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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Al-Halbouni, Djamil; Bahr, Karsten (2011): Geomagnetic depth sounding data from station Cerv, Western European Alps, 2008-10-01 to 2009-04-30 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, In supplement to: Al-Halbouni, D; Bahr, K (2011): The European Alps as an interrupter of the earth's conductivity structures. PDI-598 and PDI-599,

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Published: 2011-10-13DOI registered: 2011-11-11

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Latitude: 45.878720 * Longitude: 8.160430
Date/Time Start: 2008-10-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2009-04-30T00:00:00
Minimum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m * Maximum DEPTH, sediment/rock: m
Cerv * Latitude: 45.878720 * Longitude: 8.160430 * Date/Time Start: 2008-10-01T00:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2009-04-30T00:00:00 * Elevation: 894.0 m * Location: Western European Alps, Italy * Method/Device: Magnetotelluric (MT)
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1DEPTH, sediment/rockDepth sedmGeocode
2FrequencyFreqHzAl-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
3Degrees of freedomDOF#Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
4Perturbation tensor hH, real componentR[WhH]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
5Perturbation tensor hH, imaginary componentI[WhH]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
6Perturbation tensor hD, real componentR[WhD]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
7Perturbation tensor hD, imaginary componentI[WhD]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
8Perturbation tensor dH, real componentR[WdH]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
9Perturbation tensor dH, imaginary componentI[WdH]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
10Perturbation tensor dD, real componentR[WdD]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
11Perturbation tensor dD, imaginary componentI[WdD]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
12Perturbation tensor hH, errorWhH e±Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
13Perturbation tensor hD, errorWhD e±Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
14Perturbation tensor dH, errorWdH e±Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
15Perturbation tensor δD, errorWdD e±Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
16Perturbation tensor zH, real componentR[WzH]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
17Perturbation tensor zH, imaginary componentI[WzH]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
18Perturbation tensor zD, real componentR[WzD]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
19Perturbation tensor zD, imaginary componentI[WzD]Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
20Perturbation tensor zH, errorWzH e±Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
21Perturbation tensor zD, errorWzD e±Al-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
22Coherence function, XRxAl-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
23Coherence function, YRyAl-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
24Coherence function, ZRzAl-Halbouni, DjamilMagnetotellurics
Licensing unknown: Please contact principal investigator/authors to gain access and request licensing terms (UNKNOWN)
621 data points

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