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Dettmer, A; Thiede, Jörn (2002): Diatom assemblage of sediment core K708-7 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2002-09-06DOI registered: 2005-04-11

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Related to:
Dettmer, A (1993): Diatomen-Taphozönosen als Anzeiger palaeo-ozeanographischer Entwicklungen im pliozaenen und quartären Nordatlantik. GEOMAR Report, GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, 24, 147 pp
Latitude: 53.933300 * Longitude: -24.083300
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.10 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 5.05 m
K708-007 * Latitude: 53.933300 * Longitude: -24.083300 * Elevation: -3502.0 m * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2Actinocyclus curvatulusA. curvatulus#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
3Actinocyclus ehrenbergiiA. ehrenbergii#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
4Azpeitia noduliferaA. nodulifer#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
5Azpeitia tabularisA. tabularis#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
6Azpeitia spp.Azpeitia spp.#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
7Bacteriastrum hyalinumB. hyalinum#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
8Bacteriosira fragilisB. fragilis#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
9Cocconeis spp.Cocconeis spp.#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
10Coscinodiscus marginatusC. marginatus#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
11Coscinodiscus radiatusC. radiatus#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
12Coscinodiscus spp.Coscinodiscus spp.#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
13Hemidiscus cuneiformisH. cuneiformis#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
14Navicula spp.Navicula spp.#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
15Nitzschia bicapitataN. bicapitata#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
16Nitzschia interruptaN. interrupta#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
17Nitzschia marinaN. marina#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
18Nitzschia spp.Nitzschia spp.#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
19Paralia sulcataP. sulcata#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
20Porosira glacialisP. glacialis#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
21Pseudoeunotia doliolusP. doliolus#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
22Rhizosolenia hebetata forma hiemalisR. hebetata f hiemalis#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
23Rhizosolenia hebetata forma semispinaR. hebetata f semispina#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
24Rhizosolenia spp.Rhizosolenia spp.#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
25Rhizosolenia styliformisR. styliformis#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
26Roperia tessellataR. tessellata#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
27Thalassionema nitzschioidesT. nitzschioides#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
28Thalassiosira decipiensT. decipiens#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
29Thalassiosira eccentricaT. eccentrica#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
30Thalassiosira gravidaT. gravida#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
31Thalassiosira kryophilaT. kryophila#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
32Thalassiosira leptopusT. leptopus#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
33Thalassiosira lineataT. lineata#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
34Thalassiosira oestrupiiT. oestrupii#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
35Thalassiosira poroseriataT. poroseriata#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
36Thalassiosira trifultaT. trifulta#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
37Thalassiosira spp.Thalassiosira spp.#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
38Thalassiothrix longissimaT. longissima#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
39DiatomsDiatoms#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatomsother undertermined species
40Chaetoceros spp. resting sporesChaetoceros spp. rs#Thiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
41DiatomsDiatoms#/gThiede, JörnCounting, diatoms
2000 data points

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