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Kinoshita, Masataka; Tobin, Harold; Ashi, Juichiro; Kimura, Gaku; Lallemant, Siegfried J; Screaton, Elizabeth J; Curewitz, Daniel; Masago, Hideki; Moe, Kyaw Thu; Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists (2012): Visual core description (VCD) from IODP Hole 316-C0004C [dataset]. SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database; Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration (JAMSTEC), PANGAEA,

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IODP/CDEX (2012): SIO7 Data Center, J-CORES Database. Ocean Drilling Program, Center for Deep Earth Exploration, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokohama Kanagawa 236-0001, JAPAN,
Kinoshita, Masataka; Tobin, Harold; Ashi, Juichiro; Kimura, Gaku; Lallemant, Siegfried J; Screaton, Elizabeth J; Curewitz, Daniel; Masago, Hideki; Moe, Kyaw Thu; Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists (2009): Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 314/315/316,
Other version:
IODP Hole 316-C0004C, snapshot taken on 2010-11-09, J-CORES, SIO7 Data Center [dataset].
Latitude: 33.220463 * Longitude: 136.722187
Date/Time Start: 2007-12-20T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2007-12-20T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.000 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 133.180 m
316-C0004C * Latitude: 33.220463 * Longitude: 136.722187 * Date/Time: 2007-12-20T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2627.0 m * Recovery: 135.23 m * Campaign: Exp316 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 1: Shallow Megaslay and Frontal Thrusts) * Basis: Chikyu * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 18 cores; 131.3 m cored; 102.31 % recovery; 135 m drilled; 135 m penetrated
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample top
DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 314/315/316 Scientists[m CSF-B] Top Core depth (below sea floor)
Sample code/label 2Sample label 2Expedition 314/315/316 ScientistsDSDP/ODP/IODP sample designationSample bottom
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 314/315/316 Scientists[m CSF-A] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 314/315/316 Scientists[m CSF-B] Bottom Core depth (below sea floor)
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsGeneral sedimentological comment on Core
Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsContinued
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10 Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsContinued
11 Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsContinued
12 Main LithologyMain lithExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsContinued
13 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsVisual descriptionGeneral sedimentological comment on Section
14 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
15 Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsVisual descriptionContinued
16 Time StampTime StampExpedition 314/315/316 ScientistsSedimentological comment
727 data points


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Time Stamp
(Sedimentological comment)
316-C0004C-1H-1,0.00.0000.000316-C0004C-1H-CC,18.56.4306.430[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T16:59:48] Smear slide at 30 cm. [Section 2; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:00:50] Smear slide of pumice fragment at 57 cm and dispersed ash at 57 cm.[Section 4; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:01:36] Bourow at 2-7cm. Smear slide at 14 cm. [Section 7; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:04:28] Faint green band at 16 cm. Smear slide at 25 cm.2008-01-17T05:02:22
316-C0004C-1H-1,0.00.0000.000316-C0004C-1H-1,141.51.4151.415Smear slide at 30 cm.2008-01-01T16:59:48
316-C0004C-1H-2,0.01.4151.415316-C0004C-1H-2,120.52.6202.620Smear slide of pumice fragment at 57 cm and dispersed ash at 57 cm.2008-01-01T17:00:50
316-C0004C-1H-4,0.02.8352.835316-C0004C-1H-4,140.54.2404.240Bourow at 2-7cm. Smear slide at 14 cm.2008-01-01T17:01:36
316-C0004C-1H-7,0.05.6505.650316-C0004C-1H-7,59.56.2456.245Faint green band at 16 cm. Smear slide at 25 cm.2008-01-01T17:04:28
316-C0004C-2H-1,0.06.3806.380316-C0004C-2H-CC,26.516.57215.882[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:04:54] Green bands 1 cm thick at 77 and 118 cm with other thin bands near base of section. [Section 4; fergussenc, 2007-12-20T20:22:04] Rare clasts of pumice.[Section 5; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:06:41] White ash layer at 47 to 48 cm, smear slide at 47 cm. [Section 6; fergussenc, 2007-12-20T19:12:04] Scattered small dark gray nodules[Section 8; fergussenc, 2007-12-20T21:12:21] Drilling induced crack at 69 to 73 cm, along apparent change in lithology. Smear slide at 70 cm. Smear slide at 75 cm. [Section 9; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:07:31] Dispersed dark gray small < 1 cm nodules.2008-01-17T05:02:29
316-C0004C-2H-1,0.06.3806.380316-C0004C-2H-1,140.77.7877.692Green bands 1 cm thick at 77 and 118 cm with other thin bands near base of section.2008-01-01T17:04:54
316-C0004C-2H-4,0.09.1979.006316-C0004C-2H-4,143.610.63310.345Rare clasts of pumice. Smear slide at 51 cm.2007-12-20T20:22:04
316-C0004C-2H-5,0.010.63310.345316-C0004C-2H-5,143.212.06511.680White ash layer at 47 to 48 cm, smear slide at 47 cm.2008-01-01T17:06:41
316-C0004C-2H-6,0.012.06511.680316-C0004C-2H-6,121.013.27512.808Scattered small dark gray nodules2007-12-20T19:12:04
316-C0004C-2H-8,0.013.49013.009316-C0004C-2H-8,141.414.90414.327Drilling induced crack at 69 to 73 cm, along apparent change in lithology. Smear slide at 70 cm. Smear slide at 75 cm.2007-12-20T21:12:21
316-C0004C-2H-9,0.014.90414.327316-C0004C-2H-9,140.316.30715.635Dispersed dark gray small < 1 cm nodules.2008-01-01T17:07:31
316-C0004C-4H-1,0.025.38025.380316-C0004C-4H-CC,23.035.51534.885[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:08:43] Small white blobs rich in sponge spicules, smear slide at 97 cm. Smear slide at 120 cm.[Section 2; fergussenc, 2007-12-21T02:15:14] Glauconite nodule at 41 to 44 cm, smear slide. [Section 3; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:09:11] Pyrite nodule at 64 cm.[Section 5; fergussenc, 2007-12-21T02:29:48] Small white blobs occur at 71 cm and at 120 to 135 cm. [Section 6; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:09:52] Smear slide of ash layer at 129-131 cm.[Section 7; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:10:23] Two smear slides within the volcanoclastic sand layer.2008-01-17T05:02:59
316-C0004C-4H-1,0.025.38025.380316-C0004C-4H-1,141.526.79526.707Small white blobs rich in sponge spicules, smear slide at 97 cm. Smear slide at 120 cm.2008-01-01T17:08:43
316-C0004C-4H-2,0.026.79526.707316-C0004C-4H-2,142.028.21528.039Glauconite nodule at 41 to 44 cm, smear slide.2007-12-21T02:15:14
316-C0004C-4H-3,0.028.21528.039316-C0004C-4H-3,119.529.41029.159Pyrite nodule at 64 cm.2008-01-01T17:09:11
316-C0004C-4H-5,0.029.62529.361316-C0004C-4H-5,143.031.05530.702Small white blobs occur at 71 cm and at 120 to 135 cm.2007-12-21T02:29:48
316-C0004C-4H-6,0.031.05530.702316-C0004C-4H-6,144.032.49532.053Smear slide of ash layer at 129-131 cm.2008-01-01T17:09:52
316-C0004C-4H-7,0.032.49532.053316-C0004C-4H-7,142.033.91533.384Two smear slides within the volcanoclastic sand layer.2008-01-01T17:10:23
316-C0004C-5H-1,0.034.88034.880316-C0004C-5H-CC,23.545.12544.375[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:12:32] Greenish gray silty clay with some greenish banding and mottling, dispersed ash and lapilli throughout. Smear slide at 10 cm. Smear slide at 85 cm. Smear slide at 90 cm (partly dispersed ash).[Section 3; mikistrasser, 2007-12-21T12:01:27] SS at 110 [Section 5; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:15:17] Dominant lithology is a greenish gray silty clay with some greenish banding and mottling with dispersed ash and lapilli throughout.In CT scan dense spot appear to be branching tubes and are most likely pyritized burrows. [Section 6; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:15:36] Sand layer at 70 cm shows first appearance of quartz, feldspar, and rock fragments components and erosional base.[Section 7; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:18:49] Dominant lithology is a greenish gray silty clay with greenish color banding and mottling dispersed lapilli and volcanic ash throughout (slightly less volcanoclastic components than above).Minor lithology is fine 0.5 to 1.5 cm thick silty sand layers with quartz, feldspar, and lithic fragments components with erosional base and grading. Apparent inclination of sand and ash layer is about 10 degrees. Smear slides at 55, 69 and 81 cm.2008-01-17T05:03:07
316-C0004C-5H-1,0.034.88034.880316-C0004C-5H-1,143.536.31536.210Greenish gray silty clay with some greenish banding and mottling, dispersed ash and lapilli throughout. Smear slide at 10 cm. Smear slide at 85 cm. Smear slide at 90 cm (partly dispersed ash).2008-01-01T17:12:32
316-C0004C-5H-3,0.037.81037.596316-C0004C-5H-3,125.539.06538.759SS at 1102007-12-21T12:01:27
316-C0004C-5H-5,0.039.28038.958316-C0004C-5H-5,150.540.78540.353Dominant lithology is a greenish gray silty clay with some greenish banding and mottling with dispersed ash and lapilli throughout. In CT scan dense spot appear to be branching tubes and are most likely pyritized burrows.Evidence for bioturbation and possible evidence that some ash accumulations are not lappilli but burrow fills. Smear slide at 125 cm, green spot of glauconite. Smear slide at 141 cm.2008-01-01T17:15:17
316-C0004C-5H-6,0.040.78540.353316-C0004C-5H-6,145.542.24041.701Sand layer at 70 cm shows first appearance of quartz, feldspar, and rock fragments components and erosional base.2008-01-01T17:15:36
316-C0004C-5H-7,0.042.24041.701316-C0004C-5H-7,140.543.64543.004Dominant lithology is a greenish gray silty clay with greenish color banding and mottling dispersed lapilli and volcanic ash throughout (slightly less volcanoclastic components than above).Minor lithology is fine 0.5 to 1.5 cm thick silty sand layers with quartz, feldspar, and lithic fragments components with erosional base and grading. Apparent inclination of sand and ash layer is about 10 degrees. Smear slides at 55, 69 and 81 cm.2008-01-01T17:18:49
316-C0004C-6H-1,0.044.38044.380316-C0004C-6H-CC,41.054.89553.875[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:19:22] Traces of lapilli. Patches of brownish gray color surrounded by a gray halo at 110 to 115 cm. [Section 3; mikistrasser, 2007-12-21T16:21:01] Dominant lithology is silty clay. Dispersed lapilli throughout.Secondary lithology is a sand layer at base of section. [Section 5; mikistrasser, 2007-12-21T16:29:52] Dominant lithology is greenish-gray silty clay. Secondary lithology are 0.2 to 3 cm thick sand layers.[Section 6; mikistrasser, 2007-12-21T16:32:07] Strongly mottled at 70 to 80 cm.[Section 7; mikistrasser, 2007-12-21T16:34:44] Pyritised burrows [Section 8; mikistrasser, 2007-12-21T16:38:48] Traces of lapilli, ash and pyrite dispersed throughout section.2008-01-17T05:03:15
316-C0004C-6H-1,0.044.38044.380316-C0004C-6H-1,142.545.80545.667Traces of lapilli. Patches of brownish gray color surrounded by a gray halo at 110 to 115 cm. Mottled texture.2008-01-01T17:19:22
316-C0004C-6H-3,0.047.25046.972316-C0004C-6H-3,122.548.47548.078Dominant lithology is silty clay. Dispersed lapilli throughout. Secondary lithology is a sand layer at base of section.2007-12-21T16:21:01
316-C0004C-6H-5,0.048.69048.272316-C0004C-6H-5,145.550.14549.586Dominant lithology is greenish-gray silty clay. Secondary lithology are 0.2 to 3 cm thick sand layers.2007-12-21T16:29:52
316-C0004C-6H-6,0.050.14549.586316-C0004C-6H-6,146.051.60550.904Strongly mottled at 70 to 80 cm.2007-12-21T16:32:07
316-C0004C-6H-7,0.051.60550.904316-C0004C-6H-7,151.053.11552.268Pyritised burrows2007-12-21T16:34:44
316-C0004C-6H-8,0.053.11552.268316-C0004C-6H-8,137.054.48553.505Traces of lapilli, ash and pyrite dispersed throughout section.2007-12-21T16:38:48
316-C0004C-7H-1,0.053.88053.880316-C0004C-7H-CC,28.564.05363.383[Section 2; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:22:39] Glauconite clast >5 cm with dispersed black material and with minor pyrite at 60 cm. Scattered smaller clasts of glauconite nearby. Scattered rare ash clasts at 70 cm.Slight colour change at 80 cm, maybe minor erosional boundary? [Section 3; fergussenc, 2007-12-21T18:35:17] Scattered black debris and glauconite pellets.[Section 5; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:23:33] Clusters of glauconite grains, 1-2 mm, at 9-13 cm and 75-83 cm. Discontinuous fine-grained white horizon at 56 cm, probably ash. [Section 6; fergussenc, 2007-12-21T18:54:49] Interstitial water[Section 7; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:24:19] Series of small sand beds, 0.5 - 3 cm thick, typically normally graded . Smaller beds are typically discontinuous due to erosion and/or bioturbation.[Section 8; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:24:49] Occassional green colour bands and more prominent, obviously glauconitic bands often associated with pyrite. Pyrite often associated with bright spots on the CT scan.Clusters of volcaniclastic/ash grains at 15-19 cm and 62-65 cm. [Section 9; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:25:52] Green bands are less obvious than others and appear mottled in places. [Section CC; fergussenc,2008-01-01T17:26:18] Scattered glauconite grains.2008-01-17T04:32:49
316-C0004C-7H-2,0.055.29755.204316-C0004C-7H-2,143.056.72756.539Glauconite clast >5 cm with dispersed black material and with minor pyrite at 60 cm. Scattered smaller clasts of glauconite nearby. Scattered rare ash clasts at 70 cm. Slight colour change at 80 cm, maybe minor erosional boundary?2008-01-01T17:22:39
316-C0004C-7H-3,0.056.72756.539316-C0004C-7H-3,119.757.92457.658Scattered black debris and glauconite pellets.2007-12-21T18:35:17
316-C0004C-7H-5,0.058.13957.858316-C0004C-7H-5,120.259.34158.981Clusters of glauconite grains, 1-2 mm, at 9-13 cm and 75-83 cm. Discontinuous fine-grained white horizon at 56 cm, probably ash.2008-01-01T17:23:33
316-C0004C-7H-6,0.059.34158.981316-C0004C-7H-6,21.559.55659.182Interstitial water2007-12-21T18:54:49
316-C0004C-7H-7,0.059.55659.182316-C0004C-7H-7,141.060.96660.499Series of small sand beds, 0.5 - 3 cm thick, typically normally graded . Smaller beds are typically discontinuous due to erosion and/or bioturbation.2008-01-01T17:24:19
316-C0004C-7H-8,0.060.96660.499316-C0004C-7H-8,140.562.37161.812Occassional green colour bands and more prominent, obviously glauconitic bands often associated with pyrite. Pyrite often associated with bright spots on the CT scan. Clusters of volcaniclastic/ash grains at 15-19 cm and 62-65 cm.2008-01-01T17:24:49
316-C0004C-7H-9,0.062.37161.812316-C0004C-7H-9,139.763.76863.117Green bands are less obvious than others and appear mottled in places. Several black nodules in core at 45 cm, 84 cm, 106 cm, 3-4 mm in diameter, may be organic matter and pyrite bearing.2008-01-01T17:25:52
316-C0004C-7H-CC,0.063.76863.117316-C0004C-7H-CC,28.564.05363.383Scattered glauconite grains.2008-01-01T17:26:18
316-C0004C-8H-1,0.063.38063.380316-C0004C-8H-CC,28.573.66572.875[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:26:39] Scattered small dark gray nodules with pyrite, up to 5 mm across. [Section 2; fergussenc, 2007-12-21T20:58:11] White blob, sponge spicule rich, less than 5 mm across. Lapilli in lower part of section.[Section 3; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:34:15] Scattered lapilli/ash clasts at 0-50 cm, smaller ones at depth. Color bands typically discontinuous.[Section 4; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:34:36] Removed for interstitial water. [Section 5; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:35:02] Lapilli/ash clasts clustered at 55-58 cm. Minor mottling at 66-65 cm.[Section 6; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:35:25] Cluster of lapilli/volcanic ash at 45-50 cm. [Section 7; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:35:52] Scattered volcanic ash throughout, discrete cluster at 92-99 cm.[Section 8; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:36:20] Green bands visible throughout. Microfaults cut section in several places, e.g. at 23 cm, 68 cm, 77-105 cm. [Section CC; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:36:39] Several green color bands present.2008-01-17T05:03:41
316-C0004C-8H-1,0.063.38063.380316-C0004C-8H-1,140.064.78064.673Scattered small dark gray nodules with pyrite, up to 5 mm across.2008-01-01T17:26:39
316-C0004C-8H-2,0.064.78064.673316-C0004C-8H-2,141.066.19065.974White blob, sponge spicule rich, less than 5 mm across. Lapilli in lower part of section.2007-12-21T20:58:11
316-C0004C-8H-3,0.066.19065.974316-C0004C-8H-3,144.067.63067.304Scattered lapilli/ash clasts at 0-50 cm, smaller ones at depth. Color bands typically discontinuous.2008-01-01T17:34:15
316-C0004C-8H-4,0.067.63067.304316-C0004C-8H-4,21.567.84567.502Removed for interstitial water.2008-01-01T17:34:36
316-C0004C-8H-5,0.067.84567.502316-C0004C-8H-5,123.069.07568.638Lapilli/ash clasts clustered at 55-58 cm. Minor mottling at 66-65 cm.2008-01-01T17:35:02
316-C0004C-8H-6,0.069.07568.638316-C0004C-8H-6,142.570.50069.953Cluster of lapilli/volcanic ash at 45-50 cm.2008-01-01T17:35:25
316-C0004C-8H-7,0.070.50069.953316-C0004C-8H-7,141.071.91071.255Scattered volcanic ash throughout, discrete cluster at 92-99 cm.2008-01-01T17:35:52
316-C0004C-8H-8,0.071.91071.255316-C0004C-8H-8,147.073.38072.612Green bands visible throughout. Microfaults cut section in several places, e.g. at 23 cm, 68 cm, 77-105 cm. Scattered volcanic ash common in upper part of section from 5-58 cm.2008-01-01T17:36:20
316-C0004C-8H-CC,0.073.38072.612316-C0004C-8H-CC,28.573.66572.875Several green color bands present.2008-01-01T17:36:39
316-C0004C-9H-1,0.072.88072.880316-C0004C-9H-CC,9.080.96480.844[Section 1; fergussenc, 2007-12-22T01:15:43] Faint green colour bands inclined at 40 degrees to the horizontal.[Section 5; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:55:08] Lithology in upper 70 cm of section is a silty clay with no color bands and with a gray color less greenish than higher cores. Contact slopes across core from 70 to 78 cm.Lithology below the contact is a poorly sorted breccia, matrix-supported with jigsaw texture observed on CT scan of core. Clasts are up to 3 cm across. Breccia is greenish. Upper part of breccia below contact for several millimetres is mineralised.Pyrite occurs in large nodule below the contact. More breccia occurs at 110 cm. [Section 6; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:38:48] Dominant lithology is a gray silty claystone breccia (observed in CT scan), note change in colour from last section.Gray color band occurs at 35 to 45 cm and is inclined. [Section 7; fergussenc, 2007-12-25T20:39:49] Massive grayish silty claystone breccia (seen in CT scan).2008-01-17T05:03:49
316-C0004C-9H-1,0.072.88072.880316-C0004C-9H-1,141.274.29274.271Faint green colour bands inclined at 40 degrees to the horizontal.2007-12-22T01:15:43
316-C0004C-9H-5,0.077.35977.293316-C0004C-9H-5,123.078.58978.504Lithology in upper 70 cm of section is a silty clay with no color bands and with a gray color less greenish than higher cores. Contact slopes across core from 70 to 78 cm.Lithology below the contact is a poorly sorted breccia, matrix-supported with jigsaw texture observed on CT scan of core. Clasts are up to 3 cm across. Breccia is greenish. Upper part of breccia below contact for several millimetres is mineralised.Pyrite occurs in large nodule below the contact. More breccia occurs at 110 cm.2008-01-01T17:55:08
316-C0004C-9H-6,0.078.58978.504316-C0004C-9H-6,141.580.00479.898Dominant lithology is a gray silty claystone breccia (observed in CT scan), note change in colour from last section. Gray color band occurs at 35 to 45 cm and is inclined.2008-01-01T17:38:48
316-C0004C-9H-7,0.080.00479.898316-C0004C-9H-7,87.080.87480.755Massive grayish silty claystone breccia (seen in CT scan).2007-12-25T20:39:49
316-C0004C-10H-1,0.080.84080.840316-C0004C-10H-CC,23.584.85084.800[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:39:17] Dark green-gray mudstone breccia, clasts similar to matrix, up to 2 cm in diameter. [Section 2; fergussenc, 2007-12-27T22:52:02] Silty claystone breccia, identified in uppermost 38 cm of section in CT scan.A moderately lithic discontinuous sandstone occurs at 53-59 cm possibly forming part of burrow fill. [Section 3; fergussenc, 2007-12-25T23:30:18] Interstitial water sample. CT scan shows breccia especially near base of section.2008-01-17T05:03:57
316-C0004C-10H-1,0.080.84080.840316-C0004C-10H-1,143.582.27582.257Dark green-gray mudstone breccia, clasts similar to matrix, up to 2 cm in diameter.2008-01-01T17:39:17
316-C0004C-10H-2,0.082.27582.257316-C0004C-10H-2,119.583.47083.437Silty claystone breccia, identified in uppermost 38 cm of section in CT scan. A moderately lithic discontinuous sandstone occurs at 53-59 cm possibly forming part of burrow fill.2007-12-27T22:52:02
316-C0004C-10H-3,0.083.47083.437316-C0004C-10H-3,22.083.69083.655Interstitial water sample. CT scan shows breccia especially near base of section.2007-12-25T23:30:18
316-C0004C-10H-4,0.083.69083.655316-C0004C-10H-4,92.584.61584.568Thin (5 mm) sand laminae at 13 cm, medium grained and simiar in composition to sand in section 2 at 55 cm. Dark grey lithic sandstone at 17-19 cm, different composition to that above. CT scan - on the whole this section looks unbrecciated.2008-01-01T17:40:07
316-C0004C-11H-1,0.084.80084.800316-C0004C-11H-CC,10.089.30089.220[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:40:42] Dark greenish-grey mudstone breccia throughout. Internal variation in breccia from matrix supported to clast supported and fractured whole mudrock. Brecciation due to drilling in top 15 cm.CT scan shows evidence of high density spots (probably pyrite) in cracks between clasts suggesting that these cracks were in place prior to drilling. [Section 2; fergussenc, 2007-12-25T23:46:37] CT scan indicates sedimentary breccia.[Section 3; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:41:07] Brownish (oxidation?) areas in the matrix from 42 to 51 cm. CT scan shows well developed sedimentary breccia.[Section 4; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:42:19] Parts of sectionare washed out (soupy) and may be sandier intervals, as suggested by high very fine to fine sand content of corresponding smear slides.Clast size within section varies, up to 3 cm in size at 49 cm. Clast size beneath 58 cm are smaller than those above.2008-01-17T05:04:05
316-C0004C-11H-1,0.084.80084.800316-C0004C-11H-1,144.086.24086.214Dark greenish-grey mudstone breccia throughout. Internal variation in breccia from matrix supported to clast supported and fractured whole mudrock. Brecciation due to drilling in top 15 cm.CT scan shows evidence of high density spots (probably pyrite) in cracks between clasts suggesting that these cracks were in place prior to drilling.2008-01-01T17:40:42
316-C0004C-11H-2,0.086.24086.214316-C0004C-11H-2,22.086.46086.430CT scan indicates sedimentary breccia.2007-12-25T23:46:37
316-C0004C-11H-3,0.086.46086.430316-C0004C-11H-3,119.587.65587.604Brownish (oxidation?) areas in the matrix from 42 to 51 cm. CT scan shows well developed sedimentary breccia.2008-01-01T17:41:07
316-C0004C-11H-4,0.087.65587.604316-C0004C-11H-4,141.089.06588.989Parts of sectionare washed out (soupy) and may be sandier intervals, as suggested by high very fine to fine sand content of corresponding smear slides.Clast size within section varies, up to 3 cm in size at 49 cm. Clast size beneath 58 cm are smaller than those above.2008-01-01T17:42:19
316-C0004C-12X-1,0.089.22089.220316-C0004C-12X-CC,39.598.88098.720[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:42:41] Dark greenish-grey mudstone breccia throughout. [Section 2; fergussenc, 2007-12-27T16:52:42] Soupy mud around one of the voids (at 76-78 cm) suggest these sections have been washed out.Potentially washed out sand intervals. [Section 3; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:43:20] Voids may represent washed out sandstone, as suggested by soupy material from 120-126 cm. Greenish-grey silty clay between 62 and 75 cm, with abundant nannofossils.Lower contact is somewhat gradual, upper contact is sharp, with mudclasts of the clay in the breccia above. [Section 4; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:43:39] Some intervals show decreased, or absent, brecciation (eg. 40-50 cm).[Section 7; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:44:01] Small (<1 cm) voids at 65, 82, 92 and 94 cm. Silty clay has a graded lower contact and a sharp, inclined upper contact. [Section 8; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:44:23] Sharp contact at 15 cm.Patches showing slightly lighter colours and greenish colour banding, e.g. at 100 cm, discontinuous patch which may be a clast. [Section 9; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:44:47] Ash patches/layers at 15 cm. Sand patches and mud pebbles surrounded by sand.2008-01-17T05:04:12
316-C0004C-12X-1,0.089.22089.220316-C0004C-12X-1,118.090.40090.381Dark greenish-grey mudstone breccia throughout.2008-01-01T17:42:41
316-C0004C-12X-2,0.090.40090.381316-C0004C-12X-2,140.591.80591.762Soupy mud around one of the voids (at 76-78 cm) suggest these sections have been washed out. Potentially washed out sand intervals.2007-12-27T16:52:42
316-C0004C-12X-3,0.091.80591.762316-C0004C-12X-3,140.593.21093.144Voids may represent washed out sandstone, as suggested by soupy material from 120-126 cm.Greenish-grey silty clay between 62 and 75 cm, with abundant nannofossils.Lower contact is somewhat gradual, upper contact is sharp, with mudclasts of the clay in the breccia above.2008-01-01T17:43:20
316-C0004C-12X-4,0.093.21093.144316-C0004C-12X-4,141.094.62094.531Some intervals show decreased, or absent, brecciation (eg. 40-50 cm).2008-01-01T17:43:39
316-C0004C-12X-7,0.095.26595.165316-C0004C-12X-7,141.096.67596.551Small (<1 cm) voids at 65, 82, 92 and 94 cm. Silty clay has a graded lower contact and a sharp, inclined upper contact.2008-01-01T17:44:01
316-C0004C-12X-8,0.096.67596.551316-C0004C-12X-8,141.098.08597.938Sharp contact at 15 cm. Patches showing slightly lighter colours and greenish colour banding, e.g. at 100 cm, discontinuous patch which may be a clast.2008-01-01T17:44:23
316-C0004C-12X-9,0.098.08597.938316-C0004C-12X-9,40.098.48598.331Ash patches/layers at 15 cm. Sand patches and mud pebbles surrounded by sand.2008-01-01T17:44:47
316-C0004C-13X-1,0.098.72098.720316-C0004C-13X-CC,30.5108.420108.220[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:45:11] Clear evidence for breccia with lenses but brecciation is enhanced due to drilling. [Section 2; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:45:35] Patch of slightly lighter rock without brecciated texture from 100-108 cm.Small 2 cm void at 94 cm. [Section 4; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:46:44] 22-36 cm shows patches of unbrecciated greenish-grey silty clays. Soupy void filling from 133-137 cm may represent washed out sand.[Section 6; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:47:03] Patches of brownish material at 57 and 93 cm. [Section 7; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:47:19] Another small (2 cm) void at 80 cm.[Section 8; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:47:54] Mudclasts of greenish-grey silty clay are incorporated into the breccia above, but also a clast of the breccia occurs within the silty clay.[Section CC; fergussenc, 2007-12-27T17:32:19] Olive-grey to greenish-grey mudstone in lower part.2008-01-17T05:04:22
316-C0004C-13X-1,0.098.72098.720316-C0004C-13X-1,141.0100.130100.101Clear evidence for breccia with lenses but brecciation is enhanced due to drilling.2008-01-01T17:45:11
316-C0004C-13X-2,0.0100.130100.101316-C0004C-13X-2,114.0101.270101.217Patch of slightly lighter rock without brecciated texture from 100-108 cm. Small 2 cm void at 94 cm.2008-01-01T17:45:35
316-C0004C-13X-4,0.0101.535101.477316-C0004C-13X-4,146.0102.995102.90722-36 cm shows patches of unbrecciated greenish-grey silty clays. Soupy void filling from 133-137 cm may represent washed out sand.2008-01-01T17:46:44
316-C0004C-13X-6,0.0104.365104.249316-C0004C-13X-6,141.0105.775105.630Patches of brownish material at 57 and 93 cm.2008-01-01T17:47:03
316-C0004C-13X-7,0.0105.775105.630316-C0004C-13X-7,140.5107.180107.006Another small (2 cm) void at 80 cm.2008-01-01T17:47:19
316-C0004C-13X-8,0.0107.180107.006316-C0004C-13X-8,93.5108.115107.921Mudclasts of greenish-grey silty clay are incorporated into the breccia above, but also a clast of the breccia occurs within the silty clay.2008-01-01T17:47:54
316-C0004C-13X-CC,0.0108.115107.921316-C0004C-13X-CC,30.5108.420108.220Olive-grey to greenish-grey mudstone in lower part.2007-12-27T17:32:19
316-C0004C-14X-1,0.0108.220108.220316-C0004C-14X-CC,41.5118.185117.715[Section 1; fergussenc, 2007-12-27T23:18:14] CT scan confirms that lower part of section (49 to 136.5 cm) is sedimentary breccia. Upper part of section is strongly disturbed by drilling.[Section 2; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:48:26] Small void (3 cm) at 97 cm. [Section 6; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:48:58] Small void (3cm) at 36 cm. Brownish patches (oxidation patches?) at 49, 52 and 70 cm.[Section 7; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:49:13] Sand patch at 74 cm.2008-01-17T05:04:30
316-C0004C-14X-1,0.0108.220108.220316-C0004C-14X-1,140.5109.625109.559CT scan confirms that lower part of section (49 to 136.5 cm) is sedimentary breccia. Upper part of section is strongly disturbed by drilling.2007-12-27T23:18:14
316-C0004C-14X-2,0.0109.625109.559316-C0004C-14X-2,140.5111.030110.897Small void (3 cm) at 97 cm.2008-01-01T17:48:26
316-C0004C-14X-6,0.0113.860113.594316-C0004C-14X-6,140.5115.265114.933Small void (3cm) at 36 cm. Brownish patches (oxidation patches?) at 49, 52 and 70 cm.2008-01-01T17:48:58
316-C0004C-14X-7,0.0115.265114.933316-C0004C-14X-7,140.5116.670116.272Sand patch at 74 cm.2008-01-01T17:49:13
316-C0004C-15X-1,0.0117.720117.720316-C0004C-15X-CC,43.0127.710127.220[Section 1; mikistrasser, 2007-12-23T15:53:00] Dark greenish-grey mudstone, heavily disturbed by drilling (as previous). CT scan shows brecciation which is a drilling feature, with poorly developed jigsaw textures observed locally. Small pyritised burrows2008-01-17T05:04:37
316-C0004C-15X-1,0.0117.720117.720316-C0004C-15X-1,141.0119.130119.061Dark greenish-grey mudstone, heavily disturbed by drilling (as previous). CT scan shows brecciation which is a drilling feature, with poorly developed jigsaw textures observed locally. Small pyritised burrows can also be traced around the larger clasts.2007-12-23T15:53:00
316-C0004C-15X-5,0.0123.355123.079316-C0004C-15X-5,141.0124.765124.420Small voids at 50 and 60 cm. Small brown patch at 92-93 cm.2008-01-01T17:50:12
316-C0004C-15X-6,0.0124.765124.420316-C0004C-15X-6,114.0125.905125.504Small white blob, 2 mm across, at 76 cm.2007-12-22T20:04:40
316-C0004C-16H-1,0.0127.220127.220316-C0004C-16H-CC,20.5128.975128.955[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:51:05] Dark greeenish-gray silty claystone.CT scans show development of matrix-supported breccia with angular clasts up to 4-5 cm across, local jigsaw fits, fragments are all silty claystone in a silty claystone matrix. Brecciation is due to drilling.2008-01-17T05:04:44
316-C0004C-16H-1,0.0127.220127.220316-C0004C-16H-1,120.5128.425128.411Dark greeenish-gray silty claystone. CT scans show development of matrix-supported breccia with angular clasts up to 4-5 cm across, local jigsaw fits, fragments are all silty claystone in a silty claystone matrix.Brecciation is due to drilling. CT scan shows abundant pyritised brurrows in top 10 cm of section.2008-01-01T17:51:05
316-C0004C-17H-1,0.0132.680132.680316-C0004C-17H-CC,26.0133.310133.180[Section 1; fergussenc, 2008-01-01T17:51:31] Difficult to identify structure due to drilling disturbance.2008-01-17T05:04:50
316-C0004C-17H-1,0.0132.680132.680316-C0004C-17H-1,37.0133.050132.974Difficult to identify structure due to drilling disturbance.2008-01-01T17:51:31