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Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 331-C0013C [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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Related to:
IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Takai, Ken; Mottl, Michael J; Nielsen, Simon Harder Holm; Expedition 331 Scientists (2010): Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331 Preliminary Report. Deep Hot Biosphere. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 331,
Other version:
IODP Hole 331-C0013C, snapshot taken on 2011-10-03, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 27.790198 * Longitude: 126.897677
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 3.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 12.405 m
331-C0013C * Latitude: 27.790198 * Longitude: 126.897677 * Elevation: -1035.0 m * Recovery: 9.7 m * Campaign: Exp331 (Deep Hot Biosphere) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL)
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 331 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 331 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionPetrological comment on Section
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
10 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
11 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
12 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 331 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
13 Time StampTime StampExpedition 331 ScientistsOf petrological comment
139 data points


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Depth sed [m]

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([m CSF-B] Top Core depth (bel...)

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Time Stamp
(Of petrological comment)
331-C0013C-1H-1,0.03.0003.000331-C0013C-1H-1,45.03.4503.4410.0 to 6.0cm: Clay horizon (white grey), kaolinite and minor pyrite and wurtzite/sphalerite identified by XRD. 6.0 to 28.0cm: Black - clay with minor coarse grained fragments and crystals. Clasts of mud, mica, and anhydrite prisms.Grades from gritty at top to gravel at base. 28.0 to 45.0cm Grey clay minor anhydrite prisms. Kaolinite and minor pyrite and muscovite identified by XRD. Framboidal pyrite present throughout section2010-09-18T00:44:04
331-C0013C-1H-2,0.03.4503.441331-C0013C-1H-2,101.04.4604.4300.0-5.0cm Dark brown to black sulfidic mud comprising ~40% sulfide (pyrite>sphalerite) and anhydrite (dominant) in a soft dark clayey matrix. 5.0-15.0cm: Similar composition to above, grading from clay at top to silty sand at base.Muscovite, kaolinite, pyrite and barite identified via XRD. 15.0-35.0cm: Similar composition to above, grading from silty sand at top to coarse 2-3mm grit at base. Bottom of unit is strongly sulfidic - coarse sphalerite and pyrite crystal fragments.35.0-82.0cm: Dark gray clayey hydrothermal grit. 5% sulfidic grit with white clasts of anhydrite with surface sphalerite and pyrite. Appears to have been stretched by drilling/extrusion from core barrel.82.0-87.0cm: Dark brown clayey sulfidic sand with abundant anhydrite, ~10% sulfide (sphalerite-pyrite). XRD identified barite, pyrite, wurtzite/sphalerite and minor kaolinite, as well as a broad low-angle peak (clay, possibly vermicullite?).87.0-94.0cm: Dark gray clay matrix supported hydrothermal grit - fragments are dominantly anhydrite. <1% sulfide (sphalerite>pyrite). 94.0-101.0cm: Dark gray clay with scattered anhydrite crystal fragments, up to 1cm in size. <1% (sphalerite>pyrite).2010-09-16T05:05:37
331-C0013C-1H-3,0.04.4604.430331-C0013C-1H-3,27.54.7354.6990.0-27.5cm: Variably indurated dark gray clay with 3-5mm zones (veins?) of sulfate-suilfide. Fine silty anhydrite fragments. Overall 2-3% sulfide (pyrite>sphalerite).2010-09-15T07:37:34
331-C0013C-1H-4,0.04.7354.699331-C0013C-1H-4,141.06.1456.0800.0-8.0cm: Pale gray mottled indurated clay, shows 1mm white prisms (pseudomorphs after plagioclase?). Probably large altered volcanic clast, similar to the finer examples seen further down the core. Very little sulfide (<<1% pyrite).XRD identified illite/muscovite, with minor barite, pyrite and galena. 8.0-21.0cm: Dark gray brown indurated hydrothermal mud. ~1-2% pyrite, tr sphalerite.21.0-28.0cm: Pale gray indurated mottled clay, shows 1mm white prisms (pseudomorphs after plagioclase?). Probably large altered volcanic clast, similar to the finer examples seen further down the core. Very little sulfide (<<1% pyrite).28.0-127.0cm: Dark gray brown indurated hydrothermal mud. ~1-2% pyrite, tr sphalerite. ~1cm pale gray clay altered volcanic clasts at 32, 45 and 50cm. Large pale gray altered volcanic clast at 113-119cm.127.0-141.0cm: Pale gray indurated mottled clay, shows 1mm white prisms (pseudomorphs after plagioclase?). Probably large altered volcanic clast, similar to the finer examples seen above.Very little sulfide (<<1% pyrite). Sparsely sulfidic (<<1% pyrite), 1-2cm wide, coarsely crystalline, irregular anhydrite vein (partially dismembered by drilling/extrusion) runs subparallel to the core from 70-141cm.2010-09-16T05:06:45
331-C0013C-1H-5,0.06.1456.080331-C0013C-1H-5,72.06.8656.7850.0-28.0cm: Pale gray indurated mottled clay, shows 1mm white prisms (pseudomorphs after plagioclase?). Probably large altered volcanic clast, similar to the finer examples seen in Section 4. Very little sulfide (<<1% pyrite) in the groundmass.Interval is cut by the same subparallel anhydrite vein seen in the previous section, which broadens towards the base of the interval. A narrow quartz-sphalerite-pyrite vein runs along the core from 10-26cm.XRD of bulk clay identified anhydrite, with minor muscovite and vermicullite. 28.0-44.0cm: Pale gray hydrothermal gravel. Fragments, up to 2cm in size, of crystalline anhydrite in a matrix of pale gray indurated clay.~5% sulfide (sphalerite-pyrite) occurs as quite coarse (up to 2mm) euhedral crystals. Unit generally grades from matrix supported at top to clast supported at base.44.0-72.0cm: Indurated gray clay interval with 30-40% coarse angular vein fragments of anhydrite up to 2cm in size. The anhydrite probably represents a vein dismembered by drilling/extrusion of the core.Less sulfidic than overlying breccia: ~2-3% fine grained pyrite, rare coarser (1-2mm) sphalerite euhedra.2010-09-16T05:07:49
331-C0013C-1H-6,0.06.8656.785331-C0013C-1H-6,23.07.0957.0110.0-23.0cm: Indurated, dark gray matrix supported hydrothermal gravel. Apparent large rounded dark gray altered volcanic clasts from 3-7cm and 7-10cm.1cm anhdyrite crystal fragments are mostly concentrated in the lower part of the core (12.5-20cm). ~1% pyrite, trace sphalerite, which is only associated with anhydrite. XRD of a bulk sample identified anhydrite.2010-09-16T05:08:27
331-C0013C-1H-10,0.07.0957.011331-C0013C-1H-10,37.07.4657.3730.0-37.0cm: Indurated, dark gray matrix supported hydrothermal gravel, with a gritty matrix. 1cm anhydrite crystal fragments. Apparent large rounded dark gray altered volcanic clast at 9-13cm.~1% pyrite, trace sphalerite, which is only associated with anhydrite.2010-09-15T07:40:28
331-C0013C-1H-11,0.07.4657.373331-C0013C-1H-11,81.08.2758.1660.0cm to 47.0cm: Matrix supported hydrothermal grit. Grey in colour. White rounded anhydrite clasts up to 2cm in size. Some sulphides present (low intensity - pyrite + sphalerite).Amhydite, and minor wurtzite/sphalerite, galena and possible magnesite identified by XRD. 47.0cm to 65.0cm: Clast supported hydrothermal gravel with crystalline anhydrite fragments, grading to matrix supported towards bottom of interval.Some sulphides present (low intensity - pyrite + sphalerite). 65.0-81.0cm: Matrix supported hydrothermal gravel. Anhydrite and minor Mg-rich chlorite, pyrite and galena identified by XRD.2010-09-16T01:17:04
331-C0013C-1H-12,0.08.2758.166331-C0013C-1H-12,85.09.1258.9990.0cm to 9.0cm: Pale grey hydrothermal clay. Identified as Mg-chlorite and muscovite, via XRD. Minorwurtzite/sphalerite also identified via XRD.9.0cm to 33.0cm: Pale grey hydrothermal clay with large (upto 1.5cm) euhedral translucent crystals of anhydrite and small blebs of white clay.33.0cm to 57.0cm: Same as above. Pale grey hydrothermal clay with large (up to 1.5cm) euhedral less translucent crystals of anyhdrite and small blebs of white material clay. Less tranlucent crystals, more white blebs than above.Clay identified as Mg-chlorite and muscovite, via XRD. Anhydrite and minor pyrite and wurtzite/sphalerite also identified via XRD. 57.0cm to 60cm: Clast supported section rich in large translucent crystals of anhydrite in grey hydrothermal clay.60.0cm to 77.0cm: Pale grey hydrothermal clay with large (up to 2 cm) euhedral translucent crystals of anhydrite and small blebs of white clay. 77.0cm to 85.0cm: Pale grey hydrothermal grit, clay matrix.Abundant translucent anhydrite crystals. Pyrite and sphalerite disseminated through core.2010-09-16T01:18:43
331-C0013C-1H-13,0.09.1258.999331-C0013C-1H-13,146.010.58510.4290.0cm - 27.0 cm: Clast supported hydrothermal grit. Large clasts of well formed translucent crystals of anhydrite. Small blebs of white clay. Anhydrite and trace galena identified via XRD. 27.0- 146.0cm: Marked change in colour of matrix to pale gray.Large Breccia clast also changes character - opaque white clasts dominate over clear crystalline fragments of anhydrite. Clasts more rounded than previous section. Clasts can be very large (1.5-2.5cm). Variably matrix or clast supported as logged.XRD of clay only detected anhydrite. XRD of large white clasts showed anhydrite with minor dolomite and talc. Large white clasts in lower part of section are dominantly anhydrite, with lesser talc and dolomite, by XRD.2010-09-16T01:27:46
331-C0013C-1H-14,0.010.58510.429331-C0013C-1H-14,75.011.33511.1630.0cm to 19.0cm: White to pale grey clast supported sediment (grit). Clasts of white anhydrite-quartz, with lesser large translucent crystals of anhydrite. Coarse sand sized matrix fines down to fine sand/silt at base of unit.Change in colour from white-grey at top accompanies change in grain size and abundance of opaque anhydrite-quartz.. XRD indicates clay is Mg-chlorite. 19.0cm to 32.0cm: Pale grey to dark grey unit, clast supported.Clasts of white anhydrite-quartz and well formed (euhedral) translucent crystalsof anhydrite. Clasts of white material range from mm-scale to 0.5cm max. 32.0cm to 32.3cm: Thin brown horizon - possible oxidation front?32.3cm to 63.0cm: Pale grey unit. Matrix supported (silt to clay), with large well developed crystals of anhydrite (1cm max ). Patches of white mottled clay up to 5mm across surface of core. Gradational contact to underlying gravel unit from 50cm.63.0cm to 75.0cm: Medium grey, matrix (clay) supported unit with well developed clear transluent crystals of anhydrite and white opaque anhydrite-quartz. Abundant white patches of clay across core. Pyrite and sphalerite disseminated throughout core.2010-09-16T01:28:57
331-C0013C-1H-15,0.011.33511.163331-C0013C-1H-15,46.011.79511.6140.0cm to 6.0cm: Clast supported hydrothermal gravel - white colour. Large clasts of white anhydrite-quartz - typically subrounded. White matrix - clay size. 6.0cm to 11.0cm: Right side of core only. Matrix supported hydrothermal gravel.Pale grey colour. Few large clasts of white anhydrite-quartz (as above) suspended in clay matrix. XRD identified anhydrite with minor talc and quartz. 11.0cm to 21.0cm: Contact is variable across core, extends to around 29.0cm on left side of core.Clast supported hydrothermal gravel - white colour. Large white, opaque clasts of anhydrite-quartz, subangular to subrounded (rare angular clasts), range in size to 1.5cm. Some translucent crystals - well formed, of anhydrite.21.0cm to 46.0cm: Matrix supported hydrothermal gravel. Few large clasts of anhydrite-quartz suspended in clay matrix. Pale grey heavily indurated matrix. Largest visible clast is seen between 42 and 45cm (3cm in length and width).Pyrite and sphalerite observed in matrix.2010-09-16T01:31:23
331-C0013C-1H-16,0.011.79511.614331-C0013C-1H-16,61.012.40512.2110.0cm - 24.0cm: Heavily indurated pale gray hydrothermal clay, with very rare large clasts of white anhydrite-quartz. Large clasts (to 3cm) around 5%. 1-2mm white prismatic spots may be clay after feldspar. No translucent crystals observed.XRD of clay identified anhydrite, lesser Mr-rich chlorite and minor pyrtite. 24.0cm -33.0cm: Thin pale gray unit with large white clasts (to several cm) of anhydrite-quartz. Clast supported. Clay sized matrix.33.0cm -36.0cm: Matrix supported unit with similar components to above interval. Heavily indurated matrix. Few large white clasts of anhydrite-quartz (up to 2 cm max).36.0cm to 40.0cm: Thin pale grey unit with large white clasts (to several cm) of anhydrite-quartz. Clast supported. Clay sized matrix. 40.0cm to 46.5cm: Pale gray indurated matrix supported hydrothermal gravel.Rare large clasts of white opaque anhydrite-quartz. 46.5cm to 54.0cm: Thin pale grey unit with large white clasts (to several cm) of anhydrite-quartz. Clast supported. Clay sized matrix.54.0cm to 61.0cm: Pale grey indurated matrix supported hydrothermal gravel. Rare large clasts of white opaque anhydrite-quartz.2010-09-16T01:33:21
331-C0013C-1H-CC,0.012.40512.211331-C0013C-1H-CC,30.012.70512.5050.0cm to 30.0cm: Matrix supported hydrothermal gravel. Clay matrix - pale grey and heavily indurated. Patches appear clast-supported (e.g. 0-2.5cm).Very large anhydrite-dolomite clasts (white, opaque mineral) are present - largest measured 4.6cm by 2cm, typically subrounded to subangular. Sphalerite was noted within clasts.Presence of pyrite and sphalerite throughout core within matrix. Talc detected via XRD.2010-09-16T01:34:15