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Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 331-C0014G [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2010): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 Preliminary Report. Deep Hot Biosphere. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 331,
Other version:
IODP Hole 331-C0014G, snapshot taken on 2011-10-03, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 27.790275 * Longitude: 126.900772
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 127.675 m
331-C0014G * Latitude: 27.790275 * Longitude: 126.900772 * Elevation: -1059.8 m * Recovery: 74.4 m * Campaign: Exp331 (Deep Hot Biosphere) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionPetrological comment on Section
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
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14 Time StampTime StampExpedition 331 ScientistsOf petrological comment
982 data points


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Time Stamp
(Of petrological comment)
331-C0014G-1H-1,0.00.0000.000331-C0014G-1H-1,142.01.4201.3750.0-7.0 cm: Dirty brown to dark green variably oxidized foramineral sand, with sponge spicules, trace lithic fragments with pyrite attached. 7.0-18.0 cm: Dark olive green reduced mud, with foraminifera. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite18.0-40.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals from XCT. 40.0-76.5 cm: Dark olive green reduced mud, with foraminifera. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.76.5-77.5 cm: Silty foraminiferal sand with a dark olive green mud matrix. Minor pumice grains.Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite. 77.5-142.0cm: Dark olive green reduced mud, with foraminifera. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-21T06:11:12
331-C0014G-1H-2,0.01.4201.375331-C0014G-1H-2,141.02.8302.7410.0-35.0cm: Dark olive green reduced plastic clay. Rare narrow (3-5 mm) silt bands occur in the core (2 or 3 in the section). Silt bands contain abundant foraminifera, very rare sponge spicules and pumice. 35.0-57.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB).Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT. 57.0-62.0cm: Dark olive green reduced clayey sand. Abundant formainifera, very rare sponge spicules and pumice. 62.0-141.0cm: Dark olive green reduced silty clay.Silt fraction contains abundant foraminifera, very rare sponge spicules and pumice. Pumiceous layer at 95-96cm.2010-09-21T05:07:57
331-C0014G-1H-3,0.02.8302.741331-C0014G-1H-3,139.54.2254.0920.0-7.0 cm Dark olive green reduced silty clay. Silt fraction contains foraminifera, rare sponge spicules and pumice. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 7.0-9.0 cm Fine sand horizion rich in bioclasts. Mud matrix same as units above and beneath.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 9.0-90.0 cm: Dark olive green reduced silty clay. Silt fraction contains foraminifera, rare sponge spicules and pumice. Foraminifera abundance decreases downhole. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.90.0-112.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to underlying interval, from XCT. 112.0-118.0 cm: Pumiceous sand, with a dark olive green clay matrix. Trace foraminifera. Trace fine grained pyrite seems to be mostly disseminated with pumice.Possible sphalerite. 118.0-139.5 cm: Dark olive green reduced plastic mud. Trace framboidal pyrite.2010-09-21T05:27:27
331-C0014G-1H-4,0.04.2254.092331-C0014G-1H-4,141.55.6405.4620.0-30.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). From XCT, 0-15cm appears to be mostly mud, 15-30cm is a large pumice clast. 30.0-45.0 cm: Scattered pumice fragments up to ~2cm in size in a matrix of plastic dark olive green clay and silt. silty material is pumiceous.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 45.0-108.0 cm:Large pumice clasts (blocks of up to 20cm run down core) in a coarse pumiceous sand matrix, with dark olive green mud. ~20% of the sand is stained green - chloritic alteration?Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 108.0-119.0cm: Coarse volcaniclastic grit. Composed of same material as sand in overlying interval. Unit shows slight pale alteration with accompanying incipient devitrification of pumice.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 119.0-141.5 cm: Scattered pumice clasts, ~1cm in size in a gray matrix of plastic hydrothermally altered clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite, associated with the clay.2010-09-21T05:52:36
331-C0014G-1H-5,0.05.6405.462331-C0014G-1H-5,141.07.0506.8270.0-32.0 cm: Scattered pumice clasts, ~1cm in size in a gray matrix of plastic hydrothermally altered clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite, associated with the clay. 32.0-57.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB).From XCT, same material as overlying unit 32-52cm, same as underlying unit, 52-57cm. 57.0-103.0 cm: Partially devitrified pumice clasts up to 3cm in size in a gray muddy pumiceous sand matrix. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.Weakly hydrothermally altered. 103.0-141.0 cm: Gray clast supported pumiceous gravel. Abundant tube pumice fragments up to 2cm in size in a gritty pumice matrix. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-21T06:26:02
331-C0014G-1H-6,0.07.0506.827331-C0014G-1H-6,141.08.4608.1930.0-60.0 cm: Gray clast supported pumiceous gravel. Abundant tube pumice fragments up to 4cm in size in a gritty pumice matrix. Trace fine grained disseminated and framboidal pyrite. 60.0-87.0 cm: Muddy gray pumiceous grit.Trace fine grained disseminated and framboidal pyrite, associated with pumice - more abundant than previous interval. 87.0-95.0 cm: Dark gray clast supported pumiceous gravel. Sugary partially devitrified pumice fragments up to 4cm in size.~0.5% disseminated and framboidal pyrite. 95.0-120.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar to surrounding intervals, from XCT. 120.0-141.0 cm: Dark gray clast supported pumiceous gravel. Sugary partially devitrified pumice fragments up to 4cm in size.~0.5% disseminated and framboidal pyrite.2010-09-21T06:35:37
331-C0014G-1H-7,0.08.4608.193331-C0014G-1H-7,85.59.3159.0210.0-85.5 cm: Dark gray clast supported pumiceous gravel. Sugary partially devitrified pumice fragments up to 4cm in size. ~0.5% disseminated and framboidal pyrite. Slightly muddier interval from 5-17cm.2010-09-21T06:38:04
331-C0014G-1H-CC,0.09.3159.021331-C0014G-1H-CC,18.59.5009.2000.0-17.5 cm: Dark gray clast supported pumiceous gravel. Sugary partially devitrified pumice fragments up to 4cm in size. ~0.5% disseminated and framboidal pyrite.17.5-18.5 cm: WR sample (PAL) Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-21T06:43:17
331-C0014G-2H-1,0.09.2009.200331-C0014G-2H-1,138.010.58010.5320.0-138.0cm: Gray clast supported pumiceous gravel. Sugary partially devitrified pumice fragments up to 4cm in size.~0.1% disseminated pyrite overall, but there are irregular more pyritic patches (~10% sulfide), visible on as brighter patches on XCT, and darker zones in core (eg: 62-65cm). Minor greenish alteration of some pumice.2010-09-21T07:59:28
331-C0014G-2H-2,0.010.58010.532331-C0014G-2H-2,140.511.98511.8890.0-132.0 cm: Gray clast supported pumiceous gravel. Sugary partially devitrified pumice fragments up to 4cm in size. ~0.1% disseminated pyrite overall, but there are irregular more pyritic patches, with up to ~5% sulfide.Minor greenish alteration of some pumice. 132.0-140.5 cm: Clast supported sugary pumiceous gravel with greenish tinged pale gray clay (hydrothermal). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Weak to moderate alteration.2010-09-21T08:08:09
331-C0014G-2H-3,0.011.98511.889331-C0014G-2H-3,140.513.39013.2450.0-140.5 cm: Clast supported sugary pumiceous gravel with greenish tinged pale gray clay (hydrothermal). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Weak to moderate alteration, generally increasing downhole.2010-09-21T08:07:53
331-C0014G-2H-4,0.013.39013.245331-C0014G-2H-4,140.514.79514.6020.0-140.5 cm: Clast supported sugary pumiceous gravel with increasing pale green-gray hydrothermal clay. Large tube pumice clasts ( up to 15cm) and smaller sugary puymice. alteration is variable - moderate to high.Some pumice clasts are altered to clay, but retain vesicular structure, others are still hard and siliceous. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in both clasts and matrix.2010-09-21T08:15:57
331-C0014G-2H-5,0.014.79514.602331-C0014G-2H-5,142.016.21515.9730.0-117.0 cm: Clast supported sugary pumiceous gravel with increasing pale green-gray hydrothermal clay. Large tube pumice clasts ( up to 15cm) and smaller sugary pumice. alteration is variable - moderate to high.Some pumice clasts are altered to clay, but retain vesicular structure, others are still hard and siliceous. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in both clasts and matrix. 2-3mm pyritic veinlets at 8cm and 48cm. 117.0-142.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB).From XCT, the interval sampled is hydrothermal clay.2010-09-23T23:52:22
331-C0014G-2H-6,0.016.21515.973331-C0014G-2H-6,144.517.66017.3680.0-40.0 cm: Dark gray indurated hydrothermal clay with scattered moderately to strongly altered pumice clasts up to 2cm in size. Hydrogen sulfide smell. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite. 40.0-144.5 cm: Dark gray indurated hydrothermal clay.Hydrogen sulfide smell. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-21T09:16:14
331-C0014G-2H-7,0.017.66017.368331-C0014G-2H-7,105.018.71018.3810.0-18.0 cm: Dark gray indurated hydrothermal clay. Hydrogen sulfide smell. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite. 18.0-50.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Same material as surrounding intervals from XCT.50.0-105.0 cm: Dark gray indurated hydrothermal clay. Hydrogen sulfide smell. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-21T09:21:24
331-C0014G-2H-CC,0.018.71018.381331-C0014G-2H-CC,33.019.04018.7000.0-32.0 cm: Dark gray indurated hydrothermal clay. Hydrogen sulfide smell. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.32.0-33.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-21T09:23:15
331-C0014G-3H-1,0.018.70018.700331-C0014G-3H-1,64.019.34019.2900-14.5 cm Dark grey Indurated hydrothermal mud. not green. Although granulated, is consolidated. Trace 1 % Discrete Pyrite, sphalerite and Galena. 14.5-45 cm.Matrix supported pumice breccia - but highly altered to hydrothermal mud with altered pumice clasts. Pumice fragments still have textures visible. Clast woody pumice and clast amigoids. Logged as gravel for consistancy.Some volcanic glass still present as shards and acicular needles. Trace 1 % Pyrite (framboids + disseminated). 45 -64 cm. Drill Breccia of unfeasibly rounded pumice and soupy grey mud. Inclined strat infered from fabric at 19 to 26 cm2010-09-23T23:55:12
331-C0014G-3H-2,0.019.34019.290331-C0014G-3H-2,141.020.75020.5890-140 cm Pale grey mottled hydrothermal mud. Relict pumicce textures visible, but mostly lost so unit logged as hydrothermal mud. Heavyily indurated mud clasts. 1-5 % puyrite dissedmminated through out.85-102 cm Barite presenrt along with white mineralised blebs from. 32-33 cm Black whote band. Band includes sphalerite. Steep bedding 100-120 cm2010-09-21T13:36:01
331-C0014G-3H-3,0.020.75020.589331-C0014G-3H-3,42.021.17020.9760-18 cm Pale grey indurated hydrothermally latered mud. Mottled 0-15 cm (infered pummice relicts). Dark bands with pyrite and barite at 7-9 and 10-14 cm. Note load strcutre 26-27 betweeen sand and mud.1-2 % disseminated pyrite through section.18-27 cm fine grained sand with sulphide minerals and volcanic glass shards. 27-40.5 cm Pale grey hydrothermally altered mud as above2010-09-21T13:30:54
331-C0014G-3H-4,0.021.17020.976331-C0014G-3H-4,141.022.58022.2750-67 Pale grey indurated hydrothermally latered mud. Sparsley Mottled. 1 % disseminated pyrite through section. 67-74 cm Dark grey hydorthermal mud 1-5 % sulphide (pyrite and sphalerite).Acicular needles (from pumice) 74-88 cm Pale grey indurated hydrothermally latered mud. Sparsley Mottled. 1 % disseminated pyrite through section. 88-99 cm Dark grey hydorthermal mud 1-5 % sulphide (pyrite and sphalerite).Acicular needles (from pumice). 99-139 cm Pale grey indurated hydrothermally latered mud. Sparsley Mottled. 1 % disseminated pyrite through section. light blue altered band 126-1322010-09-21T14:01:32
331-C0014G-3H-5,0.022.58022.275331-C0014G-3H-5,140.023.98023.5650 -20 Pale grey indurated hydrothermally altered mud. Sparsley Mottled. 1 % disseminated pyrite through section.\ Bottom layer slightly lighter - but no difference under microscope. 20-32 Pale grey indurated hydrothermally altered mud.Heavily mottled infered relict pumice (slightly lighter than unit above) LIttle pyrite mineralisation (< 0.1 %).65-84 cm Pale grey indurated hydrothermally altered mud. heavily mottled infered relict pumice (slightly lighter than unit above)Little pyrite mineralisation (< 0.1 %) Some voiding and little mottling. Low pyrite < 0.1 %. 84-89 White grey hydrothermal clay with white blebs - possible psuedomorps. 5 % very finely disseminated pyrite (well above bcaground mud).89-105 cm Pale grey indurated hydrothermally altered mud. heavily mottled infered relict pumice (slightly lighter than unit above) LIttle pyrite mineralisation (< 0.1 %) little mottling. Low pyrite < 0.1 %.105-140 Grey hydrothermal mud with relict pumice- some pumice structres still visisble and lots of mottling. Some small black very rounded pumice (could be from unit above 0.5 % disseminated pyrite.Vein struyctre in XCT not linked to any sulfide minerals. Litho clast of poorly lithified fine garined Sandstone2010-09-21T14:36:25
331-C0014G-3H-6,0.023.98023.565331-C0014G-3H-6,49.024.47024.0170-49 cm Pale grey mottled hydrothermal mud. Relict pumice textures visible, but mostly lost so unit logged as hydrothermal mud. Some pumice structures visible. Some have enchanced 5 % Py mineralisation.5 -10 % puyrite dissedmmination throughout in matrix. Minor sphalerite. Sandstone lithoclasts (comprise angular fine sand poorly lithified)2010-09-21T14:44:13
331-C0014G-3H-7,0.024.47024.017331-C0014G-3H-7,72.525.19524.6850-71.5 cm Pale grey mottled hydrothermal mud. Relict pumice textures visible, but mostly lost so unit logged as hydrothermal mud. Some pumice structures visible. 5 -10 % puyrite dissedmmination throughout in matrix. MInor sphalerite.Sandstone lithoclasts (comprise angular fine sand poorly lithified. 40- 71 cm Pyrite veinlet and Matrix of snowballs reacts with HCl, presence of calcite or gypsum?Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay, with trace framboidal pyrite and lesser euhedral pyrite (both disseminated). Photo taken. 64-71 cm calcite fragments (disturbed vein)2010-09-21T16:15:43
331-C0014G-3H-8,0.025.19524.685331-C0014G-3H-8,146.026.65526.0300-145 cm Indurated Pale grey mottled hydrothermal mud. Relict pumice textures visible, but mostly lost so unit logged as hydrothermal mud. Heavily mottled 123-145cm trace disseminated pyrite less than 0.5 %2010-09-21T16:10:50
331-C0014G-3H-9,0.026.65526.030331-C0014G-3H-9,101.027.66526.9610.0 to 19.0cm: Indrated white to pale gray mottled hydrothermal clay. Remnants of pumice clasts evident, completely altered to white hydrothermal clay. Minor disseminated pyrite visible macroscopically (around 1%).Sulfides present under binocular microscope include fine euhdral and framboidal pyrite, and possible sphalerite. Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay with rare acicular glass shards and possible anhydrite?19.0 to 31.0cm: Matrix supported hydrothermal gravel. Large hard clasts of clay-sulfate-sulfides ('snowballs') to 4cm in size. Translucent euhedral crystals do not react with HCl (anhdyrite?).Matrix of snowballs reacts with HCl, presence of calcite or gypsum? Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay, with trace framboidal pyrite and lesser euhedral pyrite (both disseminated).31.0 to 101.0cm: Indurated Pale grey mottled hydrothermal mud. Relict pumice textures visible, but mostly lost so unit logged as hydrothermal mud. 1 % disseminated and framboidal pyrite2010-09-21T16:14:29
331-C0014G-3H-10,0.027.66526.961331-C0014G-3H-10,54.528.21027.4630.0 to 9.0 cm: Indurated pale gray mottled hydrothermal clay. Relict pumice textures visible, but mostly lost so unit logged as hydrothermal clay. Around 1 % disseminated and framboidal pyrite within hydrothermal clay matrix.9.0 to 53.5 cm: Indurated dark gray hydrothermal clay. Between 14 and 18cm lithoclast of mud. Trace framboidal pyrite disseminated throughout matrix. 53.5 to 54.5 cm: Indurated pale gray mottled hydrothermal clay.Relict pumice textures visible, but mostly lost so unit logged as hydrothermal clay. Around 1 % disseminated and framboidal pyrite within hydrothermal clay matrix.2010-09-21T16:44:11
331-C0014G-3H-CC,0.028.21027.463331-C0014G-3H-CC,79.529.00528.1950.0 to 49.0cm: Indurated pale gray mottled hydrothermal clay. Relict pumice textures visible, but mostly lost so unit logged as hydrothermal clay. Around 1 % disseminated and framboidal pyrite within hydrothermal clay matrix.Vein of framboidal pyrite mineralization between 24.0 and 27.0cm (see CT). 49.0 to 78.5cm: Indurated dark gray hydrothermal clay. Around 1-2% disseminated framboidal and fine euhedral pyrite - visible macroscopically. 78.5 to 79.5cm: WR (PAL) not imaged2010-09-21T16:53:16
331-C0014G-4H-1,0.028.20028.200331-C0014G-4H-1,68.528.88528.8850.0 to 34.0cm: Dark gray to brown soft matrix supported hydrothermal gravel. Most likely redrill. Clasts predominantly of gray and brown mud (moderately hard), some rare silicified fragments (quartz and calcite veinlets within mud clasts).Clasts typically between 0.5 and 2cm in length. Pyrite visible macroscopically. Matrix composed of hydrothermal clay with fine disseminated pyrite (mostly framboidal). 34.0cm to 37.5cm: Dark gray to brown hydrothermal clay.Matrix composed of hydrothermal clay with trace fine disseminated pyrite (mostly framboidal). 37.5 to 42.5cm: Grey hydrothermal gravel. Rare large clasts of silicified mud (breccia?) in matrix of hydrothermal clay with trace fine disseminated pyrite(framboidal). Probable vein broken by drilling. Each clast is composed of small angular (1-2mm) fragments of brown hydrothermal clay, cut by extensive quartz-calcite veinlets. 42.5 to 54.0cm: Soft gray hydrothermal clay.Matrix composed of hydrothermal clay with fine disseminated pyrite (mostly framboidal). 54.0 to 58.5cm:Gray hydrothermal gravel. Rare large clasts of silicified mud (breccia?)in matrix of hydrothermal clay with trace fine disseminated pyrite (framboidal). Probable vein broken by drilling. Each clast is composed of small angular (1-2mm) fragments of brown hydrothermal clay, cut by extensive quartz-calcite veinlets.58.5.0 to 68.5: Soft, gray mottled hydrothermal clay. Trace disseminated and framboidal pyrite within hydrothermal clay matrix.2010-09-21T20:48:58
331-C0014G-4H-2,0.028.88528.885331-C0014G-4H-2,71.529.60029.6000.0-27.0 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Scattered 0.5-1.0cm dense botryoidal nodules of carbonate-barite-quartz (?)between 0 and 6 cm, show up as bright spots on XCT. Rare mm-scale irregular pyrite veinlets. 27.0-55.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT.55.0-71.5 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Rare mm-scale irregular pyrite veinlets.2010-09-21T21:22:37
331-C0014G-4H-3,0.029.60029.600331-C0014G-4H-3,27.029.87029.8700.0-27.0 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.Very rare 0.5cm subspherical quartz-carbonate-trace sphalerite-galena concretions show as bright spots on the the XCT from 4-6cm and 22.5-24.5cm, probable void fill.2010-09-21T21:26:09
331-C0014G-4H-4,0.029.87029.870331-C0014G-4H-4,54.030.41030.410Heavily voided by degassing. 0.0-54.0 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Single 0.5cm subspherical quartz-carbonate-trace sphalerite-galena concretions shows as a bright spot on the the XCT at 2cm, probable void fill. Irregular framboidal pyrite vein at 44-45cm.2010-09-21T21:32:22
331-C0014G-4H-5,0.030.41030.410331-C0014G-4H-5,100.531.41531.415Heavily voided by degassing. 0.0-55.0 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Scatteredf irregular mm-scale pyrite veinlets.55.0-75.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT. 75.0 -100.5 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Scattered irregular mm-scale pyrite veinlets. 1-2% fine white blebs, after feldspar2010-09-21T22:19:05
331-C0014G-4H-6,0.031.41531.415331-C0014G-4H-6,101.032.42532.4250.0-60.0 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Some of the paler clasts are harder than the matrix - possible quartz.1-2% fine white blebs, after feldspar. Gradational contact into underlying unit. 60.0-86.0 cm: Dark gray massive heavily indurated clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.86.0-96.0 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture. 2-3% fine grained disseminated and veinlet pyrite. Irregular, interfingering contact to underlying unit.96.0-101-.0 cm: Dark gray massive heavily indurated clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-24T00:06:30
331-C0014G-4H-7,0.032.42532.425331-C0014G-4H-7,100.533.43033.4300.0-30.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT. 30.0-45.0 cm:Dark gray massive heavily indurated clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.Contact to underlying unit dips at ~65 degrees (fracture controlled?). 45.0-100.5 cm: Very pale gray indurated mottled clay with remnant pseudoclastic texture (grit to gravel). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-21T22:06:13
331-C0014G-4H-8,0.033.43033.430331-C0014G-4H-8,101.534.44534.4450.0-89.0 cm: Very pale gray indurated mottled clay with remnant pseudoclastic texture (generally grades from grit to gravel down interval). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.89.0-101.5 cm: 0.5-3cm fragments of silicified altered volcanic breccia (clay-altered angular fragments in a hard siliceous matrix) are hosted in pale gray hydrothermal clay. Fragments are unmineralised. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay.2010-09-21T23:52:48
331-C0014G-4H-9,0.034.44534.445331-C0014G-4H-9,100.535.45035.450Heavily voided by gas. 0.0-20.0 cm: 0.5-5cm fragments of silicified altered volcanic breccia (clay-altered angular fragments in a hard siliceous matrix) are hosted in pale gray hydrothermal clay. Fragments are unmineralised.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay. 20.0-50.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT.50.0-75.5 cm: 0.5-2cm fragments of silicified altered volcanic breccia (clay-altered angular fragments in a hard siliceous matrix) are hosted in pale gray hydrothermal clay. Fragments are unmineralised. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay.75.5-100.5 cm: Indurated pale gray mottled clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-21T23:52:28
331-C0014G-4H-10,0.035.45035.450331-C0014G-4H-10,100.536.45536.455Very high hydrogen sulfide section. 0.0-30.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to underlying interval, from XCT. 30.0- 100.5 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Scattered irregular mm-scale pyrite veinlets.2010-09-21T22:47:59
331-C0014G-4H-11,0.036.45536.455331-C0014G-4H-11,100.037.45537.455Very high hydrogen sulfide section. 0.0-65.0 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Scattered irregular mm-scale pyrite veinlets.65.0-95.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar to surrounding intervals, from XCT. 95.0- 100.0 cm: Pale bluish gray and dark gray heavily indurated mottled clay with coarse remnant pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-21T22:52:16
331-C0014G-4H-CC,0.037.45537.455331-C0014G-4H-CC,23.537.69037.6900.0-22.5 cm: Very pale gray soft hydrothermal clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.22.5-23.5 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-21T22:59:15
331-C0014G-5H-1,0.037.70037.700331-C0014G-5H-1,25.037.95037.9500.0-25.0 cm: Probable redrill. Soupy pale gray hydrothermal clay with fragments of more heavily indurated plae gray clay and one 6cm clast of silicifed altered volcanic breccia (same material as seen in Core 4, Section 8 and 9) at base of Section.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-21T23:28:10
331-C0014G-5H-2,0.037.95037.950331-C0014G-5H-2,8.538.03538.0350.0-8.5 cm: Pale gray soft massive hydrothermal clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-21T23:30:31
331-C0014G-5H-3,0.038.03538.035331-C0014G-5H-3,56.038.59538.5950.0-11.0 cm: Pale gray soft massive hydrothermal clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 11.0-41.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar to overlying interval, from XCT.41.0-56.0 cm: Pale gray indurated hydrothermal clay. ~ 1% fine grained pyrite, as fine irregular veinlets and disseminated in the clay.2010-09-21T23:34:56
331-C0014G-5H-4,0.038.59538.595331-C0014G-5H-4,35.538.95038.9500.0-36.0 cm: Soupy, heavily disturbed pale gray hydrothermal clay. Lots of void space and a heavily fragmented (by drilling?). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay fragments.2010-09-21T23:42:32
331-C0014G-5H-5,0.038.95038.950331-C0014G-5H-5,100.039.95039.9500.0-65.0 cm: Soupy, heavily disturbed pale gray hydrothermal clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay fragments. Void space on XCT image and in working half. 65.0-75.0 cm: Sandy pale gray soupy hydrothermal clay with ~20% quartz grains.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 75.0-78.0 cm: Distinct lithoclast (drilling induced?) of hard heavily indurated pale gray hydrothermal clay.78.0-100.0 cm:1-5cm fragments of silicified altered volcanic breccia (clay-altered angular fragments in a hard siliceous matrix) are hosted in soupy pale gray hydrothermal clay. Fragments are unmineralised. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay.2010-09-21T23:53:58
331-C0014G-5H-CC,0.039.95039.950331-C0014G-5H-CC,6.040.01040.0100.0-5.0 cm: 1-2cm fragments of silicified altered volcanic breccia (clay-altered angular fragments in a hard siliceous matrix) are hosted in soupy pale gray hydrothermal clay. Fragments are unmineralised.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay. 5.0-6.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-21T23:56:46
331-C0014G-6H-1,0.047.20047.200331-C0014G-6H-1,13.547.33547.2610.0-13.5 cm: Redrill. Sand grading to gravel downhole. Mixture of fragments of sugary pumice, silica-pyrite altered volcanic rock, and minor carbonate (formainifera?)-anhydrite-pyrite in a soupy pale gray matrix.2010-09-22T01:21:01
331-C0014G-6H-2,0.047.33547.261331-C0014G-6H-2,100.548.34047.7140.0-29.0 cm: Redrill gravel. Mixture of fragments 0.5-2cm of sugary pumice, silica-pyrite altered volcanic rock, and minor carbonate (formainifera?)-anhydrite-pyrite in a soupy pale gray matrix.29.0-55.0 cm: Very hard, heavily indurated pale gray clay with weakly developed pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 55.0-85.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surroundinf intervals from XCT.85.0-100.5 cm: Very hard, heavily indurated pale gray clay with weakly developed pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T01:23:56
331-C0014G-6H-3,0.048.34047.714331-C0014G-6H-3,101.549.35548.1720.0-17.0 cm: Very hard, heavily indurated pale gray clay with weakly developed pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 17.0-32.0 cm: WR sample (MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT.32.0-40.0cm: Hard, moderately indurated pale gray clay with weakly developed pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 40.0-44.0cm: Soupy soft pale gray clay with gritty pieces of harder clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.44.0-47.0 cm: Soft pale gray hydrothermal clay with weakly developed pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 47.0-59.0 cm: WR sample (IW). Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT.59.0-98.0 cm: Hard, moderately indurated pale gray clay with weakly developed pseudoclastic texture. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 98.0-101.0 cm: Soupy soft pale gray clay with gritty pieces of harder clay.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T01:51:52
331-C0014G-6H-4,0.049.35548.172331-C0014G-6H-4,100.550.36048.6260.0-14.0 cm: Soupy soft pale gray clay with gritty pieces of harder clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 14.0-68.0 cm: Hard, moderately indurated pale gray clay with weakly developed pseudoclastic texture.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 68.0-100.5 cm: Soupy soft pale gray clay with rounded pseudoclasts of harder clay (after pumice?). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T01:58:16
331-C0014G-6H-5,0.050.36048.626331-C0014G-6H-5,100.551.36549.0790.0-37.0cm: Soupy soft pale gray clay with rounded pseudoclasts of harder clay (after pumice?). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 37.0-63.0 cm: Less soupy soft pale gray clay with rounded pseudoclasts of harder clay (after pumice?).Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 63.0-100.5: Soupy hydrothermal clay with rounded pseudoclasts of harder clay (after pumice?) and hard gray sugary silicifed altered volcaniclastic breccia.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay and in siliceous matrix of volcaniclastic clasts.2010-09-22T02:10:51
331-C0014G-6H-6,0.051.36549.079331-C0014G-6H-6,45.551.82049.2840.0-6.0 cm: Soupy hydrothermal clay with rounded pseudoclasts of harder clay (after pumice?) and hard gray sugary silicifed altered volcaniclastic breccia. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay and in siliceous matrix of volcaniclastic clasts.6.0-46.5 cm: Soupy soft pale gray clay with rounded pseudoclasts of harder clay (after pumice?). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T02:16:54
331-C0014G-6H-7,0.051.82049.284331-C0014G-6H-7,103.052.85049.7490.0-103.0 cm: Soupy soft pale gray clay with rounded pseudoclasts of harder clay (after pumice?). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T02:19:48
331-C0014G-6H-CC,0.052.85049.749331-C0014G-6H-CC,100.053.85050.2000.0-40.0 cm: Soupy soft pale gray clay with rounded pseudoclasts of harder clay (after pumice?). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 40.0-99.0 cm: Less soupy soft pale gray clay with rounded pseudoclasts of harder clay (after pumice?).Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Single 1.5mc hard silicifed clast at 94cm. 99.0-100.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-22T02:23:30
331-C0014G-7X-CC,0.050.20050.200331-C0014G-7X-CC,31.050.51050.5100.0-30.0 cm: Redrill - siliceous gravel with fragments up to 2cm in size of silicified altered volcaniclastic, quartz, sugary pumice and minor calcite. ~0.5% fine grained euhedral pyrite.30.0-31.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-22T03:44:34
331-C0014G-8H-1,0.053.20053.200331-C0014G-8H-1,30.553.50553.5050.0-30.5 cm: Redrill - siliceous gravel with fragments up to 2cm in size of silicified altered volcaniclastic, quartz, sugary pumice and minor calcite. ~0.5% fine grained euhedral pyrite.2010-09-22T03:47:59
331-C0014G-8H-CC,0.053.50553.505331-C0014G-8H-CC,13.053.63553.6350.0-8.0 cm: Redrill - siliceous gravel with fragments up to 2cm in size of silicified altered volcaniclastic, quartz, sugary pumice and minor calcite in a sticky pale gray matrix. ~0.5% fine grained euhedral pyrite. 8.0-9.0 cm: WR sample (PAL).Not imaged by XCT. 9.0-13.0 cm: Redrill - siliceous gravel with fragments up to 2cm in size of silicified altered volcaniclastic, quartz, sugary pumice and minor calcite in a sticky pale gray matrix. ~0.5% fine grained euhedral pyrite.2010-09-22T03:59:28
331-C0014G-9X-1,0.054.20054.200331-C0014G-9X-1,140.555.60555.6050.0-140.5 cm: 4-5cm clasts, biscuited by drilling, of pale gray sugary silicified volcaniclastic rock in a martrix of sticky gray gritty clay. Grit composed of finer siliceous material, similar to the large clasts.Very little sulfide - trace extremely fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T05:42:01
331-C0014G-9X-2,0.055.60555.605331-C0014G-9X-2,128.056.88556.8850.0-10.0 cm: 4-5cm clasts of pale gray sugary silicified volcaniclastic rock in a martrix of sticky gray gritty clay. Grit composed of finer siliceous material, similar to the large clasts.Very little sulfide - trace extremely fine grained disseminated pyrite. 10.0-40.0 cm: WR sample (MB/IW). Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT.40.0-128.0 cm: 4-5cm clasts of pale gray sugary silicified volcaniclastic rock in a martrix of sticky gray gritty clay. Grit composed of finer siliceous material, similar to the large clasts.Very little sulfide - trace extremely fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T05:41:37
331-C0014G-9X-CC,0.056.88556.885331-C0014G-9X-CC,41.057.29557.2950.0-23.0 cm: 4-5cm clasts of pale gray sugary silicified altered volcaniclastic rock in a martrix of sticky gray gritty clay. Grit composed of finer siliceous material, similar to the large clasts.Very little sulfide - trace extremely fine grained disseminated pyrite. 23.0-40.0 cm: Very hard highly indurated pale gray silty hydrothermal clay. Grit is siliceous - similar to material that makes up the matrix of the above interval.Very little sulfide - trace extremely fine grained disseminated pyrite. 40.0-41.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by CT.2010-09-22T05:49:55
331-C0014G-10H-1,0.058.70058.700331-C0014G-10H-1,75.059.45059.4500.0-75.0 cm: Redrill, grades from sand to gravel at base of section. Fragments consist of silicified volcanic fragments, sugary pumice and tube pumice. ~ 0.5% pyrite - fine euhedra mostly, minor framboids. Traces of rusted drill pipe.2010-09-22T06:17:29
331-C0014G-10H-CC,0.059.45059.450331-C0014G-10H-CC,9.059.54059.5400.0-8.0 cm: Rounded (drilling milled) fragments of hard gray sugary partially devitrified volcanic rock. Very little sulfide - trace very fine disseminated pyrite.8.0-9.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-22T06:30:51
331-C0014G-11X-1,0.059.70059.700331-C0014G-11X-1,11.559.81559.8150.0-11.5 cm: Large (up to 6cm) drill rounded fragments of silica-clay altered gray feldsparphyric volcanic rock. Possible remnant perlitic texture in the volcanic rock. Possible rare green-gray clay filled amygdales.some pieces show volcaniclastic clasts. Minor late white sugary veining (quartz-anhydrite?). Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in rock.2010-09-22T21:40:48
331-C0014G-11X-CC,0.059.81559.815331-C0014G-11X-CC,33.060.14560.1450.0-32.0 cm: Pale gray very hard indurated clay - almost mudstone. Cut by similar sugary veins to the volcanic fragments in Section 1 of the core. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay. 32.0-33.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-22T07:29:49
331-C0014G-12H-1,0.064.20064.200331-C0014G-12H-1,12.564.32564.3250.0-12.5 cm: Redrill - sand and grit in a soupy gray clay matrix. Fragments are dominantly rounded pieces of silicifed volcanic rock, with minor fine grained disseminated pyrite. Scattered clear anhydrite prisms.2010-09-22T07:50:37
331-C0014G-12H-2,0.064.32564.325331-C0014G-12H-2,82.565.15065.1500.0-62.0 cm: Redrill - grit and gravel, coarsening downwards, in a soupy gray clay matrix. Fragments are dominantly rounded pieces of silicifed volcanic rock, with minor fine grained disseminated pyrite. ~5% white hard sulfate-rich(?) pieces.Scattered clear anhydrite prisms. 62.0-82.5 cm: Pale gray very hard indurated clay - almost mudstone. Cut by irregular sugary vein of quartz-anhydrite. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay.2010-09-22T21:41:29
331-C0014G-12H-3,0.065.15065.150331-C0014G-12H-3,100.566.15566.1550.0-15.0 cm: Pale gray very hard indurated clay - almost mudstone. Cut by irregular sugary veins of quartz-anhydrite. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay, tends to concentrate in slightly coarser, more siliceous layers.15.0-40.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). similar to surrounding intervals, from XCT. 40.0-99.5 cm: Pale gray very hard indurated clay - almost mudstone. Cut by irregular sugary veins of quartz-anhydrite.Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay, tends to concentrate in slightly coarser, more siliceous layers. 99.5-100.5 cm: WR sample (PAL). Core not imaged by XCT.2010-09-22T21:42:40
331-C0014G-13T-1,0.066.70066.700331-C0014G-13T-1,100.067.70067.7000-99.5cm Grey matrix supported (matrix support variable) volcanic Breccia. Clasts of silicfied volcanic breccia in hydro thermal clay. Some clasts are rounded -others are fresh, sharp edged, have no matrix between them and dislocated during operation.(logged as drilling distruibance over whole core). Some euhedral anhydrite in matrix heavy section 20 cm. Volcanic Clasts exhibit pearlite texture, others are sugarry (possiobly welded). Saome pyrite mineralisation in clasts.Some have replacment minerals psuedomorphing plagioclase. 25 - 26 cm silicified horizion - dislocated. 52-56 cm silicified horizion dislocated. 60 to 75 cm Vein undisrupted by drilling. 97 -99 cm silicified horizion dislocated.Detrtal and framboidl pyrite 1 % throug out. CY/SH: 0.0-60.0cm: Gray very hard indurated clay - almost mudstone. Cut by irregular sugary veins of quartz-anhydrite.Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay, tends to concentrate in slightly coarser, more siliceous layers. Scattered rounded apparent clasts, up to 1cm in size, replaced by similar gray clay to the matrix. 60.0-90.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB).Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT, with irregular anhydrite vein from 66 to 75cm. 90.0-100.0cm: Gray very hard indurated clay - almost mudstone. Cut by irregular sugary veins of quartz-anhydrite.Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay, tends to concentrate in slightly coarser, more siliceous layers. Rounded 2cm clay replaced clast at 91cm with possible relict volcanic texture, verey fine grained pyrite on fractures.2010-09-23T07:01:31
331-C0014G-13T-2,0.067.70067.700331-C0014G-13T-2,100.568.70568.7050-9 cm Grey hydrothermally altered volcanic mud. Clasts of lithified volcanic rock as noted above. 9-11 cm loosely silicified volcanic textures. 95-105 cm silicifed volcanic grit. White silica mtrix with dark fine grained volcanic gravel.11-95cm Grey hydrothermally altered volcanic mud. Clasts of lithified volcanic rock as noted above. 25-27 cm fine grained volcanic sandstone with anhydrite vein with pyrite and galea. Not exposed on surface of working half.Dislocation of fragments of silicified layers - logged as moderate drilling disturbance. Units in stratigraphic order but dislocated. 1- 5 % dissemianted and framboidal pyrite. CY/SH.0.0-100.5 cm: Gray very hard indurated clay - almost mudstone.Cut by irregular sugary veins of quartz-anhydrite. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay, tends to concentrate in slightly coarser, more siliceous layers.Scattered rounded apparent clasts, up to 2cm in size, replaced by similar gray clay to the matrix. Core heavily biscuited by drilling.2010-09-23T07:01:45
331-C0014G-13T-3,0.068.70568.705331-C0014G-13T-3,100.069.70569.7050-5cm Dislocated mixture of hydrothermal muyd and silicified volcanoclastics as described above. 5-99.8 cm Silicified hydrothermal breccia. Very little mud matrix, although mud present betweeen liner and core through section.Disruopted by drilling altough high silicification of of units prevnets disruption. Discription of silicifed horizions: Devitrified vitric fragments 1-2mm diameter (dark grey) in pale grey matrix. (97-99 cm).Grey, Medium grained Volcanoic sandstone sugary texture, litle matrix but with large white blebs 3- 6 mm in length (assumed plagioclase - now replaced). 5 % disseminated and framboidal pyrite. Trace Sphalerite. (3 pieces only so not logged).CY/SH: 0.0-5.0 cm: Sandy hydrothermal clay, with siliceous grains in a slightly sticky gray mud matrix. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 5.0-100.0 cm: Gray very hard indurated clay - almost mudstone.Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in clay, tends to concentrate in slightly coarser, more siliceous layers. Core heavily biscuited by drilling.2010-09-23T07:02:07
331-C0014G-13T-4,0.069.70569.705331-C0014G-13T-4,36.570.07070.0700 - 2 cm void. 2 -10.5 cm Silicifed volcanioc grit. Grey clasts - some angular but staright sided - 2-5 mm in diameter white rims around clasts, matrix same as above section.10.5 - 26 cm Volcanic breccia of lithified fine grained sandstones and some volcanic grit as descrobed above but with grey mud. 26-36.5 cm Silicifed volcanioc grit. Grey clasts - some angular but staright sided - 2-5 mm in diameter.Silicification is patchy and unit is dissagregated and individual grit clasts can be pulled from core. 1 % dissemianted pyrite. CY/SH: 0.0-36.5 cm: Gray very hard to spongy variably indurated clay - almost mudstone.Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite. Probable remnant lithoclasts, up to 2 cm in size, with fine white blebs, possibly after feldspar. Core heavily biscuited by drilling.2010-09-23T07:03:59
331-C0014G-13T-CC,0.070.07070.070331-C0014G-13T-CC,12.570.19570.1950- 11.5 cm Grey, poorly silicified volcanioc grit. Dark, soft grey clasts can be worked from matrix in places. Griit 3 -4 mm diameter. Forgot to log no sample between 11.5 -12.5. 1 % disseminated pyrite in section.CY/SH: 0.0-11.5 cm: Gray very hard indurated clay - almost mudstone. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-23T07:06:04
331-C0014G-14T-1,0.071.20071.200331-C0014G-14T-1,47.571.67571.6750-7 cm Drill breccia. 7-47 cm Grey Hydrothermal mud. Euhedral Anhydrite. Euhedral Barite. 24 - 26 cm Calcite/Anhydrite snowball; 32-47 cm White mineral banding and harder induration. CY/SH: 0.0-7.0 cm: Redrill - fine grit in a gray clay matrix.7.0-47.5 cm: Gray indurated clay with scattered irregular coarsely crystalline anhydrite veins, up to 5mm across. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-23T07:10:17
331-C0014G-14T-2,0.071.67571.675331-C0014G-14T-2,101.572.69072.6900-7 (infered from xct)cm Grey hdyrothermal mud. 7(infered from xct) -27 (infered from xct) cm Siliccifed hydrothermal breccia. Some mottling and white patches.Some relict pumice textures (e.g dark grey oblate shapes and spheres picked out by lack of white mottling inside). 27 (infered) -48 cm Grey Hydrothermal mud. Some ropunded volcanic clasts 10 to 15 mmd diameter. (fine sandstone welded, matrix).48-101 cm Siliccifed hydrothermal breccia. Some mottling and white patches. Some relict pumice textures (e.g dark grey oblate shapes and spheres picked out by lack of white mottling inside). Euhedral Anhydrite. 1-5% pyrite disseminated.CY/SH. 0.0-30.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar to underlying interval, from XCT. 30.0-101.5 cm: Gray very hard indurated clay - almost mudstone with scattered mm-scale anhydrite veinlets and rarwe coarsely crystalline anhydrite.Distinct 1cm diameter white rounded siliceous clast at 42cm - silicifed pumice? Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-23T07:14:49
331-C0014G-14T-3,0.072.69072.690331-C0014G-14T-3,102.073.71073.7100-100 Silicified volcanic Breccia. Lots of Soft grey clay clasts in fine white silicifed matrix showing volcanic textures that inclide: lapili, vitric clasts, bombs and mpact strutcures as noted. Manty. Pyrite 0.5-1 %.Very fine and disseminated in siliicifed layers not in gery mud. Gravel laminae at 23 to 25 cm .Enahcned (coasrer pyrite precipitation). CY/SH: 0.0-30.0 cm: Dark gray heavily indurated clay altered interval with clear remnant clastic texture.Flattened 3 x 10mm rounded fragments of dark gray clay are hosted in a paler, more siliceous matrix. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite, concentrated in siliceous material.30.0-65.0cm: Dark gray heavily undurated clay - more massive than surrounding intervals. Rare possible coarse remnant clasts (1-2cm), but not convincing. 65.0-107.0 cm: Dark gray heavily indurated clay altered interval with clear remnant clastic texture.Flattened 3 x 10mm rounded fragments of dark gray clay are hosted in a paler, more siliceous matrix. Rare coarser fragments up to 2cm, also rounded. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite, concentrated in siliceous material.2010-09-23T07:24:46
331-C0014G-14T-CC,0.073.71073.710331-C0014G-14T-CC,30.574.01574.0150-29 cm Silicifed volcanic breccia. Grey mud in a silicified ground mass. Disturbed by drilling. 29 -30cm No core. Sampled for Palaeo. CY/SH: 0.0-29.5 cm: Heavily fragmented core, due to dilling disturbance. Dark gray heavily undurated clay.Rare coarse anhydrite crystals. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 29.5-30.5 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-23T07:27:58
331-C0014G-15T-1,0.075.70075.700331-C0014G-15T-1,20.575.90575.7790-20.5. Hydrothemally altered volcanic brecia with range of lithologies.Highly duistrubed by drilling. Clast types: (very angular - freshly broken - drill bnerccia). 1 X silicified grit - grey clasts with siliceous matrix. 2 X Black, violcanic ash.Individual grains visible, (fine sand), little matrix, but hard and not friable. White/black, Lapili, some squashed (2-6 mm). 0.5 - 1 % dissemianted and framboidal Pyrite. CY/SH: 0.0-20.5 cm: Sample highly disturbed by drilling - possible redrill.Rounded, broken fragments up to 2 cm in size, of hard dark gray indurated mud and gray silicifed volcanic rock in a sticky gray mud matrix. Minor coarsely crystalline anhydrite. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-24T00:29:05
331-C0014G-15T-CC,0.075.90575.779331-C0014G-15T-CC,31.076.21575.8980-13 Cm Hydrothermal breccia. Some clasts angular and freshly broken. Some rounded. Similar clasts to section above. 1 - 5 % dissemianted and framboidal pyrite. 3.5 grains of sphalerite. 13-22.5 cm. Hydrothernal allterted volcanic grit.Dark grey soft grit clasts in a a lightter grey highly indurtated matrix. 0.5 - 1 % dissemianted pyrite. 22-23.5 Dark grey inudurated hydrothermally altered clay. No mottling. Minor 1 + % disseminated and frmaboidal pyrite.23.5 - 30 cm Hydrothernal allterted volcanic grit. Dark grey soft grit clasts in a a lightter highly indurtated matrix. 0.5 - 1 % dissemianted pyrite. 30 -31cm no core. Sample taken for palynology.CY/SH: 0.0-13.0 cm: Sample highly disturbed by drilling - possible redrill. Rounded, broken fragments up to 2 cm in size, of hard dark gray indurated mud and gray silicifed volcanic rock in a sticky gray mud matrix. Minor coarsely crystalline anhydrite.Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 13.0-30.0 cm: Hard dark gray indurated mud (similar to mud fragments in overlying unit), heavily fractured by drilliing. Patchy mm-scale white veining (sulfate?).Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. 30.0-31.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-24T00:29:50
331-C0014G-16T-1,0.075.90075.900331-C0014G-16T-1,78.576.68576.6850.0 to 52.0cm:Gray hydrothermal mud (hydrothermal clay) cut by extensive qtz-anhydrite veinlets. Matrix composed of hydrothermal clay with trace fine disseminated pyrite.Patches (<0.5cm) of white hydrothermal clay upon surface-slight mottled appearance.52.0 to 62.0cm: WR: IW only. CT scan suggests same lithology as above. 62.0 to 78.5cm: Same lithology as above. Gray hydrothermal mud (hydrothermal clay) cut by extensive qtz-anhydrite veinlets.Matrix composed of hydrothermal clay with trace fine disseminated pyrite. Patches (2.5cm) of white hydrothermal clay upon surface - slight mottled appearance.2010-09-22T21:06:43
331-C0014G-16T-2,0.076.68576.685331-C0014G-16T-2,100.077.68577.6850.0 to 20.0cm: Gray hydrothermal mud (hydrothermal clay) cut by extensive qtz-anhydrite veinlets. Matrix composed of hydrothermal clay with trace fine disseminated pyrite.Patches (<0.5cm) of white hydrothermal clay upon surface-slight mottled appearance. 20.0 to 100cm: White to gray hydrothermal mud (hydrothermal clay) cut by extensive qtz-anhydrite veinlets.Matrix composed of hydrothermal clay with trace fine disseminated pyrite. Patches (<0.5cm) of white hydrothermal clay upon surface - slight mottled appearance.2010-09-22T21:07:34
331-C0014G-16T-CC,0.077.68577.685331-C0014G-16T-CC,32.078.00578.0050.0 to 5: Large gray clast of silicified mud (subrounded, 5cm) surrounded by hydrothermal clay. Trace disseminated pyrite within quartz veinlets of clast and disseminated in clay matrix. 5.0 to 16.0.Gray hydrothermal mud (hydrothermal clay) cut by extensive qtz-anhydrite veinlets. Matrix composed of hydrothermal clay with trace fine disseminated pyrite. Patches (<0.5cm) of white hydrothermal clay upon surface - slight mottled appearance.16.0 to 31.0: Indurated unit comprising small (0.5cm) white to grey mud clasts in matrix of hydrothermal clay (matrix supported). Trace disseminated pyrite. 31.0 to 32.0: WR: PALEO - not imaged by CT2010-09-22T21:08:18
331-C0014G-17T-1,0.080.20080.200331-C0014G-17T-1,41.080.61080.6100.0 to 41.0cm: Dark gray, strongly indurated hydrothermal clay, cut by extensive silica-anhydrite veinlets. Silica-anhydrite veinlets between 1-2mm.Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay with minor quartz and trace disseminated pyrite (framboidal and euhedral).2010-09-22T21:18:36
331-C0014G-17T-2,0.080.61080.610331-C0014G-17T-2,100.581.61581.6150.0 to 100.0cm: Dark gray, strongly indurated hydrothermal clay, cut by extensive silica-anhydrite veinlets. Silica-anhydrite veinlets between 1-2mm.Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay with minor quartz and trace disseminated pyrite (framboidal and euhedral).2010-09-22T21:18:53
331-C0014G-17T-3,0.081.61581.615331-C0014G-17T-3,101.082.62582.6250.0 to 9.0cm: Gray, soft hydrothermal clay, cut by extensive silica-anhydrite veinlets. Silica-anhydrite veinlets between 1-2mm. Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay with minor quartz and trace disseminated pyrite (framboidal and euhedral).9.0 to 65.0cm: Gray, indurated hydrothermal clay, cut by extensive silica-anhydrite veinlets. Silica-anhydrite veinlets between 1-2mm.Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay with minor quartz and trace disseminated pyrite (framboidal and euhedral). 65.0 to 101.5cm: Gray, soft hydrothermal clay, cut by silica-anhydrite veinlets. Silica-anhydrite veinlets between 1-2mm.Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay with minor quartz, anhydrite? and trace disseminated pyrite (framboidal and euhedral). Large quartz-anhydrite? veins (<0.5-1cm thick) at: 0 to 9cm, 50 to 63cm, and 85 to 97cm.2010-09-22T21:19:14
331-C0014G-17T-4,0.082.62582.625331-C0014G-17T-4,100.083.62583.6250.0 to 37.0: Gray, indurated hydrothermal clay, cut by extensive silica-anhydrite veinlets. Silica-anhydrite veinlets between 1-2mm.Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay with minor quartz and trace disseminated pyrite (framboidal and euhedral). 37.0 to 55.0: Softer, gray hydrothermal clay, with rare silica-anhydrite veinlets.Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay with minor quartz and trace disseminated pyrite (framboidal and euhedral). 55.0 to 100.0cm: Gray, indurated hydrothermal clay, cut by extensive silica-anhydrite veinlets.Silica-anhydrite veinlets between 1-2mm. Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay with minor quartz and trace disseminated pyrite (framboidal and euhedral).2010-09-22T21:18:18
331-C0014G-17T-CC,0.083.62583.625331-C0014G-17T-CC,9.583.72083.7200.0 to 8.5cm: Gray, indurated hydrothermal clay, cut by thin silica-anhydrite veinlets. Silica-anhydrite veinletss between 1-2mm.Matrix composed predominantly of hydrothermal clay with minor quartz and trace disseminated pyrite (framboidal and euhedral). 8.9 to 9.5cm: WR (PAL). Not imaged by CT.2010-09-22T21:19:55
331-C0014G-18T-1,0.084.70084.700331-C0014G-18T-1,31.585.01585.0150.0-31.5 cm: Spongy to very hard massive gray variably indurated clay with abundant irregular 1mm anydrite veinlets that dip at ~30 degrees to horizontal. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T21:56:12
331-C0014G-18T-2,0.085.01585.015331-C0014G-18T-2,100.086.01586.0150.0-100.0 cm: Generally hard massive gray indurated clay with very rare irregular 1mm anydrite veinlets. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.Possible remnant clasts of volcanic rock (patches showing faint banding and fine white pseudoprismatic blebs.2010-09-22T22:11:06
331-C0014G-18T-3,0.086.01586.015331-C0014G-18T-3,100.587.02087.0200.0-58.0 cm: Generally hard massive gray indurated clay with scattered irregular 1mm anydrite veinlets. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.Possible remnant clasts of volcanic rock (patches showing faint banding and fine white pseudoprismatic blebs.Lower contact of unit is marked by 0.5cm coarsely crystalline irregular anhydrite vein, inclined at ~55 degrees, that runs across the core from ~50-70cm.58.0-100.5 cm: Very pale bluish gray indurated clay with remnant pseudoclastic angular grit texture visible in some places. Interval is cut by a 3cm wide coarsely crystalline anhydrite vein at 89-94cm, plus finer veinlets.Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T22:30:35
331-C0014G-18T-4,0.087.02087.020331-C0014G-18T-4,101.088.03088.0300.0-20.0 cm: Very pale bluish gray indurated clay with remnant pseudoclastic angular grit texture visible in some places. Interval is cut by scattered narrow veinlets of anhydrite. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.20.0-35.0cm: WR sample (IW). Similar clay to surrounding intervals, from XCT. 35.0-101.0cm: Very pale bluish gray indurated clay with remnant pseudoclastic angular grit texture visible in some places.Interval is cut by coarsely crystalline irregular anhydrite veins up to 1cm in width, partially dismembered by drilling. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T22:38:36
331-C0014G-18T-CC,0.088.03088.030331-C0014G-18T-CC,31.588.34588.3450.0-17.5 cm: Soft, very pale greenish gray clay, highly broken up by drilling. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite. 17.5-30.5 cm: Poorly sorted grit in a pale gray clay matrix. Rare coarse anhydrite crystals.Frgaments are pale gray sugary, silicified rounded fragments of volcaniclastic rock - coaser material seen in next Core. 30.5-31.5 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-22T23:00:42
331-C0014G-19T-1,0.089.20089.200331-C0014G-19T-1,15.589.35589.3550.0-15.5 cm: Rounded fragments, up to 4cm in size, of pale gray sugary silicified volcaniclastic breccia in a sticky gray matrix of clay. Scattered coarsely crystalline anhydrite, up to 0.5cm in size. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-22T23:16:08
331-C0014G-19T-CC,0.089.35589.355331-C0014G-19T-CC,26.589.62089.6200.0-25.5 cm: Rounded fragments, up to 2cm in size, of pale gray sugary silicified volcaniclastic breccia in a sticky gray matrix of clay. Scattered coarsely crystalline anhydrite, up to 0.5cm in size.Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite. 25.5-26.5 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-22T23:16:32
331-C0014G-20T-1,0.093.70093.700331-C0014G-20T-1,63.094.33094.3300.0-5.0 cm: Rounded fragments, up to 2cm in size, of pale gray sugary silicified volcaniclastic breccia in a sticky gray matrix of clay. Scattered coarsely crystalline anhydrite, up to 0.5cm in size. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.5.0-43.0 cm: Hard heavily indurated sugary very pale gray hydrothermally altered fine sand. Abundant quartz and some anhydrite. Possible altered volcaniclastic sand. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.43.0-63.0 cm: WR sample (IW). Similar material to overlying interval, from XCT.2010-09-22T23:56:56
331-C0014G-20T-CC,0.094.33094.330331-C0014G-20T-CC,40.594.73594.7350.0-39.5 cm: Hard heavily indurated sugary very pale gray hydrothermally altered fine sand. Abundant quartz and some anhydrite. Possible altered volcaniclastic sand. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.Distinct hard white silecous nodules at 10-12.5cm and 36-39.5cm. Scattered 0.5cm coarsely crystalline anhydrite. 39.5-40.5 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-23T00:35:33
331-C0014G-21H-1,0.098.20098.200331-C0014G-21H-1,9.598.29598.2950.0-9.5 cm: Redrill - grades from sand at top to grit at base. Mixture of silicified material, indurated dark and pale gray clay, anhydrite and pumice. 0.5% fine euhedral pyrite.2010-09-23T00:39:42
331-C0014G-21H-2,0.098.29598.295331-C0014G-21H-2,81.099.10599.1050.0-57.5 cm:Redrill - grades from grit at top to 1cm gravel at base. Mixture of silicified material, indurated dark and pale gray clay, anhydrite and pumice. 0.5% fine euhedral pyrite. Pushed down one side of core to ~70cm.57.5-81.0 cm: Hard heavily indurated sugary very pale gray hydrothermally altered fine sand. Abundant quartz and some anhydrite. Possible altered volcaniclastic sand. Trace fine grained disseminated pyritohedral pyrite.Distinct siliceous clast at 66-68cm - probably redrill matrerial pushed into the core.2010-09-23T00:47:08
331-C0014G-21H-3,0.099.10599.105331-C0014G-21H-3,100.0100.105100.1050.0-25.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to underlying interval, from XCT.25.0-75.0 cm: Coarse fragments up to 3cm in size of pale gray siliceous clay-altered volcanic rock in a matrix of sugary very pale gray hydrothermally altered fine sand and clay.Abundant quartz and some anhydrite. Trace fine grained disseminated pyritohedral pyrite in matrix and very fine cubes in clasts.2010-09-23T01:17:08
331-C0014G-21H-CC,0.0100.105100.105331-C0014G-21H-CC,1.0100.115100.1150.0-1.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-23T01:00:00
331-C0014G-22X-1,0.0100.200100.200331-C0014G-22X-1,35.5100.555100.5550.0-36.0 cm: Coarse fragments up to 9cm in size (down core) of very pale gray to white silica-clay altered tuffaceous looking volcanic rock in a matrix of sugary very pale gray hydrothermally altered fine sand and clay.Abundant quartz and some anhydrite. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix and clasts.2010-09-23T01:16:32
331-C0014G-22X-CC,0.0100.555100.555331-C0014G-22X-CC,16.0100.715100.7150.0-7.0 cm: Hard, finely laminated (0.5-1mm horizontal laminae) pale gray heavily indurated clay. Laminae represent compositional variation-darker bands probably more siliceous, lighter bands more clay rich. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite.Scattered irregular sub-mm anydrite veinlets. 7.0-15.0 cm: Hard massive dark gray heavily indurated clay. 0.5% very fine grained framboidal pyrite - disseminated and in fine horizontally elongate blebs. Scattered irregular sub-mm anydrite veinlets.15.0 - 16.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-23T01:31:51
331-C0014G-23X-1,0.0104.700104.700331-C0014G-23X-1,60.5105.305105.3050.0-12.0 cm: Soupy drilling disturbed clay supported hydrothermal breccia. Likely to be same material to 22.0-60.5cm. 12.0-22.0 cm: WR sample (IW). Looks to be a large clast similar to those in the underlying interval, from XCT.22.0-60.5 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered volcanic clasts (after pumice?), up to 5cm in size, in a sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay matrix. Larger clasts appear biscuited by drilling.Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix. Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra.2010-09-23T03:32:46
331-C0014G-23X-2,0.0105.305105.305331-C0014G-23X-2,23.0105.535105.5350.0-19.5 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered volcanic clasts (after pumice?), up to 3cm in size, in a sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay matrix. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix.Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra. Scattered coarse anhydrite crystals. 19.5-23.0 cm: Hard massive dark gray heavily indurated clay.0.5% very fine grained framboidal pyrite-disseminated and in fine horizontally elongate blebs. Scattered irregular sub-mm anydrite veinlets. Contact disturbed by gas sampling (pushed up).2010-09-23T04:44:22
331-C0014G-23X-CC,0.0105.535105.535331-C0014G-23X-CC,15.0105.685105.6850.0-14.0cm: Hard massive dark gray heavily indurated clay. 0.5% very fine grained framboidal pyrite-disseminated and in fine horizontally elongate blebs. Scattered irregular coarse grained anhydrite veins. 14.0-15.0cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-23T04:49:00
331-C0014G-24T-1,0.0109.200109.200331-C0014G-24T-1,50.0109.700109.7000.0-8.0 cm: Mixed gravel of siliceous material and sticky pale gray clay. Distinct 2mm vein of pyrite/marcasite-sphalerite-galena at 2cm, 1-2mm euhedral crystals hosted in clay.8.0-50.0 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered volcanic clasts (after pumice?), up to 8cm in size (down core), in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts) and sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay.Larger clasts appear biscuited by drilling. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix. Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra.2010-09-23T08:06:46
331-C0014G-24T-2,0.0109.700109.700331-C0014G-24T-2,100.0110.700110.7000.0-39.0 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered volcanic clasts (after pumice?), up to 8cm in size (down core), in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts) and sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay.Larger clasts appear biscuited by drilling. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Irregular 3mm wide anhydrite vein at 27cm. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix. Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra.39.0-66.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, from XCT. 66.0-100.0 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered volcanic clasts (after pumice?), up to 8cm in size (down core), in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand(similar to the clasts) and sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay. Larger clasts appear biscuited by drilling. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix.Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra.2010-09-23T08:12:42
331-C0014G-24T-3,0.0110.700110.700331-C0014G-24T-3,98.5111.685111.6850.0-66.0 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered volcanic clasts (after pumice?), up to 8cm in size (down core), in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts) and sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay.Larger clasts appear biscuited by drilling. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix. Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra. 66.0-68.0 cm: Soupy grit interval.Same material as surrounding intervals, probably fluidized by drilling. 68.0-98.5 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered volcanic clasts (after pumice?), up to 8cm in size (down core), in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand(similar to the clasts) and sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay. Larger clasts appear biscuited by drilling. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix.Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra.2010-09-23T08:18:59
331-C0014G-24T-4,0.0111.685111.685331-C0014G-24T-4,110.5112.790112.7900.0-61.0 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, highly vesicular altered volcanic clasts (after pumice? - very convincing tube pumice textures preserved), up to 8cm in size (down core), in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts)and sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay. Larger clasts appear biscuited by drilling. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix. Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra.61.0-64.0 cm: Soupy grit interval. Same material as surrounding intervals, probably fluidized by drilling. 64.0-95.0 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered volcanic clasts (after pumice?), up to 8cm in size (down core),in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts) and sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay. Biscuited by drilling - possibly single large clast from 64 to 89.5cm. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix.Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix. Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra. 95.0-110.5 cm: WR sample (IW). Similar to overlying interval, from XCT.2010-09-23T08:35:36
331-C0014G-24T-CC,0.0112.790112.790331-C0014G-24T-CC,57.0113.360113.3600.0-45.0 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered volcanic clasts (after pumice?), up to 8cm in size (down core), in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts) and less abundant sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay.Appears biscuited by drilling - possibly one or large clasts?. Probably remnant flow banding visible in clast from 39-46cm. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix.Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra. 45.0-56.0 cm: Similar material to above but more clay and heavily disturbed by drilling/ Largest clast ~ 2cm. 56.0-57.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-23T08:37:24
331-C0014G-25T-1,0.0113.700113.700331-C0014G-25T-1,63.0114.330114.3300.0-10.0 cm: Mostly soupy redrill and heavily disturbed, but clasts similar in composition to the underlying unit, with the exception of a handful of exotic fragments. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite, one grain of sphalerite seen.10.0-35.0 cm: Very Pale gray strongly siliceous, internally fragmentally textured altered volcaniclastic clasts up to 10cm in size (down core), in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts) and sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay.~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Bright fragments in XCT may be coarse anhydrite (or barite?). Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix. Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra. Core biscuited.35.0-45.0 cm: WR sample (IW). Similar to matrix of surrounding intervals, from XCT. 45.0-63.0 cm: Very Pale gray strongly siliceous, internally fragmentally textured altered volcaniclastic clasts up to 10cm in size (down core),in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts) and sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix.Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra. Core biscuited.2010-09-23T09:50:33
331-C0014G-25T-CC,0.0114.330114.330331-C0014G-25T-CC,20.5114.535114.5350.0-19.5 cm: Very Pale gray strongly siliceous, internally fragmentally textured altered volcaniclastic clasts up to 5cm in size, in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts) and sticky pale gray hydrothermal clay.~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite in matrix. Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra. Core heavily fragmented. 19.5-20.5 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-23T09:52:59
331-C0014G-26T-CC,0.0118.200118.200331-C0014G-26T-CC,2.0118.220118.2200.0-1.0 cm: Redrill - assorted rounded pebbles of assorted siliceous material. 5 or 6 pieces of heavily tarnished pyrite, up to 10mm across.1.0-2.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-24T03:01:42
331-C0014G-30X-1,0.0127.200127.200331-C0014G-30X-1,47.5127.675127.6750.0-47.5 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered and internally fragmentally textured volcanic clasts (some after pumice?), up to 5cm in size, in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts) andsticky pale gray hydrothermal clay. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite and chalopyrite in matrix. Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra and trace chalcopyrite.The clast from 44 to 47.5cm contains a subrounded cubic fragment of dark gray cherty sediment, embedded in sugary vesicular material.2010-09-23T21:51:21
331-C0014G-30X-CC,0.0127.675127.675331-C0014G-30X-CC,20.5127.880127.8800.0-19.5 cm: Very pale gray strongly siliceous, vesicular altered and internally fragmentally textured volcanic clasts (some after pumice?), up to 5cm in size, in a matrix of sugary siliceous sand (similar to the clasts) andsticky pale gray hydrothermal clay. ~5% fine anhydrite crystal fragments in the matrix and scattered coarse crystals observed. Trace very fine grained disseminated pyrite and chalopyrite in matrix.Clasts contain ~1% disseminated 0.5mm pyrite euhedra and trace chalcopyrite. 19.5-20.0 cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-23T21:49:19