Kinoshita, Masataka; Tobin, Harold; Ashi, Juichiro; Kimura, Gaku; Lallemant, Siegfried J; Screaton, Elizabeth J; Curewitz, Daniel; Masago, Hideki; Moe, Kyaw Thu; Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists (2012): Fossil occurrence of radiolarians from IODP Hole 316-C0006E [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,
Always quote citation above when using data! You can download the citation in several formats below.
Published: 2012-01-06 • DOI registered: 2012-07-05
Related to:
IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Kinoshita, Masataka; Tobin, Harold; Ashi, Juichiro; Kimura, Gaku; Lallemant, Siegfried J; Screaton, Elizabeth J; Curewitz, Daniel; Masago, Hideki; Moe, Kyaw Thu; Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists (2009): Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 314/315/316,
Other version:
IODP Hole 316-C0006E, snapshot taken on 2011-04-14, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 33.027407 * Longitude: 136.793803
Date/Time Start: 2007-12-29T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2007-12-29T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 406.735 m
316-C0006E * Latitude: 33.027407 * Longitude: 136.793803 * Date/Time: 2007-12-29T00:00:00 * Elevation: -3875.8 m * Recovery: 330.23 m * Campaign: Exp316 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 1: Shallow Megaslay and Frontal Thrusts) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 49 cores; 409.4 m cored; 80.68 % recovery; 409.4 m drilled; 409.44 m penetrated
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Sample code/label | Sample label | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation | Sample top | |
2 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
3 | Depth, top/min | Depth top | m | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | [m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor) | |
4 | Sample code/label 2 | Sample label 2 | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | DSDP/ODP/IODP sample designation | Sample bottom | |
5 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | [m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor) | |
6 | Depth, bottom/max | Depth bot | m | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | [m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor) | |
7 | Sample volume | Samp vol | cm3 | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | ||
8 | Time Stamp | Time Stamp | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | Of sampling | ||
9 | Abundance | Abund | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | |||
10 | Preservation | Preserv | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | |||
11 | Cornutella profunda | C. profunda | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | |||
12 | Didymocyrtis tetrathalamus tetrathalamus | D. tetrathalamus tet | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | |||
13 | Larcopyle spp. | Larcopyle spp. | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | |||
14 | Spongodiscus resurgens | S. resurgens | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | |||
15 | Comment | Comment | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | |||
16 | Time Stamp | Time Stamp | Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists | Of analysing |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
347 data points
1 Sample label (Sample top) | 2 Depth sed [m] | 3 Depth top [m] ([m CSF-B] Top Core depth (bel...) | 4 Sample label 2 (Sample bottom) | 5 Depth bot [m] ([m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (...) | 6 Depth bot [m] ([m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (...) | 7 Samp vol [cm3] | 8 Time Stamp (Of sampling) | 9 Abund | 10 Preserv | 11 C. profunda | 12 D. tetrathalamus tet | 13 Larcopyle spp. | 14 S. resurgens | 15 Comment | 16 Time Stamp (Of analysing) |
316-C0006E-1H-1,0.0 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 316-C0006E-49X-CC,21.0 | 316-C0006E;2008-01-15T23:59:23 | |||||||||||
316-C0006E-1H-CC,0.0 | 5.130 | 5.091 | 316-C0006E-1H-CC,5.0 | 5.180 | 5.140 | 175 | 2007-12-28T15:19:27 | C | M | X | X | X | X | And other undefined species of actinominidae and& | |
316-C0006E-2H-CC,10.0 | 15.190 | 14.596 | 316-C0006E-2H-CC,15.0 | 15.240 | 14.643 | 175 | 2007-12-28T16:57:49 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-4H-CC,47.0 | 33.285 | 33.107 | 316-C0006E-4H-CC,52.0 | 33.335 | 33.156 | 175 | 2007-12-28T20:48:50 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-5H-CC,0.0 | 38.465 | 38.358 | 316-C0006E-5H-CC,5.0 | 38.515 | 38.407 | 175 | 2007-12-29T00:11:50 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-6H-CC,0.0 | 38.580 | 38.580 | 316-C0006E-6H-CC,5.0 | 38.630 | 38.630 | 175 | 2007-12-29T05:24:49 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-7H-CC,0.0 | 48.630 | 47.770 | 316-C0006E-7H-CC,5.0 | 48.680 | 47.815 | 175 | 2007-12-29T12:27:48 | X | Only as fragments | ||||||
316-C0006E-9H-CC,0.0 | 63.980 | 63.925 | 316-C0006E-9H-CC,5.0 | 64.030 | 63.975 | 175 | 2007-12-29T16:37:22 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-10H-CC,0.0 | 64.510 | 64.510 | 316-C0006E-10H-CC,5.0 | 64.560 | 64.560 | 175 | 2007-12-29T20:14:37 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-11H-CC,0.0 | 71.329 | 71.148 | 316-C0006E-11H-CC,5.0 | 71.379 | 71.197 | 175 | 2007-12-29T22:50:41 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-12H-CC,0.0 | 78.150 | 77.699 | 316-C0006E-12H-CC,5.0 | 78.200 | 77.745 | 175 | 2007-12-30T02:33:08 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-15X-CC,0.0 | 85.493 | 85.493 | 316-C0006E-15X-CC,5.0 | 85.543 | 85.543 | 175 | 2007-12-30T07:45:44 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-16X-CC,0.0 | 90.700 | 90.700 | 316-C0006E-16X-CC,5.0 | 90.750 | 90.750 | 175 | 2007-12-30T09:02:32 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-17X-CC,0.0 | 101.655 | 101.655 | 316-C0006E-17X-CC,5.0 | 101.705 | 101.705 | 175 | 2007-12-30T13:59:39 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-18X-CC,6.0 | 107.760 | 107.760 | 316-C0006E-18X-CC,11.0 | 107.810 | 107.810 | 175 | 2007-12-30T15:50:15 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-19X-CC,0.0 | 120.880 | 120.880 | 316-C0006E-19X-CC,5.0 | 120.930 | 120.930 | 175 | 2007-12-30T17:30:52 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-20X-CC,0.0 | 133.175 | 133.175 | 316-C0006E-20X-CC,5.0 | 133.225 | 133.225 | 175 | 2007-12-30T19:01:53 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-21X-CC,0.0 | 139.275 | 139.275 | 316-C0006E-21X-CC,5.0 | 139.325 | 139.325 | 175 | 2008-01-01T08:45:21 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-22X-CC,0.0 | 151.385 | 151.385 | 316-C0006E-22X-CC,5.0 | 151.435 | 151.435 | 175 | 2008-01-01T11:00:46 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-23X-CC,15.0 | 162.385 | 162.385 | 316-C0006E-23X-CC,20.0 | 162.435 | 162.435 | 175 | 2008-01-01T12:32:43 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-24X-CC,0.0 | 164.485 | 164.485 | 316-C0006E-24X-CC,5.0 | 164.535 | 164.535 | 175 | 2008-01-01T20:44:00 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-25X-CC,0.0 | 181.547 | 181.547 | 316-C0006E-25X-CC,5.0 | 181.597 | 181.597 | 175 | 2008-01-01T23:46:17 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-26X-CC,32.0 | 192.427 | 191.780 | 316-C0006E-26X-CC,37.0 | 192.477 | 191.827 | 175 | 2008-01-02T05:32:39 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-27X-CC,42.0 | 201.890 | 201.283 | 316-C0006E-27X-CC,47.0 | 201.940 | 201.330 | 175 | 2008-01-02T11:37:13 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-28X-CC,0.0 | 205.015 | 205.015 | 316-C0006E-28X-CC,5.0 | 205.065 | 205.065 | 175 | 2008-01-02T14:19:46 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-29X-CC,0.0 | 220.585 | 219.951 | 316-C0006E-29X-CC,5.0 | 220.635 | 219.998 | 175 | 2008-01-02T22:02:41 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-30X-CC,36.2 | 230.241 | 229.783 | 316-C0006E-30X-CC,41.2 | 230.291 | 229.831 | 175 | 2008-01-03T05:34:46 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-31X-CC,0.0 | 235.395 | 235.395 | 316-C0006E-31X-CC,5.0 | 235.445 | 235.445 | 175 | 2008-01-03T08:07:33 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-32X-CC,0.0 | 248.075 | 248.075 | 316-C0006E-32X-CC,5.0 | 248.125 | 248.125 | 175 | 2008-01-03T11:17:01 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-34X-CC,0.0 | 266.625 | 266.625 | 316-C0006E-34X-CC,5.0 | 266.675 | 266.675 | 175 | 2008-01-03T18:30:14 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-36X-CC,0.0 | 286.855 | 286.489 | 316-C0006E-36X-CC,5.0 | 286.905 | 286.537 | 175 | 2008-01-04T05:59:49 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-37X-CC,0.0 | 295.610 | 295.610 | 316-C0006E-37X-CC,5.0 | 295.660 | 295.660 | 175 | 2008-01-04T08:56:28 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-38X-CC,0.0 | 297.290 | 297.290 | 316-C0006E-38X-CC,5.0 | 297.340 | 297.340 | 175 | 2008-01-04T12:07:18 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-39X-CC,0.0 | 315.350 | 314.865 | 316-C0006E-39X-CC,5.0 | 315.400 | 314.912 | 175 | 2008-01-04T15:11:33 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-40X-CC,0.0 | 323.760 | 323.760 | 316-C0006E-40X-CC,5.0 | 323.810 | 323.810 | 175 | 2008-01-04T19:02:43 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-41X-CC,0.0 | 331.643 | 331.643 | 316-C0006E-41X-CC,5.0 | 331.693 | 331.693 | 175 | 2008-01-04T22:06:12 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-42X-CC,4.0 | 343.833 | 343.412 | 316-C0006E-42X-CC,9.0 | 343.883 | 343.460 | 175 | 2008-01-05T02:37:09 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-43X-CC,0.0 | 352.080 | 352.080 | 316-C0006E-43X-CC,5.0 | 352.130 | 352.130 | 175 | 2008-01-05T09:24:08 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-44X-CC,0.0 | 362.885 | 362.416 | 316-C0006E-44X-CC,5.0 | 362.935 | 362.464 | 175 | 2008-01-05T13:48:21 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-46X-CC,0.0 | 380.225 | 380.225 | 316-C0006E-46X-CC,5.0 | 380.275 | 380.275 | 175 | 2008-01-05T20:51:32 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-47X-CC,4.0 | 391.375 | 390.980 | 316-C0006E-47X-CC,9.0 | 391.425 | 391.028 | 175 | 2008-01-06T01:45:23 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-48X-CC,0.0 | 400.835 | 400.378 | 316-C0006E-48X-CC,5.0 | 400.885 | 400.425 | 175 | 2008-01-06T05:10:36 | B | |||||||
316-C0006E-49X-CC,0.0 | 406.735 | 406.735 | 316-C0006E-49X-CC,5.0 | 406.785 | 406.785 | 175 | 2008-01-06T18:59:11 | B |