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Charalampopoulou, Anastasia; Poulton, Alex J; Tyrrell, Toby; Lucas, Mike (2011): Surface seawater carbonate chemistry, nutrients and phytoplankton community composition on a transect between North Sea and Arctic Ocean, 2008 [dataset]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Charalampopoulou, A et al. (2011): Irradiance and pH affect coccolithophore community composition on a transect between the North Sea and the Arctic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 431, 25-43,

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This data was collected during the 'ICE CHASER' cruise from the southern North Sea to the Arctic (Svalbard) in July-Aug 2008. This data consists of coccolithophore abundance, calcification and primary production rates, carbonate chemistry parameters and ancillary data of macronutrients, chlorophyll-a, average mixed layer irradiance, daily irradiance above the sea surface, euphotic and mixed layer depth, temperature and salinity.
Arctic; Biomass/Abundance/Elemental composition; Calcification/Dissolution; Coast and continental shelf; Community composition and diversity; Entire community; Field observation; Light; North Atlantic; Open ocean; Pelagos; Polar; Primary production/Photosynthesis; Temperate
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), grant/award no. 211384: European Project on Ocean Acidification
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), grant/award no. 511106: European network of excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis
Median Latitude: 65.707979 * Median Longitude: 8.321170 * South-bound Latitude: 50.770000 * West-bound Longitude: 0.750000 * North-bound Latitude: 80.810000 * East-bound Longitude: 22.310000
Date/Time Start: 2008-07-24T08:04:00 * Date/Time End: 2008-08-16T06:57:00
Minimum DEPTH, water: m * Maximum DEPTH, water: 65 m
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Lavigne and Gattuso, 2011) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of carbonate system variables, as described by Nisumaa et al. (2010). In this dataset the original values were archived in addition with the recalculated parameters (see related PI).
#NameShort NameUnitPrincipal InvestigatorMethod/DeviceComment
1Sample IDSample IDCharalampopoulou, Anastasia
5DEPTH, waterDepth watermGeocode
6SalinitySalCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaCTD
7Temperature, waterTemp°CCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaCTD
8Radiation, photosynthetically activePARµmol/m2/sCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaDaily, above sea surface
9Radiation, photosynthetically activePARµmol/m2/sCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaAverage mixed layer
10Depth of the euphotic zonez(eu)mCharalampopoulou, Anastasia
11Chlorophyll aChl aµg/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaPigments, Turner fluorometer
12AmmoniaNH3µmol/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaLachat QuickChem 8500 flow injection autoanalyser
13Ammonia, standard deviationNH3 std dev±Charalampopoulou, Anastasia
14Phosphate[PO4]3-µmol/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaLachat QuickChem 8500 flow injection autoanalyser
15Phosphate, standard deviation[PO4]3- std dev±Charalampopoulou, Anastasia
16SilicateSi(OH)4µmol/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaLachat QuickChem 8500 flow injection autoanalyser
17Silicate, standard deviationSi(OH)4 std dev±Charalampopoulou, Anastasia
18Nitrate and Nitrite[NO3]- + [NO2]-µmol/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaLachat QuickChem 8500 flow injection autoanalyser
19Nitrate and Nitrite, standard deviation[NO3]- + [NO2]- std dev±Charalampopoulou, Anastasia
20Carbon, inorganic, dissolvedDICµmol/kgCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaCoulometry
21Carbon, inorganic, dissolved, standard errorDIC std e±Charalampopoulou, Anastasia
22Alkalinity, totalATµmol/kgCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaSemi-closed-cell titration (Dickson et al. 2007)
23Alkalinity, total, standard errorAT std e±Charalampopoulou, Anastasia
24pHpHCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaCalculated using CO2SYS
25Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)pCO2water_SST_wetµatmCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaCalculated using CO2SYS
26Calcite saturation stateOmega CalCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaCalculated using CO2SYS
27Aragonite saturation stateOmega ArgCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaCalculated using CO2SYS
28Coccolithophoridae, totalCoccolith#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
29Emiliania huxleyi, coccoliths, detachedE. hux coccoliths#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
30Emiliania huxleyiE. huxleyi#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
31Acanthoica quattrospinaA. quattrospina#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
32Acanthoica quattrospinaA. quattrospina#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
33Acanthoica quattrospinaA. quattrospina#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
34Aligosphaera robustaA. robusta#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
35Alisphaera extentaA. extenta#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
36Alisphaera gaudiiA. gaudii#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
37Braarudosphaera bigelowiiB. bigelowii#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
38Calcidiscus leptoporusC. leptoporus#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
39Calciopappus caudatusC. caudatus#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
40Calciosolenia murrayiC. murrayi#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
41Calyptrosphaera sphaeroideaC. sphaeroidea#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
42Coccolithus pelagicusC. pelagicus#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
43Coccolithus pelagicusC. pelagicus#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
44Corisphaera gracilisC. gracilis#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
45Florisphaera profundaF. profunda#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
46Gephyrocapsa oceanicaG. oceanica#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
47Helladosphaera corniferaH. cornifera#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
48Homozygosphaera verceliiH. vercelii#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
49Helicosphaera carteriH. carteri#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
50Ophiaster formosusO. formosus#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
51Ophiaster hydroideusO. hydroideus#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
52Ophiaster sp.Ophiaster sp.#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
53Palusphaera vandeliiP. vandelii#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
54Pappomonas sp.Pappomonas sp.#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
55Pappomonas sp.Pappomonas sp.#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
56Pappomonas virgulosaP. virgulosa#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
57Papposphaera arcticaP. arctica#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
58Papposphaera lepidaP. lepida#/lCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
59Rhabdosphaera xiphosR. xiphos#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
60Saturnulus helianthiformisS. helianthiformis#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
61Sphaerocalyptra sp.Sphaerocalyptra sp.#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
62Syracosphaera bannockiiS. bannockii#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
63Syracosphaera bannockiiS. bannockii#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
64Syracosphaera borealisS. borealis#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
65Syracosphaera corollaS. corolla#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
66Syracosphaera exiguaS. exigua#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
67Syracosphaera marginiporataS. marginiporata#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
68Syracosphaera molischiiS. molischii#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
69Syracosphaera nanaS. nana#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
70Syracosphaera ossaS. ossa#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
71Syracosphaera tumularisS. tumularis#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
72Syracosphaera sp.Syracosphaera sp.#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
73Phytoplankton, unknownPhytopl unknown#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
74Wigwamma sp.Wigwamma sp.#/mlCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaScanning electron microscope (Leo 1450VP, Carl Zeiss) with software SmartSEM
75Calcification rate of calcium carbonateCalc rate CaCO3µmol/m3/dayCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaMicro-diffusion technique of Paasche & Brubak 1994 modified by Balch etal 2000
76Calcification rate, standard deviationCalc rate std dev±Charalampopoulou, Anastasia
77Primary production of carbon per dayPP Cµmol/l/dayCharalampopoulou, AnastasiaMicro-diffusion technique of Paasche & Brubak 1994 modified by Balch etal 2000
78Primary production of carbon, standard deviationPP C std dev±Charalampopoulou, Anastasia
79Carbonate system computation flagCSC flagNisumaa, Anne-MarinCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
80pHpHNisumaa, Anne-MarinCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)Total scale
81Carbon dioxideCO2µmol/kgNisumaa, Anne-MarinCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
82Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)pCO2water_SST_wetµatmNisumaa, Anne-MarinCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
83Fugacity of carbon dioxide (water) at sea surface temperature (wet air)fCO2water_SST_wetµatmNisumaa, Anne-MarinCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
84Bicarbonate ion[HCO3]-µmol/kgNisumaa, Anne-MarinCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
85Carbonate ion[CO3]2-µmol/kgNisumaa, Anne-MarinCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
86Aragonite saturation stateOmega ArgNisumaa, Anne-MarinCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
87Calcite saturation stateOmega CalNisumaa, Anne-MarinCalculated using seacarb after Nisumaa et al. (2010)
Curation Level: Enhanced curation (CurationLevelC)
5467 data points

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