Emelyanov, Emelyan M; Kravtsov, Victor A; Tarasov, Gennadiy A (2010): Composition of bottom sediments from the anoxic Mogil'noe Lake, Kil'din Island (Barents Sea) [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA, https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.763724, Supplement to: Emelyanov, EM et al. (2010): The key features of the bottom sediment composition in the anoxic lake Mogil'noe. Translated from Okeanologiya, 2010, 50(3), 440-457, Oceanology, 50(3), 408-424, https://doi.org/10.1134/S0001437010030100
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Published: 2010 (exact date unknown) • DOI registered: 2011-09-02
In summer 2006 integrated geological, geochemical, hydrological, and hydrochemical studies were carried out in the relict anoxic Mogil'noe Lake (down to 16 m depths) located in the Kil'din Island in the Barents Sea. Chemical and grain size compositions of bottom sediments from the lake (permanently anoxic basin) and from the Baltic Sea deeps (periodically anoxic basins) were compared. Vertical location of the hydrogen sulfide layer boundary in the lake (9-11 m depths) was practically the same from 1974 up to now. Concentrations of suspended matter in the lake in June and July 2006 appeared to be close to its summer concentrations in seawater of the open Baltic Sea. Muds from the Mogil'noe Lake compared to those of the Baltic Sea deeps are characterized by fluid and flake consistency and by pronounced admixtures of sandy and silty fractions (probably of eolic origin). Lacustrine mud contains much plant remains; iron sulfides and vivianite were also found. Concentrations of 22 elements determined in lacustrine bottom sediments were of the same levels as those found here 33 years ago. Concentrations also appeared to be close to those in corresponding grain size types of bottom sediments in the Baltic Sea. Low C_org/N values (aver. 5.0) in muds of the Mogil'noe Lake compared to ones for muds of the Baltic Sea deeps (aver. 10) evidence considerable planktogenic component in organic matter composition of the lacustrine muds. No indications were reveled for anthropogenic contaminations of the lacustrine bottom sediments with toxic metals.
Archive of Ocean Data (ARCOD)
Median Latitude: 69.319176 * Median Longitude: 34.349664 * South-bound Latitude: 69.317550 * West-bound Longitude: 34.344760 * North-bound Latitude: 69.321010 * East-bound Longitude: 34.353640
Mogil-2006-1 * Latitude: 69.320400 * Longitude: 34.347540 * Elevation: 0.0 m * Lake water depth: 7 m * Location: Mogilnoe Lake * Method/Device: Grab (GRAB)
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0)
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Datasets listed in this publication series
- Emelyanov, EM; Kravtsov, VA; Tarasov, GA (2010): (Table 1a) Light mineral composition of 0.1-0.05 mm size fraction from bottom sediments of Mogil'noe Lake. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.763732
- Emelyanov, EM; Kravtsov, VA; Tarasov, GA (2010): (Table 1b) Heavy mineral composition of 0.1-0.05 mm size fraction from bottom sediments of the Mogil'noe Lake. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.763716
- Emelyanov, EM; Kravtsov, VA; Tarasov, GA (2010): (Table 2) Grain size composition of bottom sediments from the Mogil'noe Lake. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.763717
- Emelyanov, EM; Kravtsov, VA; Tarasov, GA (2010): (Table 3) Chemical composition of bottom sediments from the Mogil'noe Lake. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.763718