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Expedition 325 Scientists (2011): Thermal conductivity, IODP Expedition 325 [dataset]. PANGAEA,

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Related to:
Webster, Jody M; Yokoyama, Yusuke; Cotterill, Carol; Expedition 325 Scientists (2011): Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.), 325,
Median Latitude: -18.770627 * Median Longitude: 148.988213 * South-bound Latitude: -19.801170 * West-bound Longitude: 146.576320 * North-bound Latitude: -17.097260 * East-bound Longitude: 150.481500
Date/Time Start: 2010-06-22T09:10:00 * Date/Time End: 2010-07-01T17:45:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.75 m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: 40.28 m
325-M0036A (HYD_01CSite11) * Latitude: -19.672390 * Longitude: 150.243960 * Date/Time: 2010-03-01T04:30:00 * Elevation Start: -103.0 m * Elevation End: -103.2 m * Penetration: 34 m * Recovery: 8.91 m * Location: Great Barrier Reef, Australia * Campaign: Exp325 (Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes) * Basis: Greatship Maya * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: Drilling Depth Methods: DSF: tag sea floor; CSF: let overlap if long; CCSF: let overlap if long. Elevation Start = drill string tagging seabed including predicted tidal variations, Elevation End = corrected EM300 echo sounder data.
325-M0040A (HYD_02ASite10) * Latitude: -19.796280 * Longitude: 150.481410 * Date/Time: 2010-03-05T07:42:00 * Elevation Start: -132.7 m * Elevation End: -126.1 m * Penetration: 21.5 m * Recovery: 11.73 m * Location: Great Barrier Reef, Australia * Campaign: Exp325 (Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes) * Basis: Greatship Maya * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: Drilling Depth Methods: DSF: tag sea floor; CSF: let overlap if long; CCSF: let overlap if long. Elevation Start = drill string tagging seabed including predicted tidal variations, Elevation End = corrected EM300 echo sounder data.
325-M0041A (HYD_02ASite10) * Latitude: -19.796300 * Longitude: 150.481500 * Date/Time: 2010-03-05T09:32:00 * Elevation Start: -132.7 m * Elevation End: -126.6 m * Penetration: 22.1 m * Recovery: 10.06 m * Location: Great Barrier Reef, Australia * Campaign: Exp325 (Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes) * Basis: Greatship Maya * Method/Device: Drilling/drill rig (DRILL) * Comment: Drilling Depth Methods: DSF: tag sea floor; CSF: let overlap if long; CCSF: let overlap if long. Elevation Start = drill string tagging seabed including predicted tidal variations, Elevation End = corrected EM300 echo sounder data.
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Event labelEvent
2Sample code/labelSample labelExpedition 325 Scientists
3DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
4Depth, top/minDepth topmExpedition 325 Scientists
5Depth, bottom/maxDepth botmExpedition 325 Scientists
6Lithology/composition/faciesLithologyExpedition 325 ScientistsVisual description
7Sample commentSample commentExpedition 325 Scientists
8Conductivity, thermalkW/m/KExpedition 325 ScientistsThermal conductivity meter TK04 (TeKa)
9Conductivity, thermal, standard deviationk std dev±Expedition 325 ScientistsCalculated
306 data points

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