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Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 331-C0013F [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2010): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 Preliminary Report. Deep Hot Biosphere. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 331,
Other version:
IODP Hole 331-C0013F, snapshot taken on 2011-10-03, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 27.790203 * Longitude: 126.897668
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 8.180 m
331-C0013F * Latitude: 27.790203 * Longitude: 126.897668 * Elevation: -1035.1 m * Recovery: 9.5 m * Campaign: Exp331 (Deep Hot Biosphere) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionPetrological comment on Section
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
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16 Time StampTime StampExpedition 331 ScientistsOf petrological comment
122 data points


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Time Stamp
(Of petrological comment)
331-C0013F-1H-1,0.00.0000.000331-C0013F-1H-1,18.50.1850.1570.0-18.5 cm: Poorly sorted muddy weakly oxidised sediment. Grains range from silt to 4cm in size, mostly coarse sand to grit (1-4mm).Material is highly heterogenous - ~50% pumice fragments and volcanic glass, ~15% sulfate (anhydrite and barite), ~10% quartz, ~ 10% sulfide grains and aggregates (Py>Sp>Cp, including some clear chimney fragments up to 2cm in size),10% biogenic material (shell fragments and wood/weed), 5% native sulfur as discrete blebs up to 2mm in size and as films and coatings on other fragments (implying it formed in the sediment).Working half contains a drillhole diameter-sized disk of native sulfur with abundant organic material and grit - probable seafloor. Another block of similar material occurs at 14-18cm - sediment and organic matter cemented by sulfur.2010-09-24T09:38:01
331-C0013F-1H-2,0.00.1850.157331-C0013F-1H-2,100.01.1851.0090.0-25.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Geochemists report abundant native sulfur. Similar material to overlying sediment (in Section 1), from XCT. 25.0-50.0 cm: Sticky, soupy, dark gray, malodorous slightly silty sulfidic mud with native sulfur.80% of material is slightly to moderately altered dark gray hemipelagic ooze. The remaining fraction is mostly fine silt, composed of glass shards and anhydrite (5-6% each), with ~5% sulfide (pyrite and trace sphalerite).Native sulfur occurs as 1-3mm linings on what must have been gaseous voids in the mud - ~ 2% of interval. 50.0-76.0 cm: More competent sticky dark gray mud, which shows increasing evidence of hydrothermal alteration.Silt portion in this interval is predominantly fine dark gray fragments of silica-pyrite-clay altered volcanic rock, minor anhydrite. Native sulfur occurs as coatings along fractures and bedding planes (?) throughout the interval (~2% overall).Much less sulfidic than overlying material - ~1-2% fine grained pyrite and sphalerite. 76.0-80.0 cm: Fine sulfate-rich sand in sticky dark gray altered mud.0.5mm sized aggregates of sulfate-white clay and 5% pyrite hosted in a similar matrix to the above interval. Minor native sulfur, ~3% sulfide overall. Lack of lithic fragments. Trace framboidal pyrite.80.0-100.0 cm: Dark brown soupy hydorthermally altered mud with ~10% grit to gravel sized fragments of soft dark clay-sulfide altered volcanic rock (mostly 2-5mm in size).Material is moderately sulfidic - ~3% pyrite and sphalerite, trace chalcopyrite.2010-10-02T07:31:52
331-C0013F-1H-3,0.01.1851.009331-C0013F-1H-3,100.02.1851.8600.0-18.5 cm: Native sulfur-sulfate cemented fine grained sand with ~ 1% sulfide (pyrite>sphalerite and strong white clay alteration. Minor quartz. Possible palaeoseafloor - looks very similar to cemented material in Section 1, with less sulfide.18.5-40.0 cm: Dark gray sticky altered clay. Scattered 0.5-1mm anhydrite crystals. ~1% sphalerite and pyrite as disseminated fine euhedra associated with white clay (under microscope). Minor native sulfur coating some cavities.40.0-68.0 cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to overlying interval, from XCT. 68.0-85.0 cm: Dark gray sticky altered clay with ~10% clearly visible 1mm anhydrite prisms and ~1% fine grained disseminated sulfide.Minor native sulfur coating some cavities. 85.0-86.0 cm: Narrow more sulfidic band - ~10% sulfide, dominantly framboidal pyrite.86.0-95.0 cm: Dark gray sticky altered clay with ~10% clearly visible 1mm anhydrite prisms and ~1% fine grained disseminated sulfide. Minor native sulfur coating some cavities.95.0-97.0 cm: Narrow more sulfidic band - ~10% sulfide, dominantly framboidal pyrite. 97.0-100.0 cm: Dark gray sticky altered clay with ~10% clearly visible 1mm anhydrite prisms and ~1% fine grained disseminated sulfide.Minor native sulfur coating some cavities.2010-09-24T10:01:03
331-C0013F-1H-4,0.02.1851.860331-C0013F-1H-4,97.03.1552.6860.0-40 cm: Hydrothermal gravel matrix supported. 3.0 cm length clast that could possibly be altered pumice clasts as shown by small white globules seen within clasts.2 by 2 mm sulfate cyrstals also seen throughout entire lithology, most likely anhydrite cystals. Under smear slide one can observe both cubic detriatal pyrite (trace) and framboidal pyrite (trace).Sphalerite also seen in trace amounts observed by translucent orange crystal (trace). The presence of sulfate (anhydrite ??) mineral was also confirmed via smear slide. 40.0-96.5 cm: Hydrothermal grit clast supported.Clast in this case being hydrothermal clay. Void space within lithology observed, possibly from degassing. Majority of lithology is composed of dark grey clay, with small euhedral clasts (up to 1.5 cm) in size, possibly altered from pumice.With naked eye sulfate and sulfide minerals can be seen. From 71-72 cm a native sulfur vein is present. Looking at a smear slide sulfate minerals (1 %) most likely anhydrite.Sulfide minerals are present with the most obvious being framboidal pyrite (1-3 %). Detriatl sphalerite, galena, pyrite and purple sulfide mineral (covellite?) are seen (1 %).Photos of sulfide cluster composed of galena and purple sulfide mineral was taken.2010-10-02T07:35:07
331-C0013F-1H-5,0.03.1552.686331-C0013F-1H-5,100.04.1553.5370.0-38.0 cm: Highly indurated dark grey hydrothemal clay with white mottling seen throughout lithology, possibly after pumice. Sulfide and sulfate minerals observed with naked eye. A sulfide layer within the lithology is seen from 5.5-7.0 cm.This layer contains a purple sulfide mineral that grows in a planar mica-like form (photo - covellite?). The entire lithology has both detrital and framboidal pyrite (3 %), sphalerite is also seen throught. Anhydrite cystals are also observed.38.1-65.0 cm: IW & MBIO sample is the same as the above lithology. 65.1-76.5 cm: Same hydrothermal clay observed above, at 76.5 cm the lithology seems to change abruptly towards a massive sulfide deposit.76.6-100.0 cm: Semi-massive hydrothemal deposit - sulfidic hydrothermal grit, matrix supported with clay forming the matrix. Large sulfate crystals seen with the naked eye ranging up to (1 by 4 mm), most likelyl anhydrite.Obvious sulfide minerals observed with naked eye ranging up to 30 - 40 %. In smear slide pyrite (detrital & framboidal are seen), sphalerite, galena, and a purple sulfide mineral are also observed (covellite?).Framboidal pyrite is less abundant in this lithology (trace).2010-09-24T22:23:13
331-C0013F-1H-6,0.04.1553.537331-C0013F-1H-6,101.05.1654.3970.0-16.0 cm: Same lithology as the bottom of section 5; sulfidic hydrothermal grit matrix supported with clay forming up the matrix. Large sulfate crystals seen with the naked eye ranging up to (1 by 4 mm), most likelyl anhydrite.Obvious sulfide minerals observed with naked eye ranging up to 30 - 40 %. In smear slide pyrite (detrital & framboidal are seen), sphalerite, galena, and a purple sulfide mineral are also observed (covellite?).Framboidal pyrite is less abundant in this lithology (trace). 16.1-101.0 cm: Indurated grey hydrothermal clay with small clasts displaying white mottling. A small sulfide layer is observed at 53.5 cm moving diagonally down to the void space at 56.5 cm.This sulfide layer is also seen on the other side of the void space. In smear slide the bulk lithology displays sulfate (anhydrite).Within small white clasts abundand amounts of sulfides exist, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and purple mica like sulfide (covellite?). Possibly some galena as well. Entire bulk lithology has about 5% sulfide.No framboidal pyrite is observed in this lithology, all pyrite is detriatal. 53.5-57.0 cm: Sulfide vein in smear slide contains in order of abundance, galena, purple sulfide mineral (covellite?), pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite.This vein is over 50 % sulfide, with the rest of the matrix composed of clay and sulfates, probably anhydrite.2010-09-24T22:24:03
331-C0013F-1H-7,0.05.1654.397331-C0013F-1H-7,100.56.1705.2530.0-12.0 cm: Slightly indurated light grey hydrothermal clay showing small mottled white clasts. 1 % sulfides seen in smear slide, pyrite, purple sulfide mineral (covellite?), sphalerite, chalcopyrite ??.12.1-32.0 cm: VOID space, most likely same slightly indurated light grey hydrothermal clay. 32.1-48.5 cm: Soupy hydrothemal light grey clay. Small clasts within soupy substance ranging up to 1.0 mm, but mostly smaller.In smear slide sample has detrital pyrite, purple sulfide mineral (covellite?), and sphalerite. These minerals make up about 1% of entire lithology.Sulfate crystals were also observed, with purple sulfide mineral growing along basal plane of sulfate mineral. 48.6-100.0 cm: Gradation from slighly indurated grey hydrothermal clay to hydrothermal grit matrix supported.Material changes color to a more lighter grey. Small mottled clasts are seen in entire lithology. Sulphate and sulfide minerals are observed with naked eye. In smear slide sulfides account up to 3 % of entire matrix.These minerals include pyrite, sphalerite, purple mica like sulfide (covellite), chalcopyrite ???. Obvious sulfate minerals are also seen, a photo of a sulfate cyrstal with purple sulfide planer crystals growing out of basal plane of sulfate.95.0-97.0 cm: Sulfide vein, higher concentration of minerals described in the above lithology. Two VOIDS are observed, the first at 48.5 cm is the subdivision from soupy to grit.The second at 73 cm probably is made up of the lithology described from 48.6-100.0 cm.2010-09-24T22:24:46
331-C0013F-1H-8,0.06.1705.253331-C0013F-1H-8,100.57.1756.1080.0-13.5 cm: VOID, probably composed of hydrothermal grit clast supported. 13.5-33.0 cm: Hydrothermal grit matrix supported. Light grey color clay is the matrix. White mottling is seen throughout. Large sulfate crystals observed in entire lithology.At 47 cm a large sulfate crystal 2.0 cm by 1.0 cm was seen. Crystal shows planar twinning but does not disolve in cold water; still believed to be anhydrite.In smear slide 5 % sulfide minerals present, including detriatal pyrite, sphalerite and purple sulfide (covellite?). 5 % sulfate minerals observed, most likely anhydrite. 33.0-38.5 cm: Sulfidic grit with matrix supported clay.Anhydrite crystals and sulfide minerals are abundant. In smear slide sulfate crystals make up 30 %, sulfides 30%, clay 30 %. Sulfide crystals seen are pyrite, sphalerite, and purple sulfide (covellite?). 38.5-73.0 cm.Hydrothermal gravel matrix supported. Large gravel size clasts, with some showing mottling due to alteration possibly from volcanic material. Sulfate grains visible to the naked eye, probably anhydrite (5 %).Disseminated pyrite observed (5 %) with other sulfides including sphalerite, and purple sulfide (covellite?). 73.0-100.5 cm. White, light grey hydrothermally altered unconsolidated clasts.Material between clasts is soupy; whitish clay, probably kaolinite. After closer inspection, clasts after being washed with water are actually large anhydrite crystals.Other clasts are mottled with white altered blebs, possibly after volcanic material. Disseminated pyrite is seen within the clasts that are mottled. Pyrite concentration in this lithology has dropped dramatically to trace amounts.Some detriatal pyrite and sphalerite is also present. Entire section seems to be moderetly disturbed by drilling as observed by void space, or could be a de-gassing effect.2010-09-24T22:25:36
331-C0013F-1H-9,0.07.1756.108331-C0013F-1H-9,100.58.1806.9640-100.5 cm: Entire lithology is homogenous; with large euhedral anhydrite clasts along with grey clay/mottled clasts that have whiter blobs within. The fine grained light grey material probably represents kaolinite.In smear slide 1 % sulfide minerals present, mostly disseminated and detriatal pyrite. Also trace amounts of sphalerite and trace amounts of galena are observed. Purple sulfide mineral is also present (covellite?).Sulfate crystals are also clearly seen. Entire section has been moderatly disturbed by drilling2010-09-24T22:25:57
331-C0013F-1H-CC,0.08.1806.964331-C0013F-1H-CC,62.58.8057.4960-62.5 cm: Entire lithology is homogenous; with large euhedral anhydrite clasts along with grey clay/mottled clasts that have whiter blobs within. The fine grained light grey material probably represents kaolinite.In smear slide 1 % sulfide minerals present, mostly disseminated and detriatal pyrite. Also trace amounts of sphalerite and trace amounts of galena are observed. Purple sulfide mineral is also present (covellite?).Sulfate crystals are also clearly seen.2010-09-24T22:26:12