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Hart, D; Miller, D Jay (2006): (Table T3) Ash layer description of ODP Leg 201 sites [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Hart, D; Miller, DJ (2006): Analysis and correlation of volcanic ash in marine sediments from the Peru margin, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 201: explosive volcanic cycles of the north-central Andes. In: Jørgensen, BB; D'Hondt, SL; Miller, DJ (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 201, 1-43,

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Median Latitude: -10.343927 * Median Longitude: -78.663770 * South-bound Latitude: -11.064530 * West-bound Longitude: -79.955830 * North-bound Latitude: -8.991050 * East-bound Longitude: -77.957650
Date/Time Start: 2002-02-28T13:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2002-03-08T14:50:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 2.50 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 159.88 m
201-1227A  * Latitude: -8.991050 * Longitude: -79.955830 * Date/Time Start: 2002-02-28T13:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2002-03-02T05:50:00 * Elevation: -427.5 m * Penetration: 151.1 m * Recovery: 100.51 m * Location: South Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg201 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 18 cores; 151.1 m cored; 0 m drilled; 66.5 % recovery
201-1228A  * Latitude: -11.064530 * Longitude: -78.077830 * Date/Time Start: 2002-03-03T18:15:00 * Date/Time End: 2002-03-06T00:20:00 * Elevation: -262.2 m * Penetration: 200.9 m * Recovery: 126.35 m * Location: South Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg201 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 23 cores; 196.9 m cored; 4 m drilled; 64.2 % recovery
201-1229A  * Latitude: -10.976200 * Longitude: -77.957650 * Date/Time Start: 2002-03-06T13:30:00 * Date/Time End: 2002-03-08T14:50:00 * Elevation: -152.2 m * Penetration: 194.4 m * Recovery: 133.1 m * Location: South Pacific Ocean * Campaign: Leg201 * Basis: Joides Resolution * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 22 cores; 192.9 m cored; 1.5 m drilled; 69 % recovery
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. The occurrence of ash layers and accumulations was determined through detailed visual core and smear slide analyses, and ages were inferred from the biostratigraphy of corresponding Leg 112 sites. NA = not applicable; the feature was not observed.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Event labelEvent
Sample code/labelSample labelHart, DDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Layer thicknessThicknessmHart, DMeasured
Sample commentSample commentHart, D
EpochEpochHart, D
BiogenicBiogenicHart, Dapproximate percent
PumicePumiceHart, DGlass-Pumice, approximate percent; +1 percent = glass-coated grains, +2 = glass-coated grains are primarily round, ~20% of these are round pumice; unless specified otherwise in the description
QuartzQzHart, DRoundness
10 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyHart, DVisual description
550 data points


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201-1227A 201-1227A-13H-2, 146-147.6115.070.013MioceneNA(98-99)-NANABuff silt to very fine sand, top gradational, bottom may be erosional
201-1228A 201-1228A-8H-2, 83.5-8464.240.005Pliocene11-31-2Light gray fine silt-clay, 3%-5% dolomite, thins in center, poorly sorted, top gradational; bottom broken
201-1228A201-1228A-8H-3, 114-11766.040.030Pliocene1-21-30Light silt, ~5% dolomite, clay pod in base, moderate-well sorted, top: right convex
201-1228A201-1228A-9H-1, 69.8-7272.090.022Pliocene150-NANACream clay, ~45% groundmass, few dark coarse crystals, convex to left contacts, one flaser mark
201-1228A201-1228A-9H-1, 72-7372.120.010Pliocene<=1(0.5-2)-751-2Brown silt, ~1% dolomite, pumice: round, bottom: gradational, both slightly wavy
201-1228A201-1228A-9H-1, 74.5-7772.150.025Pliocene1-21.5-51-2Light gray silt, ~4% dolomite, ~20% coated grains, top: gradational wavy, bottom: slightly inclined
201-1228A201-1228A-9H-1, 81.5-8372.220.015Pliocene1-31.5-203-5Brown silt (angular), ~3%-5% round pumice, top: sharp to gradational, bottom: gradational-inclined
201-1228A201-1228A-9H-1, 97-101.672.370.046PlioceneNA(1-2)-(3-5)NAGray-tan silt, ~80% glass-coated grains + 2, normally graded, top gradational
201-1228A201-1228A-9H-1, 121.4-12472.610.026Pliocene11.5-(15-30)Gray-tan silt, ~5% round pumice, ~2%-3% dolomite, normal grading, 60% pumice and ~15% dolomite in bottom half
201-1228A201-1228A-11H-2, 32.5-37.591.730.255PlioceneNA1-(30-40)<0.5Gray-tan-black coarse silt-sand, ~1%-2% round pumice, thins to right, ~1.8 cm, bottom: slightly inclined
201-1228A201-1228A-11H-2, 50.2-52.391.900.021PlioceneNA80-(3-5)1-2Black-brown clay, ~3%-5% round pumice, finely laminated, top: convex, bottom: slight incline, both gradational
201-1228A201-1228A-11H-2, 52.3-5591.930.027PlioceneNA75-(1-3)1-2Tan-cream fine silt, ~2% round pumice and 55% groundmass, finely laminated, gradational-slightly inclined
201-1228A201-1228A-11H-2, 55-56.691.950.016Pliocene1-330-101Gray-brown-gray silt with ~20% groundmass, normal grading, slightly inclined, top: gradational
201-1228A201-1228A-11H-2, 59-60.691.990.016Pliocene<170-10NACream silt, poor-moderately sorted, sharp top: slight ripple, bottom: planar (possible correlation with Section 201-1227A-13H-2)
201-1228A201-1228A-14H-2, 8.1-11.7111.980.036Pliocene3(1-2)-(20-30)<1-1Tan-brown-gray coarse silt; distinctly more coarse than layers above and below
201-1228A201-1228A-14H-2, 116.5-117.5113.060.010layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pliocene10<1-201Gray-tan-brown silt to sand, ~1% round pumice, thins slightly (1-2 mm), gradational, bottom: slightly scoured (1-2 mm)
201-1228A201-1228A-14H-2, 129.3-130.2123.190.009Pliocene3-5NA-201-2Orange silt (gray ~2 mm below surface); ~30% groundmass, bottom: slightly wavy
201-1228A201-1228A-14H-2, 144-149113.340.050layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pliocene5-100.5-60NATannish gray silt; ~3%-5% ooids; thinly laminated; top: planar, bottom: end of core
201-1228A201-1228A-14H-5, 52.8-59116.930.062Pliocene<=5(1-3)-(30-50)1Gray-tan silt; ~20% coated; top: partly scoured (filled with laminations), bottom: slight break, top concave, bottom slightly wavy
201-1228A201-1228A-14H-5, 96.5-100117.370.035Pliocene1-21-801Cream-light gray silt, bottom tan (10%-15% biogenic), top: broken, wavy, bottom: slightly wavy
201-1228A201-1228A-14H-5, 117.4-121.6117.570.042Pliocene1-31-(30-40)<1Gray-tan (orangish) silt, ~1 mm laminae at top
201-1228A201-1228A-14H-5, 132.5-133.5117.720.010Pliocene1-30.5-60NACream-tan silt, thins to the left, top: sharp, wavy, bottom: planar, broken
201-1228A201-1228A-14H-6, 17.3-23118.070.057layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pliocene5-101-801-2Brown silt, ~50% biogenic in bottom centimeter, top: concave, bottom: slightly wavy
201-1228A201-1228A-14H-6, 23.5-26.5118.140.030Pliocene1-5 -> 5-10(1-15) -> 801Gray-tan silt, sharp, top: slightly wavy, bottom: concave, pumice and biogenic increase in the bottom centimeters
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-1, 36.5-43128.770.065Pliocene2-3(2-3)-(15-25)<=0.5Gray silt, ~20% groundmass (~5% at bottom), top: slightly rippled
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-1, 44-48128.840.040Pliocene12.5-20<1Gray silt, planar, bottom: gradational
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-1, 60-64129.000.040Pliocene<=11.5-(20-30)<1Gray silt, gradational planar contacts
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-1, 64.5-67129.050.025Pliocene<=32.5-50<=1Gray silt, top: wavy, bottom: planar
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-1, 92-96129.320.040Pliocene1-21.5-60<1Gray silt, top: planar, bottom: wavy
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-1, 110.8-112129.510.012Pliocene1-20.5-70<1Gray silt, light tan-light cream laminae
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-1, 114-117.5129.540.035Pliocene1-22.5-70<1Gray-light cream interlaminae, finely laminated, top and bottom: convex up
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-1, 118.5-123129.590.045Pliocene1-22-70<1Gray silt, few discontinuous laminae
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-1, 132-133129.720.010Pliocene1-22-20<=1Gray silt, ~70% coated grains, top: planar, bottom: end of core
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-2,12.5-16130.030.035Pliocene1-2(1-1.5)-80NAGray silt, tan, finely laminated, gradational convex up to the right
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-2, 27.5-34130.180.065Pliocene12.5-(60-70)<-0.5Gray silt, one tan lamination (~1 mm) in center
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-2, 118.5-124131.090.055Pliocene1-22-(60-70)<=0.5Gray silt, tan, finely laminated, ~3%-5% ooids
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-3, 96-98.5132.350.025Pliocene10.5-(940-50)NATan silt, one brown lamination, ~5% ooids, top: sharp, bottom: gradational slightly wavy
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-3, 110.5-114132.510.035Pliocene1-21-601-2Tan finely laminated silt, bottom: gradational, both: slightly wavy
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-3, 118-121.5132.580.035Pliocene1-21-15<1Tan silt, ~15% round pumice, top: convex up, bottom: rippled
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-4, 27-40.5133.170.135PlioceneNA1-301Gray silt, ~15% round pumice, top: gradational, both: planar
201-1228A201-1228A-16H-4, 40.5-42.5133.310.020layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pliocene205-30<=1Gray-tan finely laminated silt, biogenic ostracodes
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-1, 48-56.5147.880.085Pliocene1-32-60<=0.5Gray silt, gray-tan up to 51 cm (gradational), ~1% round pumice, ~5%-10% groundmass
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-1, 62-67148.020.050Pliocene1-22-(70-80)<=0.5Gray silt, ~2%-3% round pumice, top: inclined, bottom: planar
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-2, 5.8-9.5148.960.037Pliocene1-22-70<=0.5Gray-tan finely laminated silt, ~1% round pumice, top: convex at right side
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-2, 50.5-57.5149.410.070Pliocene32-70<0.5Tan-brown silt, top half slightly laminated (54.5-gradational) lower half laminated, ~1% round pumice
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-2, 79.7-89.2149.700.032Pliocene1-32-70<0.5Tan-brown finely laminated silt, ~1% round pumice, top: wavy, bottom: convex to right
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-2, 88-90149.780.020Pliocene1-22-70<0.5Cream silt, ~1% round pumice, vesicular glass present, convex bed
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-2, 112-115150.020.030Pliocene1-22-90<0.5Tan silt, ~3%-5% round pumice, top: slightly convex to right, bottom: end of core
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-3, 95.5-97151.360.015Pliocene1-3(1-1.5)-801-2Gray-tan silt; ~1%-2% round pumice
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-4, 0-3151.950.030Pliocene1-22-70<0.5Tan-gray silt, ~1% round pumice, some bioturbation, bottom: gradational planar
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-4, 38-42152.280.040Pliocene1-22-70<0.5Tan silt, ~1% round pumice, top: wavy, bottom: planar
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-4, 49-55152.350.060Pliocene1-32-70<0.5Tan and cream silt, ~1% round pumice, brown pod at top
201-1228A201-1228A-18H-4, 83.5-88152.740.045Pliocene1-22-70<0.5Tan silt, ~1%-2% round pumice, top: slightly wavy, sharp, bottom: sharp planar and slightly bioturbated
201-1229A 201-1229A-1H-2, 99.6-99.92.500.003Pleistocene<=32-3NAGray silty crystal-pumice-hash, discontinuous, inclined lamina, top: gradational
201-1229A201-1229A-3H-3, 50-50.517.900.005layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene10-1575-NANAGray-white clay lamina, planar, top: gradational
201-1229A201-1229A-5H-5, 126-12940.660.030Pleistocene1-23-NA1White-cream silt, fines upward, slightly inclined and gradational contacts
201-1229A201-1229A-6H-3, 18.7-2043.090.013layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene5-102-5NAGray-tan clay, slightly inclined, thins to one end
201-1229A201-1229A-8H-3, 107-10969.970.018Pleistocene0.5<1-102-3Gray silt, ~10%-25% dolomite, fines upward, inclined, top: gradational
201-1229A201-1229A-8H-3, 108.8-10969.990.002Pleistocene<=53-NA1-2Cream, crystal hash, very fine silt lamina, inclined
201-1229A201-1229A-10H-5, 37-4485.770.070Pleistocene3-5(1-3)-NA2-3Gray clay, ~3%-5% dolomite, fines upward
201-1229A201-1229A-11H-3, 2-6.591.920.045layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene5-10<=110-15Gray-tan silt, ~3%-5% dolomite, fines upward
201-1229A201-1229A-11H-3, 6.5-9.291.970.027Pleistocene1-3(1-2)-101-2Gray-tan silt, ~1%-3% dolomite, coated grains account for a majority of round grains
201-1229A201-1229A-11H-3, 10.292.00Pleistocene1-3(0.5-1)-NA<1Light-colored discontinuous silt lamina, ~20%-30% coated grains
201-1229A201-1229A-11H-3, 39.3-39.692.290.003layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene5-10(1-2)-(5)NALight-colored discontinuous silt lamina, ~3%-5% dolomite, bottom: gradational
201-1229A201-1229A-11H-3, 49.5-50.592.800.010layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene10-15(2-3)-NANALight gray silt between gray clay beds, dolomite ~5%, 5%-10% opaques, normal grading
201-1229A201-1229A-14H-1, 88.3-88.5118.280.002layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene1-3<1-NANACream silt, ~10%-15% dolomite, pinches out
201-1229A201-1229A-14H-4, 139.2123.29layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene5-10<1-(10-15)NAGray-tan-brown silty sand, slightly inclined
201-1229A201-1229A-14H-5, 50-56123.900.060layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene3-5(2-3)-<=1Cream-gray-black silt, fines upward, ~10%-20% dolomite
201-1229A201-1229A-18H-1, 0-3155.400.030Pleistocene3-5(1-2)-(15-20)NAGray-tan silt, ~1%-2% dolomite
201-1229A201-1229A-18H-1, 25-74155.650.490layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene5-10(1-2)-(50-60)NAGray-tan silt, two tan laminae-biogenic, fine-planar-laminae, bottom: inclined
201-1229A201-1229A-18H-2, 115-115.5158.070.005Pleistocene1-3(1-2)-NANAGray-white-orange sandy silt lamina
201-1229A201-1229A-18H-2, 117.2-117.4158.070.002Pleistocene3-51-10NAGray-white sandy silt lamina, bottom: gradational
201-1229A201-1229A-18H-2, 117.4-127156.170.096Pleistocene3-5(1-2)-(10-15)NAGray-tan silt, ~1%-2% dolomite, top: gradational
201-1229A201-1229A-18H-3, 48-56159.880.080layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene5-10(1-2)-NANAGray-white poorly sorted feldspar-quartz silty sand within reworked bed, planar
201-1229A201-1229A-18H-3, 114.5-122159.550.075layer is borderline primary (10%-15% biogenic material or dolomite)Pleistocene10-151-(5-10)NAGray-tan sandy silt, bottom: break
201-1229A201-1229A-14H-5, 32-43.5123.730.110Pleistocene3-5Too fine to tellNACream clay, ~5%-10%-15% dolomite, crystal-rich pods of dolomite, slightly concave contacts
201-1229A201-1229A-14H-4, 18.5-23122.080.045Pleistocene<=10(1-3)-NANAGray-cream clay, groundmass is first-order gray and white, discontinuous laminae and pod