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Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 331-C0014B [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2010): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 Preliminary Report. Deep Hot Biosphere. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 331,
Other version:
IODP Hole 331-C0014B, snapshot taken on 2011-10-03, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 27.790218 * Longitude: 126.900747
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 45.060 m
331-C0014B * Latitude: 27.790218 * Longitude: 126.900747 * Elevation: -1059.0 m * Recovery: 45.01 m * Campaign: Exp331 (Deep Hot Biosphere) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionPetrological comment on Section
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
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20 Date/time startDate/time startExpedition 331 ScientistsOf petrological comment
496 data points


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331-C0014B-1H-1,0.00.0000.000331-C0014B-1H-1,142.01.4201.3240.0-11.0cm: Pumiceous gravel - matrix supported. Large clasts of grey pumice in a sand-silt sized dark brown matrix. Pale gray pumice and glassy gray volcanic clasts up to 4cm in length.Matrix contains well preserved foraminifera, small quartz fragments. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained globular pyrite aggregates (produced by organic reduction?).11.0-25.0 cm: Very soft, dark brown silty clay. Abundant well-preserved foraminifera (composed of carbonate - HCl fizz). Trace (<<1%) very fine grained globular pyrite aggregates (produced by organic reduction?).Occassional small fragments (sand-sized) of pumice, quartz and lithic fragments.25.0-45.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, based on XCT.45.0-56.0cm: Very soft, dark brown silty clay. Abundant well-preserved foraminifera (composed of carbonate - HCl fizz). Trace (<<1%) very fine grained globular pyrite aggregates (produced by organic reduction?).Occassional small fragments (sand-sized) of pumice, quartz and lithic fragments.56.0-64.0cm: Pumiceous grit - matrix supported. 2-3mm clasts of pumice in a sand-silt sized dark brown matrix. Rare pale gray pumice and glassy gray volcanic clasts up to 1cm in length.Matrix contains well preserved foraminifera, small quartz fragments. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained globular pyrite aggregates (produced by organic reduction?).64.0-84.0cm: Very soft, dark brown sandy clay. Abundant well-preserved foraminifera (composed of carbonate - HCl fizz). Trace (<<1%) very fine grained globular pyrite aggregates (produced by organic reduction?).Occassional narrow layers of grit to sand sized pumice, quartz and lithic fragments.84.0-90.0cm: Pumiceous grit - matrix supported. 2-3mm clasts of pumice in a sand-silt sized dark brown matrix. Matrix contains some foraminifera, fine quartz fragments.Trace (<<1%) very fine grained globular pyrite aggregates (produced by organic reduction?).2010-09-17T01:28:06
331-C0014B-1H-2,0.01.4201.324331-C0014B-1H-2,139.02.8102.6210.0-100.0cm: Indurated dark gray clay. Contains some foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Rare pumice clasts up to 1cm in size. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.100.0-120.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, based on XCT.120.0-139.0cm: Indurated dark gray clay. Contains some foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Rare pumice clasts up to 1cm in size. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.2010-09-17T01:28:30
331-C0014B-1H-3,0.02.8102.621331-C0014B-1H-3,142.04.2303.9450.0-92.0cm: Indurated dark gray clay. Contains some foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Rare pumice clasts up to 1cm in size. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.92.0-127.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, based on XCT.127.0-142.0cm: Indurated dark gray clay. Contains some foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Rare pumice clasts up to 1cm in size. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.2010-09-17T01:28:59
331-C0014B-1H-4,0.04.2303.945331-C0014B-1H-4,141.05.6405.2600.0-87.0cm: Indurated dark gray clay. Contains someforaminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Rare pumice clasts up to 1cm in size. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.87.0-90.0cm: Sandy unit. Contains well preserved foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.90.0-100.0cm: Indurated dark gray clay. Contains rare foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.100.0-122.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, based on XCT.122.0-141.0cm: Indurated dark gray clay. Contains rare foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.2010-09-17T01:29:33
331-C0014B-1H-5,0.05.6405.260331-C0014B-1H-5,107.06.7106.2580.0-35.0cm: Indurated dark gray silty clay. Contains rare foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.35.0-44.0cm: Sandy unit down one side of core. Contains rare foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.44.0-65.0cm: Indurated dark gray silty clay. Contains abundant well preserved foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.65.0-95.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to surrounding intervals, based on XCT.95.0-107.0cm: Indurated dark gray silty clay. Contains rare foraminifera, and fine quartz and pumice fragments. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.2010-09-17T01:30:14
331-C0014B-1H-CC,0.06.7106.258331-C0014B-1H-CC,25.56.9656.4950.0-24.5cm: Indurated dark gray silty clay. Contains fine quartz and pumice fragments. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra. Rare pumice fragments to 1cm.24.5-25.5cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged.2010-09-17T01:30:35
331-C0014B-2H-1,0.06.5006.500331-C0014B-2H-1,137.07.8707.7290.0-88.0cm: Indurated dark gray clay. Contains fine quartz and pumice fragments. Rare pumice clasts up to 1cm in size. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.88.0-137.0cm: Pumiceous gravel - matrix supported. Scattered large clasts of grey pumice in same matrix as overlying unit. Pale grey pumice clasts up to 4cm in length. Matrix is dark gray clay with fine quartz fragments.Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.2010-09-17T01:32:03
331-C0014B-2H-2,0.07.8707.729331-C0014B-2H-2,70.08.5708.3570.0-42.0cm: Pumiceous gravel - matrix supported. Scattered large clasts of grey pumice in same matrix as overlying unit. Pale grey pumice clasts up to 4cm in length. Matrix is dark gray clay with fine quartz fragments.Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.42.0-70.0cm: Pumiceous grit with a dark gray clay matrix. Rare pumice clasts up to 1cm in size. Scarce foraminifera. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.2010-09-17T01:59:10
331-C0014B-2H-3,0.08.5708.357331-C0014B-2H-3,141.09.9809.6220.0-10.0cm: Pumiceous grit with a dark gray clay matrix. Scarce foraminifera.Rare pumice clasts up to 1cm in size. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.10.0-35.0cm: WR sample. Same material as surrounding intervals, from CT scan.35.0-49.0cm: Pumiceous grit with a dark gray clay matrix. Scarce foraminifera. Rare pumice clasts up to 1cm in size. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.49.0-60.0cm: Pumiceous grit with a highly fluid dark gray clay matrix. Scarce foraminifera. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.60.0-141.0cm: Dark gray pumiceous gravel. Fragments of pumice up to 3cm in size in a variable sand- to clay-sized matrix. Scarce foraminifera. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.2010-09-17T02:03:56
331-C0014B-2H-4,0.09.9809.622331-C0014B-2H-4,75.010.73010.2950.0-16.5cm: Grading from dark gray plastic clay at top to pumiceous grit with a dark gray clay matrix at base. Scarce foraminifera. Rare pumice clasts up to 1cm in size. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.16.5-19.0cm: Pale gray hydrothermally altered clay - alteration zone in surrounding material.19.0-48.0cm: Pumiceous gravel - matrix supported. Scattered large clasts of grey pumice in a dark gray gritty clay with fine quartz fragments. Pale grey pumice clasts up to 4cm in length. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.48.0-62.0cm: Fragments of pumice up to 1cm in size in a matrix of pale gray hydrothermally altered clay. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.62.0-75.0cm: Pumiceous gravel - matrix supported. Scattered large clasts of grey pumice in a dark gray gritty clay. Pale grey pumice clasts up to 2cm in length. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.2010-09-17T02:38:37
331-C0014B-2H-5,0.010.73010.295331-C0014B-2H-5,104.011.77011.2280.0-4.0cm: Pumiceous gravel - matrix supported. Scattered large clasts of grey pumice in a dark gray gritty clay. Pale grey pumice clasts up to 2cm in length. Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite euhedra.4.0-87.0cm: Sticky, dark brown heavily indurated mottled clay with blebs of pale gray alteration up to 1cm (width) by 0.3cm (length). Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite.87.0-104.0cm: Pale gray heavily undurated hydrothermally altered clay, with trace very fine grained pyrite, more abundant around a hairline fracture which dips at 70 degrees to vertical.2010-09-17T02:56:48
331-C0014B-2H-6,0.011.77011.228331-C0014B-2H-6,62.012.39011.7840.0-3.5cm: Pale gray heavily indurated hydrothermally altered clay, with trace very fine grained pyrite.3.5-35.0cm: Sticky, dark brown heavily indurated mottled clay with blebs of pale gray alteration up to 1cm (width) by 0.3cm (length). Trace (<<1%) very fine grained pyrite.35.0-52.0cm: Dark gray grit. Fragments dominantly comprise clay-sulfate altered volcanic rock, typically 1-5mm in size. Minor fine grained pyrite and traces of sphalerite, covellite and possible tarnished chalcopyrite.52.0-62.0cm: Pale bluish gray (chloritic?), partially indurated hydrothermally altered clay with 1% 1mm pseudo-prismatic blebs of white clay, probably after feldspar. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Fine grained anhydrite is present.2010-09-17T06:33:43
331-C0014B-2H-7,0.012.39011.784331-C0014B-2H-7,97.013.36012.6540.0-35.0cm: Pale bluish gray (chloritic?), partially indurated hydrothermally altered clay with 1% 1mm pseudo-prismatic blebs of white clay, probably after feldspar. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite. Fine grained anhydrite is present.35.0-40.0cm: Gray indurated hydrothermally altered clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite and sphalerite.40.0-70.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Similar to surrounding intervals, based on CT scan.70.0-82.0cm: Gray indurated hydrothermally altered clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite and sphalerite.82.0-90.0cm: Mottled pale gray indurated hydrothermally altered clay, with possible remnant clastic texture (after pumice?), showing 1cm flattened clasts. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite90.0-97.0cm: Pale gray indurated hydrothermally altered clay. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.2010-09-17T06:32:44
331-C0014B-2H-8,0.013.36012.654331-C0014B-2H-8,51.513.87513.1160.0-3.5cm: Pale gray indurated hydrothermally altered clay. Scattered fine anhydrite crystals. Trace fine grained disseminated pyrite.3.5-29.5cm: Mottled pale to medium gray indurated clay with possible remnant sedimentary layering and 1-2mm white-pseudoprismatic clay blebs (possibly after feldspar). Scattered fine anhydrite crystals. Trace disseminated pyrite.29.5-51.5cm: Massive heavily indurated gray hydrothermal clay. Scattered anhydrite crystals. Trace disseminated pyrite.2010-09-17T06:32:07
331-C0014B-2H-9,0.013.87513.116331-C0014B-2H-9,105.014.92514.0580.0-86.0cm: Massive heavily indurated gray hydrothermal clay. Scattered anhydrite crystals. Trace disseminated pyrite.86.0-105.0cm: Heavily indurated pale gray hydrothermal clay with scattered 0.1mm anhydrite crystals visible to the naked eye and <0.5% white clay blebs up to 2mm in sixe, possibly after feldspar. Trace disseminated pyrite.2010-09-17T06:05:57
331-C0014B-2H-10,0.014.92514.058331-C0014B-2H-10,44.015.36514.4530.0-20.0cm: Heavily indurated pale gray hydrothermal clay with scattered 0.1mm anhydrite crystals visible to the naked eye and <0.5% white clay blebs up to 2mm in size, possibly after feldspar. Trace disseminated pyrite.20.0-44.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Appears to be similar material to overlying interval from CT scan, with a clear vein running through it. WR residue showed no indication of increased sulfide, so likely to be sulfate vein.2010-09-17T06:17:15
331-C0014B-2H-11,0.015.36514.453331-C0014B-2H-11,76.016.12515.1340.0-12.0cm: Heavily indurated pale gray hydrothermal clay with scattered 0.1mm anhydrite crystals visible to the naked eye and <0.5% white clay blebs up to 2mm in size, possibly after feldspar. Trace disseminated pyrite.12.0-76.0cm: Heavily indurated pale gray hydrothermal clay with scattered 0.1mm anhydrite crystals visible to the naked eye and <0.5% white clay blebs up to 2mm in size, possibly after feldspar. Trace disseminated pyrite.2010-09-17T06:24:50
331-C0014B-2H-12,0.016.12515.134331-C0014B-2H-12,61.016.73515.682Heavily fragmented core. 0.0-61.0cm: Heavily indurated massive pale gray hydrothermal clay with scattered fine anhydrite crystals. Trace disseminated pyrite.2010-09-17T06:30:37
331-C0014B-2H-CC,0.016.73515.682331-C0014B-2H-CC,35.517.09016.000Heavily fragmented core. 0.0-34.5cm: Heavily indurated massive pale gray hydrothermal clay with scattered fine anhydrite crystals. Trace disseminated pyrite.34.5-35.5cm: WR sample (PAL). Not CT scanned.2010-09-17T06:31:18
331-C0014B-3H-1,0.016.00016.000331-C0014B-3H-1,84.016.84016.694Probable redrill. 0-14.0 Clasts of indurated hydrothermally altered clay a dark grey matrix; 14.0 - 82.0 Clasts of indurated hydrotrhermally altered clay in a mud matrix.Clasts range from 3- 5 cm. White blebs of devitrified clay (possible talc confirm with XRD) in indurated grey matrix. Variety of clasts. matrix sampeld for RR and XRDPyrite asocated with clasts, discrete/dissemianted pyrite uncommon2010-09-17T20:54:25
331-C0014B-3H-2,0.016.84016.694331-C0014B-3H-2,77.017.61017.3300.0-5.0 cm. Highly indurated hydrothermal clay, with discrete pyrite seen within clay fragments as observed by microscopy. Pumice fragments about 2.0 mm in size observed. Euhedral anhydrite grain observed.5.1-12 Grey mud with white clay blebs (devitrified glass?). Pyrite mineralisation more intense on clay blebs. Clay blebs 1-1.5mm.12-52 cm. Highly indurated hydrothermal clay, with discrete pyrite seen within clay fragments as observed by microscopy. Pumice fragments about 2.0 mm in size observed. Euhedral anhydrite grain observed.52-77cm WR sample (IW/MB). Similar to above unit, based on XCT.2010-09-18T00:19:45
331-C0014B-3H-3,0.017.61017.330331-C0014B-3H-3,101.018.62018.1640t - 100 Light grey mud with sparse clasts/horizions of indurated clay.Gas expansion evidenced in 1mm- 1.5 mm horizontal voids; Minor Pyrite dissemninated trhroughout; White intervals 81-90 and 95-100 heavily induratedNot presence of indurated mud clasts in softer mud2010-09-18T00:21:00
331-C0014B-3H-4,0.018.62018.164331-C0014B-3H-4,123.519.85519.1850-120 Massive grey clay. Some degassing at base. Indurated, excpet at base where disrupted by drilling or degassing. disseminat6ed pryite; disseminated anhydrite2010-09-17T12:26:32
331-C0014B-3H-5,0.019.85519.185331-C0014B-3H-5,139.021.24520.3330-20cm: WR sample (MB/IW). Similar to underlying unit, from XCT.20-110 cm: Pale grey hydrotyhermal mud with anhydrite and minor disseminated pyrite; trace sphalerite; gas expansion110 -130 cm Pale grey hydrothemal mud but indurated; 130-138 Pale grey hydrothermal mud. Mineralised as above2010-09-18T00:22:52
331-C0014B-3H-6,0.021.24520.333331-C0014B-3H-6,63.021.87520.8530-63 cm Pale grey hydrothermal mud; minor Anhydrite; minor disseminated pyrite; trace sphalerite2010-09-18T00:23:18
331-C0014B-3H-7,0.021.87520.853331-C0014B-3H-7,119.023.06521.8360-89 cm pale grey hydrothermal mud; disseminated pyrite ;disseminated anhydrirte; sphalerite in silt layer (25-30 cm section depth) - silt is clear quartz; 89-119cm: WR sample. Similar material to above sample from CT.2010-09-18T00:24:02
331-C0014B-3H-8,0.023.06521.836331-C0014B-3H-8,122.024.28522.8440-122 cm; Pale grey hydrothermal mud; Authigenic Anhydrite; Disseminated pyrite; trace sphalerite2010-09-17T21:08:49
331-C0014B-3H-9,0.024.28522.844331-C0014B-3H-9,77.525.06023.4840-47.5cm: Pale grey hydrothemal mud; Remnant outlines of pumice clasts, totally replaced by clay, trace sphalerite; No accilular volcanic glass shards; Disseminated pyrite; Silt layer 12 -14 cm section depth; 47.7-77.5cmWR sample (IW/MB). Similar material to above, from XCT.2010-09-19T22:14:39
331-C0014B-3H-10,0.025.06023.484331-C0014B-3H-10,56.525.62523.9510-56.5 cm Indurated Pale grey hydrothermal mud. Disseminated pyrite; Euhedral anhydrite kites; No sphalerite2010-09-19T21:23:08
331-C0014B-3H-11,0.025.62523.951331-C0014B-3H-11,118.026.80524.9260-49 cm Indurated, Pale grey hdyrothermal mud; Remanant clay-replaced pumice clasts infrequent , highly altered - texture lost; White mineralisation fills veisicules in 2 cm pumice clasts49-63 cm dark grey hydrothermal mud ; no pumice clasts; little anhydrite - visual + no bubbles in warm water); 63-83 Indurated Pale grey mud with white (clay) psuedomorphing plagiocalse; 83 - 89 dark grey hydrothermal mudno pumice clasts (little anhydrite - visual + no bubbles in warm water); 89 - 102 Indurated Pale grey mud with fine (1-2mm) white (clay) blebs possibly psuedomorphing plagiocalse102-118 Indurated, Pale grey hdyrothermal mud; Pumice clasts infrequent , highly altered - texture lost; In section; Disseminated pyrite; Anydrite - some milky and opaque; Trace sphalerite2010-09-19T22:15:31
331-C0014B-3H-12,0.026.80524.926331-C0014B-3H-12,35.527.16025.2190-36 Grey hydrothermal mud. large pumice clasts; 0-8 cm Dark Mafic clasts 3 - 6 cm ;9-32 cm small pale pumice; lasts; 33-36 cm Large 5cm Pale pumice clats2010-09-18T00:28:34
331-C0014B-3H-CC,0.027.16025.219331-C0014B-3H-CC,34.027.50025.5000-33 cm; Pale grey hydrothermal mud; Disseminated anhydrite and Pyrite; Trace sphalerite; 33-34cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged2010-09-18T00:29:30
331-C0014B-4H-1,0.025.50025.500331-C0014B-4H-1,56.526.06526.0270.0 to 18.5cm: Drilling waste? -Top of Hole. Clast supported pumicous gravel. Few large clasts of pale gray pumice (to 2cm in size). Abundant grit-sized fragments of pumice in a dark-gray to brown matrix of silty clay. White blebs of anhydrite?(<2mm) present throughout. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite. Small (1-2mm) sized aggregrates of quartz-white opaque clay-anhydrite - sulfides (py + sph) also present.18.5 to 22.0cm: Dark brown hydrothermal grit. Clay matrix with grit sized clasts and spots of white hydrothermal clay. White blebs of anhydrite (<2mm) present throughout. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & traceSmall (1-2mm) sized aggregrates of quartz-white opaque clay -anhydrite- sulfides (py + sph) also present.22.0 to 56.5cm: White to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Indurated, with spots of white clay alteration across surface of gray clay. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.2010-09-17T20:29:36
331-C0014B-4H-2,0.026.06526.027331-C0014B-4H-2,140.527.47027.33721.0 to 60.5cm: White to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Indurated, with spots of white clay alteration across surface of gray clay. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.60.5 to 108.0cm: Dark gray to brown hydrothermal clay. Indurated. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix, larger euhedral pyrite (0.5mm) & trace sphalerite. Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.108.0 to 140.5cm: White to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Indurated, with spots of white clay alteration across surface of gray clay. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite. Minor sulfide veinlet (<0.5mm wide) between 110-115cm with pyrite + trace sphalerite.2010-09-17T20:30:04
331-C0014B-4H-3,0.027.47027.337331-C0014B-4H-3,141.028.88028.6510.0 to 14.0cm: White to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Indurated, with spots of white clay alteration across surface of gray clay. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.14.0 to 17.0cm: Pale gray to brown clayey hydrothermal sand. Indurated, with spots of white clay alteration across surface. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite. 17.0cm to 47.0cm: WR (MBIO/IW). CT scan suggests similar to underlying lithology.47.0 to 141.0 cm: White to pale gray hydrothermal clay with large indurated mud clasts (subangular to subrounded, between 0.5 to 6cm, pale gray and dark brown in colour- 2 types). Intensity of white clay alteration across surface varies.Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite. Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.2010-09-17T20:30:40
331-C0014B-4H-4,0.028.88028.651331-C0014B-4H-4,122.530.10529.7930.0 to 17.0 cm: Grey to dark gray hydrothermal clay with indurated mud clasts (subangular to subrounded, between 0.5 to 3cm, pale and dark brown gray in colour - 2 types). Intensity of white clay alteration across surface varies.Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite. Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.17.0 to 20.0cm: Gray to brown, hydrothermal clay. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite. Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.20.0 to 35.0cm: WR (MBIO/IW). CT scan suggests similar to underling lithology.35.0 to 96.0cm: Gray brown hydrothermal clay with large gray to brown rip up mud clasts. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite. Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.96.0cm to 122.0cm: Mottled white to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Intensity of white clay alteration across surface varies. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.2010-09-17T20:33:53
331-C0014B-4H-5,0.030.10529.793331-C0014B-4H-5,43.530.54030.1990.0 to 143.5cm: Mottled white to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Intensity of white clay alteration across surface varies. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite. Veins of sulfide mineralization (visible from CT scan).2010-09-17T20:33:39
331-C0014B-4H-6,0.030.54030.199331-C0014B-4H-6,139.031.93031.4950.0 to 93.0cm: Mottled white to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Intensity of white clay alteration across surface varies. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.93.0 to 113.0cm: WR (MBIO/IW). CT scan suggests same lithology as surrounding units. 113.0 to 139.0cm: Same as unit between 0.0 and 93.0cm.2010-09-17T20:32:21
331-C0014B-4H-7,0.031.93031.495331-C0014B-4H-7,141.033.34032.8090.0 to 5.0cm: Mottled white to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Intensity of white clay alteration across surface varies. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.5.0 to 47.0cm: Gray to dark gray indurated hydrothermal clay. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite. Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.47.0 to 60.0: Pale gray indurated hydrothermal clay. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite. Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.60.0 to 111.0cm: Gray to dark gray indurated hydrothermal clay. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite. Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.111.0 to 131.0cm: WR (MBIO/IW). CT suggess similar to underlying unit.131.0 to 142.0cm: Mottled white to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Intensity of white clay alteration across surface varies. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.2010-09-17T20:32:38
331-C0014B-4H-8,0.033.34032.809331-C0014B-4H-8,141.034.75034.1240.0 to 141.0cm: Mottled white to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Intensity of white clay alteration across surface varies. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.2010-09-17T20:32:52
331-C0014B-4H-9,0.034.75034.124331-C0014B-4H-9,65.535.40534.7340.0 to 65.5cm: Mottled white to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Intensity of white clay alteration across surface varies. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.2010-09-17T20:33:05
331-C0014B-4H-CC,0.035.40534.734331-C0014B-4H-CC,28.535.69035.0000.0 to 27.5cm: Soft and mottled white to pale gray hydrothermal clay. Intensity of white clay alteration across surface varies. Sulfides include: 1-3% fine disseminated pyrite present throughout matrix & trace sphalerite.Opaque white material (<1mm) is possible anhydrite.27.5 to 28.5: WR (PALEO). No CT for this part of core.2010-09-17T20:33:19
331-C0014B-5H-1,0.035.00035.000331-C0014B-5H-1,15.535.15535.1430.0-15.5cm: Pale gray clay with minor darker mottling. Rare 0.5cm rounder hard siliceous clasts (possible redrill?). ~0.5% pyrite occurs as fine disseminations and 0.1mm veinlets (with anhydrite?) in white clay.2010-09-19T03:01:47
331-C0014B-5H-2,0.035.15535.143331-C0014B-5H-2,37.535.53035.4890.0-15.5cm: Pale gray to white mottled heavily indurated clay with apparent pseudoclastic texture. White domains are less dense on XCT and appear to be remnants of pumice clasts, completely replaced by clay.Darker domains are slightly harder than white material.Trace euhedral very fine grained pyrite is disseminated through the unit.Extremely hydrogen sulfide rich section.2010-09-19T04:04:52
331-C0014B-5H-3,0.035.53035.489331-C0014B-5H-3,96.036.49036.3760.0-96.0cm: Pale gray to white mottled heavily indurated clay with apparent pseudoclastic texture. White domains are less dense on XCT and appear to be remnants of pumice clasts, completely replaced by clay.Darker domains are slightly harder than white material.Trace euhedral very fine grained pyrite is disseminated through the unit.Extremely hydrogen sulfide rich section.2010-09-19T04:05:11
331-C0014B-5H-4,0.036.49036.376331-C0014B-5H-4,139.537.88537.6640.0-139.5cm: Pale gray to white mottled heavily indurated clay with apparent pseudoclastic texture. White domains are less dense on XCT and appear to be remnants of pumice clasts, completely replaced by clay.Darker domains are slightly harder than white material.Trace euhedral very fine grained pyrite is disseminated through the unit. Scattered coarser sulfide blebs occur in small voids and are visible on the XCT and bright spots.Extremely hydrogen sulfide rich section.2010-09-19T05:57:58
331-C0014B-5H-5,0.037.88537.664331-C0014B-5H-5,138.539.27038.9420.0-133.0cm: Pale gray to white mottled heavily indurated clay with apparent pseudoclastic texture. White domains are less dense on XCT and appear to be remnants of pumice clasts, completely replaced by clay.Darker domains are slightly harder than white material.Trace euhedral very fine grained pyrite is disseminated through the unit.Narrow sulfide veinlets at 15cm and 25cm: 3mm euhedral pyrite-sphalerite-galena.133.0-138.5cm: Very pale gray heavily indurated clay. Trace euhedral very fine grained pyrite is disseminated through the unit.Extremely hydrogen sulfide rich section.2010-09-19T04:06:00
331-C0014B-5H-6,0.039.27038.942331-C0014B-5H-6,43.039.70039.3390.0-43.0cm: Very pale gray heavily indurated clay. Trace euhedral very fine grained pyrite is disseminated through the unit.Extremely hydrogen sulfide rich section.2010-09-19T04:06:16
331-C0014B-5H-11,0.039.70039.339331-C0014B-5H-11,88.540.58540.1560.0-88.5cm: Pale gray variably indurated clay Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay.2010-09-17T22:13:08
331-C0014B-5H-12,0.040.58540.156331-C0014B-5H-12,90.041.48540.9870.0-49.0cm:Pale gray moderately indurated clay Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay and in 0.1-0.3mm wide veinlets. Distinct veinlets at 25cm, 30cm.49.0-69.0cm: WR sample. Similar material to surrounding intervals from XCT.69.0-90.0cm: Pale gray moderately indurated clay Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay.2010-09-17T22:18:56
331-C0014B-5H-13,0.041.48540.987331-C0014B-5H-13,110.042.58542.0030.0-40.0cm: Pale gray moderately indurated clay Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay and in 0.1-0.3mm wide veinlets. Distinct zone of anastomosing veinlets from 33-38cm.40.0-43.0cm: Hydrothermally altered volcaniclastic gravel. Subrounded to subangular clasts, up to 1cm in size, of partially devitrified pumice cemented in silica, in a pale gray clay matrix, which is similar in composition to the overlying unit.Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay.43.0-65.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Shows similar coarse clastic texture to surrounding units, from XCT.65.0-110.0cm: Hydrothermally altered volcaniclastic gravel. Subrounded to subangular clasts,up to 5cm in size, of partially devitrified pumice cemented in silica, in a pale gray clay matrix. Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay.2010-09-17T23:33:47
331-C0014B-5H-14,0.042.58542.003331-C0014B-5H-14,127.543.86043.1800.0-33.0cm: Hydrothermally altered volcaniclastic gravel. Subrounded to subangular clasts,up to 5cm in size, of partially devitrified pumice cemented in silica, in a pale gray clay matrix. Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay.33.0-60.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Shows similar coarse clastic texture to surrounding units, from XCT.60.0-127.5cm: Hydrothermally altered volcaniclastic gravel. Subrounded to subangular clasts,up to 5cm in size, of partially devitrified pumice cemented in silica, in a pale gray clay matrix.Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay. Silica has also crystallised around the vesicles in some of the pumice clasts.2010-09-17T23:35:14
331-C0014B-5H-15,0.043.86043.180331-C0014B-5H-15,120.045.06044.2880.-65.0cm: Hydrothermally altered volcaniclastic gravel. Subrounded to subangular clasts,up to 5cm in size, of partially devitrified pumice cemented in silica, in a pale gray clay matrix. Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay.65.0-90.0cm: WR sample (IW/MB). Shows similar coarse clastic texture to surrounding units, from XCT.90.0-120.0cm: Hydrothermally altered volcaniclastic gravel. Subrounded to subangular clasts,up to 5cm in size, of partially devitrified pumice cemented in silica, in a pale gray clay matrix. Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay.2010-09-17T23:38:08
331-C0014B-5H-CC,0.045.06044.288331-C0014B-5H-CC,22.545.28544.4950.-21.5cm: Hydrothermally altered volcaniclastic gravel. Subrounded to subangular clasts,up to 7cm in size, of partially devitrified pumice cemented in silica, in a pale gray clay matrix. Trace pyrite occurs as fine disseminations in white clay.21.5-22.5cm: WR sample (PAL). Not imaged by XCT.2010-09-17T23:41:43