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Kyte, Frank T (2011): Iridium concentrations and abundances of meteoritic ejecta from the Eltanin impact in sediment cores from POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XII/4 [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Kyte, FT (2002): Iridium concentrations and abundances of meteoritic ejecta from the Eltanin impact in sediment cores from Polarstern expedition ANT XII/4. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49(6), 1049-1061,

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The abundances of meteoritic ejecta from the Eltanin asteroid impact have been examined in seven sediment cores recovered by the FS Polarstern during expedition ANT XII/4 using elemental concentrations of iridium and weights of coarse (>500 ?m) ejecta debris. Three cores with well-preserved impact deposits, PS2704-1, PS2708-1, and PS2709-1, each contain Ir and ejecta fluences similar to those found previously in USNS Eltanin core E13-4. Small Ir anomalies and traces of ejecta were found in cores PS2706-1 and PS2710-1, but since these cores lack well-defined deposits, these are considered to be reworked and not representative of the fallout. No evidence of ejecta was found in cores PS2702-1 and PS2705-1. These results confirm earlier speculation that the Eltanin impact resulted in deposits of ejecta with up to 1 g/cm**2 of debris over a wide area of the ocean floor. However, there are still large uncertainties over the actual regional or global extent of this unique sediment deposit.
Median Latitude: -57.478167 * Median Longitude: -90.538870 * South-bound Latitude: -57.967000 * West-bound Longitude: -91.859000 * North-bound Latitude: -55.950000 * East-bound Longitude: -82.756700
Date/Time Start: 1963-01-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 1995-05-07T00:03:00
ELT10.002-PC * Latitude: -55.950000 * Longitude: -82.756700 * Date/Time: 1963-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4828.0 m * Recovery: 10.9 m * Campaign: ELT10 * Basis: Eltanin * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
ELT13.003-PC * Latitude: -57.005000 * Longitude: -89.483300 * Date/Time: 1964-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -5093.0 m * Recovery: 16.03 m * Campaign: ELT13 * Basis: Eltanin * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
ELT13.004-PC * Latitude: -57.770000 * Longitude: -90.793300 * Date/Time: 1964-01-01T00:00:00 * Elevation: -4700.0 m * Recovery: 17.05 m * Campaign: ELT13 * Basis: Eltanin * Method/Device: Piston corer (PC)
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