Buggisch, Werner; Kleinschmidt, Georg; Kreuzer, Hans; Krumm, Stefan H (2011): Age derminations of rocks from the Read Mountains, Antarctica [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.763788, Supplement to: Buggisch, W et al. (1994): Metamorphic and structural evolution of the southern Shackleton Range during the Ross orogeny. Polarforschung, 63(1), 33-56, hdl:10013/epic.29714.d001
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The Shackleton Range can be divided into three major units: (1) The East Antarctic Craton and its sedimentary cover (Read Group and Watts Needle Formation), (2) the allochthonous Mount Wegener Nappe (Mount Wegener Formation, Stephenson Bastion Formation, and Wyeth Heights Formation), and (3) the northern belt (basement: Pioneer and Stratton Groups, sedimentary cover: Haskard Highlands Formation (allochthonous?), and Blaiklock Glacier Group). The northern units are thrust over the southern ones. The thrusting is related to the Ross Orogeny.
The Mount Wegener Nappe, which appears to be a homogeneous tectonic unit, consists of a Precambrian basement (Stephenson Bastion Formation, Wyeth Heights Formation?) and a Cambrian cover (Mount Wegener Formation).
Some questions are still open for discussion: the position of the Haskard Highlands Formation (trilobite shales) may be erratic or represent a tectonic sliver, the relation of the former Turnpike Bluff Group, the origin of the crystalline basement west of Stephenson Bastion and others.
Median Latitude: -80.697594 * Median Longitude: -24.007504 * South-bound Latitude: -80.738300 * West-bound Longitude: -25.070000 * North-bound Latitude: -80.668300 * East-bound Longitude: -23.175000
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- Buggisch, W; Kleinschmidt, G; Kreuzer, H et al. (2011): Tab. 1: Rb-Sr data of Read Group rocks, basement of the Read Window (A. Höhndorf, P. Müller, N. Roland). https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.763782
- Buggisch, W; Kleinschmidt, G; Kreuzer, H et al. (2011): Tab. 2: K-Ar ages from the Read Group. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.763786
- Buggisch, W; Kleinschmidt, G; Kreuzer, H et al. (2011): Tab. 3: Ar-Ar data of siltstone sampIe 88-242 from Clayton Ramparts. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.763787