Liu, Zhonghui; Pagani, Mark; Zinniker, David; DeConto, Robert M; Huber, Matthew; Brinkhuis, Henk; Shah, Sunita R; Leckie, R Mark; Pearson, Ann (2009): (Table S3) Mean sea surface temperture values of the Eocene-Oligocene Transition at individual DSDP and ODP sites [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Liu, Z et al. (2009): Global cooling during the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition. Science, 323(5918), 1187-1190,
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Published: 2009 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2011-12-22
Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP)
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
Median Latitude: -1.460403 * Median Longitude: 22.676933 * South-bound Latitude: -52.223800 * West-bound Longitude: -46.971700 * North-bound Latitude: 75.489100 * East-bound Longitude: 166.191300
Date/Time Start: 1973-03-11T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1997-12-25T00:00:00
Minimum Elevation: -3701.6 m * Maximum Elevation: -811.0 m
29-277 * Latitude: -52.223800 * Longitude: 166.191300 * Date/Time: 1973-03-11T00:00:00 * Elevation: -1214.0 m * Penetration: 472.5 m * Recovery: 253.4 m * Location: Antarctic Ocean/PLATEAU * Campaign: Leg29 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 45 cores; 425 m cored; 0 m drilled; 59.6 % recovery
38-336 * Latitude: 63.351000 * Longitude: -7.787800 * Date/Time: 1974-08-07T00:00:00 * Elevation: -811.0 m * Penetration: 515 m * Recovery: 219.9 m * Location: North Atlantic/Norwegian Sea * Campaign: Leg38 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 42 cores; 383.5 m cored; 19 m drilled; 57.3 % recovery
71-511 * Latitude: -51.004700 * Longitude: -46.971700 * Date/Time: 1980-01-15T00:00:00 * Elevation: -2589.0 m * Penetration: 632 m * Recovery: 384.4 m * Location: South Atlantic/PLATEAU * Campaign: Leg71 * Basis: Glomar Challenger * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: 68 cores; 616.5 m cored; 14.5 m drilled; 62.4 % recovery
Estimated values at ~33-34 Ma (EOT) and at ~34-37 Ma (pre-EOT). With consideration of chronology uncertainty, we allowed time intervals over which mean SST values were calculated to vary slightly (up to 0.5 Ma). The mid-point and length of time intervals used for calculation are indicated by the column "Age (Ma)". For instance, 33.4±0.3 indicates a mid-point of 33.4 Ma and an interval of 33.1-33.7 Ma.
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | Event label | Event | ||||
2 | Paleolatitude | Pal-lat | Liu, Zhonghui | |||
3 | Method comment | Method comm | Liu, Zhonghui | |||
4 | AGE | Age | ka BP | Geocode | ||
5 | Age, error | Age e | ± | Liu, Zhonghui | ||
6 | Sea surface temperature, annual mean | SST (1-12) | °C | Liu, Zhonghui | ||
7 | Sea surface temperature, annual mean, standard deviation | SST (1-12) std dev | ± | Liu, Zhonghui | ||
8 | Difference | Diff | Liu, Zhonghui | Delta SST pre EOT to post EOT | ||
9 | Error, absolute | Error a | ± | Liu, Zhonghui | Delta SST pre EOT to post EOT |
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
105 data points