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Kinoshita, Masataka; Tobin, Harold; Ashi, Juichiro; Kimura, Gaku; Lallemant, Siegfried J; Screaton, Elizabeth J; Curewitz, Daniel; Masago, Hideki; Moe, Kyaw Thu; Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 316-C0008C [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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Published: 2012-01-23DOI registered: 2012-07-05

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Related to:
IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Kinoshita, Masataka; Tobin, Harold; Ashi, Juichiro; Kimura, Gaku; Lallemant, Siegfried J; Screaton, Elizabeth J; Curewitz, Daniel; Masago, Hideki; Moe, Kyaw Thu; Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists (2009): Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 314/315/316,
Other version:
IODP Hole 316-C0008C, snapshot taken on 2010-11-09, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 33.212188 * Longitude: 136.727878
Date/Time Start: 2008-02-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2008-02-01T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 166.790 m
316-C0008C * Latitude: 33.212188 * Longitude: 136.727878 * Date/Time: 2008-02-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2797.0 m * Recovery: 189.66 m * Campaign: Exp316 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 1: Shallow Megaslay and Frontal Thrusts) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 25 cores; 176.2 m cored; 108 % recovery; 176.2 m drilled; 176.2 m penetrated
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 314/315/316 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 314/315/316 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 314/315/316 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 314/315/316 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsVisual descriptionSedimentological comment on Core
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
10 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsVisual descriptionSedimentological comment on Section
11 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
12 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
13 Time StampTime StampExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsSedimentological comment
390 data points


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Depth sed [m]

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([m CSF-B] Top Core depth (bel...)

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316-C0008C-1H-1,0.00.0000.000316-C0008C-1H-CC,20.05.6205.510[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-02-01T00:40:41] Olive-gray silty clay, appears structureless although CT image suggests that there are discreted layers of brecciated material/mudclasts.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-1H-1,0.00.0000.000316-C0008C-1H-1,143.01.4301.402Olive-gray silty clay, appears structureless although CT image suggests that there are discreted layers of brecciated material/mudclasts.2008-02-01T00:40:41
316-C0008C-2H-1,0.05.5105.510316-C0008C-2H-CC,28.015.73015.010[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-01T08:53:11] Olive gray silty clay, appears structureless in visual core description but bioturbation can clearly be identified in CT images.Minor occurence of small pumice pebbles, agglutinated sponge spicules, greenish color mottling, small patches of minor lithologies mixed or concentrated by bioturbation (silt and basaltic ash patches)and slightly more indurated dark gray to black sily clay pebbles (pyritized - pellets?) The lower part of the core shows cracks and voids due to gas expansion2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-2H-1,0.05.5105.510316-C0008C-2H-1,131.06.8206.728Olive gray silty clay, appears structureless in visual core description but bioturbation can clearly be identified in CT images.Minor occurence of small pumice pebbles, agglutinated sponge spicules, greenish color mottling, small patches of minor lithologies mixed or concentrated by bioturbation (silt and basaltic ash patches)and slightly more indurated dark gray to black sily clay pebbles (pyritized - pellets?). The lower part of the core shows cracks and voids due to gas expansion2008-02-01T08:53:11
316-C0008C-3H-1,0.015.01015.010316-C0008C-3H-CC,44.025.78524.514[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-01T11:37:20] Olive gray to greenish gray silty clay with rare, thin sandy silt layers. Common greenish color banding to mottling and some gas expansion cracks.Minor occurance of accretionary lapilli, pumice pebbles and agglutinated sponge spicules. [Section 9; mikistrasser, 2008-02-01T12:03:36] Alligned borrows in CT images suggest aprupt changes in bedding (-> chaotic bedding) below ca. 80 cm[Section 10; mikistrasser, 2008-02-01T12:07:45] Above the ash layer, alligned borrows in CT images suggest aprupt changes in bedding (-> chaotic bedding ?)2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-3H-1,0.015.01015.010316-C0008C-3H-1,134.016.35016.192Olive gray to greenish gray silty clay with rare, thin sandy silt layers. Common greenish color banding to mottling and some gas expansion cracks. Minor occurance of accretionary lapilli, pumice pebbles and agglutinated sponge spicules.2008-02-01T11:37:20
316-C0008C-3H-9,0.023.27522.300316-C0008C-3H-9,131.024.58523.456Alligned borrows in CT images suggest aprupt changes in bedding (-> chaotic bedding) below ca. 80 cm2008-02-01T12:03:36
316-C0008C-3H-10,0.024.58523.456316-C0008C-3H-10,76.025.34524.126Above the ash layer, alligned borrows in CT images suggest aprupt changes in bedding (-> chaotic bedding ?)2008-02-01T12:07:45
316-C0008C-4H-1,0.024.51024.510316-C0008C-4H-CC,34.037.26034.010[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-01T13:11:27]Greenish gray to olive gray silty clay with rare very thin sandy silt to very fine sand layers.Greenish color mottling, borrow filled concentrations of volcanic ash (mapped as accretionary lapilly), and smeard black specks are common throughout.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-4H-1,0.024.51024.510316-C0008C-4H-1,95.025.46025.218Greenish gray to olive gray silty clay with rare very thin sandy silt to very fine sand layers. Greenish color mottling, borrow filled concentrations of volcanic ash (mapped as accretionary lapilly), and smeard black specks are common throughout.2008-02-01T13:11:27
316-C0008C-5H-1,0.034.01034.010316-C0008C-5H-CC,16.043.89543.515[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-01T17:37:38] Greenish-gray silty clay with green colour bands, mottling and bioturbation. Also volcanic ash in layers and as clusters of ash balls, and rare thin sands.[Section 7; mikistrasser, 2008-02-01T19:00:47] Probable fault zone at 34 to 60 cm, plane approximately 60 degrees. Pyrite mineralization is occurring in sand that has been caught up in the fault zone.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-5H-1,0.034.01034.010316-C0008C-5H-1,38.534.39534.380Greenish-gray silty clay with green colour bands, mottling and bioturbation. Also volcanic ash in layers and as clusters of ash balls, and rare thin sands.2008-02-01T17:37:38
316-C0008C-5H-7,0.039.29539.092316-C0008C-5H-7,130.540.60040.347Probable fault zone at 34 to 60 cm, plane approximately 60 degrees. Pyrite mineralization is occurring in sand that has been caught up in the fault zone.2008-02-01T19:00:47
316-C0008C-6H-1,0.043.51043.510316-C0008C-6H-CC,33.553.98053.010[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-01T21:51:14] Greenish-gray silty clay with green colour bands and/or mottling. Graded sandy silt and silty sand beds are common.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-6H-1,0.043.51043.510316-C0008C-6H-1,130.044.81044.690Greenish-gray silty clay with green colour bands and/or mottling. Graded sandy silt and silty sand beds are common.2008-02-01T21:51:14
316-C0008C-7H-1,0.053.01053.010316-C0008C-7H-CC,109.562.48560.506[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T00:16:30] Greenish-gray to loive-gray silty clay with normally graded silty sands and sandy silts. Pyrite is abundant in sands and burrows in the lower part of the section.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-7H-1,0.053.01053.010316-C0008C-7H-1,65.053.66053.524Greenish-gray to loive-gray silty clay with normally graded silty sands and sandy silts. Pyrite is abundant in sands and burrows in the lower part of the section.2008-02-02T00:16:30
316-C0008C-9H-1,0.067.51067.510316-C0008C-9H-CC,40.077.70077.010[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T03:00:46] Greenish-gray to olive gray silty clay and normally graded silty sands and sandy silts. Pyrite concentrations are common at the base of sands.[Section 8; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T03:19:59] flow-in consists mainly of silty clay with only minor patches of sand. Green colour bands are present.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-9H-1,0.067.51067.510316-C0008C-9H-1,109.068.60068.526Greenish-gray to olive gray silty clay and normally graded silty sands and sandy silts. Pyrite concentrations are common at the base of sands.2008-02-02T03:00:46
316-C0008C-9H-8,0.073.19572.810316-C0008C-9H-8,138.574.58074.101flow-in consists mainly of silty clay with only minor patches of sand. Green colour bands are present.2008-02-02T03:19:59
316-C0008C-10H-1,0.077.01077.010316-C0008C-10H-CC,21.086.55582.507[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T06:14:39] Greenish gray silty clay to clayey silt with rare sandy silt and very fine sand layers that often grade upward into overlying silty clay. Many void and cracks due to gas expansion.The often occur in intervalls slight coarser (clayey silt, silt or sandy silt) intervals or ar associated with ash layers. The lower part of the core (section 13 and CC) show flow in structures and are not representative.[Section 13; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T06:29:36] Flow in structures in core. Hence recovery is not representative [Section CC; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T06:30:28] Flow in structures. Hence, recovery is not representative2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-10H-1,0.077.01077.010316-C0008C-10H-1,31.077.32077.188Greenish gray silty clay to clayey silt with rare sandy silt and very fine sand layers that often grade upward into overlying silty clay. Many void and cracks due to gas expansion.The often occur in intervalls slight coarser (clayey silt, silt or sandy silt) intervals or ar associated with ash layers. The lower part of the core (section 13 and CC) show flow in structures and are not representative.2008-02-02T06:14:39
316-C0008C-10H-13,0.085.58581.949316-C0008C-10H-13,76.086.34582.386Flow in structures in core. Hence recovery is not representative2008-02-02T06:29:36
316-C0008C-10H-CC,0.086.34582.386316-C0008C-10H-CC,21.086.55582.507Flow in structures. Hence, recovery is not representative2008-02-02T06:30:28
316-C0008C-11H-1,0.082.51082.510316-C0008C-11H-CC,49.593.34090.110[Section 1;mikistrasser,2008-02-02T11:25:31]Greenish gray silty clay with rare thin silt layers and interbedded thin pyritized sand layers that grade into overlying silty clay in the upper part of the core and in the lower part of the core, respectively.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-11H-1,0.082.51082.510316-C0008C-11H-1,35.082.86082.756Greenish gray silty clay with rare thin silt layers and interbedded thin pyritized sand layers that grade into overlying silty clay in the upper part of the core and in the lower part of the core, respectively.Minor occurance of small patches of accretionary lapilli and agglutinated sponge spicules throughout. Many voids and cracks due to gas expantion and the possible precense of gas hydrates2008-02-02T11:25:31
316-C0008C-12H-1,0.090.11090.110316-C0008C-12H-CC,19.091.00091.000[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T11:36:18] Greenish gray silty clay interbedded with thin black (pyritized) sand layers. The lower part in core CC shows flow in structure. Hence mixed silty clay with ash might not be fully representative.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-12H-1,0.090.11090.110316-C0008C-12H-1,70.090.81090.810Greenish gray silty clay interbedded with thin black (pyritized) sand layers. The lower part in core CC shows flow in structure. Hence mixed silty clay with ash might not be fully representative.2008-02-02T11:36:18
316-C0008C-13H-1,0.091.26091.260316-C0008C-13H-CC,12.597.82097.590[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T12:19:21] Greenish gray silty clay to clayey silt with rare thin sandy silt to very fine sand layers. Many voids and cracks due to gas expansion and gas hydrate dissociation2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-13H-1,0.091.26091.260316-C0008C-13H-1,26.591.52591.516Greenish gray silty clay to clayey silt with rare thin sandy silt to very fine sand layers. Many voids and cracks due to gas expansion and gas hydrate dissociation2008-02-02T12:19:21
316-C0008C-14H-1,0.097.59097.590316-C0008C-14H-CC,15.5107.630101.690[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T13:34:08] Greenish gray silty clay with slight greenish collor mottling and rare very thin, silt to very fine sand layers and a 90 cm thick volcanic ash in section 8.Many voids and cracks occure throughout and are probably due to gas expansion and gas hydrate dissociation.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-14H-1,0.097.59097.590316-C0008C-14H-1,121.098.80098.084Greenish gray silty clay with slight greenish collor mottling and rare very thin, silt to very fine sand layers and a 90 cm thick volcanic ash in section 8.Many voids and cracks occure throughout and are probably due to gas expansion and gas hydrate dissociation.2008-02-02T13:34:08
316-C0008C-15H-1,0.0101.690101.690316-C0008C-15H-CC,41.0108.415108.295[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T15:16:43] Grrenish-gray silty clay with ash layers and patches of fine sand. Extensive flow-in from section 4 onwards.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-15H-1,0.0101.690101.690316-C0008C-15H-1,27.0101.960101.955Grrenish-gray silty clay with ash layers and patches of fine sand. Extensive flow-in from section 4 onwards.2008-02-02T15:16:43
316-C0008C-16H-1,0.0108.290108.290316-C0008C-16H-CC,25.0118.575114.593[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T16:18:19] Greenish-gray silty clay with minor thin, graded clayey silts or silty sands.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-16H-1,0.0108.290108.290316-C0008C-16H-1,79.0109.080108.774Greenish-gray silty clay with minor thin, graded clayey silts or silty sands.2008-02-02T16:18:19
316-C0008C-17H-1,0.0114.590114.590316-C0008C-17H-CC,20.0120.470119.890[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T19:21:24] Dark olive-gray to greenish-gray silty clay with sand patches and thin sand layers. Rubbled zone between 35 and 85 cm may correspond to gas hydrates.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-17H-1,0.0114.590114.590316-C0008C-17H-1,103.5115.625115.523Dark olive-gray to greenish-gray silty clay with sand patches and thin sand layers. Rubbled zone between 35 and 85 cm may correspond to gas hydrates.2008-02-02T19:21:24
316-C0008C-19H-1,0.0125.390125.390316-C0008C-19H-CC,25.0130.575129.386[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T23:27:58] Dark olive gray to greenish-gray silty clay and occasional thin graded sands. [Section 5; mikistrasser, 2008-02-02T23:32:12] Thich ash - possibly flow-in in part.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-19H-1,0.0125.390125.390316-C0008C-19H-1,99.5126.385126.157Dark olive gray to greenish-gray silty clay and occasional thin graded sands.2008-02-02T23:27:58
316-C0008C-19H-5,0.0128.025127.421316-C0008C-19H-5,107.5129.100128.249Thich ash - possibly flow-in in part.2008-02-02T23:32:12
316-C0008C-20H-1,0.0129.390129.390316-C0008C-20H-CC,9.5130.105130.095[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-03T00:00:57] Layered ash and impure ash, minor mudstone. Ash is layered with colour banding - brown, green and pale gray.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-20H-1,0.0129.390129.390316-C0008C-20H-1,62.0130.010130.001Layered ash and impure ash, minor mudstone. Ash is layered with colour banding - brown, green and pale gray.2008-02-03T00:00:57
316-C0008C-21H-1,0.0130.100130.100316-C0008C-21H-CC,41.0138.940138.940[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-03T00:34:27] Greenish-gray to dark olive-gray silty clay with minor graded sands and silts.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-21H-1,0.0130.100130.100316-C0008C-21H-1,123.5131.335131.335Greenish-gray to dark olive-gray silty clay with minor graded sands and silts.2008-02-03T00:34:27
316-C0008C-22X-1,0.0139.100139.100316-C0008C-22X-CC,73.5148.870148.600[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-03T04:26:26] Greenish gray silty clay with rare very thin sandy silty and occasionaly very fine sand layers.Slight drilling disturbance due to biscuting and many voids and cracks due to gas expansion and possibly gas hydrate dissociation2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-22X-1,0.0139.100139.100316-C0008C-22X-1,130.5140.405140.369Greenish gray silty clay with rare very thin sandy silty and occasionaly very fine sand layers. Slight drilling disturbance due to biscuting and many voids and cracks due to gas expansion and possibly gas hydrate dissociation2008-02-03T04:26:26
316-C0008C-23X-1,0.0148.600148.600316-C0008C-23X-CC,23.0155.260155.260[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-03T05:25:13] Greenish gray silty clay with rare sandy silt and very fine sand layers.There are two different typs of clastic layers, most of them beeing dark gray to black in color (pyrityized sand grains?) and the second is gray in color and contains abandunt foraminifera test.Void and cracks occure in the upper part of the core and are probably due to gas expansion and gas hydrate dissociation.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-23X-1,0.0148.600148.600316-C0008C-23X-1,111.5149.715149.715Greenish gray silty clay with rare sandy silt and very fine sand layers. There are two different typs of clastic layers, most of them beeing dark gray to black in color (pyrityized sand grains?) and the second is gray in color andcontains abandunt foraminifera test. Void and cracks occure in the upper part of the core and are probably due to gas expansion and gas hydrate dissociation.2008-02-03T05:25:13
316-C0008C-24X-1,0.0157.280157.280316-C0008C-24X-CC,22.5166.895166.785[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-03T10:06:16] Greenish gray silty clay with rare thin sandy silt to very fine sand layers and common slight reenish to olive gray color mottling.2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-24X-1,0.0157.280157.280316-C0008C-24X-1,88.0158.160158.150Greenish gray silty clay with rare thin sandy silt to very fine sand layers and common slight reenish to olive gray color mottling.2008-02-03T10:06:16
316-C0008C-25X-1,0.0166.790166.790316-C0008C-25X-CC,21.0176.200176.200[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2008-02-03T10:11:12] Greenish gray silty clay with rare thin sandy silt and silty sand layers and occasionally thin 1 to 2 cm thick layers with rounded slightly more induratged mudclasts *mudclast conglomerate)2008-02-03T23:41:19
316-C0008C-25X-1,0.0166.790166.790316-C0008C-25X-1,58.5167.375167.375Greenish gray silty clay with rare thin sandy silt and silty sand layers and occasionally thin 1 to 2 cm thick layers with rounded slightly more induratged mudclasts *mudclast conglomerate)2008-02-03T10:11:12