gray pumiceous grit, with patches of dark green (glauconitic?) surficial staining.130.0-141.0 cm: 8cm pumice clast in well sorted subangular to subrounded pumiceous grit. Minor green (glauconitic?) staining.2010-09-28T08:02:33
331-0017D-2H-4,0.073.43573.382331-0017D-2H-4,141.074.84574.7750.0-107.0 cm: Pumiceous gravel clast supported. Lithology is broken up into five different sections based on color of pumice.From 0-22 cm dark green pumice gravel.From 22-47 cm gravel is light grey.From 47-70 cm pumice gravel is once again dark green.From 70-91 cm is composed of smaller rounded pumice grains (0.5 cm) diameter of light grey color. From 91-107 cm dark green pumice grains are observed.In smear slide, the matrix is of the dark green layers is composed of pumice, shards of glass and what seems to be clasts of glauconite (bright green). Section that is light grey has pumice and glass shards.107.0-115.0 cm: Lithology gradates to a sandy clay, composed of volcanic glass and pumice intermixed with the olive green clay seen in the bottom lithology.Contact between pumice above and clay below is not a sharp boundary, but is represented by this stratigraphy, which has semi-planar bedding. 115.0-141.0 cm: Light green clay; in smear slide 3 % volcanic glass and small pumice fragments.2010-09-28T09:34:12
331-0017D-2H-5,0.074.84574.775331-0017D-2H-5,140.576.25076.1620.0-10.0 cm: Volcaniclastic sand. Fine grained needle like pumice fragments up to 2 mm in length. In smear slide one can also see vitric volcanic glass shards (10 %). Trace amounts of what could be glauconite are also present.At the bottom of this lithology a sharp contact exists at 8.0 cm where a dark brown/green volcaniclastic mud appears. 10.0-40 cm: MBIO/IW represents volcaniclastic mud40.0-62.0 cm: Gradation from dark brown/green volcaniclastic mud to pumiceous grit clast supported. Mud lithology in smear slide has 20 % pumice fragments along with 10 % vitric glass.62.0-70.5 cm: Volcaniclastic sand as described in the top lithology but shows planar bedding.70.5-77.5 cm:Pumiceous grit clast supported.In plain view fragmented light gray pumice needle like fragments are evenly distributed throughout.Greenish possible glauconite grains are visible in this lithology and are also evenly distributed throughout.In smear slide vitric glass is observed (10 %), small angular green grains (glauconite) ~ 10 %, and pumice fragments (80 %). 77.5-81.0 cm: Olive green clay.81.0-140.5 cm:Pumiceous grit clast supported.In plain view fragmented light gray pumice needle like fragments are evenly distributed throughout.Greenish possible glauconite grains are visible in this lithology and are also evenly distributed throughout.In smear slide vitric glass is observed (10 %), small angular green grains (glauconite) ~ 10 %, and pumice fragments (80 %).2010-09-28T10:58:14
331-0017D-2H-6,0.076.25076.162331-0017D-2H-6,141.077.66077.5540.0-28.0 cm: Pumiceous grit clast supported.In plain view fragmented light gray pumice needle like fragments are evenly distributed throughout.Greenish possible glauconite grains are visible in this lithology and are also evenly distributed throughout.In smear slide vitric glass is observed (10 %), small angular green grains (glauconite) ~ 10 %, and pumice fragments (80 %). Boundary between this lithology and the highly indurated clay below is sharp but shows signs of convulsion.28.0-110.0 cm: Highly indurated clay. From 28-50 cm olive green in color, from 50-73 cm brown/green in color, from 73-110 cm goes back to olive green in color.Olive green clay in smear slide has trace amounts of well rounded volcanic glass, and trace amounts of green mineral (glauconite?). The brown/green clay in smear slide shows no significant difference in composition to the olive green clay seen above.At 73.0-75.0 cm an isolated light bright green mud clast is seen. No real distinction observed in composition when looking at material in smear slide.84.0-110.0 cm: Is a drilling induced void, this part of the lithology is composed of two large clasts of highly indurated olive clay, almost mudstone.110.0-141.0 cm:Pumiceous grit clast supported.In plain view fragmented light gray pumice needle like fragments are evenly distributed throughout.Greenish possible glauconite grains are visible in this lithology and are also evenly distributed throughout.In smear slide vitric glass is observed (10 %), small angular green grains (glauconite) ~ 10 %, and pumice fragments (80 %).2010-09-28T11:21:54
331-0017D-2H-7,0.077.66077.554331-0017D-2H-7,96.078.62078.5030.0-85.0 cm: Pumiceous grit clast supported. In plain view fragmented light gray pumice needle like fragments are evenly distributed throughout.Greenish possible glauconite grains are visible in this lithology and are also evenly distributed throughout.In smear slide vitric glass is observed (10 %), small angular green grains (glauconite) ~ 10 %, and pumice fragments (80 %).85.0-96.0 cm:Highly indurated olive clay with trace amounts of well round volcanic glass, and trace amounts of green mineral (glauconite?). Lithology has been brecciated by drilling, also a drilling induced void is seen at the bottom of this lithology.2010-09-28T11:26:09
331-0017D-2H-CC,0.078.62078.503331-0017D-2H-CC,20.578.82578.7050.0-19.0 cm: Pumiceous pebbles clast supported. Pumice needle like fragments make up the matrix of this lithology. One large fresh volcanic glass clast is seen from 5-9 cm, displaying a black glossy glass texture.In smear slide the vitric glass is observed (10 %), small angular green grains (glauconite) ~ 10 %, and pumice fragments (80 %).2010-09-28T11:50:27
331-0017D-5T-CC,0.084.70084.700331-0017D-5T-CC,1.084.71084.7100.0-1.0 cm: Redrill - drill washed pebbles up to ~1cm in size of black weakly vesicular volcanic glass and sugary gray pumice.2010-09-29T01:38:29
331-0017D-6X-1,0.094.20094.200331-0017D-6X-1,128.095.48095.4800.0 to 16.0cm: Redrill - mixture of pebbles (predominantly gray pumice and black non-vesicular volcanic glass) and biscuited clay. Pebbles range in size from aroud 2mm to 1cm - subangular to subrounded.Olive green to gray-white clay biscuits between 5 and 16 cm depth, comprising: clay, angular pumice shards and volcanic glass. Forminifera almost absent.16.0 to 66.0cm: Heavily indurated brown clay. Lithology reacts strongly with 25% HCl. Rare siltier horizons (few mm thick) randomly distributed throughout core. Clay comprises: small <<1mm pumice and glass fragments, also possible foraminifera.66.0 to 96cm: WR (MBIO/IW). CT scan suggests similar to units above and below.96.0 to 128.0cm: Similar to above lithology: Heavily indurated brown clay. Lithology reacts strongly with 25% HCl. Rare siltier horizons (few mm thick) randomly distributed throughout core.Clay comprises: small <<1mm pumice and glass fragments, also possible foraminifera.2010-09-28T18:43:10
331-0017D-6X-2,0.095.48095.480331-0017D-6X-2,31.595.79595.7950.0 to 31.5cm: Heavily indurated brown clay. Lithology reacts strongly with 25% HCl. Rare siltier horizons (to 2.5cm thick) randomly distributed throughout core. Clay comprises: small <<1mm pumice and glass fragments, also possible foraminifera.2010-09-28T18:42:52
331-0017D-6X-CC,0.095.79595.795331-0017D-6X-CC,33.096.12596.1250.0 to 3.0cm: Heavily indurated brown silty clay. Lithology reacts strongly with 25% HCl. Rare siltier horizons (few mm thick) randomly distributed throughout core.Silty clay comprises: small glass fragments, green translucent mineral (unknown - glauconite?), and trace fine pyrite, also possible foraminifera.3.0 to 32.0cm: Heavily indurated brown clay. Lithology reacts strongly with 25% HCl. Rare siltier horizons (few mm thick) randomly distributed throughout core. Clay comprises: small glass fragments, also possible foraminifera.32.0 to 33.0cm: WR (PALEO) Not imaged by CT.2010-09-28T18:44:48
331-0017D-7H-1,0.0103.700103.700331-0017D-7H-1,141.0105.110105.0380.0-141.0 cm: Redrill - drill washed and graded sand (at top) to gravel (at base) of pumice and dark volcanic glass. ~1% fine grained pyrite as discrete very fine grains and 1mm aggregates with quartz. Trace green mineral (glauconite?).2010-10-02T07:06:03
331-0017D-7H-2,0.0105.110105.038331-0017D-7H-2,141.0106.520106.3750.0-11.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay with 1.5cm thick irregular fine silt layer dipping ~ 30 degrees. Trace very fine grained pyrite.11.0-31.0 cm: Similar material to above, with ~ 50% irregular silt layers and lenses. Silt comprises ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix.31.0-50.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite. 50.0-75.0 cm: Similar material to above, with ~ 80% irregular silt layers and lenses.Silt comprises ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?).75.0-106.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay, with an irregular silt vein 98-103cm (more dense material on XCT).106.0-110.0 cm: Black silt with abundant brown volcanic glass, ~1% very fine grained pyrite aggregates. Less calcareous than gray silt.110.0-112.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite. 112-122.0 cm: WR sample (IW). Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT. 122.0 -125.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite.125-138.5 cm: Fine grained silt - ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix. 138.5-141.5 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite.2010-09-28T21:58:49
331-0017D-7H-3,0.0106.520106.375331-0017D-7H-3,140.0107.920107.7030.0-126.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay with narrow irregular silty layers as shown on lithology distribution. Dips are not consistent but typically shallow (10-30 degrees).Trace very fine grained pyrite in clay, slightly higher concentration in silt layers, where bright on XCT. Silty material is dominantly siliceous (quartz/volcanic glass).126.0-140.0 cm: Dark gray fine grained silt - ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix.2010-09-28T22:03:08
331-0017D-7H-4,0.0107.920107.703331-0017D-7H-4,141.5109.335109.0460.0-19.5 cm: Dark gray fine grained silt - ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix.Finely laminated (1-2mm bands) from 12.5-19.5cm. Sharp lower contact, dipping at ~25 degrees, parallel to laminations. 19.5-40.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite.40.0-41.0 cm: Dark gray fine grained silt - ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix. Unit dips at ~25 degrees and is offset by ~1cm, mid core.41.0-42.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite. 42.0-58.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar to overlying interval, from XCT. 58.0-72.0 cm: WR sample (cont - MB). Similar material to underlying interval, from XCT.72.0-81.5 cm: Dark gray fine grained silt - ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix. Unit dips at ~25 degrees and is offset by ~1cm, mid core.81.5-141.5 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay, with rare silt laminations. Trace very fine grained pyrite.2010-09-28T22:23:21
331-0017D-7H-5,0.0109.335109.046331-0017D-7H-5,141.5110.750110.3880.0-5.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite.5.0-24.0 cm: Dark gray fine grained silt - ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix. Sharp, curviplanar lower contact (drilling disturbed?).24.0 -40.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite. 40.0-48.0 cm: Dark brown fine clayey silt, coposed of dark brown volcanic glass. No sulfide seen48.0-60.0 cm:Dark gray indurated calcareous clay.Trace very fine grained pyrite.60.0-80.0 cm:Dark gray fine grained silt -~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix.80.0-88.0 cm: WR sample (IW). Similar to overlying interval, from XCT. 88.0-95.0 cm: WR sample (cont - IW/CH). Similar material to underlying interval, from XCT.95.0-141.5 cm: Dark gray fine grained silt with flow in structure of plastic dark gray calcareous clay (see core photo).silt is similar to above - ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix.2010-09-28T23:28:16
331-0017D-7H-6,0.0110.750110.388331-0017D-7H-6,109.5111.845111.4270.0-109.5 cm: Dark gray plastic calcareous clay with silt around the margins (drilling flow in structure).Trace very fine grained pyrite. Soupy around void. Silt comprises ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix. Plastic liner melted into core at base of section.2010-09-28T23:32:53
331-0017D-7H-7,0.0111.845111.427331-0017D-7H-7,36.0112.205111.7680.0-36.0 cm: Heavily drilling disturbed dark gray plastic calcareous clay and fine grained silt. Silt comprises ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix.Trace very fine grained pyrite.2010-09-28T23:29:41
331-0017D-7H-CC,0.0112.205111.768331-0017D-7H-CC,45.5112.660112.2000.0-44.5 cm: Dark gray plastic calcareous clay with silt around the margins (drilling flow in structure). Trace very fine grained pyrite.Silt comprises ~85% quartz, 15% muscovite, minor quantities of pyrite and a green platey mineral (glauconite or chlorite?) in a calcareous matrix. Plastic liner melted into core at base of section.44.5-45.5 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-28T23:32:21
331-0017D-8T-CC,0.0112.200112.200331-0017D-8T-CC,9.0112.290112.2900.0-9.0cm: Redrill - 0.5-2.0cm drill washed pebbles of flow banded, weakly vesicular partially devitrified volcanic rock - welded tuff?0.5mm pale blue horizons material (possible smectitic clays?) surround flattened 10mm x 3 mm pumiceous clasts. Also one 2cm piece of sugary silicified pumiceous material in the interval.2010-09-28T23:42:45
331-0017D-9X-1,0.0121.700121.700331-0017D-9X-1,11.0121.810121.7990.0-11.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite.2010-09-29T01:21:32
331-0017D-9X-2,0.0121.810121.799331-0017D-9X-2,132.0123.130122.9910.0-28.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout and rare rounded 2-3mm pyrite-silica aggregates (altered pumice?) show as bright spots on XCT. Section weakly biscuited by drilling.28.0-40.0 cm: Fragmented interval -appears to be drilling disturbance - similar to surrounding material in composition, but with harder clasts in a soupier clay matrix.40-132.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout and rare rounded 2-3mm pyrite-silica aggregates (altered pumice?) show as bright spots on XCT. Section weakly biscuited by drilling.2010-09-29T02:17:01
331-0017D-9X-3,0.0123.130122.991331-0017D-9X-3,134.0124.470124.2010.0-134.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout and rare rounded 2-3mm pyrite-silica aggregates (altered pumice?) show as bright spots on XCT.Very rare pale pink <0.5mm shell fragments are scattered throughout the section. Section weakly biscuited by drilling.2010-09-29T01:32:01
331-0017D-9X-4,0.0124.470124.201331-0017D-9X-4,141.0125.880125.4730.0-141.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout and rare rounded 2-3mm pyrite-silica aggregates (altered pumice?) show as bright spots on XCT.Very rare pale pink <0.5mm shell fragments are scattered throughout the section. Section weakly biscuited by drilling.2010-09-29T01:34:05
331-0017D-9X-5,0.0125.880125.473331-0017D-9X-5,141.0127.290126.7460.0-25.0cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay with irregular narrow patches up to 1cm wide of silty material.Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout and rare rounded 2-3mm pyrite-silica aggregates (altered pumice?) show as bright spots on XCT. Very rare pale pink <0.5mm shell fragments are scattered throughout the section.Section weakly biscuited by drilling. 25.0-35.0cm: WR sample (IW). Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT, but shows more fragmentwed (drilling induced?) character.35.0-141.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout and rare rounded 2-3mm pyrite-silica aggregates (altered pumice?) show as bright spots on XCT.Very rare pale pink <0.5mm shell fragments are scattered throughout the section. Irregular patch of silt from 86-90cm. Section weakly biscuited by drilling.2010-09-29T02:19:06
331-0017D-9X-6,0.0127.290126.746331-0017D-9X-6,141.0128.700128.0190.0-141.0 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay with irregular narrow patches up to 2cm wide of silty material at 27-29cm and 21-23cm.Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout and rare rounded 2-3mm pyrite-silica aggregates (altered pumice?) show as bright spots on XCT.Very rare pale pink <0.5mm shell fragments are scattered throughout the section. Section weakly biscuited by drilling.2010-09-29T02:07:11
331-0017D-9X-7,0.0128.700128.019331-0017D-9X-7,140.5130.105129.2870.0-140.5 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Discontinuous sigmasoidal silty layer (disrupted by drilling?) from 22-30cm.Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout and rare rounded 2-3mm pyrite-silica aggregates (altered pumice?) show as bright spots on XCT.Very rare pale pink <0.5mm shell fragments are scattered throughout the section. Section weakly biscuited by drilling.2010-09-29T02:10:43
331-0017D-9X-8,0.0130.105129.287331-0017D-9X-8,111.0131.215130.2890.0-75.0cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. 5mm thick discontinuous layer of pyrite silt at 25.0cm. Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout and rare rounded 2-3mm pyrite-silica aggregates (altered pumice?) show as bright spots on XCT.Very rare pale pink <0.5mm shell fragments are scattered throughout the section.75.0-111.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to overlying interval, from XCT.2010-10-02T07:11:52
331-0017D-9X-CC,0.0131.215130.289331-0017D-9X-CC,46.0131.675130.7040.0-37.5 cm: Dark gray indurated calcareous clay. Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout. Very rare pale pink <0.5mm shell fragments. Biscuited by drilling.37.5-45.0 cm: Dark brown sugary soft pumice clast - looks burnt (drilling friction?). Possible fine pyroxene phenocrysts? (green and glassy).45.0-46.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-29T02:44:35
331-0017D-10X-1,0.0130.700130.700331-0017D-10X-1,141.5132.115132.1150.0-100.0 cm: Dark gray highly indurated calcareous clay shown by the fizzing with application of 25 % HCl. Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout. In microscope, trace black volcanic glass, substantial quartz, and trace mica.100.0-141.5 cm: Dark gray silty clay, bedding seen in CAT scan are drilling disturbances. The silt composition under the microscope show trace black volcanic glass, 90 % quartz, 10 % mica (muscovite).Entire lithology fizzes with HCl, so entire section is calcareous. Trace very fine grained pyrite disseminated throughout. Entire section is biscuited by drilling, two drilling induced void spaces are seen, at 0.0-12.2 cm and 73.0-106.0 cm.2010-09-29T05:20:50
331-0017D-10X-2,0.0132.115132.115331-0017D-10X-2,141.0133.525133.5250.0-44.0 cm: Highly indurated dark gray clay. 44.0-75.0 cm: Dark gray clayey silt. 75.0-101.0 cm: Highly indurated dark gray clay. 101.0-141.0 cm: Dark gray silty clay.The composition of entire section is the same; fizzes with HCl indicating the presence of calcareous material. In microscope one finds the same mineralogical compostion as section 1. 90 % quartz, 10 % mica, and trace black volcanic glass.Disseminated pyrite seen throughout. What looks to be planer bedding in the clayey silt and silty clay lithologies actually is induced by drilling. Entire section is heavily disturbed by drilling.White veins and blobs that are seen in CAT scan are possible pyrite veins, were not found in hand specimen when core was probed.2010-09-29T05:52:45
331-0017D-10X-3,0.0133.525133.525331-0017D-10X-3,141.0134.935134.9350.0-29.0 cm: Dark gray silty clay. 29.0-82.0 cm: Gradation from highliy indurated dark gray clay to dark gray silty clay. Gradation begins ~55 cm. 82.0-141.0 cm: Sharp boundary from the above lithology.Highly indurated dark gray clay irregular narrow patches of silt (seen at 96 and 98 cm).The composition of entire section is the same; fizzes with HCl indicating the presence of calcareous material.In microscope one finds the same mineralogical compostion as section 1. 90 % quartz, 10 % mica, and trace black volcanic glass. Disseminated pyrite seen throughout.What looks to be planar bedding in the silty clay lithology actually is induced by drilling. Entire section is heavily disturbed by drilling. Highly indurated gray clay has been fractured by drilling.White veins and blobs that are seen in CAT scan are possible pyrite veins, were not found in hand specimen when core was probed.2010-09-29T05:52:35
331-0017D-10X-4,0.0134.935134.935331-0017D-10X-4,141.0136.345136.3450.0-15.0 cm: Highly indurated dark gray clay with irregular, discontinous slilt bands particularly towards the bottom of the lithology. 15.0-28.5 cm: Dark grey clayey silt; displays planar beds distrubed by drilling.28.5-38.5 cm: Highly indurated dark gray clay. 38.5-80.5 cm: Dark grey clayey silt, no well defined planar bedding observed. Within lithology two dark gray clay patches are seen (47.5-56.0 cm % 70.0-74.5 cm).Bottom part of lithology is clayey silt. Sharp lower contact to next lithology.80.5-141.0 cm: Highly indurated dark gray clay.The composition of entire section is the same; fizzes with HCl indicating the presence of calcareous material. In microscope one finds the same mineralogical compostion as section 1. 90 % quartz, 10 % mica, and trace black volcanic glass.Disseminated pyrite seen throughout. Entire section is heavily disturbed by drilling. Highly indurated gray clay has been fractured by drilling.White veins and blobs that are seen in CAT scan are possible pyrite veins, were not found in hand specimen when core was probed.2010-09-29T05:52:27
331-0017D-10X-5,0.0136.345136.345331-0017D-10X-5,37.5136.720136.7200.0-10.5 cm: Highly indurated gray clay.10.5-34.5 cm: Dark gray silty clay. This lithology shows planar bedding with silty-clay lamellae. 34.5-38.5 cm: Highly indurated gray clay.The composition of entire section is the same; fizzes with HCl indicating the presence of calcareous material. In microscope one finds the same mineralogical compostion as section 1. 90 % quartz, 10 % mica, and trace black volcanic glass.Disseminated pyrite seen throughout. Entire section is heavily disturbed by drilling. White veins and blobs that are seen in CAT scan are possible pyrite veins, were not found in hand specimen when core was probed.2010-09-29T06:03:14
331-0017D-10X-CC,0.0136.720136.720331-0017D-10X-CC,78.0137.500137.5000.0-78.0 cm: Highly indurated gray clay. Entire lithology fizzes when HCl is applied indicating the presence of calcareous material. In microscope one finds 90 % quartz, 10 % mica, and trace black volcanic glass.Disseminated pyrite is seen throughout. Entire section is heavily disturbed by drilling.2010-09-29T06:06:28
331-0017D-11X-1,0.0140.200140.200331-0017D-11X-1,140.5141.605141.6050.0 to 11.5cm: Redrill? Soft brown-gray calcareous pumiceous gravel. Matrix supported, few small <0.5cm fragments of pumice within matrix comprising 90 % quartz, 10 % mica, and trace black volcanic glass.Trace disseminated pyrite throughout. Mud matrix same as underling units. 11.5 to 52cm: Indurated brown-dark gray calcareous clay. Description below52.0 to 80.0cm: Indurated brown-dark gray calcareous silty clay, irregular patches and lenses of siltier material within clay unit. Description below.80.0 to 105.0cm: WR (IW/MBIO) - CT scan suggests same as surrounding lithologies.105.0 to 140.5cm: Indurated brown-dark gray calcareous silty clay, irregular patches and lenses of siltier material within clay unit. Description below.The composition of entire section is the same (excluding 0-11.5cm); fizzes with HCl indicating the presence of calcareous material. In microscope one finds the same mineralogical compostion: 90 % quartz, 10 % mica, and trace black volcanic glass.Disseminated pyrite seen throughout.What looks to be planer bedding in the clayey silt and silty clay lithologies actually is induced by drilling. Entire section is heavily disturbed by drilling - biscuiting.White veins and blobs that are seen in CAT scan are possible pyrite veins, were not found in hand specimen when core was probed.2010-09-29T16:30:32
331-0017D-11X-2,0.0141.605141.605331-0017D-11X-2,140.5143.010143.0100.0 to 140.5cm: Indurated brown-dark gray calcareous clay, irregular patches and lenses of siltier material within clay unit. The composition of entire section is the same; fizzes with HCl indicating the presence of calcareous material.In microscope one finds the same mineralogical compostion: 90 % quartz, 10 % mica, and trace black volcanic glass. Disseminated pyrite seen throughout. Entire section is heavily disturbed by drilling - biscuiting.Between 6-8cm, thin <0.5cm sulfidic layers - consist of abundant very fine grained pyrite.2010-09-29T17:23:59
331-0017D-11X-3,0.0143.010143.010331-0017D-11X-3,133.0144.340144.3400.0 -17.5 cm: Indurated brown-gray calcareous clay.17.5-26.5 cm: Soft white-gray pumiceous grit - hydrothermally altered?26.5-46.0 cm: Indurated brown-gray calcareous clay.46.0-62.0 cm: Soft white-gray pumiceous grit - hydrothermally altered?62.0-64.5 cm: Indurated brown-gray calcareous clay.64.5-70.0 cm: Soft white-gray pumiceous grit - hydrothermally altered?70.0-79.5 cm: Indurated brown-gray calcareous clay.79.5-97.0 cm: Soft white-gray pumiceous grit - hydrothermally altered?97.0-110.0 cm: Indurated brown-gray calcareous clay.110-113.5 cm: Soft white-gray pumiceous grit - hydrothermally altered?113.5-120.0 cm: Indurated brown-gray calcareous clay.120.0-129.5 cm: Soft white-gray pumiceous grit - hydrothermally altered?129.5-133.0 cm: Indurated brown-gray calcareous clay.Descriptions: Indurated brown-dark gray calcareous clay, irregular patches and lenses of siltier material within clay unit.Fizzes with HCl indicating the presence of calcareous material - less so than previous horizons.Becomes less calcareous deeper in section. In microscope one finds the same mineralogical compostion: 90 % quartz, 10 % mica, and trace black volcanic glass.Disseminated pyrite seen throughout. Entire section is heavily disturbed by drilling - biscuiting. White to pale gray horizons of hydrothermal(?) pumiceous grit.Coarser particles composed of >97% very fine angular shards of volcanic glass & fragmented pumice, with trace green glassy mineral (pyroxene?) and pyrite. Possible altered volcanic ash horizons?Does not fizz with HCl - loss of calcareous material in clay-fraction.2010-09-29T17:23:29
331-0017D-11X-CC,0.0144.340144.340331-0017D-11X-CC,40.5144.745144.7450.0 - 26.0 cm: Indurated brown-dark gray clay, irregular patches and lenses of siltier material within clay unit. In microscope one finds the same mineralogical compostion: 90 % quartz, 10 % mica, and trace black volcanic glass.Disseminated pyrite seen throughout. Entire section is heavily disturbed by drilling - biscuiting. 26.0 to 39.5cm: Indurated gray to white clayey silt. In microscope: 95 % quartz/glass, 10 % mica, and trace pyrite seen throughout.Entire section is heavily disturbed by drilling - biscuiting. 39.5 to 40.5 cm: WR (PAL) Not imaged by CT.2010-09-29T17:20:29
331-0017D-12H-CC,0.0149.700149.700331-0017D-12H-CC,1.0149.710149.7100.0-1.0 cm: Redrill - drill washed pebbles up to ~1cm in size of black weakly vesicular volcanic glass and sugary gray pumice.2010-09-30T04:45:56