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Shreider, Anatoly A; Trukhin, V I; Sychev, V A; Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay A (1982): Magnetic parameters of rocks from the Red Sea rift zone [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,, Supplement to: Shreider, AA et al. (1982): Detailed geomagnetic studies of the rift zone in the south of the Red Sea. Translated from Okeanologiya, 1982, 22(3), 325-331, Oceanology, 22(3), 439-445

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Results of detailed geomagnetic and geomorphological studies carried out by R/V Akvanavt together with data obtained by a side-scanning sonar and high-frequency profiles from a towed Zvuk-4 vehicle plus results of visual observations of deep-sea manned Pisces submersible have shown that the spreading axis is divided into segments, whose strike (330°) differs from the overall strike (310°) of the axial magnetic anomaly. In the study area segments are about 1 km long and transform displacements are 0.5 km. Calculations on a model have shown that spreading is asymmetric: during the Brunhes epoch accretion rate of the African Plate was 6 mm/yr and that of the Arabian Plate 7 mm/yr. Earlier it had been 9 and 11 mm/yr, respectively.
Median Latitude: 17.959821 * Median Longitude: 40.078196 * South-bound Latitude: 17.931833 * West-bound Longitude: 40.055000 * North-bound Latitude: 17.992167 * East-bound Longitude: 40.094167
Akvan79/80-53 * Latitude: 17.941833 * Longitude: 40.084000 * Elevation: -1550.0 m * Location: Red Sea * Campaign: PIKAR * Method/Device: Submersible PISCES (PISCES)
Akvan79/80-57 * Latitude: 17.968333 * Longitude: 40.067500 * Elevation: -1310.0 m * Location: Red Sea * Campaign: PIKAR * Method/Device: Submersible PISCES (PISCES)
Akvan79/80-59 * Latitude: 17.971500 * Longitude: 40.064167 * Elevation: -1430.0 m * Location: Red Sea * Campaign: PIKAR * Method/Device: Submersible PISCES (PISCES)
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