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Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 331-C0014D [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2010): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 Preliminary Report. Deep Hot Biosphere. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 331,
Other version:
IODP Hole 331-C0014D, snapshot taken on 2011-10-03, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 27.790263 * Longitude: 126.900677
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 15.200 m
331-C0014D * Latitude: 27.790263 * Longitude: 126.900677 * Elevation: -1060.0 m * Recovery: 12.5 m * Campaign: Exp331 (Deep Hot Biosphere) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionPetrological comment on Section
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
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14 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
15 Time StampTime StampExpedition 331 ScientistsOf petrological comment
148 data points


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Depth sed [m]

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Time Stamp
(Of petrological comment)
331-C0014D-1H-1,0.00.0000.000331-C0014D-1H-1,140.01.4001.4000.0-23.0cm: Volcaniclastic sand with a dark green matrix. Sand comprises pumice, volcanic glass shards, foraminifera and green spheroidal organoclasts.23.0-50.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). XCT indixcates that it is similar to underlying unit.50.0-140.0cm: Dark green plastic clay, with abundant degassing bubbles. Minor silty pumice fragments. Very little sulfide - very fine grained.2010-09-18T05:42:02
331-C0014D-1H-2,0.01.4001.400331-C0014D-1H-2,140.52.8052.8050.0-48.0cm: Dark green plastic clay, with abundant degassing bubbles. Minor silty pumice fragments. Very little sulfide - very fine grained.48.0-57.0cm: Sandy silt with a dark green clay matrix. Fragments of pumice, partially devitrified volcanic glass, minor quartz. Very little sulfide.57.0-89.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). XCT imlpies that it is similar to the surrounding intervals.89.0-93.0cm: Sandy silt with a dark green clay matrix. Fragments of pumice, partially devitrified volcanic glass, minor quartz. Very little sulfide.93.0-141.0cm: Dark green clast supported pumiceous gravel with a sandy matrix - pumice and glass shards. Very little sulfide.2010-09-18T08:18:15
331-C0014D-1H-3,0.02.8052.805331-C0014D-1H-3,142.04.2254.2250.0-22.0cm: Clast supported pumiceous gravel with a sandy matrix - pumice and glass shards. Gradation in color from dark green at top to greenish gray at base. Very little sulfide.22.0-27.0cm: Greenish gray matrix supported pumiceous gravel with a sandy matrix of pumice and glass shards. Very little sulfide.27.0-54.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). XCT suggests similar material to surrounding intervals.54.0-74.5cm: Greenish gray matrix supported pumiceous gravel with a sandy matrix of pumice and glass shards. Very little sulfide.74.5-109.0cm: Greenish gray pumiceous sand with a clayey matrix. Glauconitic? Very little sulfide.109.0-142.0cm: Gray clast supported pumiceous grit. Very little sulfide.2010-09-18T08:19:29
331-C0014D-1H-4,0.04.2254.225331-C0014D-1H-4,89.05.1155.1150.0-22.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). XCT suggests similar material to underlying interval.22.0-75.0cm: Greenish gray pumiceous sand with a clayey matrix and more clayey bands. Glauconitic? Very little sulfide.75.0-89.0cm: Gray clast supported pumiceous grit. Very little sulfide.2010-09-18T08:20:13
331-C0014D-1H-CC,0.05.1155.115331-C0014D-1H-CC,30.55.4205.4200.0-29.0cm: Gray clast supported pumiceous gravel, fractured by drilling. Very little sulfide. 29.0-30.0cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by CT.2010-09-18T08:20:43
331-C0014D-2H-1,0.06.5006.500331-C0014D-2H-1,138.07.8807.8800.0-17.0cm: Dark gray pumiceous gravel with extensive drilling disturbance, including plastic tape.17.0-43.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Likely to be similar to surrounding units, based on XCT.43.0-80.0cm: Dark gray pumiceous gravel with extensive drilling disturbance and some plastic shards. Sandy glass matrix. 1-2% very fine grained pyrite euhedra and framboids.80.0-109.0cm: Dark gray matrix supported pumiceous gravel, sandy to gritty matrix. 1-2% very fine grained pyrite euhedra and framboids.109.0-139.0cm: Dark gray clast supported pumiceous gravel. 1-2% very fine grained pyrite euhedra and framboids.2010-09-18T08:12:48
331-C0014D-2H-2,0.07.8807.880331-C0014D-2H-2,141.09.2909.2900.0-6.0cm: Dark gray clast supported pumiceous gravel. 1-2% very fine grained pyrite euhedra and framboids.6.0-75.0cm: Dark gray matrix supported pumiceous gravel, sandy to gritty matrix. 1-2% very fine grained pyrite euhedra and framboids.75.0-110.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Likely to be similar to surrounding units, based on XCT.110.0-141.0cm: Dark gray matrix supported pumiceous gravel, sandy to gritty matrix. 1-2% very fine grained pyrite euhedra and framboids.2010-09-18T08:16:34
331-C0014D-2H-3,0.09.2909.290331-C0014D-2H-3,143.010.72010.7200.0-50.0cm: Partially altered pumiceous grit. Clasts are breaking down into component parts, but volcanic glass needles are still evident. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.50.0-119.0cm: (includes WR sample 73.0-103.0cm): Gradation from the above unit to indurated gritty hydrothermal clay. Glass is no longer present. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.119.0-125.0cm: Pale to mid-gray indurated hydrothermal clay with 1% native sulfur. Lower contact is sharp and dips at ~45 degrees (see core image). Clearly fracture controlled. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.125.0-143: Dark gray indurated hydrothermal clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite, no more than in overlying unit.2010-09-18T08:41:55
331-C0014D-2H-4,0.010.72010.720331-C0014D-2H-4,127.511.99511.9950-3.0 cm: Dark gray indurated hydrothermal clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Repeat of dark gray clay above. Horizontal contact with unit beneath.3.0 -14cm: Pale to mid-gray indurated hydrothermal clay with 5 % native sulfur. Lower contact undulates and is non-linear (see core image). Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.14-50 cm Dark gray indurated hydrothermal clay. Some relict pumice fragmnents still visibe but most texture lost - including volcanic shrads50-66 cm Light gray white mottled colour. Some volcanic shards still visible. Poorly consolidated.66-96cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar to underlying material, with less sulfide, from XCT.96-102 cm Dark gray, indurated mud. Black streaks with >50 % concentration of fine framboidal pyrite Mottled white and gray appearance.102 -117 cm Dark gray, indurated mud. minor < 1% disseminated pyrite117 - 125.5 cm Pale gray hydrothermal clay. Whie mottling. < 1.0 % framboidal pyrite. Note black band with framboidal pyrite.2010-09-18T21:04:52
331-C0014D-2H-5,0.011.99511.995331-C0014D-2H-5,61.012.60512.6050-4 cm Pale grey hydrothermal mud. Mottled appearance no anhydrite. 0.5 - 1 % framboidal pyrite.4-10 cm Pale grey hydrothermal mud. Less mottling than section above. Sparse anhydrite crystals and disseminated euhedral and framboidal pyrite 2-5 %.10-19 cm Pale grey mud with granular texture evidencing gas expanision. Minor anhydrite 1 % (as large anhydrite clasts) and framboidal pyrite19-30 cm Granulated hydrothemal mud. some pumice textures. Brown clay - coating surface granules. (xrd sample taken). No Anhydrite. 1- 0..5 % framboidal pyrite.30 - 37 cm Large clast of mud - relict pumice textures cast in mud. 0.5 -1% framboidal pyrite.37 - 52 cm Grey mud. Minor 2% euhedral anydhrirte. Framboidal pyrite 1- 5 %.52 - 61 cm Dark Grey hydrothermal mud. Minor framboidal pyrite - 0.5%2010-09-18T21:10:26
331-C0014D-2H-6,0.012.60512.605331-C0014D-2H-6,99.513.60013.6000-9 cm Dark Grey hydrothermal mud with relict pumice fragments. 1 -5 % framboidal pyrite.9-34cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar to underlying unit, from XCT.34-85.0 cm Poorly consolidated dark hydrothermal mud. Sparse euhedal anhydritye crystals.0.5 -1 % framboidal pyrite.Some Acicular volcanic shards present. Slightly coarser sphalerite in anhydrirte/sphalerite/pyrite confined to a single sedimentary layer 52.5 cm.85 - 99.5 Indurated dark hydrothermal clay. Euhedral anhydrite and same minor pyrite as rest if section2010-09-18T21:14:53
331-C0014D-2H-7,0.013.60013.600331-C0014D-2H-7,101.014.61014.610Does not follow from previous lithology of section above0-4 cm Indurated pale grey hydrothermal mud. White blebs of clay psuedomoprhig after plagioclase.< 0.5 % fine grained Pyrite4- 10 cm Grey hydrothermal mud. No clay blebs. Poorly consolidated at contact with adjacent units. 37 - 51 cm Dark grey hydrothermal mud, poorly consolidated 42-48 cm. < 0.5 % fine grained Pyrite10 -37 cm Indurated pale grey hydrothermal mud. White blebs of clay psuedomoprhig after plagioclase.51- 63 cm light grey hydrothermal mud with white patches and pumice relict textures passing up into dark grey mud. Poorly consolidated at base. Coarser sphaleriite and pyrite layer at 52 cm. < 0.5 % fine grained Pyrite63-77 cm Poorly consolidated granulated grey mud with relict pumice textures. Sphalerite and pyrite. Pyrite framboids. 0.5 %77- 90 cm. Indurated pale grey hydrothermal mud. White blebs of clay psuedomorphing after plagioclase. 1 % fine grained Pyrite90 -101 cm Indurated dark grey hyrothermal mud. 0.5 % fine grained pyrite. No euhedral anhydrite in section2010-09-18T21:19:57
331-C0014D-2H-8,0.014.61014.610331-C0014D-2H-8,59.015.20015.200Does not follow on from previous lithology. 0-15 cm Indurated grey hydrothemal mud. Some white mottling and relict pumice textures. 0.5 % disseminated pyrite. Sparse euhedral anyhydrite.15 - 35 cm moderately indurated hydrothemal mud. White blebs of clay psuedomorphing after plagioclase. 0.5 % disseminated pyrite35-53cm Granules of hydrothermal mud. Very poorly consolidated. Relict pumice textures, incuding large mud clast (altered pumice).Coarser sphalerite-pyrite mineralisation (1- 5 %) and 0.5 % fine disseminated Pyrite53 -59 cm Indurated grey hydrothermal mud with mottled appearence and relict pumice textures. 0.5 % disseminated Pyrite2010-09-18T21:24:55
331-C0014D-2H-CC,0.015.20015.200331-C0014D-2H-CC,36.015.56015.5600-22 cm Clasts of hydrothermal mud found in Hole D. Predominance of mud replacing pumice. 16 - 22 cm moderately indurated hydrothemal mud. White blebs of clay psuedomorphing after plagioclase.22 - 35 cm Clasts of hydrothermal mud found in hole D. Predominance of mud replacing pumice. 35-36 cm WR sample (PAL). Not CT imaged.for core catcher: 1 % framboidal pyrite. Sparse euhedral anhydrite.2010-09-18T21:28:49