Fischer, Gerhard (2002): CTD data of cruise M49/4 station GeoB7017-1 [dataset]. PANGAEA,
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Published: 2002-08-16 • DOI registered: 2005-03-19
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Fischer, Gerhard; Baumann, Karl-Heinz; Böke, Wolfgang; Buschhoff, Hella; Daberkow, Timo; Erbacher, Jochen; Gutsch, Michaela; Heidersdorf, Felix; Heuchert, Anja; Knuth, Edmund; Mutterlose, Jörg; Ochsenhirt, Wolf-Thilo; Rosiak, Uwe; Ruhland, Götz; Schlemm, Volker; Schulte, Sonja; Vink, Annemiek; Zühlsdorff, Lars (2002): Report and preliminary results of RV Meteor-Cruise M49/4 Salvador da Bahia - Halifax, 4.4.-5.5.2001. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 194, 83 pp, urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-ep000103191
Latitude: 28.001700 * Longitude: -58.835000
Date/Time Start: 2001-04-30T12:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2001-04-30T12:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 9.945 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 283.239 m
GeoB7017-1 * Latitude: 28.001700 * Longitude: -58.835000 * Date/Time: 2001-04-30T12:00:00 * Elevation: -5474.0 m * Campaign: M49/4 * Basis: Meteor (1986) * Method/Device: CTD/Rosette (CTD-RO) * Comment: 18 x 10l, depths: 250,200,150,100,70,40,20,5m
# | Name | Short Name | Unit | Principal Investigator | Method/Device | Comment |
1 | DEPTH, sediment/rock | Depth sed | m | Geocode | ||
2 | Temperature, water | Temp | °C | Fischer, Gerhard | CTD, Sea-Bird, SBE 19 SEACAT | ITS-68 |
3 | Salinity | Sal | Fischer, Gerhard | CTD, Sea-Bird, SBE 19 SEACAT | ||
4 | Pressure, water | Press | dbar | Fischer, Gerhard | CTD, Sea-Bird, SBE 19 SEACAT | |
5 | Oxygen | O2 | µmol/l | Fischer, Gerhard | CTD, Sea-Bird, SBE 19 SEACAT | |
6 | Light attenuation coefficient | Attenuation | Fischer, Gerhard | CTD, Sea-Bird, SBE 19 SEACAT | CHELSEA-fluorometer |
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280 data points