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Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 331-C0013E [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2010): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 Preliminary Report. Deep Hot Biosphere. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 331,
Other version:
IODP Hole 331-C0013E, snapshot taken on 2011-10-03, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 27.790262 * Longitude: 126.897577
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 45.065 m
331-C0013E * Latitude: 27.790262 * Longitude: 126.897577 * Elevation: -1034.0 m * Recovery: 11.59 m * Campaign: Exp331 (Deep Hot Biosphere) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionPetrological comment on Section
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
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19 Time StampTime StampExpedition 331 ScientistsOf petrological comment
213 data points


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Time Stamp
(Of petrological comment)
331-C0013E-1H-1,0.00.0000.000331-C0013E-1H-1,16.00.1600.1600.0cm to 7.5cm: Pale grey to yellow hydrothermal grit with native sulfur occuring in small blebs (< 4mm ) and stringers (typically <6mm in width). Patches of white hydrothermal clay associated with native sulfur.Small aggregates of altered volcanic rocks with quartz (semi-translucent) and sheets of altered biotite? (large plates/sheets, black with brown staining). Anhydrite crystals fragments present. Minor sphalerite (1%), no pyrite seen.XRD of the material identified sulfur, barite and quartz. 7.5cm to 16.0cm:Medium gray to dark grey/black soft hydrothermal clay -2-3% sulfide, dominantly py, sph and some covellite (blue tint, black, plate-like small sheets, soft, some hexagonal faces).Possible galena (rare cubes, silver). Small patches of white hydrothermal clay across surface and small fragments of opaque white material. Some areas of native sulfur towards base between 11 and 15cm.Rare large (>1mm) euhedral sphalerite crystals with coating of pyrite and anhydrite. No volcanic fragments or aggregates present.2010-09-16T05:10:30
331-C0013E-1H-2,0.00.1600.160331-C0013E-1H-2,141.01.5701.5700.0 -24.0cm: WR (MBI/IW) CT scan suggest same as unit below.24.0-60.0cm: Dark grey/black soft hydrothermal grit (clayey sand matrix) with scattered large (1-2cm) aggregate clasts.2 types of clasts - (1) softer clay-sulfate-sulfide (anhydrite) altered material and (2) harder (siliceous?) fragments of sulfide-white hydrothermal clay (up to 4cm max, most 1-2cm).Around 5% sulfide, dominantly py, sph and some covellite (blue tint, black, plate-like small sheets, soft, some hexagonal faces).Small patches of white hydrothermal clay across surface and small fragments of opaque white material. No loss of concretions or change in lithology between 38 and 51cm (CT contrast due to void space).60.0-64.0cm: Distinct band of massive sulfidic sediment. Dominantly pyrite-sphalerite, minor galena and covellite. Some coarse (1-4cm) fragments of cemented sufide aggregates - semi-lithified.64.0-67.0cm: As for 24-63cm: dark grey/black soft hydrothrmal grit. 67.0-81.0cm: Light to medium grey soft hydrothermal clay. Around 1-3% sulfide, dominantly py (lesser sph and possibly covellite).Small patches of white hydrothermal clay across surface and abundant small fragments of opaque white material. Occassional crystals of anhydrite (0.5cm).81.0cm to 83.0cm: Dark grey/black soft hydrothermal grit (clayey sand matrix) with scattered large (1-2cm) aggregate clasts.2 types of clasts - (1) softer clay-sulfate-sulfide (anhydrite) altered material and (2) harder (siliceous?) fragments of sulfide-white hydrothermal clay (up to 4cm max, most 1-2cm). Abundant white-hydrothermal material.83.0cm to 108.0cm: WR (MB/IW). Around 5% sulfide, dominantly py, sph and some covellite. CT scan suggest same as unit below.108.0cm to 141.0cm: Dark grey/black soft hydrothermal grit (clayey sand matrix) with scattered large (1-2cm) aggregate clasts.2 types of clasts - (1) softer clay-sulfate-sulfide (anhydrite) altered material and (2) harder (siliceous?) fragments of sulfide-white hydrothermal clay (up to 4cm max, most 1-2cm). Around 5% sulfide, dominantly py, sph and some covellite.Presence of yellowish Fe-poor sphalerite. Abundant white-hydrothermal material. Some 1-5mm long scattered anhydrite crystals (rare). XRD of the material identified wurtzite/sphalerite and minor barite and quartz.2010-09-17T05:53:54
331-C0013E-1H-3,0.01.5701.570331-C0013E-1H-3,43.52.0052.0050.0cm - 4.5cm: Dark grey soft hydrothermal grit (clayey sand matrix) with (1-2cm) aggregate clasts. 2 types of clasts - (1) softer clay-sulfate-sulfide (anhydrite) altered material and (2) harder (siliceous?)fragments of sulfide-white hydrothermal clay (up to 4cm max, most 1-2cm). Around 5% sulfide, dominantly py, sph and some covellite. Small fragments of opaque white material. 4.5cm-26.0cm: Light to medium gray soft hydrothermal clay.Sulfide content varies:background 1-3% sulfide, dominantly py and sph, some galena.Between 21.0 and 37.0cm semi-massive sulfide mineralization (>30 %) - pyrite, sphalerite, galena and covellite identified - euhedral crystal shapes around 0.5-1mm in size.Small patches of white hydrothermal clay across surface and abundant small fragments of opaque white material. Some small crystals of anhydrite present in clay (<1mm length). 26.0-37.0cm: Distinct band of massive sulfidic sediment.Gradational upper contact, sharp basal contact. Dominantly pyrite-sphalerite-covellite, trace galena. 37.0-43.5cm: Medium to dark gray clayey hydrothermal grit, ~5% sulfide overall, similar material to 4.5-43.5cm, but more coarse gritty material.XRD identified wurtzite/sphalerite, lesser galena nd minor pyrite. Some drilling disturbance visible from CT-scan. Semi-massive mineralization clear from CT-scan when contrast is increased - mineralization appears as high-density2010-09-16T03:05:29
331-C0013E-1H-4,0.02.0052.005331-C0013E-1H-4,138.53.3903.3900.0-30.0cm: Gray to dark gray, soft sulfidic hydrothermal grit (clayey sand matrix) with 1-5cm aggregate clasts. Predominantly hard concretions of euhedral sulfides-white hydrothermal clay-sulfates(anhydrite).Concretions are associated with areas of semi-massive mineralization. Anhydrite & hydrothermal clay cementation? Mineralization: Background >5% sulfide, dominantly py and sph, some galena and covellite.Several patches of semi-massive sulfide mineralization (>40 %) - abundant pyrite, sphalerite, covellite identified, with lesser galena - euhedral crystal shapes<0.5mm in size.Matrix: Small patches of white hydrothermal clay across surface and abundant small fragments of opaque white material. Some small crystals of anhydrite present in clay (<1mm length). Some areas appear more clay-rich, less sandy.30.0-53.0cm: WR (MB/IS). CT scan suggests same lithology as units above and below. 53.0-115.5cm: Gray to dark gray, soft sulfidic hydrothermal grit (clayey sand matrix), similar to unit above WR sample.XRD identified wurtzite/sphalerite, with minor pyrite. 115.5-117.0cm: Distinct band of massive sulfidic sediment. Sharp upper and lower contacts. Dominantly pyrite-sphalerite-covellite, trace galena.XRD identified wurtzite/sphalerite, lesser pyrite and minor anhydrite. 117.0-120.0cm: Soft gray hydrothermal clay, 1-2% sulfide, distinct 1-2mm white clay layer at base of unit, immediately overlying sulfide below.120.0-130.0cm: Distinct band of massive sulfidic sediment. Sharp upper contact, gradational basal contact. Dominantly pyrite-sphalerite-covellite, trace galena. Some coarse (1-4cm) fragments of cemented sufide aggregates - semi-lithified.130.0-138.5cm: Dark gray sulfidic hydrothermal grit with clayey matrix, similar to upper part of section.2010-09-16T03:09:04
331-C0013E-1H-5,0.03.3903.390331-C0013E-1H-5,131.54.7054.7050.0cm to 71.0cm: Light to dark grey, soft sulfidic hydrothermal grit (clayey sand matrix) with 1-5cm aggregate clasts. Predominantly hard concretions of euhedral sulfides-white hydrothermal clay-sulfates(anhydrite).One clast is 6.5cm in length (large anhydrite with hydrothermal clay cementing sulphides). Mineralization: Background 5-10% sulfide, dominantly py and sph, covellite, some galena.Several patches of abundant sulfide mineralization (around 20 %) - pyrite, sphalerite, covellite and rare galena identified - euhedral crystal shapes <0.5mm in size.Matrix: Small patches of white hydrothermal clay across surface and abundant small fragments of opaque white material. Some small crystals of anhydrite present in clay (<1mm length). Some areas appear more clay-rich, less sandy.XRD of a bulk sample identified wurtzite/sphalerite and a lithium aluminosilicate (probably misidentification of clay). 71.0cm to 76.0cm: Light to medium grey soft hydrothermal clay.Sulfide content varies: background 1-3% sulfide, dominantly py and sph, covellite and rare galena. Small patches of white hydrothermal clay across surface and abundant small fragments of opaque white material. Anhydrite fragments present.76.0cm to 101.0cm: WR (MB/IS). CT scan suggests same lithology as immediately above and below. 101.0cm to 118.0cm: Light to medium grey soft hydrothermal clay.Sulfide content varies: background 1-5% sulfide, dominantly py and sph, covellite and rare galena. Small patches of white hydrothermal clay across surface and abundant small fragments of opaque white material. Anhydrite crystal fragments present.118.0cm to 131.5cm: Light to dark grey, soft hydrothermal grit (clayey sand matrix) with 1-5cm aggregate clasts. Predominantly hard concretions of euhedral sulfides-white hydrothermal clay-sulfates(anhydrite).Mineralization: Background 1-5% sulfide, dominantly py and sph, covellite, some galena. Several patches of abundant sulfide mineralization (around 20 %) - pyrite, sphalerite and covellite identified - euhedral crystal shapes < 0.5mm in size.Matrix: Small patches of white hydrothermal clay across surface and abundant small fragments of opaque white material and anhydrite.2010-09-16T09:23:31
331-C0013E-1H-6,0.04.7054.705331-C0013E-1H-6,113.55.8405.8400.0cm to 62.0cm Soft, pale grey to medium grey hydrothermal grit. Large sulfate-hydrothermal clay-sulfide concretions/aggregates set in a soft, sandy-clay matrix.Concretions appear to be pyrite, sphalerite cemented by anhydrite with hydrothermal white, opaque material. Grown in situ? Vary in size from up to 3cm in length. Large (up to 0.5cm) anhydrite crystal fragments also present.62.0 to 82.0cm: WR sample (MB/IW). CT scan indicates same lithology as throughout core section. Suggests presence of same large, hard conceretions/aggregates of sulfides-sulfate-hydrothermal clay in sandy-clay matrix.82.0cm to 103.0cm: Identical to unit between 0.0cm and 62.0cm: Soft, pale grey to medium grey hydrothermal grit. Large sulfide-sulfate-hydrothermal clay concretions in sandy clay matrix.XRD of a concretion identified anhydrite and wurtzie, with minor Mg-rich chlorite. 103.0cm to 113.5cm: Pale grey, soft hydrothermal clay. Minor disseminated sulfide (py, sp), and anhydrite crystals.Abundant small blebs of white, soft and opaque hydrothermal material. No large clasts identified. Crystal fragments of anhydritepresent throughout (to 3mm long). No covellite or galena identified within this section.2010-09-18T01:28:09
331-C0013E-1H-CC,0.05.8405.840331-C0013E-1H-CC,27.56.1156.1150.0cm to 26.5cm: Pale grey, very soft hydrothermal clay. Large, fragmented 0.5cm crystals of anhydrite. Minor amounts of pyrite (1-2%) with lesser sphalerite. 26.5cm to 27.5cm: WR (Paleo): CT scan indicates same lithology as above.2010-09-15T08:02:18
331-C0013E-2H-1,0.08.5008.500331-C0013E-2H-1,99.59.4959.4790.0cm to 47.0cm: Hydrothermal gravel. 0.0-47.0cm: Redrill: heavily disturbed dark gray hydrothermal gravel - clast supported. ~45% dark gray silica-clay-sulfide altered volcanic fragments, 2-4mm in size; ~30% anhydrite crystals up to 5mm in size;15% whitish silica-clay altered volcanic material; ~5% sulfide , mainly sphalerite with lesser pyrite; 2-3% carbonate, 1-2% white clay; minor native sulfur, occurring as discrete droplets. 47.0-72.0cm: Dark gray to brown sulfidic grit, 2-3mm in size.40% sulfide - euhedral sphalerite (up to 2mm) with fine grained pyrite overgrowth growth. Rare pyrite euhedra, trace covellite and chalcopyrite. ~40% crystal fragments of anhydrite. 20% rounded quartz. Trace native sulfur droplets present.XRD identified wurtzite/sphalerite and anhydrite, with minor galena and possible barite. 72.0-77.0cm: Gradation from sulfidic grit into clast supported clayey hydrothermal gravel with native sulfur coating. Clay content increases downhole.77.0-99.5cm: Heavily fractured core - probably brecciated by drilling. Fragments of anhydrite-carbonate-silica vein material up to 6cm in size, embedded in dark grey clay. Portions of vein material fizzed under HCl.1-2% sulfide (sphalerite with minor pyrite and trace covellite) and minor anhydrite crystal fragments, up to 1mm in size, in clay.2010-09-16T03:14:30
331-C0013E-2H-CC,0.09.4959.479331-C0013E-2H-CC,22.09.7159.6950.0-1.0cm: WR sample (PAL) - taken pre-CT, but probably same material as rest of CC. 1.0-22.0cm: Heavily fractured core - probably brecciated by drilling.Fragments of anhydrite-carbonate-silica vein material up to 6cm in size, embedded in dark grey and white clay.Portions of vein material fizzed under HCl. Trace sulfide (sphalerite with minor pyrite) and minor anhydrite crystal fragments, up to 1mm in size, in clay.2010-09-14T01:24:32
331-C0013E-3X-CC,0.09.7009.700331-C0013E-3X-CC,18.59.8859.8850.0-2.0cm: Heavily fractured core - probably brecciated by drilling. Fragments of anhydrite-carbonate-silica vein material up to 4cm in size. Portions of vein material fizzed under HCl. Trace sphalerite and pyrite. 2.0-4.0cm: WR sample (PAL).Taken prior to CT scan, but probably same material as the rest of the core. 4.0-18.5cm: Heavily fractured core - probably brecciated by drilling. Fragments of anhydrite-carbonate-silica vein material up to 6cm in size.Portions of vein material fizzed under HCl. Trace sphalerite and pyrite. Some smaller fragments are coated with a clear gelatinous substance - interpreted as reconstituted drilling mud.XRD anakysis of the vein material identified anhydrite, calcite and dolomite, with minor talc.2010-09-16T03:16:53
331-C0013E-4X-CC,0.012.70012.700331-C0013E-4X-CC,11.012.81012.8100.0-4.0cm: 5cm fragment of anhydrite-carbonate-silica vein material, embedded in grey clay of underlying unit. Portions of vein material fizzed under HCl. 4.0-5.0cm: Grey plastic clay, pushes up beneath vein fragment.Clay contains minor sulfide and carbonate, trace native sulfur. 5.0-6.0cm: WR sample (PAL) - large pebble, taken prior to CT scan. 6.0-10.5cm: Mixed pebbles, washed clean by drilling, clearly not in situ.2 types of material. 2-4cm fragments of anhydrite-carbonate-silica veining (~60% of total) and 0.5-1.0cm dark gray crystalline aggregates of sphalerite-pyrite and silica.2010-09-14T01:27:33
331-C0013E-5H-1,0.016.00016.000331-C0013E-5H-1,128.517.28517.2850.0-32.5cm: Slightly gritty pale gray hydrothermal clay with scattered 1-4cm nodules/veins of anhydrite-carbonate-silica. Clay contains traces of anhydrite and native sulfur. Only trace sulfide - sphalerite and pyrite.XRD identified Mg-chlorite, lesser anhydrite and minor pyrite. 32.5-86.0cm: Very pale gray to white mottled heavily indurated hydrothermal clay. Mottling almost certainly reflects primary clastic textures of unaltered sediment.Very little sulfide in bulk material (<0.5% sphalerite plus pyrite). From 60-68.5cm an irregular quartz-sphalerite-pyrite-mionor covellite vein, up to ~0.5cm in width, runs along the core.XRD of the clay identified anhydrite and Mg-rich chlorite, with minor talc and pyrite. 86.0-104.0cm: WR sample (RMS/IW/MB): Based on XCT, material is dominantly hydrothermal clay,with a distinct 4cm wide anhydrite-carbonate-silica vein occurring within the MB portion of the sample. 104.0-114.0cm: Heavily fractured core. Anhydrite-carbonate-silica vein, fractutred by driling. Trace sulfide.114.0-128.5cm: Very pale gray to white mottled heavily indurated hydrothermal clay. Mottling almost certainly reflects primary clastic textures of unaltered sediment. Very little sulfide in bulk material (<0.5% sphalerite plus pyrite).2010-09-16T05:17:53
331-C0013E-5H-CC,0.017.28517.285331-C0013E-5H-CC,1.017.29517.2950.0-1.0cm: WR sample (PAL). No material imaged via XCT, photographed or logged.2010-09-14T01:29:26
331-C0013E-6X-CC,0.023.00023.000331-C0013E-6X-CC,49.023.49023.4900.0-8.0cm: Slightly gritty pale gray hydrothermal clay with rare fragments of crystalline anhydrite and 0.5cm silicified volcanic fragments, trace pyrite and sphalerite. Indistinct quartz-sphalerite-pyrite-covellite runs across the core from 4-8cm.Matrix is hard and siliceous. Subspherical aggregates of pyrite and silica range in size from ~0.5mm to 0.5cm and make up approximate 5% of the rock. Possible vesicle fill?13.0-21.0cm:Slightly gritty pale gray hydrothermal clay with rare fragments of crystalline anhydrite and 0.5cm silicified volcanic fragments, trace pyrite and sphalerite. Sharp contact into underlying unit. 21.0-49.-0cm:Hard, silicified volcanic breccia.Angular fragements of pale grey clay-altered volcanic rock up to 2cm in size are hosted in a network of 1-2mm wide quartz veins. Apparent jigsaw fit, particularly towards the top of the interval. Unit tends more massive towards the base.<<1% fine grained pyrite euhedra are disseminated throughout the rock. XRD of a representative sample of rock identified quartz and anhydrite, minor Mg-rich chlorite and possible hematite.2010-09-16T07:47:50
331-C0013E-7L-1,0.026.00026.000331-C0013E-7L-1,34.526.34526.3450.0 to 34.5cm: Loose fragments of white to pale grey volcanic breccia (silica-vein network). Poor recovery throughout core - all recovered fragments are same lithology.Pale white volcanic rock strongly altered comprises clasts in a silicified network of thin quartz veins (hairline to 1cm in width). Clasts are >5cm to <0.5cm, poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded some areas are jig-saw fit .Volcanic clasts: original protolith possible pumice, dacitic to rhyolitic composition? Pumice fragments, now devitrifed?, comprise greenish grey clay groundmass with subrounded blebs (<4mm) of white-clay (originally vesicles?).Soft white clay assumed kaolinite. Sulfides are predominantly pyrite with trace sphalerite, disseminated throughout clasts. Lesser pyrite within quartz veins.2010-09-16T03:27:33
331-C0013E-7L-2,0.026.34526.345331-C0013E-7L-2,150.027.84527.845NOTE: Depths logged according to XCT scan. Core stetched during cutting 0.0 to 102cm: Loose fragments and large blocks of white to pale grey volcanic breccia (silica-vein network). All recovered fragments are same lithology.Pale white volcanic rock strongly altered comprises clasts in a silicified network of thin quartz veins (hairline to 1cm in width). Clasts are >5cm to <0.5cm, poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded some areas are jig-saw fit .s and large blocks of white to pale grey volcanic breccia. Similar to above sulfide vein. Volcanic clasts: original protolith possible pumice, dacitic to rhyolitic composition?Pumice fragments, now devitrifed?, comprise greenish grey clay groundmass with subrounded blebs (<4mm) of white-clay (originally vesicles?)Soft white clay assumed kaolinite? - not confirmed by XRD, which identified quartz, lesser anhydrite, and minor Mg-rich chlorite and muscovite. Sulfides are predominantly pyrite with rare sphalerite disseminated throughout clasts.Small veinlets within core: pyrite, native copper (confirmed by SEM, associated with organic carbon), lesser sphalerite and chalcopyrite.Overgrowth of large 1-2mm euhedral sphalerite covered by native copper (bronze-coloured, no signs of tarnishing! - fresh cut surfaces).68.0 to 70.5cm: Sulfide rich vein predominantly euhedral pyrite-chalcopyrite-sphalerite with anhydrite gangue (semi-translucent, scratches with steel). Trace amounts of bornite. Possible pyrrhotite? 70.5 to 102.0cm: Loose fragment2010-09-16T07:49:22
331-C0013E-7L-CC,0.027.84527.845331-C0013E-7L-CC,75.528.60028.6000.0 to 74.5cm: Loose fragments and large blocks of white to pale grey volcanic breccia (silica-vein network). All recovered fragments are same lithology.Pale white volcanic rock strongly altered comprises clasts in a silicified network of thin quartz veins (hairline to 1cm in width). Clasts are >5cm to <0.5cm, poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded, some areas are jig-saw fit .Volcanic clasts: original protolith possible pumice, dacitic to rhyolitic composition? Pumice fragments, now devitrifed?, comprise greenish grey clay groundmass with subrounded blebs (<4mm) of white-clay (originally amygales?).Soft white clay assumed kaolinite? - check with XRD. Sulfides are predominantly pyrite with rare sphalerite and native copper disseminated throughout clasts. Small veinlets within core: pyrite, lesser sphalerite.Clay rich portion between 28.0 and 31.5 cm - few volcanic clasts. 74.5-75.5cm: WR Sample (PAL). Same material form XCT.2010-09-16T03:40:14
331-C0013E-9X-1,0.045.00045.000331-C0013E-9X-1,6.545.06545.0650.0-6.5cm: Essentially drilling rubble. One 4cm x 5cm fragment and a number of smaller pieces of hard gray silica-clay altered volcanic rock. Large fragment shows relict flow banding and autobrecciation.Fine (<0.1mm) pyrite euhedra are disseminated throughout the rock and concentrated around and in fine hairline veinlets. Sample was cut for thin section and shows clear perlitic texture. Total sulfide content <0.5%.All fragments are heavily eroded by drilling and probably rolled backwards from the core catcher as the drill pipe was being opened.2010-09-18T01:40:52
331-C0013E-9X-CC,0.045.06545.065331-C0013E-9X-CC,17.045.23545.2350.0-17.0cm: Similar rubble to section 1 - hard silicified volcanic pebbles, heavily eroded by drilling. Botom of catcher (11-17cm) is a pale gray clay plug with embedded pebbles of the same material, clearly not sampled in situ.2010-09-14T07:19:01