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Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 331-C0013D [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2010): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 Preliminary Report. Deep Hot Biosphere. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 331,
Other version:
IODP Hole 331-C0013D, snapshot taken on 2011-10-03, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 27.790217 * Longitude: 126.897682
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 3.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 26.105 m
331-C0013D * Latitude: 27.790217 * Longitude: 126.897682 * Elevation: -1036.5 m * Recovery: 17.91 m * Campaign: Exp331 (Deep Hot Biosphere) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionPetrological comment on Section
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
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14 Time StampTime StampExpedition 331 ScientistsOf petrological comment
201 data points


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Time Stamp
(Of petrological comment)
331-C0013D-1H-1,0.03.0003.000331-C0013D-1H-1,77.53.7753.7750.0 - 39.0cm: WR Sample (MB/IW). Based on XCT likely to be mostly similar to underlying unit, possibly with more clay. 39.0-57.0cm: Medium gray clast supported hydrothermal grit (~10% sulfide, dominantly py with lesser sph).Most fragments are ~1-3mm, but rare 1cm clasts. 2 types of clasts - softer clay-sulfate-sulfide altered material and harder (siliceous?) fragments. Some anhydrite crystal fragments.Bulk XRD identified wurtzite/sphalerite (dominant), minor galena and muscovite. 57.0-77.5cm: WR Sample (MB/IW). Based on XCT likely to be mostly similar to overlying unit.2010-09-16T01:37:27
331-C0013D-1H-2,0.03.7753.775331-C0013D-1H-2,100.54.7804.7800.0-33.0cm: Medium gray clast supported hydrothermal grit (2-3% sulfide, dominantly py with minor sph). Most fragments are ~1-3mm, but rare 1cm clasts. 2 types of clasts - softer clay-sulfate-sulfide altered material and harder (siliceous?) fragments.Some anhydrite crystal fragments. 33.0-41.0cm: Gradational contact into darker brownish-gray more clayey unit with scattered coarse (up to 4cm) rounded pebbles of well crystallized anhydrite-5% sulfide (py-mnr sph)-trace white clay.41.0-80cm: WR sample (MB/IW). From XCT, probably clast supported hydrothermal grit, similar to unit from 0.0-33.0cm.41.0-100.5cm: Dark brownish gray clay supported hydrothermal grit with scattered coarse (up to 4cm) rounded pebbles of well crystallized anhydrite-5% sulfide (py-mnr sph)-trace white clay.Grit sized material is dominantly white clay altered material, with some anhydrite crystal fragments. Overall ~2-3% sulfide. XRD of grit identified anhydrite (dominant), minor wurtzite/sphalerite.2010-09-16T21:51:39
331-C0013D-1H-3,0.04.7804.780331-C0013D-1H-3,142.56.2056.2050.0-35.0cm: WR sample (MB/IW). XCT suggests similar to underlying material. 35.0-40.0cm: Gray clay supported hydrothermal grit with rare coarse (up to 2cm) rounded pebbles of well crystallized anhydrite-5% sulfide (py-mnr sph)-trace white clay.Grit sized material is dominantly white clay altered material, with some anhydrite crystal fragments. Overall ~2-3% sulfide. 40.0-51.0cm: Anhydrite vein, with ~5% sulfide (py, with minor sph, gn), and minor white clay. Dips ~15 degrees from horizontal.Similar material to large clasts in overlying and underlying units. 51.0-81.0cm:Gray to pale gray clay supported hydrothermal grit with scattered coarse (up to 2cm) rounded pebbles of well crystallized anhydrite-5% sulfide (py-mnr sph)-trace white clay.Grit sized material is dominantly white clay altered material, with some anhydrite crystal fragments. Overall ~2-3% sulfide. Large clasts are similar material to vein above. XRD detected anhydrite (dominant), with minor galena and wurtzite/sphalerite.81.0-86.0cm: Dark brownish to black clayey sand. Coarser material is dominantly white clay altered material, with lesser anhydrite. Overall ~2-3% sulfide. Very sharp lower contact - convex uphole, so probably deformed by drilling.XRD identified anhydrite (dominant), and minor pyrite, galena and muscovite. 86.0-99.0cm: Pale gray hydrothermal clay, minor carbonate (HCl test). Very rare 1 cm anhydrite crystal fragments. Trace sulfide only. 99.0-107.5cm: Pale gray gravel.Coarse anhydrite crystals up to 2cm in size in matrix of clay similar to above interval. Trace sulfide only. 107.5cm-142.5cm: sample (MB/IW). XCT suggests similar material to overlying unit.2010-09-16T01:40:00
331-C0013D-1H-4,0.06.2056.205331-C0013D-1H-4,141.07.6157.6150.0-60.0cm: Scattered to locally abundant coarse anhydrite crystals (also potential veins?) up to 6cm in size in matrix of pale gray hydrothermal clay, minor carbonate (HCl test). Trace sulfide only. XRD of bulk clay identified anhydrite.60.0-85.0cm: WR sample (MB/IW). XCT suggests similar material to overlying and underlying unit.85.0-141.0cm: Scattered to locally abundant coarse anhydrite crystals (also potential veins?) up to 2cm in size in matrix of pale gray hydrothermal clay, minor carbonate (HCl test).Patches of hydrothermal clay with almost no clasts (eg: ~90.0-105.0cm, half core). Trace sulfide only.2010-09-15T07:48:01
331-C0013D-1H-5,0.07.6157.615331-C0013D-1H-5,141.59.0309.0300.0-25.0cm: WR sample (MB/IW). XCT suggests similar material to overlying and underlying units.25.0-70.0cm: Scattered to locally abundant coarse anhydrite crystals (also potential veins?) up to 2cm in size in a matrix of pale gray hydrothermal clay, minor carbonate (HCl test). Spots of white clay up to 0.5cm. Trace sulfide only.70.0-91.5cm: Possible vein, fractured by drilling. Anhydrite-carbonate, trace sulfide (sp-py). XRD identified anhydrite. 91.5-138.0cm: Scattered to locally abundant coarse anhydrite crystals up to 2cm in size in a matrix of pale gray hydrothermal clay.Spots of white clay up to 0.5cm. Trace sulfide only. 138.0cm-141.5cm: Very soft pale gray hydrothermal clay with 1-2mm spots of white clay. Rare (<1%) anhydrite crystals up to 0.5cm in size. Trace sulfide only.2010-09-16T01:41:36
331-C0013D-1H-6,0.09.0309.030331-C0013D-1H-6,125.010.28010.280Poor quality core - lots of void space, probably drilling induced. 0-52.5cm: Very soft pale gray hydrothermal clay with 1-2mm spots of white clay. Rare (<1%) anhydrite crystals up to 1.0cm in size. Finer (1-2mm) anhydrite prisms. Trace sulfide only.52.5-57.5cm: Possible vein, fractured by drilling. Anhydrite-carbonate, trace sulfide (sp-py). 57.5-125.0cm: Very soft pale gray hydrothermal clay with 1-2mm spots of white clay.Rare (<1%) anhydrite crystals up to 1.0cm in size and finer (1-2mm) anhydrite prisms. Trace sulfide only. Mg chlorite, anhydrite and minor pyrite identified in clay, by XRD.2010-09-16T01:42:16
331-C0013D-1H-7,0.010.28010.280331-C0013D-1H-7,141.011.69011.690Poor quality core - lots of void space, probably drilling induced. 0.0-141.0cm: Very soft pale gray hydrothermal clay with 1-2mm spots of white clay. Rare (<1%) anhydrite crystals and aggregate snowballs up to 1.5cm in size.Finer (1-2mm) anhydrite prisms. Trace sulfide only. XRD is inconclusive and dominanted by non-crystalline phases. Quartz is present and possibly chalcocite and pyrophyllite.2010-09-18T01:06:05
331-C0013D-1H-CC,0.011.69011.690331-C0013D-1H-CC,38.512.07512.0750.0-17.0cm: Very soft pale gray hydrothermal clay with 1-2mm spots of white clay. Rare (<1%) anhydrite crystals and aggregate snowballs up to 1.5cm in size. Finer (1-2mm) anhydrite prisms. Trace sulfide only. 17.0-37.5cm: Heavily disturbed.Very soft pale gray hydrothermal clay with 1-2mm spots of white clay. Coarser (0.5-3cm) clasts are mixed, probably not in situ: anhydrite-carbonate vein material and crystalline anhydrite. Trace sulfide only.37.5-38.5cm: WR sample (PAL). likely same material as above.2010-09-15T07:50:40
331-C0013D-2H-1,0.012.50012.500331-C0013D-2H-1,102.013.52013.5200.0-13.5cm: Heavily disturbed by drilling. Well rounded (probably drill ground) fragments: 1-1.5cm pebbles of crystalline anhydrite and anhydrite-carbonate vein material.13.5-33.0cm: Pale gray to white hydrothemal clay, with scattered anhydrite crystal fragments and and pieces of anhydrite-carbonate. Very little sulfide. Probable drilling disturbance.33.0-41.0cm: White anhydrite-carbonate - probable vein, broken by drilling. Trace sulfide. 33.0-72.5cm: Pale hydrothermal clay. Trace sulfide - dominantly euhedral pyrite, some sphalerite. XRD of bulk clay indicated Mg-rich chlorite and lesser pyrite.72.5-72.6cm: 1-2mm wide, subhorizontal sulfide vein - sphalerite+ framboidal pyrite. 72.5-80.0cm: Pale bluish gray hydrothermal clay - heavily indurated - probably chloritic. Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite.Scattered fragments of anhydrite-carbonate - possible vein fragments. 80.0-102.0cm: White anhydrite-carbonate - probable vein broken by drilling.2010-09-16T01:52:21
331-C0013D-2H-2,0.013.52013.520331-C0013D-2H-2,100.014.52014.5200.0-23.0cm: Pale bluish gray hydrothermal clay - fluid to plastic - probably chloritic. Trace vfg disseminated pyrite, very rare sphalerite. 23.0-47.0cm: Pale bluish gray hydrothermal clay - heavily indurated - probably chloritic.Trace vfg disseminated pyrite, very rare sphalerite. 47.0-51.0cm: Anhydrite-carbonate vein, broken by drilling. 51.0-65.0cm: Pale bluish gray hydrothermal clay - fluid to plastic - probably chloritic. Trace vfg disseminated pyrite, very rare sphalerite.55.5-56.5cm: Brownish stained (oxidised?) horizon. within pale bluish gray plastic clay. 56.5-65.0cm: Pale bluish gray hydrothermal clay - fluid to plastic - probably chloritic. Trace vfg disseminated pyrite, very rare sphalerite.65.0-100.0cm: Pale bluish gray hydrothermal clay - heavily indurated - probably chloritic. Rare carbonate nodules/veins (82-90cm). Irregular pale band at 90cm is white clay - possible sedimentary feature?Trace vfg disseminated pyrite, very rare sphalerite. XRD detected Mg-rich chlorite, anhydrite and minor pyrite.2010-09-16T01:53:43
331-C0013D-2H-3,0.014.52014.520331-C0013D-2H-3,101.015.53015.5300.0-73.0cm: Pale bluish gray hydrothermal clay - heavily indurated - probably chloritic. Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite. Scattered fragments of anhydrite-carbonate - probable vein fragments. Some fizz vigorously under HCl, some don't.XRD of fragment detected talc, anhydrite and quartz. 73.0-101.0cm: Pale bluish gray hydrothermal clay - fluid to plastic - probably chloritic. Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite.Apparent cavity from 77-86cm is due to drilling disturbance (note jigsaw fit of upper and lower edges).2010-09-16T01:54:48
331-C0013D-2H-4,0.015.53015.530331-C0013D-2H-4,89.516.42516.4250.0-63.0cm: Pale bluish gray hydrothermal clay - fluid to plastic - probably chloritic. Scattered fragments of white anhydrite - probable vein fragments. No visible fizzing under HCl. Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite.Apparent cavities are due to drilling disturbance (note jigsaw fit of upper and lower edges). 63.0-89.5cm: Pale bluish gray hydrothermal clay - heavily indurated - probably chloritic. Scattered fragments of white anhydrite - probable vein fragments.No visible fizzing under HCl. Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite. XRD detected Mg-rich chlorite, anhydrite and minor pyrite.2010-09-16T01:57:39
331-C0013D-2H-5,0.016.42516.425331-C0013D-2H-5,140.517.83017.8300.0-33.0cm: Pale bluish gray indurated hydrothermal clay (probably chloritic), with irregular paler mottling (possible reflection of precursor lithology?). No visible fizzing under HCl. Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite.XRD of clay detected Mg-rich chlorite. 33.0-44.0cm: Anhydrite vein. Brown staining and strong foul burnt plastic smell - melted core liner?44.0-48.0cm: Pale bluish gray plastic hydrothermal clay (probably chloritic), with irregular paler mottling (possible reflection of precursor lithology?). Scattered fragments of anhydrite - probable vein fragments. No visible fizzing under HCl.Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite. 48.0-57.0cm: Silica-carbonate-sulfate(?) vein. Brown staining and strong foul burnt plastic smell - melted core liner?57.0-91.0cm: Pale bluish gray plastic to indurated hydrothermal clay (probably chloritic), with irregular paler mottling (possible reflection of precursor lithology?). Scattered fragments of white anhydrite - probable vein fragments.No visible fizzing under HCl. Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite. 91.0-105.0cm: Strongly disturbed core - white anhydrite rubble with pale blue grey clay. Probable vein, dismembered by drilling.105.0-140.5cm: Pale bluish gray indurated hydrothermal clay (probably chloritic), with irregular paler mottling (possible reflection of precursor lithology?). No visible fizzing under HCl. Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite.2010-09-16T01:58:38
331-C0013D-2H-6,0.017.83017.830331-C0013D-2H-6,141.019.24019.2400.0-141.0cm: Pale bluish gray plastic to indurated hydrothermal clay (probably chloritic), with irregular paler mottling (possible reflection of precursor lithology?).Scattered fragments of white anhydrite - probable vein fragments and brown staining with associated strong foul burnt plastic smell - melted core liner? No visible fizzing under HCl.Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite. XRD of clay detected Mg-rich chlorite, anhydrite, pyrite and minor calcite. 50.0-60.0cm: Probable anhydrite vein runs across the core.2010-09-16T01:59:41
331-C0013D-2H-7,0.019.24019.240331-C0013D-2H-7,140.520.64520.6450.0-135.0cm: Pale bluish gray plastic to indurated hydrothermal clay (probably chloritic), with irregular paler mottling (possible reflection of precursor lithology?), particularly from 0-45cm.Scattered fragments of white anhydrite - probable vein fragments and brown staining with associated strong foul burnt plastic smell - melted core liner? No visible fizzing under HCl. Trace euhedral pyrite and sphalerite.Sphalerite is more abundant in more mottled zone. XRD of mottled clay revealed Mg-rich chlorite, minor pyrite and possible traces of pyrrhotite.135.0-140.5cm: Strongly disturbed core - white anhydrite rubble with pale blue grey clay. Probable vein, dismembered by drilling.2010-09-16T02:01:32
331-C0013D-2H-8,0.020.64520.645331-C0013D-2H-8,53.021.17521.1750.0-11.0cm: Strongly disturbed core - anhydrite-carbonate rubble with pale blue grey clay. Probable vein, dismembered by drilling. 11.0-32.0cm: Probably disturbed by drilling. Gritty pale gray to bluish gray clay. Contains burnt plastic core liner.Unlikely to be in situ. 32.0-53.0cm: Strongly disturbed core - apparently pushed in from core catcher. Pale gray clay with scattered fragments of crystalline anhydrite and fibrous organic mat (likely to be core liner).2010-09-15T07:53:39
331-C0013D-2H-CC,0.021.17521.175331-C0013D-2H-CC,39.021.56521.5650.0-28.0cm: Strongly disturbed core - unlikely to be in situ. Pale gray clay with scattered fragments of crystalline anhydrite and fibrous organic mat (likely to be core liner). 28.0-38.0cm: Strongly disturbed core - unlikely to be in situ.Abundant fibrous material, pale gray clay with scattered fragments of crystalline anhydrite. 38.0-39.0cm: WR sample (PAL). Likely to be similar material to above.2010-09-15T07:57:55
331-C0013D-3T-1,0.022.00022.000331-C0013D-3T-1,33.522.33522.335Drilling disturbance - hydrothermal sand. Equal sized grains not exceeding 2 mm in size. Most grains are fragmented with hardly any round grains. Proportion of mineral abundances for the entire core is representative by grain mount done at 20 cm.The sequence of mineral abundances are as follows: hydrothermal white clay grains = 65-70 %, anhydrite grains = 20 %, pyrite and sphalerite = 5-7 %, possible gypsum = trace amounts less then 2 %.XRD of material detected anhydrite and minor Mg-rich chlorite, with possible magnesite, calcite and barite at lowe concentrations.2010-09-16T02:05:32
331-C0013D-3T-CC,0.022.33522.335331-C0013D-3T-CC,45.522.79022.790Drilling gravel 0 -3.0 cm comprising hydrothermal mineralogies. 3 - 6.0 Gravel comprising hydrothermal mineralogies and clay matrix. 6.0-8.0 Carbonate/ anyhdrite mineral vein (opaque mineralogies).8-13 Indurated clay Gray with white mottling. 13-45 Hydrothermal gravel2010-09-16T22:18:55
331-C0013D-4X-1,0.026.00026.000331-C0013D-4X-1,10.526.10526.105Silicified volcanicalstic breccia - probably basement. (three fragments of sample) HCl test no carbonate. Angular clatss of white hydrothermal clay, with minor pyrite and sphalerite within clay matrix.Blueish material in matrix likely amorphous SiO2. XRD detected quartz with minor muscovite and and Mg-rich chlorite.2010-09-16T02:07:25
331-C0013D-4X-CC,0.026.10526.105331-C0013D-4X-CC,42.526.53026.5300-17 cm. Larger size clasts, ranging from 2-4 cm in length. Same lithology as section 1; Highly silicified Fault breccia comprising SiO2 matrix and clay fragments.17-30 cm: Pebble size clast, ranging from 0.5 - 1.0 cm in length. Mixed fragments of Fault breccia, heavily indurated clay and other granular hydrothermal lithologies. 30-43 cm.Large volcanic clasts, up to 6 cm in length, composed of a fine-grained clay matrix. Highly indurated.2010-09-16T22:06:48