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Boggs, Sam; Seyedolali, Abbas (1992): (Appendix) Mineral composition of ODP Leg 128 sandstone samples [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Boggs, S; Seyedolali, A (1992): Provenance of Miocene sandstones from Sites 796, 797, and 799, Japan Sea. In: Pisciotto, KA; Ingle, JCJr.; von Breymann, MT; Barron, J; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 127/128(1), 99-113,

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Deep drilling in the Japan Sea during Legs 127 and 128 resulted in recovery of volcanic lithic sandstones from Leg 127, Sites 796 and 797, and feldspathic sandstones from Leg 128, Site 799. Petrographic and geochemical analyses of sandstone framework grains define source-rock lithology and the tectonic setting of the source areas that furnished the framework constituents of these sandstones. Our analyses indicate that upper Miocene sandstones from Site 796 in the northeastern part of the Japan Basin were derived from a dominantly pyroclastic volcanic source or sources that lay in an undissected magmatic arc on or near southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. Lower Miocene sandstones from Site 797, located in Yamato Basin southeast of Yamato Rise, were also derived mainly from a volcanic source area. This source area lay in an undissected to transitional magmatic arc that was probably located in west-central Honshu, Japan, and that included some metamorphic, sedimentary, and plutonic source rocks. Lower Miocene sandstones at Site 799, which lies in the southwestern end of Kita-Yamato Trough on Yamato Rise, were derived primarily from granitic source rocks. Volcanic, metamorphic, and sedimentary source rocks also furnished detritus to this site. The principal source of sediment for Site 799 sandstones was probably the granitic and sedimentary rocks of Kita-Yamato Bank, which lies nearby to the west of Site 799 on Yamato Rise. Minor amounts of volcanic detritus, which was probably shed from Yamato Bank east of Site 799, also reached Site 799. The sandstones from Sites 796, 797, and 799 were deposited at upper to middle bathyal depths by turbidity currents.
Median Latitude: 40.228500 * Median Longitude: 135.938833 * South-bound Latitude: 38.616000 * West-bound Longitude: 133.866500 * North-bound Latitude: 42.849000 * East-bound Longitude: 139.414000
Date/Time Start: 1989-07-24T21:30:00 * Date/Time End: 1989-10-12T03:40:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 252.8 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 1081.3 m
127-796B  * Latitude: 42.849000 * Longitude: 139.414000 * Date/Time Start: 1989-07-24T21:30:00 * Date/Time End: 1989-07-29T19:00:00 * Elevation: -2634.0 m * Penetration: 464.9 m * Recovery: 85.31 m * Location: Japan Sea * Campaign: Leg127 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 32 cores; 293.8 m cored; 0 m drilled; 29 % recovery
127-797C  * Latitude: 38.616000 * Longitude: 134.536000 * Date/Time Start: 1989-08-04T17:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1989-08-18T17:00:00 * Elevation: -2876.0 m * Penetration: 900.1 m * Recovery: 164.18 m * Location: Japan Sea * Campaign: Leg127 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 45 cores; 416.1 m cored; 0 m drilled; 39.5 % recovery
128-799B  * Latitude: 39.220500 * Longitude: 133.866500 * Date/Time Start: 1989-10-02T22:36:00 * Date/Time End: 1989-10-12T03:40:00 * Elevation: -2084.0 m * Penetration: 1084 m * Recovery: 280.48 m * Location: Japan Sea * Campaign: Leg128 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 67 cores; 633 m cored; 0 m drilled; 44.3 % recovery
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEvent
Sample code/labelSample labelBoggs, SamDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode – mbsf
EpochEpochBoggs, Sam
Quartz, monocrystallineMonoQz%Boggs, SamPoint counting
Quartz, polycrystallinePolyQz%Boggs, SamPoint countingincluding metaquartzite
ChertChert%Boggs, SamPoint counting
PlagioclasePl%Boggs, SamPoint counting
SanidineSa%Boggs, SamPoint counting
10 OrthoclaseOr%Boggs, SamPoint counting
11 Volcanic glassVolc glass%Boggs, SamPoint countingincludes rock fragments
12 Plutonic fragmentsPlutonic fragm%Boggs, SamPoint counting
13 Metamorphic fragmentsMetam fragm%Boggs, SamPoint countingexcluding metaquartzite
14 Sedimentary fragmentsSed fragm%Boggs, SamPoint countingexcluding cherts
15 IntraclastsIntraclasts%Boggs, SamPoint countingripup clasts
16 MicaMica%Boggs, SamPoint counting
17 Heavy mineralsHM%Boggs, SamPoint counting
18 Rock fragmentsRock fragm%Boggs, SamPoint countingindetermiante unstable
1072 data points


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Sample label

Depth sed [m]


MonoQz [%]

PolyQz [%]

Chert [%]

Pl [%]

Sa [%]
Or [%]
Volc glass [%]
Plutonic fragm [%]
Metam fragm [%]
Sed fragm [%]
Intraclasts [%]
Mica [%]
HM [%]
Rock fragm [%]
127-796B 127-796B-11R-1,8252.8late Miocene1.40.50.521.
127-796B127-796B-11R-1,26253.0late Miocene0.
127-796B127-796B-11R-1,41253.1late Miocene0.
127-796B127-796B-11R-1,62253.3late Miocene1.30.30.533.
127-796B127-796B-11R-2,43254.6late Miocene1.
127-796B127-796B-11R-2,131255.5late Miocene0.40.00.818.
127-796B127-796B-12R-2,120265.0late Miocene0.
127-796B127-796B-16R-CC,8310.6late Miocene0.
127-796B127-796B-17R-1,73311.4late Miocene0.
127-796B127-796B-18R-4,129326.2late Miocene0.
127-796B127-796B-23R-1,13368.2late Miocene0.
127-796B127-796B-25R-1,55388.0late Miocene0.
127-796B127-796B-26R-2,58399.2late Miocene0.
127-796B127-796B-28R-1,34416.8late Miocene0.30.00.519.
127-796B127-796B-19R-4,103661.6early Miocene7.
127-797C 127-797C-22R-2,22686.8early Miocene10.84.01.417.
127-797C127-797C-22R-2,84687.4early Miocene8.
127-797C127-797C-22R-3,24688.3early Miocene4.
127-797C127-797C-22R-3,70688.8early Miocene9.
127-797C127-797C-22R-4,69690.3early Miocene7.13.25.811.611.30.849.
127-797C127-797C-22R-6,3692.6early Miocene6.
127-797C127-797C-22R-6,99693.6early Miocene12.
127-797C127-797C-23R-1,47695.1early Miocene8.
127-797C127-797C-23R-1,100695.6early Miocene10.
127-797C127-797C-23R-3,22697.8early Miocene9.
127-797C127-797C-23R-3,69799.8early Miocene7.
127-797C127-797C-23R-4,89700.0early Miocene10.33.70.921.
127-797C127-797C-23R-4,138700.5early Miocene11.46.41.517.19.50.420.
127-797C127-797C-25R-1,73714.3early Miocene4.
127-797C127-797C-25R-1,139715.0early Miocene3.00.00.310.
127-797C127-797C-25R-2,16715.3early Miocene7.
127-797C127-797C-25R-3,56717.2early Miocene6.
127-797C127-797C-25R-3,82717.4early Miocene6.90.81.512.68.10.851.
127-797C127-797C-25R-4,83718.9early Miocene5.
127-797C127-797C-25R-6,78721.9early Miocene6.
127-797C127-797C-30R-4,62759.1early Miocene5.51.00.313.
127-797C127-797C-31R-5,37769.4early Miocene7.
127-797C127-797C-33R-2,2783.1early Miocene7.
127-797C127-797C-33R-2,115784.3early Miocene7.
127-797C127-797C-33R-3,5784.6early Miocene5.70.30.312.511.
127-797C127-797C-34R-2,64793.1early Miocene4.
127-797C127-797C-34R-3,15794.2early Miocene4.
127-797C127-797C-34R-3,89794.9early Miocene4.51.11.417.
127-797C127-797C-34R-3,122795.2early Miocene7.80.92.331.13.20.537.
127-797C127-797C-34R-4,67796.2early Miocene6.
127-797C127-797C-34R-5,26797.3early Miocene3.22.20.414.
127-797C127-797C-34R-6,4798.5early Miocene10.52.61.550.
127-797C127-797C-34R-6,103799.5early Miocene3.53.52.422.
127-797C127-797C-34R-7,55800.6early Miocene7.
127-797C127-797C-36R-3,109808.9early Miocene8.91.30.724.
127-797C127-797C-37R-2,48816.4early Miocene8.
127-797C127-797C-37R-3,84818.2early Miocene6.
127-797C127-797C-37R-3,136818.8early Miocene11.
127-797C127-797C-37R-5,58821.0early Miocene7.31.52.425.
127-797C127-797C-37R-6,1821.9early Miocene5.
127-797C127-797C-41R-1,108853.5early Miocene9.70.30.816.
127-797C127-797C-41R-2,87854.8early Miocene9.92.92.730.21.61.640.
128-799B 128-799B-61R-1,1001020.8early Miocene32.
128-799B128-799B-61R-2,1351022.9early Miocene22.74.70.331.
128-799B128-799B-61R-3,1311024.1early Miocene27.
128-799B128-799B-61R-4,1381025.7early Miocene27.16.60.318.40.614.
128-799B128-799B-62R-3,981033.5early Miocene36.95.90.527.
128-799B128-799B-62R-4,131034.1early Miocene27.18.60.322.
128-799B128-799B-64R-CC,141058.3early Miocene27.26.90.822.00.320.
128-799B128-799B-65R-2,1461061.4early Miocene32.17.90.619.80.622.
128-799B128-799B-67R-1,721078.4early Miocene35.36.60.818.71.729.
128-799B128-799B-67R-3,591081.3early Miocene27.74.70.325.41.620.